MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 176

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Not to mention the use of Taoism.

"Ding...I'm about to start upgrading Yin-Yang Eyes, and King Kong's Indestructible Magic, please prepare your host!"

However, at this moment, a prompt sound suddenly entered Ling Xiao's mind.

Hearing the notification sound, Ling Xiao also retracted his mind and started preparing to upgrade his strength.


Suddenly, a huge crack opened in the sky.

The next moment, endless black and white gas emerged from the opposite side of the crack.


In an instant, endless black and white energy poured into Ling Xiao's eyes like a flood.

Ling Xiao could clearly feel that these powers were the power of yin and yang.

And with the crazy instillation of the power of yin and yang, Ling Xiao's eyes also burst into a dazzling black and white light.

The rays of light began to spread in all directions, and in an instant, a huge black and white yin and yang ball appeared in the sky.

And this sphere expanded rapidly with the enhancement of the power of yin and yang.

In just an instant, it expanded to more than ten times its original size.

It has reached a terrifying level of five kilometers in diameter.

In the huge black and white light ball, Ling Xiao's whole body cells also began to be strengthened by the system at this time.

Dazzling golden light bloomed from Ling Xiao's skin.

Just because of the huge black and white light ball, the golden brilliance has been completely resisted.

This is the vision manifested by the upgrade of the King Kong Indestructible Technique.



The huge black and white light sphere condensed by Ling Xiao's upgraded yin and yang eyes, even people who were separated by hundreds of kilometers could see this huge black and white light sphere.

"What it is!?"

"It seems to be a Tai Chi map? No, it's a Tai Chi ball? What's going on here!?"

"My dear, there was a huge fireball before, and now there is a black and white ball.

Is it true that there are gods in the world? "

"It must be the immortal who saved us before, otherwise who has such magical abilities!?"

"Hey, hey, don't worship first, in case it's the enemy of the gods, don't you recognize a thief as a father?"



The huge light ball 713 instantly shocked countless people in Jiangxia Province.

However, after experiencing the Buddha's wrath and the fire lotus, and after the thunder of the sky to heal and save people, they are now numb. ,



At the same time, there is a huge Taoist temple on the top of a certain mountain.

In the Taoist temple, not only many young people are cultivating, but also some middle-aged and elderly Taoists are teaching them.

But in the deepest part of the Taoist temple, on the roof of a Sanqing Hall.

An old man stroked his beard and looked at the huge Tai Chi ball in the distance with horror in his eyes.

"What a big Tai Chi ball, could it be that there is another super powerhouse in my Taoism!?"

The old man is the ancestor of this righteous Dao sect who possesses the powerful strength of the third heaven of the heavenly master realm!

Of course, he is also the only ancestor of the Heavenly Master Realm of the Righteous Dao Sect.

But it is precisely because of him that the Righteous Qi Dao sect, which was originally a third-rate Dao sect, also became a second-rate Dao sect.

As for the first-class Taoist sect, at least three or more celestial masters are required.

At present, only the four major sects have this strength.

As a cultivator, he could see at a glance what was going on with that huge tai chi ball in the distance.

There was no evil energy emanating from the Tai Chi ball, and it was the unique Tai Chi shape of Daomen.

Nine times out of ten, he is a powerful Taoist senior

It's just that there seems to be no one in the entire cultivation world who can do this, right?

"Ancestor, there is a letter from the Celestial Master Alliance!"

At this moment, a middle-aged Taoist hurriedly came to the front of the Sanqing Palace, and then respectfully spoke to the ancestor above the Sanqing Palace.

"Huh? Celestial Master League?"

However, after hearing these three words, the old celestial master immediately frowned, then jumped directly from the roof and landed on the ground.

"Ancestor, please see!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest, the suzerain of the Righteous Dao Sect, hurriedly sent the letter to Lao Dao!

The old master hurriedly took the letter and opened it and read it quickly.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

However, after seeing the contents of the letter, the complexion of the old master changed dramatically!

"Ancestor, what happened?"

When the middle-aged Taoist saw this, his face changed drastically.

"It turns out that the plague in Jiangxia Province and the famine in Huguang were all caused by the vampires in the West. They invaded my Heavenly Dynasty thousands of years ago, but they have come back now!

Now the other Celestial Masters of the Celestial Masters have summoned me to discuss countermeasures.

According to what was said in the letter, Satan was already a zombie king ten years ago, and 80% of the time after a thousand years, he would be a zombie king! "

The old master's face became solemn.

If it is really the zombie emperor, can anyone in the entire cultivation world be his opponent?

Besides, even if Satan is not mentioned, even Lucifer, who was under him, had come to the Celestial Dynasty five hundred years ago, and he had already reached the sixth level of the Zombie King.

The God of Destruction, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, in the past five hundred years, have they reached the seventh or eighth level of the Zombie King! ?

If this is the case, how could the cultivation world of the Celestial Dynasty be its opponent?

"What? Zombie Emperor? How can this be good!?"

However, after hearing the words of the old Tianshi, the face of the sect master on the side also changed greatly! ,

The existence of that level has not appeared in the cultivation world for many years. Even in the most prosperous moment of the cultivation world, it is impossible to kill zombies of this level, and now the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is weak.

Practitioners in the cultivation world are generally weak,

Under such circumstances, facing the Zombie Emperor, there is absolutely no chance of winning. ,,

Moreover, the opponent's subordinates still have an unknown number of strong zombie kings.

"Yeah, so now we can only see what the four major sects can do. After all, they have existed for thousands of years, and there should be a way to deal with it!"

The old master sighed helplessly!

"The matter of the sect will be handed over to you. If you need to gather all the disciples, I will notify you when the time comes!"

The old celestial master then turned his head and spoke to the sect master beside him.

"I know the ancestor! The ancestor is careful all the way"

The Sect Master hurriedly handed over after hearing this.

After listening to the old master, he nodded, and then his feet suddenly a little, and the whole person rose into the sky in a few ups and downs before disappearing in front of the sect master.

"Hey! The world is going to be in chaos again. I don't know if the cultivation world can survive this time!"

The sovereign sighed softly.




On this side, the endless yin and yang energy also began to frantically surge back into Ling Xiao's eyes, and finally that huge black and white light sphere completely disappeared into the sky.


Suddenly, a black and white radiance burst out from Ling Xiao's eyes again.

The next moment, a set of black and white Taoist robes appeared around Ling Xiao.

The whole body of the Taoist robe is depicted with endless mysterious power.

And this mysterious power seems to be able to distort the surrounding space.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your yin and yang eye level has been upgraded to LV5! Awakening skill: yin and yang robe (middle grade of spiritual rank), because your power of yin and yang has improved, all talent skill levels have been upgraded to low grade of spiritual rank!"

"Yin-Yang Robe: A powerful Taoist robe condensed by the power of yin and yang.

Has the ability to resist any physical, magic, soul, magical power and other damage.

The upper limit of resistance is below the True Monarch Fifth Layer!

At the same time, it can imprison the opponent's attack in the robe and burst out at one time. "

The instant the Taoist robe appeared, two beeps were also heard in Ling Xiao's mind!

Ling Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard the introduction to the yin and yang robes. From the introduction, it could be seen that it was extremely extraordinary.

Don't say anything else, just say that this robe can resist damage, it is already very powerful.

In other words, an attack below the fifth level of the True Monarch would definitely not be able to cause any damage to Ling Xiao in the future.

This is a bit against the sky. Now, in the entire cultivation world, are there still people whose realm has reached such a terrifying level?

Shouldn't it be?

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao also smiled.

"It seems that you are really armed to the teeth. And you don't have to worry about whether your clothes will be blown up in the future!"

(dacf) Ling Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Moreover, the style of this black and white Taoist robe is also extremely handsome, much more attractive than his previous style, so Ling Xiao didn't leave it, and wore it directly on his body.

Although it will consume some power when resisting attacks.

But just counting the consumption needed to maintain it is negligible.

"By the way, my physical strength has also improved a lot at this time! It seems that the upgrade of the King Kong Indestructible Magic has ended!

I just don't know how many different kinds of fire blessings I can withstand now! "

Ling Xiao clenched his fists, feeling the mighty power, plus the golden radiance blooming all over his body, he also smiled slightly.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your Vajra Indestructible Magic level has been upgraded to the middle grade of the spiritual level! You can withstand the fusion blessing of the five weakest different fires! Namely: Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Red Lotus Karmic Fire , Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Huo and the flame of life!"

However, at this moment, a warning sound was transmitted to Ling Xiao's mind.

"Huh? Is the Eight Desolation Destruction Yan stronger than the Living Spirit?"

Ling Xiao was puzzled.

"Ding... The power of the Eight Desolation Destruction Yan is much stronger than that of the living creature, because it is a strange fire born of pure destruction.

The reason for the higher ranking of the Yan of Life is because of its anti-heaven healing ability and life ability!

The Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus sees it as a power, not a ranking!

The greater the power, the harder it is for the host to bear the power! "

Facing Ling Xiao's doubts, the system also gave an answer.

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