MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 823 Tree of blood veins, zerg is scum

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Zhang Yang's body continued to skyrocket.

300 million kilometers, 400 million kilometers, 500 million kilometers, 600 million kilometers ...

Supported by the huge energy of the Tree of Life, Zhang Yang's body broke through as if there were no limit.

One billion kilometers, 1.1 billion kilometers, 1.2 billion kilometers ...

Not only is the divine body soaring, these green energies are absorbed into the divine body, Zhang Yang feels that his own divine body has also undergone a qualitative change, and the structure of the divine body is changing ... This change is changing in a better direction.

Zhang Yang felt that the vitality of his deity was unprecedentedly strong. The veins of the muscles are twisted and condensed, as if forming a trunk and veins, extending in the body.

Yes, it is the root veins of the trunk.

Zhang Yang was surprised and even started to panic. He can feel that this change is now making him stronger, and he was also very happy.

However, he gradually realized that if this change continued, his muscles and blood would change into a real tree ... This is not just the shape of the tree, but the tree formed by the green energy. He is no stranger to the breath of this tree, it is the breath of the tree of life.

The power of the tree of life was crushed into powder by the Supreme Rule, and he began to rebirth in his body in this form.

Zhang Yang is really scared. The tree of life is too powerful. It is an existence that can live side by side with the universe! That is to be able to open up the existence of heaven and earth from the endless chaos!

Actually rooted in his own body.

Zhang Yang can't forget how crazy the tree of life once was. When just transplanted into the immortal realm, the root system absorbed energy madly, almost destroying the whole world.

He was afraid he would encounter the same situation.

The soul of the tree of life has been crushed into powder by the supreme law ... However, the tree of life initially seemed to have no soul, and it grew with it. He will give birth to the soul again.

There is such an existence in the body, just like a super virus. I don't know which day I will grow up, I will devour myself.

Zhang Yang wants to exclude these energies.

However, he found that he couldn't do it at all.

Under the coercion of the Supreme Rule, that green energy is still instilled.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly, which was really sad. It was thought that the tree of life was crushed into powder and turned into pure energy to be absorbed by itself, which would not affect the shaping of the divine body. Unexpectedly, this would be the case.

2 billion kilometers, 3 billion kilometers, 4 billion kilometers ...

Zhang Yang's body is huge, and the entire meteorite world is almost out of reach. Stand tall in the meteorite world.

If he changed to just now, he would definitely be very excited. Such a large and solid body means strength!

Now, it is more than a surprise.

5 billion kilometers, 6 billion kilometers, 7 billion kilometers ...

No matter how Zhang Yang stunned. The body of God has continued to skyrocket, slowing down after more than 8 billion kilometers, and finally, finally fixed at an altitude of 9.8 billion kilometers

9.8 billion kilometers ... you know. Zhang Yang is not yet the real great respect. He just respected his own realm, and already had a **** body at a height of 9.8 billion kilometers.

Take Naren Keyes as an example. He has the blood of the stone man, and belongs to the middle or higher class among the monks of the same rank. The body of God is nothing more than millions of kilometers.

Millions of kilometers, compared to 9.8 billion kilometers. Just like a small ant compared to an elephant, it is even more exaggerated than this, the two sides are not at the same level at all.


The last wave of the High Rule wave ended and the surroundings calmed down.

Zhang Yang was busy checking his own body. It was 98,986,500 kilometers high, covered with crystal green, the tide of energy was surging, the laws of the body surface were flowing, and the terror was overflowing.

What made him even more concerned was that inside the body of God, that huge tree of life had obviously formed in the body.

Zhang Yang was pleasantly surprised. Because what he was worried about didn't happen, this tree of life is not parasitic in the body, but it is integrated into his body. The tree of life is his blood, completely. Belongs to him, no trace of separation.

The tree of life became the tree of his blood.

He can even sense that his tree of blood is more than this part. The tree of blood, like the tree of life, also has a huge root system.

This huge root system is rooted in the turbulence of space and the gap between different dimensions of space, constantly absorbing energy.

The tree of life turned out to be so huge that it has taken root in the gaps between different dimensions, which Zhang Yang didn't even know.

Now that the tree of life has become his tree of blood, he can naturally sense everything clearly.

The tree of life-from now on, it should be called the tree of blood veins, which is constantly drawing energy from the turbulence of space and the gaps between different dimensions of space, supplementing Zhang Yang's body.

These jumbled energies cannot even be used by the Zerg, but the roots of the blood vein tree can be extracted without interruption.

Of course, under the operation of the law of time and space, the roots of the tree of blood veins are directly connected from the distant void in Zhang Yang's body, and there are also interdimensional space cracks. Looking from the outside, even the monks of the same level sense the past Zhang Yang is such a huge human body, he will not see the existence of tree roots.

This is the mystery of the laws of time and space.

Promotion has ended and the Supreme Rule has dispersed, but the growth of Zhang Yang's body is not over.

Zhang Yang can clearly sense that as the root system absorbs energy, the **** body is still slowly growing. This growth rate is very slow, Zhang Yang predicts, it will take about one year to grow one kilometer.

Rao is so, it is already very frightening.

With the long lives of such powerful men, the dimensional elements of the dimension space will not let him fall. Perhaps only the great extinction of the universe can make him fall ... This is still under the premise that he does not continue to advance.

One yuan is 100 billion years; after 100 billion yuan, the universe will usher in great extinction.

Imagine, to what extent will Zhang Yang's deity grow in this way?

This is the power of endless height!

Zhang Yang waved his arm, but just gently waved, the space collapsed everywhere he passed. He is so powerful that this broken meteorite world barrier can no longer bear his existence.


Zhang Yang stepped out, and the meteorite world barriers were almost completely burst.

Without the support of the root system of the tree of life, the barriers of the meteorite world have been dealt a devastating blow, completely destroyed, and have no value to repair.

Zhang Yang also does not plan to repair it.

The existence of the meteorite world has no meaning to him now.

The Lord's strong man shaped a world of one thousand, the purpose was nothing more than to create a kingdom-like existence, which can be attacked and retreated. It is a place where life multiplies, and it is the foundation of retreat comprehension.

Zhang Yang doesn't need it anymore.

His strength is beyond this category.

His power makes him feel that in this universe, there are fewer and fewer things that make him afraid.


Thinking of the Zerg, Zhang Yang smiled.

The horror of the Zerg is not the power of individual attacks. If you rely on individual attacks, the ordinary powerful people are not afraid of them.

What makes them daunting is the sheer quantity. Depending on the quantity, the strong will be consumed a little bit.

Zhang Yang has a tree of blood veins that can continuously draw energy from the turbulence of space and the gaps in the dimension space. Is he still afraid of the Zerg consumption?

The zerg that made all the universe look fearful was a scum in front of Zhang Yang.


At the same time as zombie Zhang Yang was promoted, in another space in the void, the human Zhang Yang, who had been fleeing, was simultaneously promoted.

The advent of the Supreme Rule ~ ~ makes the surrounding monks extremely excited.

A large monk suddenly emerged from the escaped team, which is definitely gratifying for them.

Originally chased by the Zerg, to the brink of collapse, an escape, a dozen retreats from the cracked air butterfly attack, mana drained extremely.

This sudden change is their vitality.

"Promoted! His Highness Zhang Yang has been promoted!"

"Is Dazun home? Hahaha ... we have hope!"

"No! This battlefield is not a good place for promotion. I am afraid that shaping the **** body will be affected!"

Some monks have expressed concern.

PS: With a tree of blood veins, the Zerg is dregs! How domineering! For Zhang Yang's domineering ... for the collection of new books for recommendations, can you forgive me? I love you so much! Support the new book "Immortal Doctor"! There are links at the bottom of this page, which can be accessed by clicking on the title. Thank you!

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