MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 816 Kill the Lion Face Monster

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These statues are very huge. From Zhang Yang's point of view, they still feel huge, and their body shape can be imagined.

Here are three statues of giant monsters, each with different forms, one looking up at the sky, one posing with a dragon swinging its tail, and one front claw photographed.

In front of these statues, a proper distance was opened, and the strong men were either sitting cross-legged or standing upright, all watching these statues.

"The Lord's Realm ... Most of them are God King's Realm, but there are hundreds of them."

Zhang Yang looked surprised.

Hundreds of powerful people gathered together, this is definitely a grand occasion!

The space is fluctuating. Some people come over. Only the closest ones look back. Others are like they didn't find them. What should they do and what should they do.

Obviously, these people are watching these statues for enlightenment. This method of enlightenment is just like Zhang Yang's enlightenment by watching the rule ball.

Zhang Yang knew from Thors's memory that in this secret state, there are many treasures and many precious resources, which are very rare in the entire universe.

However, to say the most precious are these statues.

Most of the battles between the powerfuls who entered the mystery are about the best viewing position.

When you do n’t know each other, when you are enlightened, you will definitely leave a certain safety distance to prevent others from approaching.

Several statues are there, and from which location the best effect is seen, these tens of billions of years have been studied by people for a long time. As long as you stay in this secret realm, you know what's going on.

This statue is not attractive to the strong in the main territory of Da Zun.

It is also not attractive to God ’s main powers, because they have no idea at all. Forcible enlightenment is harmful.

The most useful are those who honor the Lord and the King of God.

Therefore, the most fierce competition is fought among the strongest in the country.

Zhang Yang came late, of course. Looking now, all good positions have been occupied by people. Looking at the place where he is now, he can only see the faint flow of laws on these statues. If you watch it, it is not without effect. It's a lot worse.

Zhang Yang didn't have so much time to waste, but glanced over hundreds of monks in the main environment, ready to pinch a soft persimmon.

What Zhang Yang focused on was a lion-faced monster and a guy like a big whale. Nothing else. Because, in Thors's memory, these two guys are just two of the three main powers of Gross's theology.

Zhang Yang has already enemies with the Grosse system. The wisest way is to die with this enemy. If you offend other people, it would n’t be good in the event of a siege.

Zhang Yang is powerful. Very confident, but unwilling to put yourself in danger.

To Zhang Yang's dissatisfaction, the positions of these two guys are not very good. Although not bad ...

Just as he was choosing, there was another wave of space behind him.


A name came out. The snake tail is Gross.

As soon as Grosf appeared, he looked at Zhang Yang, his eyes filled with hostility.

"Did you kill Thors?" Gross said coldly.


The other party has come to your door. Zhang Yang knew that denying was useless.

Moreover, Zhang Yang looked at the strength of this Gross. I think it is not a problem to easily kill her.

Strength is fundamental, and he is not afraid.

"Hmm! It seems that the two highnesses are provoking me to the Gross system?" Gross snorted, and at the same time transmitted a message to the lion and the great whale god.

The two Highnesses in her mouth naturally refer to Zhang Yang and Tarson. As for the Nether Spirit, a monk in the kingdom of God was directly ignored by him.


"Someone provokes to my Gross system?"

Both guys opened their eyes and walked over.

Under the law of space, it looks very far away, and it is very easy to walk in one step, and come closer.

Here, only a few monks were shocked. These are not the deep state of enlightenment. The other monks continued their own enlightenment, as if nothing had happened.

"Two Highnesses, you killed members of my Gross system and searched him for souls. This has touched the interests of my system. Aren't your Highnesses going to apologize for this?"

Gross's voice was cold, but it was obvious that there was no room for maneuver.

The strength of Zhang Yang also made them afraid. The battle between the strongest in the Lord's territory does not entirely depend on the quantity to determine the outcome.

"Give up your seat, and then leave here immediately, this temple can save you a life. It is not easy to practice, don't make mistakes!" Zhang Yang's tone was unprecedented toughness.

Now that the contradiction with the Gross system has been identified, of course there is no reason for easy reconciliation.

The three Zhang Yang want to see the statue here, this is for sure. This requires three positions. Even if they reconcile with them now, when Zhang Yang and others compete for seats, and the other monks clash, the three of them are likely to fail.

Zhang Yang cannot leave this hidden danger.

"Well, it seems that Your Royal Highness hasn't put my eyes on you in the least. Then, let my Royal Highness come to see His Royal Highness!"

The lion's face was very irritable, and was just interrupted by enlightenment, which made him very upset. Zhang Yang didn't bother to apologize in the slightest, and he was going to start directly.

As soon as the voice fell, a front paw had patted Zhang Yang.

This is very close to the crowd of enlightened statues. They are worried that the aftermath of the attack will attack others and inexplicably attract enemies. Therefore, this lion-faced monster did not release the field and only used its power to attack Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's current strongest attack method is the destruction curve first, and the second is the large cut. However, he will not be afraid of any physical attack.

With a cold hum, the muscle strength broke out, the huge body, the explosive power blasted out.


The pure physical strength of the two sides also brought about great power, the surrounding ground collapsed and the space collapsed.

The lion-faced monster was frightened directly by Zhang Yang's fist, and his body flew backward.

How powerful Zhang Yang is, merging the veins of the tree of life. The tree of life, that was born in the chaos together with the cosmic sea!

Coupled with the strength of his own blood, and the spirit of creation in Xuan Lingzhu ...

For various reasons, he has made him extremely perverted.

With a single blow, Zhang Yang was ignorant, flickered, and chased after the lion-faced monster.



The big whale-like monster and Gross were shocked. Of course, they couldn't watch the companion being killed and rushed to the rescue.



Two muffled sounds, but it was Tarson's shot that blocked them.

The Nether Spirit has a self-knowledge, knowing that the battle between such strong levels, only to add chaos and quickly retreat.

A little **** Wangjing monk, no one strove to attack him.


Tarson blocked the attack of the two, and his body was shocked.

And it was this delayed time that Zhang Yang had caught up with the lion-faced monster, deep in his hands, grabbed it towards the head of the lion-faced monster.


Seeing that he couldn't escape the blow, the terrified face of the lion-faced monster immediately released the field. At this time, he didn't care if it would affect other people. The enemy's power was too powerful, completely beyond his imagination, he dare not let the opponent attack his head.

This lion-faced monster ~ ~ has cultivated the reddish field of destruction, which is probably why he is very confident to take the initiative.

"Look for death!" Seeing the crimson field rolling over, Zhang Yang's eyes flashed coldly, and his hands fluctuated.

Destruction curve!


The fluctuation of the curve, under the intentional control of Zhang Yang, looks like a fan shape, starting from Zhang Yang's palm and blasting forward.

This lion-faced monster is the first to bear it.

"Do not--"

Screams screamed loudly, huge fluctuations, and time and space twisted instantly. Visible to the naked eye, the lion-faced monster's body cracked, blood fluttered, and it turned into instant powder.

How powerful the destruction curve! At the beginning, the surface layer of Zhang Yang's body could be cracked. After Zhang Yang's intensive research, the power is more than doubled! This is not what this lion-faced monster can bear!

(To be continued) Zombie asked