MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 770 Follow me

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"I agree!"

"I agree!"

With a raised arm, near the meteorite world, war broke out so unexpectedly.

A huge battleship, the hull flashed with silver-gray metallic luster, shuttled quickly in the turbulent space.

Various battleships are arranged in a certain order to form a perfect formation.

咻咻 咻 ——

Ahead, several red streamers flickered and approached quickly. This time, it is still Feng Site and his team members.

In front of fluctuations, Feng Site was the most powerful. First of all, he felt immediately and laughed cheerfully:

"Oh! We're really lucky, there are waves of warships in front. This is the fourth fleet we have encountered, Your Highness, rush to the Palace to destroy them."

Feng Site laughed, waving the flesh wings as usual, and rushed forward.

However, just how far away Fei had just appeared, immediately he was in a stagnant shape, with a stagnant smile on his face, in horror.

Ahead, space turbulence separated, and ships appeared.

Not that small reconnaissance battleship, but a huge battleship. Ordinary ships, each with thousands of kilometers in length, and silver-grey hulls, have muzzle flashing in cold light, fluctuating energy, and can fire at any time.

This is not over. Behind this group of battleships, there are densely packed ships. It seems that the entire space turbulence is generally covered, all are giant battleships.

"Fast! Retreat! Those despicable technological civilizations surpassed the position of the fifth space node and launched an attack on us!" Shouted Feng Site, immediately crushing the jade Jane given by Zhang Yang.

At the same time, the fluttering of the flesh wing led a group of frightened Yasha who turned around and flew back.

just. Everything is late.

咻咻 咻 ——

The fleet had launched an attack, and thick laser beams pierced the turbulent flow of energy, directly locking Feng Site and others.

Violent energy fluctuations, the laser column came behind in a flash.

How can the speed of escape be comparable to the speed of a laser column?

Feng Site and other people hurriedly stopped to release their respective realms, and at the same time, Yasha rushed across the front.

Beep Boom!

Realm of Demigods. The power is limited, but when some laser pillars touch the field, they are instantly scattered and turned into the most scattered energy. Dissipated in the chaos of space.

However, it was followed by more laser beams.

咻咻 咻 ——

In the distance, the entire fleet opened fire at the same time, Feng Site and others were instantly surrounded by the bright laser beams, and the laser beams like storms kept washing down. Just in the blink of an eye, there were already a few Yasha heads that couldn't support it, and the field collapsed.


A series of laser beams bombarded the yak prongs, and the scattered energy cut the bodies of the yaks.


A scream sounded. Finally, a Yasha drowned in the heavy rain of this laser column.

Then, the second head, the third head ...

The strength of these Yashas are basically equal. Once it starts to fall, it means everyone has reached the limit. Then, there are successive falls.


Meteorite world.


The moment Zhang Feng shattered Yu Jian, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly widened.

"Mo Yun's Fifth Empire Fleet invaded, and all soldiers in the galaxy gods set out with this temple!"

Almost without hesitation, Zhang Yang immediately reached out a stroke.


A crack in space opened suddenly.

The jade slip crushed by Feng Ste contains the imprint of Zhang Yang's soul. Therefore, Zhang Yang can directly locate, shred space, and descend directly.

This method of advent can only be performed by monks above God. If it is a half-step lord and a half-step lord is a monk, it is only able to perform similar means within the same large world.

This is because the wormhole link inside the Daqian World is turbulent through the outer space.

The wormhole link in the cosmic sea is shuttled through heterodimensional space.

The monks below the Lord do not have enough understanding of the laws of time and space to sense the existence of different dimensions.


"Yes, Your Highness!"

In front of Zhang Yang, there were more than a hundred heads of Yasha King, and tens of thousands of ordinary Yasha of a thousand Yasha squads agreed at the same time.


Hundreds of yasha kings, tens of thousands of ordinary yasha!

After a period of accumulation, the number of yaksha kings in the galaxy **** system has reached nearly two hundred.

Dozens of them were dispatched by the ancient style and returned to the Capricorn world to continue recruiting members for the deities. The remaining more than one hundred were stationed in the meteorite world to prevent emergency situations at any time.

Ordinary Yasha has accumulated more than 20,000 heads. In addition to most outing patrols, there are a thousand Yasha teams and 10,000 ordinary Yashas stationed as reserve teams.

Now that the war broke out suddenly, these Yashas immediately followed Zhang Yang immediately and dared to rush to the battlefield.

There is the constraint of the oath of gods, and when the gods are facing war, they have the command of the master in person. They have no choice at all and can only desperately move forward.

Of course, there is another point, which is because of the reward of life fluid promised by Zhang Yang.

Being able to use the fluid of life as a reward for battle, even if you look at the entire universe, there are very few such gods.

Even if there are, each is a very powerful deity, and the individual members of the deity are so powerful that even the Yasha King who has just entered the master level of God cannot have the opportunity, let alone the ordinary Yasha.

Therefore, the opportunity is rare, and each Yasha wants to fight.

After all, the life fluid is precious, the opportunity is missed, I don't know if it will be in the future.


All the huge silhouettes appeared one after another.

Unfortunately, none of Feng Ste and others were able to insist on the arrival of reinforcements.

When Zhang Yang first appeared, he saw Feng Steen annihilated under the laser fire.

The volley of artillery fire of the entire fleet was simply not enough for ten ordinary Yasha.

"Bad science and technology civilization! Even if you launched a sneak attack on me, you are ready to bear the anger of my Greater China Empire!"

In his anger, Zhang Yang did not forget to play the banner of the Great China Empire.

As he said, his body flashed, and he rushed into the fleet first.

At the same time, the field broke out. In the realm of time and space, it is vast and only covers itself within a range.

"Your Highness! Follow me!"

Zhang Yang shouted.

"Fight with Your Highness!"

Behind it, more than a hundred huge bodies formed an arrow-like formation, with Zhang Yang as the arrowhead, and stabbed away.

The monks at the level of God are all possessing weak wisdom. They have experienced a wealth of life and can form the best battle formation without saying much.

The tens of thousands of ordinary Yasha are on the next level and follow closely.

咻咻 咻 ——

The fleet, of course, launched the attack at the first time.

The energy column, like a storm, came sloping.


These laser beams can pose a threat to the ordinary Yasha in the half-step God's main realm, but for Zhang Yang, they are drizzle, completely submerged into the black realm.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yang had rushed into the fleet.

With a stunned body, the body shape suddenly skyrocketed, becoming tens of thousands of kilometers tall, several times higher than most of the main battleships.

Reached out to grab a nearby ship.

The warship with a length of thousands of kilometers was like a toy in Zhang Yang's hands.

Once caught in the hand, no matter what the artillery attack was, there was no effect at all.

Zhang Yang also did not destroy the battleship, but threw it directly, like throwing a shot, and smashed at a nearby battleship.


A loud noise ~ ~ two warships collided, were destroyed at the same time, and turned into a firework.

This majestic scene, seeing the members of the deities relaxed and happy, all of them have greatly increased their confidence.

Boom boom--

The sound of successive battleship explosions was that Yasha Kings shot one after another, killing each battleship in seconds.

The strength of the Yasha Kings, even against the strongest main battleships, can achieve a spike.

If the number of the entire fleet was not too large, this battle would have no suspense at all.

"Fight! All members of the gods come immediately and all join the fight! Destroy them! Destroy this group of invaders! It won't be long before we will have the strength to counterattack their old nest!"

Zhang Yang hissed, his majesty as god.

At the same time, along with his roar, the ordinary Yasha who were divided into patrols around the team, the tokens of the captains of the various teams flashed. (To be continued) 8

Read The Duke's Passion