MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 209

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After all, the Demon League, the Taoist Sect, and the people from the Buddhist sect have been fighting each other for at least thousands of years, and they are actually extremely resentful of each other.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they meet each other, it is inevitable to fight, only the demon clan of Yaohu Ridge is better.

It is precisely because of this that the demon clan of Yaohu Ridge and the demon clan of the demon alliance will only come to the demon alliance at such times.

Of course, because of this, even if the fox king of Yaohu Ridge is extremely powerful and ranks among the top three in the entire demon clan, the demon kings of Yaohu Ridge are only at the bottom of the hall.

It is almost completely different from other demon kings.

"Mother, if you don't care about the demon clan for a hundred years, how many people will die?"

Looking at the depths of the temple, all the Taoist masters who had reached an agreement and a demon king, standing beside his mother, Mo Ling, who turned into a humanoid, frowned.

As the young master of Yaohu Ridge, she is naturally qualified to come here.

Although Yaohu Mountain was too lazy to compete with the Demon League, the power of the Demon Fox Mountain was extremely terrifying in the entire Demon League.

"Although Daoism and Buddhism don't really care about anything, but if there is a slight slack, these monsters will madly attack humans.

In a hundred years, at least one million people will die in this catastrophe!

I don't know what the **** this Heavenly Master is doing! "

The silver demon fox with six huge tails behind Mo Ling looked at the headed Wuji Celestial Master with deep eyes and slowly opened his mouth.

"At least a million people!?"

Mo Ling was stunned when she heard this number. You must know that there was a famine and plague in the human area not long ago, and the total number of people who died was less than 10,000.

Millions of people are going to die because of one deal!

Isn't this Wuji Celestial Master not afraid of going to hell?


"Wait, a hundred years is too long! Ten years, at most ten years, or even if we die, we will never compromise!"

However, at this moment, Tianshi Xuanzhong spoke loudly!

Before, he felt that if he came to form an alliance, he would not need to trouble Ling Xiao, the great patriarch!

It seemed that it was no longer a problem now, although he only knew that Ling Xiao had killed the weakened Lucifer,

But that was enough. To be able to kill Lucifer, Ling Xiao's strength was at least the sixth or seventh tier of Earth Master.

And now Ling Xiao is only eighteen years old, as long as Ling Xiao's strength improves in the future, mere Lucifer will definitely not be his opponent!

Although they can't resist Lucifer, it is definitely not a problem to gather the strength of the entire cultivation world and resist it for a few years!

Although there will still be life and death, and many people will die, but that is also impossible. If you agree to slaughter humans at will within a hundred years of the demon clan, it is equivalent to sending the human clan to the demon clan with their own hands.

The nature is completely different.

"Yes, senior! A hundred years, will it be too long? Tianshi Xuanzhong said it is good, at most ten years!"

The clear sky master on the side couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, at most ten years, or it's a big deal and their vampire clan will die!

In addition, isn't there that mysterious powerhouse? I don't believe that the other party will die! "

Ancestor Xuan Zhong and the Heavenly Master Wujian beside him also spoke solemnly.

The price of a hundred years of indulgence is too great.

The big deal is that they use Wansoul to invite God to form a great formation!

Even if they sacrifice the cultivators of the entire cultivation world, they will never bow their heads like evil forces!

"Hey! If you say good things, you actually want to go back on your words? Do you think what my Yao League said is a fart!?"

As soon as the words of a few people came out, Hei Tong Huang instantly snorted and spoke coldly! "

"Boom rumble!!"

At the same time, a terrifying demonic energy burst out from his body.

The terrifying coercion directly pressed the four elder angels to the point where they could not stand upright in an instant.

The endless black energy rushed towards the Four Heavenly Masters madly.






Not only that, all the demon kings around were roaring up to the sky.

A terrifying demon king aura also erupted from them.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

In an instant, the four great heavenly masters were all crushed to their knees on the ground.

Although the four great heavenly masters are powerful, they are only the fifth and sixth heavenly masters, and there are not only the black pupil emperor of the tenth heaven, but also several demon kings of the seventh and eighth heavens.

Under such terrifying coercion, even a few celestial masters could not resist at all.

"Hey! Now this emperor has backed out. A mere hundred years is too short. What I want is forever!"


The moment he finished speaking, a terrifying and extreme coercion also erupted from the black pupil emperor. This force that seemed to crush everything made the entire demon alliance shrouded in endless thunderclouds. .

"The limit of the demon king! Unexpectedly, it has reached this level!"

When Mo Ling's mother, the Silver Moon Fox King, saw this scene, a pair of huge holes began to shrink violently.

The Black Eyed Emperor slowly stood up from his twisted appearance, and a pair of huge dragon horns slowly emerged from the top of his head.

And this scene instantly made the faces of all the demon kings present.

"Jiaolongjiao! This is the legendary Jiaolongjiao? Could it be that His Majesty the Black Eyed Emperor has evolved into a Jiaolong form!"

"No, not yet, but it's almost there!"

"It is said that as long as the dragon's horns are condensed, they will definitely reach the realm of the demon emperor within a hundred years.

Hahaha, this time my demon league is going to have a demon emperor again! "

"Yeah, the demon emperor is here, and this land will once again become the place where my demon clan rules!"


At this moment, all the demon kings roared in excitement.

They know very well how important a demon emperor is to them!

Because as long as he has a demon emperor, the entire cultivation world of the Celestial Dynasty will become their world.

"Emperor Hei Tong, you really are about to break through!"

At this time, the headed Tianshi Wuji spoke with a solemn expression.

The reason why he said a hundred years before was actually because he used his Dragon Tiger Mountain celestial magic to detect the rise of the emperor's luck, and guessed that the other party might reach the realm of the demon emperor, so he said a hundred years. Time to prepare to stabilize the other party and settle the matter in front of you first.

Who would have thought that the remaining three Celestial Masters didn't get through with him, so he disrupted his plan, but he also knew that even if it was replaced by himself, it would be the same.

Unfortunately, things seem to be in trouble now!

"Hey! Originally, this emperor did not intend to cooperate with you. After all, Satan came before you came!"

But at this moment, the Black Eyed Emperor spoke coldly.

As soon as his words came out, not only did the faces of the four heavenly masters change greatly, but even the other demon kings were stunned. Has Satan ever been here?

How could they not know?

"Emperor Black Eye, you have already joined the Nicholas family? You know that heresy is a heresy after all, and if you cooperate with you now, you will attack my demon clan in the future!

When the empire falls, I will be the one who will die! "

At this moment, the Silver Moon Fox King spoke coldly.

"hold head high!!"

However, the silver moon fox king had just finished speaking.

A dragon roar erupted directly from the black pupil emperor's mouth, and at the same time a black beam of light erupted directly.

The black beam of light instantly slammed into the unsuspecting Silver Moon Fox King's chest.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and the figure of the Silver Moon Fox King flew upside down and smashed directly on the wall of the main hall. deep pit.

The silver moon fox king's chest has been burned by a terrifying power with a blood hole.

It looked extremely miserable.


Seeing this scene, Mo Ling exclaimed excitedly and anxiously, and then ran over quickly. .

All the demon kings around them changed their faces when they saw that the powerful silver moon fox king was suddenly severely injured.

Sure enough, the strength of the black pupil emperor has been greatly improved.

"Hey! How does this emperor do things, do I still need you to teach me? I don't know how to live or die!"

On the other hand, Emperor Hei Tong snorted coldly, and he was already a little tired of Yaohu Ling, who often sang against him.

It's just that I was too lazy to do anything to them before, after all, they are all from the demon race, and now they dare to do things in front of them.

"Emperor Hei Tong, do you really want to fight against the entire cultivation world? Joining heretics, you know the consequences, right?"

At this time, Tianshi Xuanzhong spoke coldly.

He knew that the Black Eyed Emperor seemed determined to go against them!

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"But it's just a mere heresy. If the emperor dares to cooperate with them, he is naturally confident to handle him!

When the cultivation world of the Celestial Dynasty is resolved, then they will be the ones who will die! "

The Black Eyed Emperor sneered.

If its strength is only as simple as the one in front of it, how could it possibly cooperate with the other party?

"Tsk tsk tsk, do you have full confidence? Interesting, but now I want to see, what do you mean by confidence!"

However, at this moment, a calm voice suddenly came from outside the hall.


"Who is there!"

"Who is it!"



Hearing this sudden voice, all the demon kings suddenly looked towards the door of the main hall.

"This voice. Could it be..."

The moment Mo Ling heard this voice, she was also excited and hurriedly looked at the door of the main hall.

I saw a young man in a black and white robe stepping on the flames, and walked in from outside the hall.

This scene immediately surprised Mo Ling.

"It's really Ling Xiao!"

Mo Ling was excited when she saw the figure walking in.


However, at this moment, Ling Xiao directly waved his right hand, and a green flame pierced through the void, attacking the Silver Moon Fox King.

The speed was so fast that the demon kings in the surrounding Demon Fox Ridge didn't react at all and found that the green flames directly ignited the silver moon fox king.

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