MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 195

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A pair of golden holes overlooks all the vampires.

And this one is the only ancestor of vampires on the entire earth, the creator of the Nicholas family! The devil is called Satan!

It's just that few people know that his real name is Jesus!

Now, looking at the vampire kings of the Nicholas family below, endless anger appeared in Satan's eyes.

Although he didn't speak, and didn't exude a trace of coercion, the heavy atmosphere made all the "July 20" vampires unable to lift their heads.

Even at the front, the God of Destruction, who had reached the half-step Zombie Emperor, knelt on one knee and did not dare to speak.

"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the entire army has been wiped out!"

Finally, Satan spoke slowly. As soon as his words came out, the expressions of all the vampires around changed drastically.

They didn't expect that the four knights as strong as the apocalypse could die, and they died so fast, they all died in one day.

After all, if he had died yesterday, His Majesty the Demon King couldn't have said it.

As the ancestor of all vampires, the devil Satan can feel the life and death of all his clansmen.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, I don't know who it is? My subordinates are willing to go on a crusade for you!"

The God of Destruction spoke coldly.

"You are not his opponent! The four knights of the apocalypse spread the prophecy of the apocalypse in the celestial dynasty and the Japanese kingdom. Each of them is no weaker than you, but all of them have been killed. The opponents are at least Daojun realm!

It seems that they should have encountered those stinky Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain! Only those stinky Taoist priests can have such a powerful strength by summoning the patriarch together!

In this situation, even me, not necessarily its opponent! "

After hearing God of Destruction's words, Satan spoke coldly. Back then, his strength was also the tenth level of the Zombie King, and he originally thought that the world was invincible.

After sweeping through almost all the cultivation worlds, they came to the Celestial Dynasty, and they were finally beaten and fled, almost annihilating the entire army.

At that moment, he knew that some people in the Celestial Dynasty could not be provoked.

This time, the reason why he let the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse take the lead was to test the strength of the Celestial Dynasty.

However, this temptation shocked him. He didn't expect that the rumored era of the end of the Celestial Dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years, and there are still practitioners who can summon such a powerful ancestor.

At this moment, he felt a little helpless.

As the ancestor, he is very clear about how strong the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are after their strength has been improved.

If he can kill four in one day, and they are so far apart, then his strength is that he is not necessarily an opponent.

As soon as his words came out, all the vampires present changed their faces.

Even His Majesty the Demon King is not sure, do they have to wait another thousand years?

"His Majesty the Demon King, what should we do now? After planning for a thousand years, we lost the Four Apocalypse Knights and the God of Death. Are we going to forget it?"

The God of Destruction spoke angrily.

A thousand years ago, they were all beaten badly. After a thousand years, their strength improved, should they give up?

"What? You're teaching me to do things!?"

However, as soon as the God of Destruction's words came out, Satan's golden eyes instantly became sharp. ,


In an instant, a terrifying force that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth directly crushed the God of Destruction.


The terrifying power instantly made the God of Destruction fall to the ground with a big gulp of blood.

The huge coercion, even if the God of Destruction tried his best, he still couldn't get up.

At this moment, it finally discovered in horror how terrifying the gap between its own strength and His Majesty the Demon King was.

That is definitely not an ordinary Zombie Emperor 1 and 2.

Although all the vampires in the back were not under coercion, they all turned pale when they felt the terrifying power.

Shivering, he knelt down on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

"Today, the existence of the Heavenly Tribulation is in the direction of the Celestial Dynasty.

It cannot be ruled out that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have met each other!

After all, it can't be so coincidental, maybe the Chinese Dynasty has a super zombie emperor or even a zombie emperor.

After all, you also know how I became a vampire back then! "

Looking at the God of Destruction who was crushed to the ground by himself, Satan ignored him. He had known for a long time that this kid was rebellious.

It's just because there is still value in use, if it has no value, it would have been obliterated by him long ago.

And as soon as his words came out, all the vampires present changed their faces.

When **** was nailed to the cross, his faithful believers did not believe that he was dead, and even if he died, they would save him.

Therefore, these believers have visited all the places in the world, and it took more than a hundred years to collect one kind of forbidden item.

Among them is the blood of the zombie emperor of the Celestial Dynasty. No one knows how they got it, not even the current Satan himself.

That's the Zombie King.

I didn't think that until he reached the Zombie Emperor, he knew how terrifying this level was.

And his own believers actually got it. Unfortunately, when he was resurrected, he directly killed all the believers because of his unclear reason.

How he was resurrected was only seen from the notes of those believers after he regained his senses.

Therefore, he has reason to suspect that the zombie emperor of that year has reached the level of the zombie emperor two thousand years later.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what existence can cause the catastrophe!

"Looks like it's time to meet old friends!"

However, at this moment, Satan's eyes became solemn. Thinking of this, he slowly stood up from the throne.


In an instant, a pair of huge white wings slowly opened.

All the vampires around seeing Satan's actions hurriedly knelt on the ground.


The next moment, with the eight huge wings behind Satan flapping suddenly, his huge body turned into a white light and shadow, rushed out of the temple and disappeared in the eyes of all the vampires.

No one knows who his old friend is, even if he is as strong as Destruction God!



At the same time, in the depths of the Dragon Tiger Mountains of the Celestial Dynasty, in a Taoist temple with a long history, more than 20 cultivators of the Celestial Master level sat cross-legged in the Sanqing Hall.

Sitting at the very front was an old man who seemed to be dying.

All the other Celestial Masters were full of respect in their eyes when they saw this old Taoist, because the other party was the strongest old Celestial Master in Longhu Mountain: Heavenly Master Wuji!

At the same time, he is also a powerful cultivator of the Sixth Heavenly Master.

The most powerful person in the entire cultivation world.

In the front row below him are the upright ancestor Qingtian Tianshi, the ancestor Xuanzhong Tianshi of Maoshan, and the Wujian Tianshi of Shushan Jianzong!

This extreme strength has reached the fifth heaven of the Celestial Master.

In the back is a group of celestial masters under the fifth heaven of the celestial master.

There are more than 20 heavenly masters, and almost 90% of the heavenly masters in the cultivation world have been gathered.

The ones who didn't come are either retreating to practice, or they have urgent matters to deal with.

"You should all know it, so I won't say more!"

Right at this moment, the headed Master Wuji spoke slowly!

As soon as his words came out, all the surrounding Celestial Masters looked solemn, because what the Wuji Celestial Master said was nothing else, it was the famine and plague in the Celestial Dynasty this time.

"Senior Wuji, it is said that the famine and plague this time are very evil. Not only does it spread very fast, but even the disaster situation is very strange. Is it really the Nicholas family in the West?"

The clear sky master spoke solemnly.

As soon as his words came out, all the practitioners present became solemn.

The cultivators of the younger generation may not know it, but they are very clear about the power of the Nicholas family.

After all, it is a vampire family that has lived for two thousand years.

Two thousand years later, even ordinary vampires have become zombie kings.

After so many years, no one knows how many vampire kings they have accumulated.

But a few years ago, the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse appeared once. Although they were not in the Celestial Dynasty, that time, they directly destroyed the Egyptian mummy army.

Dozens of mummified pharaohs who were the weakest at the Maozhang level were wiped out, and many pyramids were destroyed.

Ancient Egypt also collapsed completely.

Since then, the cultivation world has known the power of the Nicholas family that has ruled Europe for thousands of years.

"Yes, according to the information obtained so far, it is indeed the plague knight and the famine knight who started in the heaven!"

The two knights are haunted, and the other two knights are definitely in the dark. After five hundred years, the Nicholas family has reappeared in our Celestial Empire. The picture is definitely not simple.

The purpose of calling all Taoists here this time is to study how to deal with this matter. "

Heavenly Master Wuji spoke solemnly.

"Since you dare to come to my Celestial Dynasty to make trouble, then of course there is only one way to kill it, even if it is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! The old man will still kill them with the sword!"

However, the Swordless Heavenly Master of Shushan Sword Sect spoke coldly...0

"Brother Wu Jian, don't worry, this matter is very serious, and the four knights of the apocalypse almost have a lifespan of two thousand years. A thousand years ago, they reached the realm of four or five zombie kings. Heavy day.

In addition, the vitality of the vampire clan is extremely strong, if they are not directly killed, they will return in full force in a short period of time.

So be sure to plan carefully and not let it have a chance to escape!

Otherwise, you will suffer endlessly!

Moreover, on top of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the God of Destruction, the God of Death, and the Demon King Satan who has reached the realm of the Zombie King!

This battle is definitely not something I can solve alone! "

The clear sky celestial master on the side also spoke slowly. As soon as his words came out, all the celestial masters around were silent.

Yes, the four knights of the apocalypse are already at least the zombie king of the seventh or eighth heaven, so the God of Destruction is at least the ninth or even tenth heaven, right?

And there is the mighty Demon King.

If the existence of the zombie emperor level is hands-on, even if the five ancestors of the Dragon Tiger Mountain summon the ancestors at the same time, the summoned ancestors may not be their opponents.

Thinking of this, they were also a little desperate in their hearts.

"Lucifer, the **** of death, was sealed by my ancestors of Longhu Mountain, and it has been five hundred years since then.

In order not to reveal the location of the seal, even the old man does not know where the seal is. If they find the seal again and lift it, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse plus Lucifer, I will not necessarily be able to defeat it! "

At this moment, the headed Heavenly Master Wuji sighed helplessly.

As soon as his words came out, the repairers around were also solemn. Perhaps this time the Nikolai family sent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to find out where to seal Lucifer.

If they were found, the pressure on Daomen would be even greater.

"Fellow Daoists, Lucifer has been broken not long ago!"

However, at this moment, the ancestor of Maoshan Xuanzhong, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke slowly.


As soon as his words came out, all the Tianshi-level powerhouses present changed their faces.

"What? Unblocked? How is this possible?"

"Senior Xuanzhong, please tell me in detail what's going on!"

"Oh, it seems that this time my Heavenly Dynasty is really going to have a big disaster!"
