MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 12 reward

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Killing two Taoists, Zhang Yang was afraid to relax. Immediately released with full consciousness, he detected all the calm within 20 meters of the circle, and there were no other enemies.

Wu Wu walked uneasily to the tiger's hole entrance and looked out.

The sun is shining! The yang is very heavy! Make people feel aversion from the heart!

Fortunately no one was there.

Zhang Zhangyang was relieved. It seems that this time there are only these two Taoists. Otherwise, such a big movement in the battle will definitely attract them.

I have already met the enemy, but Zhang Yang has no trace of excitement.

Look at the half of the body affected by the Thunderbolt, the eroded spots are mottled, and one of the legs is seriously injured. The explosive force of the Thunderbolt almost smashed the bones.

This is not just a physical injury. The power of the thunder and lightning on the zombie pure Yin body hurts directly to the soul.

Only Zhang Yang understands how serious his injury is!

Am I going to be a lame zombie in the future? "

Zhang Yang sadly only wanted to cry.

I walked into a zombie, and after a half month of life, I became a lame zombie ... Paralyzed! Bullies don't bring such bullying!

Fortunately, the lightning power of the Thunderbolt gradually weakened and disappeared, no longer causing erosion to the flesh, otherwise, he would not even be able to make a lame zombies, and he would become a zombie that died out.

The two cyclones in the sea of ​​abdominal air are moving at a rapid speed, and the slightest airflow overflows from the cyclones, soaking into the body, nourishing the injured body.

This process is extremely slow, but it is happening.

Zhang Yang's heart moved.

"Last time my bones were almost cut off by the python, and I was nourished and repaired after absorbing the python's essence blood. This time if I **** some more blood ..."

The bone was broken last time. This time it was a leg bone smash. The situation is much more serious, but it can only be tried.

Zhang Zhangyang's eyes flickered with cold light, and he set his eyes on the older Taoist priest.

The elder Taoist priest was taken out of his heart, blood bleed to the ground, and he continued to emerge. Zhang Yang knew that if he wanted to suck, he would have to hurry up.

Hey ... but do you really want to **** human blood?

Zhang Zhangyang sucked the blood of the Yin Taoist priest yesterday in the corpse cave, but that happened without any awareness during the battle. By the time Zhang Yang realized it, the Yin Taoist priest had become a dead body.

Zhang Yang now consciously bites the neck of a new dead body and **** addictive blood. Zhang Yang's heart is always a little bit stingy.

I felt the injury of my body, and soon, Zhang Yang's eyes began to firm.

"Although I don't know how these two priests chased here, but since they can chase them, others will certainly do the same."

"I have to hurry up and repair my body and leave here, otherwise, if two more such priests come, I will lose my ability to protect myself."

He is not only chased by priests. There are various beasts in the jungle. They are dangerous everywhere. Without strong power, they will soon become food for others.

This is the cruel rule of survival.

Zhang Yang wants to live!

Even after becoming a lame zombie, Zhang Yang still wants to live! I really want to live!

Therefore, he can only obliterate the humanity in the soul and forcibly suppress it.


Jumped on one leg, came to the body of the older Taoist priest, reached out and grabbed him.

Looking at the flowing blood, Zhang Yangzhi felt a desire from the heart. This is due to the nature of zombie bloodthirsty.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yang's human soul, it wouldn't have been so entangled at all; the seductive power of blood on zombies is almost irresistible.

I have no nausea in my imagination.

Zhang Yang even felt that his throat was squirming. In a strong desire, Zhang Yang bowed his head, and the sharp teeth easily tore the throat of the older priest.

Murmur! Grunt!

The blood of came down the throat and turned into a stream of warm current, which merged into the abdominal cavity. Zhang Yang only felt comfortable like never before, even as if floating in the clouds, and just wanted to groan in a low voice.

靠 "Fuck! This priest is much better than yesterday! Is it because this priest is more powerful?"

"I don't know which one is better than this!"

老 Zhang Yang has never had XXOO experience, and can only dream about it here.

The warm current merged, and the two cyclones in the abdominal cavity were stimulated and immediately began to spin up. At the same time, they rotated counterclockwise around each other, forming a small whirlpool.

漩涡 This vortex produces a powerful suction, like the Qianlong absorbing water, sucking all the essence and blood from the older Taoist priests.

The rest of the process, almost no need to do anything Zhang Yang, just simply experience this pleasure.

一部分 Part of the process of incorporating these essences and blood into warm currents, merged into two cyclones, and a larger part diffused to repair the injured body.

Even that severely injured leg began to heal at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. This discovery made Zhang Yang very excited.

After all, being a healthy zombie is always better than being a disabled zombie.

The old Taoist corpse dried up slowly, and within a while, it became a dry corpse without moisture.

洋 When there was no more blood flowing in, Zhang Yang let go of his teeth and stretched out his hands to pinch.


The dry corpse was fragile and broke instantly.

"Woohoo! How disgusting it is to **** human blood!"

Zhang Yang was crying without tears.

"No! This will be addictive! One day I completely destroy humanity and become a bloodthirsty demon, what can I do?"

呜 "Woohoo! Bloodthirsty demon! Farther and farther away from my fairy sister!"

Zhang Yang was really sad.

I looked back and checked my body. The injured part had been basically repaired, and the two small cyclones in the abdominal cavity had reached a full state.

Zhang Zhang was surprised to find that it was only one day later that this little zombie who had just entered the second-level zombies not only consolidated the realm, but also reached the peak of the poles, and could break through at any time.

"Oh! Fine blood is a good thing!"

Zhang Yang 唧 唧 唧 Pout, a look of inexhaustible expression, the blood on his face is extremely 狰狞.


He jumped to the side of another priest twice, disappointed to find that the charred body was almost cooked by lightning, most of the blood was frozen, and there was no way to suck.

"Woo! Come again, maybe I will break through to the third level of corpse! Hey! What a pity!"

Zhang Zhang sighed in his heart, and was about to throw the body back. Suddenly, his movement stopped.

I saw a small palm-sized cloth bag hanging from the side of the priest's body that was originally pressed. The **** bag was embroidered with a figure of Taiji gossip, which was particularly striking on the charred body.

"Oh? What is this? The Taoist robes have all been burnt down by lightning. How can this little bag be all right?"

Zhang Zhang thought, holding the small cloth bag in his hand. It was found that the lower left corner of the small cloth bag was also embroidered with the word "yunhe", apparently the name of the bag holder.

Zhang Yang thought for a moment, his eyes lit up immediately.

"A bag? Is this a bag?"

Zhang Zhangyang immediately immersed his consciousness in Taiyin Refining, contrasted the two, and jumped up in excitement.

"Wow haha! It really looks exactly like the bag of things recorded in the miscellaneous article. Moreover, it is still an ownerless bag of things."

嗯 "Well! Of course it is unowned. This unlucky priest is obviously dead. Even if there was a master, it should be unowned now. I am really confused."

Zhang Yang rubbed his bag of belongings with excitement.

Can't wait to follow the instructions in Taiyin Lianxing · Miscellaneous, drop a drop of blood on the bag, and mark it.

For a few seconds, the bag was completely named Zhang.

After the recognition of the Lord, Zhang Yang felt that this bag of belongings had become a part of his body, and had a very close feeling.

I immersed myself in it, and a space of about one cubic meter immediately appeared in my mind. Inside was a messy book, with a number of runes, three strange stones, a few pieces of fur, and pens, cinnabar, ink cartridges, etc. The rest were clothes.

"There are two slaps on the outside, and the volume inside is only about one cubic meter. Is this the lowest bag?"

Zhang Yang got cheap and sold well, a very unkind look.

The book appeared in his hands before he realized it.


Zhang Yang laughed twice. This feeling is really amazing.

Compared with such a bag, the modern LV **** horses are simply weak and explosive. Take this to accompany his girlfriend to the street, that is really pulling the wind! Not afraid of doing coolies anymore.

I just thought of it here, and Zhang Yang felt a little sad. UU Kanshu has now crossed the field of self-cultivation. If nothing unexpected happens, I am afraid that it will never be modern.

Moreover, a zombie will not have a beautiful woman willing to go shopping with her.

Hey pit father!

Mahler next door!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but yell in his heart.

I didn't need to open that book, I saw four big characters-Sheshan Cheats.

I read the content again, exactly the same as I got from the Taoist priest yesterday.

It seems to me that this Lao Zi Zi's Cheats for Sheshan is basically a textbook for Sheshan school. Taoist priests almost have one. The basic knowledge above is very popular in the field of cultivation.

I was thinking of throwing it away, thinking about it, and throwing it into the bag again. I couldn't take up much space anyway.

Those Fu Xie Zhang Yang were more interested, and compared them one by one, and found a total of 32, 4 of which were 2 grade Fu Yu, which made Zhang Yang very excited.

The type of fu 箓 is similar to that of yesterday, that is, corpse amulet, thunderbolt, dagger, amulet, liufu run, and terrestrial rune.

Looking at the animal fur, it was a few freshly peeled Timber Wolf skins, and the small box next to them was full of wolf blood.

After a moment's thinking, Zhang Yang already understood that the "good people" of last night must be these two Taoists. They must have met the wolves on their way.

Hey, in this case, Zhang Yang has no psychological pressure.

A few other stones, Zhang Feng didn't know what it was.

整理 Tidy up a bit and put everything back in the storage bag.

Zhang Zhangyang set his eyes on the dead corpse of the elder Taoist priest. Sure enough, he also had a **** bag.

Zhang Yang immediately looked forward.