MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 7

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Ninth Uncle smiled and nodded, and then he took Ling Xiao and Wencai and sat down.

"You are the ninth uncle, I have long admired the name, I have long admired the name!"

However, after seeing the ninth uncle, the wealthy businessman on the opposite side suddenly lit up, and then quickly greeted the ninth uncle with a smile.

"You're welcome, I don't know what to call the master!"

Hearing the other party say hello to him, Uncle Jiu smiled and responded with a polite greeting.

"This is Tan Wanwan, a wealthy businessman from Taishan not far away, Master Tan! I have something to trouble you to deal with today, Uncle Jiu."

Master Ren on the side also spoke quickly.

"Oh? I don't know what it is? If I can help, I will definitely help!"

Uncle Tan Wanwan has never heard of it, but if he can find himself, it is most likely something that ordinary people can't handle.

However, Ling Xiao raised his brows after hearing the words Taishan Tan Wanwan.

"Isn't this the Taishan Tan Wanwan who first appeared in Mr. Linghuan?

The ghost in his family also taught Mao Shanming and Dabao and Xiaobao a lesson.

I didn't expect to come to see the senior brother and us. It stands to reason that if we find the senior brother, we should not go to Mao Shanming and the others again.

Could it be that Tan Wanwan has already approached Mao Shanming and the others, and the plot of Mr. Linghuan has ended? "

Ling Xiao instantly recognized the identity of the other party when he heard it, but Ling Xiao was a little surprised after hearing the identity of the other party.

If Mr. Linghuan's story ends, wouldn't he have one less chance to witness the movie?

"I see that Master Tan has three or four different yin qi around him, it seems that the thing he is asking about should be a haunted thing at home, right?

And it's not a ghost. At the same time, he should have been pestering Master Tan's family for at least a year or two, right?

Didn't Master Tan find anyone else? "

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao directly opened his mouth and asked.

Ninth Uncle was also stunned when he heard Ling Xiao's words, and then he concentrated his true energy on his eyes, and at the same time he took out a pomelo leaf and wiped it in front of his eyes.

In an instant, he saw that there were indeed several different yin qi on Tan Wan Wan's body, and the yin qi had already been entangled with Tan Wan Wan's soul.

"This kid has such amazing insight, not bad, this talent is indeed much stronger than mine!"

At this moment, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

As soon as his words came out, Tan Wanwan's face changed greatly.

"This little Daoist is really powerful, and he can see my situation at a glance!

The mansion has indeed been haunted for a year or two, and I have also found some warlocks, but all of them are deceitful, and they all scare away when they see a ghost!

By the way, dare to ask Uncle Jiu, what is the name of this little Taoist priest! "

When Tan Wanwan heard Ling Xiao, he could see his situation at a glance, and quickly asked Ling Xiao's name to the ninth uncle beside him.

"Forgot to introduce, this is my younger junior brother Ling Xiao! I am the 81st generation disciple of Maoshan orthodox inheritance, and this is my apprentice Wencai."

Ninth Uncle smiled, and then slowly opened his mouth to introduce.

"What? The little Daoist is Ling Xiao's little Daoist!?"

However, after hearing Ling Xiao's name, Tan Wan Wan couldn't help exclaiming.

"Oh? Master Tan has heard of me?"

Ling Xiao raised his brows and asked with some doubts.

Even Uncle Jiu and Master Ren were a little strange at this moment. Although Taishan was not far from here, it was more than 40 kilometers away.

Is Ling Xiao so famous?

"I have heard it, of course I have heard it. The old man has been in the tea business all the year round, and often goes to Luofeng Mountain to collect tea for his generation. I heard that not long ago, there were zombies in several villages in Luofeng Mountain, and dozens of people died.

I just came back from there yesterday. I heard that a little Taoist priest Ling Xiao, who called himself a Taoist priest from Maoshan Mountain, came to Luofeng Mountain more than ten days ago to subdue demons and subdue demons. He killed three powerful zombies to make Luofeng Mountain stable.

It is said that a hundred-year-old tree at the entrance of the village was blown up during the war. I have seen that ancient tree, and four or five people could not hold it.

At that time, I felt that Ling Xiao Xiaodao Master was unusual.

After hearing that Ling Xiao Xiao Taoist did not take a penny, I felt that Ling Xiao Xiao Taoist was an extraordinary person.

I didn't expect to be able to meet the real Xiaodaochang today. It's really a blessing for this old man for three lifetimes!

It can be regarded as your light, Mr. Ren. "

Tan Wan Wan was so excited that he bragged to Mr. Ren and a few people on the side. When he got up, the scene was described as if he had seen it with his own eyes!

At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to Master Ren with emotion, and also, if it wasn't for Master Ren's introduction, he really wouldn't have met Ling Xiao and Ninth Uncle.

As soon as his words came out, Mr. Ren on the side immediately felt that his face was very handsome. After all, Mr. Tan's net worth was much higher than himself.

At the same time, he was also a little shocked. After all, he had also seen that ancient tree in Luofeng Mountain. After all, it was a scenic spot.

It's just that he didn't expect that manpower could shatter such a big ancient tree, which he couldn't believe.

After all, he didn't even believe in Feng Shui before again.

"This kid really gave me Mao Shan a face!"

Uncle Jiu smiled with satisfaction.

Even Wen Cai, who was on the side, straightened his back instantly, and the original restraint and inferiority were gone.

"Master Tan is right, my uncle is my first genius in Maoshan, and of course not a mortal!"

Wen Cai quickly boasted proudly!

Master Tan and Master Ren even looked at Ling Xiao in amazement. If Wen Cai had said this before, they would only think it was a martial artist who was bragging!

However, after having the first impression of Ling Xiao, the meaning of the first day was different.

After all, Maoshan's name is famous all over the world, and it is said that even the original royal family did not dare to offend the existence.

On the first day, this gold content is absolutely extraordinary.

As Ling Xiao's senior brother, Jiu Shu was by no means an ordinary Maoshan Taoist.

"It turns out that Master Tan said this, and I just walked by and did it!

Let’s talk about your business first, Master Tan. You should be planning to let our senior brothers take action to expel the ghosts in the house for you, right? "

When Ling Xiao saw that the topic came to him, he could only helplessly change the topic.

"Yes, yes, Daoist Ling Xiao is right, but I don't know if Ninth Uncle and Daoist Ling Xiao have the time? As for the remuneration, it is twice the market price, what do you think?"

Tan Wan Wan hurriedly spoke to Ling Xiao and Ninth Uncle.

As soon as his words came out, Wen Cai's eyes widened instantly. The market price was twice? This Tan Wanwan is indeed a rich man.

However, Uncle Jiu frowned.

"I don't know if anyone in your family is in danger after being haunted, Mr. Tan? Or injured or something."

Ninth Uncle spoke slowly.

"That's not true. They just scare or play tricks on my family, but they haven't hurt anyone!"

When Master Tan heard this, he shook his head helplessly.

Then talk about what happened.

It turned out that this ghost was only built after his new house was built, and his new house was built on the ancestral grave of another family.

Although it is legal and compliant, there is no coercion and inducement, but it is indeed disgraceful.

"If that's the case, then I forgive our brothers and sisters for not being able to help. Master Tan, please ask Gao Ming!".

Chapter Eleven: Uncle, Miss Ren is probably fascinated by you.

After hearing Tan Wanwan's words, Uncle Ninth refused directly.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered as soon as his words came out. Ninth Uncle refused, which meant that Mr. Linghuan's plot might not have started yet.

This is also a good thing.

Anyway, the ghosts of Tan Wanyuan's family don't kill people.

"Ah? Ninth Uncle, Daoist Master Ling Xiao, why is this? Don't you Taoist priests from Maoshan subdue demons? If you don't have enough money, you can add more."

However, Tan Wanwan on this side changed his face immediately after hearing the words of the ninth uncle.

"Yes, Ninth Uncle, just help Master Tan. Is there any difficulty?"

Master Ren also quickly persuaded Jiu Shu.

"Of course there is no problem, and it's not a matter of money. It's just that I, a Taoist priest from Maoshan, are right to subdue demons and subdue demons, but I can only deal with evil spirits. The ghosts of Master Tan's family have not harmed Master Tan's family for two years. Evil ghost.

It is only because they are pressed down on the grave that the ghosts linger, and they are a little temperamental.

This kind of ghost is staying at his grave, so it is impossible for us cultivators to go and chase others away, right?

If this is the case, what is the difference between us cultivators and ordinary people who bully men and bully women? "

Jiu Shu also explained the situation helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's just that in the face of a good ghost, even if the person who is teasing is himself, he will at most lock the other party for a while and then let go, not to mention that the person who is teasing is not himself, and there is a reason for it.

"My brother means what I mean!"

And Ling Xiao also nodded slightly, he wouldn't take such orders, he wasn't an evil spirit, he couldn't burn people down if he went, he wouldn't do such thankless things.

"Ah? Then what can I do? Is my new house going to be abandoned?

Ninth Uncle, Little Daoist Master Ling Xiao, please think of a way! "

However, after hearing the words of Uncle Ninth, Tan Wanwan became anxious. His new house cost thousands of oceans to build, and he has not lived in it for a day.

And as soon as his words came out, Jiu Shu also frowned.

Indeed, this kind of thing is somewhat troublesome.

"If that's the case, then that's it. After the matter with Master Ren is over, our brothers and sisters will go and talk to the ghosts in your house. If they are willing to leave or reincarnate, it will be solved.

If we don't want to, there is nothing we can do!

What do you think, Mr. Tan? Just wait a few more days. "

Ninth Uncle pondered for a while, and then spoke to Master Tan. ,

"Alright, alright, of course, then I will trouble Ninth Uncle and Daoist Ling Xiao!"

Tan Wanwan nodded excitedly when he heard it, because he also knew that this was the last resort.

"You don't need to be polite. After all, whether it succeeds or not, we can only see what others mean. If it doesn't succeed, Master Tan, don't blame it!"

Ninth Uncle slowly told the worst situation first.

"Then how can it be, I'm already very happy that Ninth Uncle and Daoist Ling Xiao can take action against me, Tan Wanwan. Since that's the case, then I'll go back and wait for the good news, so I won't disturb Master Ren and you guys talking about things! Goodbye, goodbye! "

Master Tan also shook his head again and again, then stood up to leave.

After all, Master Ren also has something to discuss, so it would be good to introduce himself.

"Master Tan, let me send it to you. Uncle Ninth, look at the menu first and order some drinks!"

Master Ren also quickly got up to send them off.

At the same time, he said embarrassedly to the nine uncles.

"Master Ren, please!"

Ninth Uncle nodded slightly, and then watched the two go downstairs.

"You kid, I didn't expect you to be more famous than me now!"

After the two left, Ninth Uncle couldn't help laughing and teasing Ling Xiao.

"Senior brother, don't make fun of me, I'm just a coincidence. Brother, your ninth uncle's name has been heard by a lot of people in more than a dozen counties. I've been around a lot recently. !"

When Ling Xiao heard this, he waved his hand and said helplessly.

"Your brother, I've been here for more than ten years, if I don't have a reputation, it's not a complete idiot,

But you are doing very well. If the master Izumi knows it, he will definitely be very proud! "

Ninth Uncle also spoke to Ling Xiao with satisfaction.