My Iyashikei Game-Chapter 930: Usurpation

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Chapter 930: Usurpation

No. 3 pulled the knife out of Crows neck. After a short shock, all the murderers turned to No. 3. Clown was the latest core member of the organization. He was mysterious and crazy. No one could guess what he was thinking. Why are you looking at me? Do you think Id spare you because of that? No. 3 started to smile. His lips turned up, and his laughter became more maddening. No. 3, with the mimicry persona, started to mimic the other God in this altar world. When the laughter echoed inside Lab No. 4, a loud boom came from the elevator. The murderers who left earlier were kicked out of the elevator. Blood splattered everywhere.

Why did you stop chasing me when you have been chasing me for so long? If you dont chase me, then Id chase you. No. 4 spat out blood. He walked out of the elevator covered in wounds. His eyes burned with murder. He was scarier than any of the murderers.

Dont be blinded by rage. You need to remain calm. No. 5 followed No. 4. He also held a knife. To take care of the other children, he was forced to take up a weapon.

The students of Class Seven were different from the locals of this altar world. Their power didnt come from Gao Xing. The power they used was presents they traded with endless torture and pain. This power would always be with them. In a way, the children were now much stronger than the current Han Fei.

The other two elevator doors were smashed open. More children walked out. The children saw the thing that once brought them despair.

Be it the black box or this device, and many children were sacrificed for them. They were made to live in nightmares. Someone has to pay for this blood debt. The kid with the lucky persona carried No. 2, and they stood among the crowd.

This building is a trap that you use to reap the power of the people inside your altar world. They cannot use their power here. Unfortunately, we come from outside the altar. No. 2 watched every move of fate. Before the figurines are destroyed, you will face us. After the figurines are destroyed, youll face the rage of Han Fei and the survivors of this world. Those who try to control fate will one day be consumed by fate. Ive paid my price. Now, its your turn.

The sound of laughter resonated with the figurines outside the Taboo Building. No. 3s body changed. Blood capillaries surfaced on his skin. Humanitys faith became his power. Even if No. 3 had his power, it was hard for him to mimic God, but he had been living in Mad Laughters mind. They were closer than blood. Therefore, Mad Laughter wouldnt stop No. 3.

The members of the criminal organizations couldnt stop the kids. Everything they had was given to them by God, but God was inside the black dream device and was conducting the most important step of the ritual. God had no time to look after them.

The soul that represented Gao Xings future noticed the commotion outside, but he couldnt be distracted now. Gao Xing opened the altar door. The fleshy figurine had grown together with the massive device. Gao Xings ambition was huge. He wanted to combine with the supercomputer underneath Immortal Pharma. Hed live in the minds of many people and become an actual God.

For the sake of a black box, so many childrens lives have been ruined. Is it worth it? No. 1s voice echoed inside the black dream. No. 1, who had always been chill and calm, had rage in his voice. Gao Xing turned around. No. 1 had sneaked into the black dream, but as the owner, Gao Xing didnt realize it until now. Youve killed so many people just so that people would play a game with you? No. 1 looked right at God. I know youve suffered injustice and pain, but that is not a reason for you to destroy others. I will kill you. I must kill you. No. 1 raised his fist. Due to his fearlessness, he dared to stand before God.

Humans would face many different incidents in life. Miracles didnt just exist. It was a reward given to the bravest individual. It was claimed by those who dared to wrestle it from fate. All the kids turned to No. 1, the man who raised his fist at God. No. 1 charged forward. Ghosts and nightmares faded away. Even fate retreated. No. 1 cleared his thoughts. Only Gao Xings blurry face remained in his eyes.

Normal people couldnt enter the black dream device. Gao Xing never expected this to happen. His plan was made surrounding Han Fei and Mad Laughter. The tests were there to cultivate the suitable heir of the black box. The other kids were just sacrifices and waste. He never took them into consideration. Who would have thought that the waste would bring him the biggest threat?

Time, fate, and the power of the Unmentionable were pierced through by the punch. Gao Xing didnt expect something this crazy to happen. He also never expected that the strongest persona would be among the already dead kids. The miracle was already there. Life was a miracle.

Light shone in the dark. No. 1 punched God heavily in his face. God slammed into his altar. The device paused. The bridge leading to the cryptic world started to shake. A giant crack appeared on the figurine. When the living murderers saw this, they were so shaken they fell to the ground. The God they worshipped was taken down by a common child.

Miracle persona? Gao Xings face slowly clarified. He had no idea why his power would disappear around this child. He had never heard of such a miraculous persona. Perhaps this persona didnt even exist. It only existed because of No. 1.

Gao Xing grabbed No. 1 by his neck. Unfortunately, the miracle you tried so hard to create only manages to make a crack in my figurine.

Miracles wont happen so easily. And I am never alone. Even when he was threatened, No. 1 was unfazed. He was the oldest among the children and always stood at the forefront.

Gao Xing sensed something too. He whipped his head around and realized the presence of another Unmentionable appeared on his figurine!

No. 3 laughed. While he channeled Mad Laughter, No. 2 secretly completely the real plan.

The chains on the fate on the figurine snapped. The figurine winced in pain. The crack on it widened!

No. 2 used his power to deliver this fatal blow. This time, two Unmentionables entered Gao Xings altar. The first was Mad Laughter, who had sacrificed himself. If Han Fei and the other kids couldnt complete the usurpation, his sacrifice would have been for nothing; the other was the real unmentionable, No. 2. He had been hiding his power. Before Gao Xing returned, he was still too weak to fight No. 2 with just one of his souls.

Notification for Player 0000! The last figurine has been destroyed! The seal has been broken!

The figurine broke, and the black dream machine slowed down. The bridge stopped extending. The floor of the underground 19th floor was now clear. They were standing on the rooftop of the skyscraper. Underneath them was the cryptic world. Holding Han Feis head, Gao Xing stood beside the altar. The day he wished for didnt arrive.

The mist of greed floated out of one of the chambers and swept over Immortal Skyscraper. The Taboo Building was consumed by greed. The devil from hell howled.

You are carrying his head, so its normal that he wants to kill you. No. 3 rushed into the black dream. With No. 2s aid, he saved No. 1. All the figurines had been destroyed. The stage was set for the professional actor.

The hatred dissipated. Han Fei returned in his strongest form. Both the healing persona and greed persona changed the rules of Taboo Building. Your past has been killed, and your present has been consumed. Once I destroy your future, Ill become the new owner of this altar.

Han Fei stared at the altar inside the black dream device. He also saw the human head in Gao Xings arms.

Since youve given the black box to me, Ill help you change your world too.

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