MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 240

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Ling Xiao was completely stunned. If he learned this technique, he would definitely be invincible in the human world!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly opened the introduction of Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

"Nine Turns Mysterious Art: The first physical training method in the Great Desolation, only those with great fortune and great talent are qualified to practice, the first turn, successful cultivation can condense the supreme immortal body, and no attack can break through the mortal world. Open its defense!

It only takes one punch to kill an ordinary immortal!

In cooperation with the law, heaven and earth, the supreme power can be erupted!

Learning requirements: 100 million burning points! "

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger: A blow that condenses supreme divine power, the more terrifying the physical strength, the more powerful the burst of power!

Learning requirements: 10 million burning points"

The two beeps also reached Ling Xiao's mind at this time.

Seeing the introduction to the first rank of the nine-rank Xuan Gong, Ling Xiao was very excited, but unfortunately, the special study requirements this time made him speechless.

"100 million burn points, I've worked so hard to get more than 20 million. It seems that learning in a short period of time is useless!"

Ling Xiao felt a little helpless at this time.

But that's fine. If the study required 10 million, Ling Xiao definitely doubted his power!

After all, it is the same as the learning requirements of immortal-level low-grade Taoism, which is a bit unreasonable!

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao directly opened his attribute table!


property sheet

Name: Ling Xiao

Different Fire: (Hidden four kinds), Eight Desolation Destruction Yan, Soul of Life, Hell Shura Yan (Next Awakening: 5 million burning points)

Realm: Celestial Master Seventh Layer (0/100,000)

Occupation: Charm Master (Middle Grade Heaven, 0/70000) Alchemist (Low Grade Spirit, 0/500,000) Refiner (Low Grade Spirit, 0/500,000)

Supernatural powers: Yin-Yang Eye LV5 (0/1 million) Psychic Power (0/1 million, 1000%, 50 Dao), Fa Tianxiangdi LV5 (0/1 million, 32 times)

Technique: Burning Heaven Jue (top grade of Taoism) Vajra Indestructible Magical Technique (low grade of Taoist grade, 0/3 million)

Taoism: Wings of Heavenly Fire (no grade), Jiuxiaodu Heavenly God Thunder Mantra (top grade, 0/100,000) Buddha Fury Lotus (no grade)

Item: Thunder Fire Heavenly Gang Sword (Top Grade)

Burning point: 23.91 million


Looking at his attribute table, Ling Xiao also began to plan how to arrange these burning spots. ,

"The realm must be upgraded to 740. This time, let's directly upgrade to the Seventh Heaven of the True Monarch. I guess it won't cost much!"

Ling Xiao looked at his own realm, but he quickly made a choice. His 10 million burning points needed to be used to learn that trick!

Although the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger needs to spend a lot of burning points, its power is absolutely terrifying.

Moreover, the rich and powerful Ling Xiao had 14 million after 10 million.

When the time comes to upgrade one's own realm, it is enough to upgrade to the Fifth Heaven of the True Monarch at one time.

The remaining burning points can be used to upgrade the profession, the King Kong Indestructible Magic, and three kinds of talents!

Ling Xiao estimated that it would be enough for the time being to upgrade to the mid-level Dao rank.

These two expenditures are a full 6 million burning points!

If the remaining burning points are enough to upgrade Yin and Yang, then upgrade again, if not enough, let's talk about it at that time!

"System, upgrade my realm first, and upgrade to the Seventh Heaven of the True Monarch!"

Without any hesitation, Ling Xiao spoke directly to the system.

Just a big realm improvement, although it will make you lose control of your own power.

But it wasn't much. After all, Ling Xiao's peak combat power had already reached the fourth and fifth levels of Dao Jun.

Although his realm has been improved by a large realm, his peak combat power has only improved by three or four small realms at most!

It is really the gap between Daojun and Zhenjun is too big.

What's more, Ling Xiao's previous realm was only a Celestial Master.

"Ding... Accept the order and start upgrading the host realm!"

The system responds instantly!


In an instant, violent forces poured into Ling Xiao's body like a flood.

And these powers also began to increase wildly to Ling Xiao's physical strength, soul strength, and the strength of his true essence.

This time, the speed of improvement was very fast, just in an instant Ling Xiao felt that his realm had already reached the eighth level of the Celestial Master!

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the eighth heaven of the celestial master, and the consumption of burning points: 100,000!"

A prompt sound also followed, but Ling Xiao's strength improvement this time continued.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the Heavenly Master Jiuzhongtian, and the consumption of burning points: 100,000!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the tenth level of the heavenly master, and the consumption of burning points: 100,000!"

With the passage of time, Ling Xiao's realm quickly reached the limit of a Celestial Master.

And this time, the burning point required to upgrade from the limit of a Celestial Master to the realm of a true monarch has changed from the previous 100,000 to 500,000.

But for Ling Xiao, half a million was still too little.

After all, because of the many powerful strange fires, talents, and cultivation techniques, Ling Xiao's combat power had already reached the realm of the fifth or sixth level of Daojun.

The improvement of the realm did not greatly improve Ling Xiao's strength, at least, it did not greatly improve Ling Xiao's realm before he was promoted to the third and fourth realm of the true monarch.

Under the frantic impact of the system's terrifying power, the bottleneck of Ling Xiao Zhenjun's realm suddenly shattered.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the first level of the true monarch, and the consumption of burning points: 500,000!"

A prompt sound was also quickly passed into Ling Xiao's mind.

And then, the improvement continues!

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the second level of the real monarch, and the consumption of burning points: 500,000!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the triple heaven of the true monarch, and the consumption of burning points: 500,000!"



"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the sixth level of the true monarch, and the consumption of burning points: 1 million!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your realm has been upgraded to the Seventh Heaven of the True Monarch, consumption burn point: 1 million!"


Finally, with the sound of a sound, it reached Ling Xiao's mind, and his realm also soared from the seventh heaven of a celestial master to the current seventh heaven of a true monarch.

The number of burning points spent in this process adds up to a total of 4.8 million burning points!

Feeling the terrifying power contained in his body, Ling Xiao couldn't help but squeeze the void slightly.


However, what made Ling Xiao's hole shrink was that he squeezed the surrounding space into some folds!

However, it recovered quickly, and it is still far from being broken.

At least not now.

According to this kind of words, the spatial intensity of the surrounding small world is not very strong. If you want to go to other small worlds, you only need the strength to reach the limit of this small world.

And the limit of the small world is nothing more than the immortal level!

"It seems that as long as the strength reaches Daojun's 10th layer or more, it can almost break the barriers of these small spaces.

I just don't know if there are other small worlds outside these small spaces!

However, it is a bit troublesome to go to places like the underworld or the Asura realm, because it is not a small world but a big world.

Before, I wanted to use Shura City as a springboard. It seems that this kind of springboard is more troublesome for those who only have brute force!

Only for a race like Qingbaofang Master, who can travel through space, will it be simpler! "

Ling Xiao pondered for a while, and his eyes flickered slightly. Exploration, it is only by overturning his previous theories again and again to arrive at the real results!

And now Ling Xiao was very close to the truth.

To confirm, just go to the underworld and ask!

"System, upgrade my three talents and upgrade them to LV6!"

At this moment, Ling Xiao did not stop, and continued to start the upgrade.

"Ding...Accept the instruction, the upgrade is about to start, please prepare the host!"

The system prompt sound immediately appeared in Ling Xiao's mind.


In an instant, a terrifying warm current poured into Ling Xiao's body like a flood.


The next moment, Ling Xiao's body suddenly increased sharply, and the endless aura of savagery also emerged from Lin Xiao's body at this moment.

10 m! 20 meters! (dacf)

100 metres! 200 meters!

1000 meters! 2000 meters!

At this moment, Ling Xiao's abilities had broken through the original limit.

Soon he reached a terrifying height of three or four thousand meters, but the improvement still did not stop.

In the end, a 10,000-meter giant appeared on the ground,


At the same time, the entire sky began to gather endless thunderclouds crazily at this time.

It's a pity that these thunderclouds can no longer be condensed after they have only gathered a radius of three or four thousand miles!

"Is this the sequelae of a few days ago and haven't recovered yet?"

Ling Xiao was also a little speechless when he saw this scene. It seems that the power of this small world has been drained by himself!

At least, the power of the earth's punishment has been drained by himself!

If you want to condense again, I am afraid that you will have to wait at least a few months.

Ling Xiao thought of this, Ling Xiao did not choose to wait for him to slowly condense, and slammed his palm into the sky.


In an instant, a black force of punishment shot up into the sky, hit the boundless thundercloud in an instant, and absorbed the thunder in the entire thundercloud in an instant.

"Boom rumble!!"

The next moment, with the explosion of that power of punishment, the thunderclouds that filled the sky suddenly dissipated.

The reason why Ling Xiao was too lazy to wait was very simple

That is, the system has already started to upgrade the other two talents!


At this time, pure thought power poured into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​consciousness, and then poured into Ling Xiao's thought power core.

With the infusion of mind power, Ling Xiao could clearly feel that the core of mind power not only began to grow slowly, but even the number of diamonds began to increase.

Countless mysterious runes surfaced on the core of mind power.

In the end, when the core of the mind power became an octagonal body, this time the promotion was completely over!