MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 164

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"Don't make trouble, let's get down to business first."

Wang dreamed that the two of them were still in trouble and said helplessly.

"Close the door first, if there is a plague, it will not be brought in!"

Dagui pondered for a while, and now there is only this method!

After he finished speaking, he came to the gate and quickly closed the door.

They also have no way. If there are zombies, hauntings, etc., he still has a way, but when the plague gets sick, even if they are not dead, the practitioners will go to half their lives.

Not to mention that his son is still at home, and he is not a cultivator at all. He can't resist the invasion of the plague.


Finally, with a sound, the door slowly closed.

"Huh? Why is there no one there! What are you doing with the door closed so early? The better the foreign teachers and I in the county are, we will go to the lecture!"

However, at this moment, a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old boy came down from the upstairs and spoke curiously.

The person who came was Zhuge Yungao.

"What time is it, go to class!

Now there is a plague outside, if you don't want to die, just stay at home honestly! "

Unfortunately, as soon as his words came out, he was immediately warned by his old mother.

"Ah? Plague? Isn't that the flu? Isn't it more necessary to find a foreign teacher? He was a doctor before, so there should be a cure, right?"

Yun Gao was immediately excited when he heard that there was a plague.

Chapter 122: You are feudal superstition! Dad, please teach me!

This is the time to show his achievements in learning Western gadgets over the years!

"Go back honestly, the plague is not as simple as you think, it will kill people!"

Seeing that it was his son, Wang Meng spoke helplessly.

"That's just the backward thinking of our Chinese people. The West has long researched it. The so-called plague is the flu, and this thing is a severe cold. If there is medicine, it will definitely be cured.

Mom and Dad, just wait for me to come back with the special medicine! "

However, in the face of his mother's words, Yungao spoke with a proud face.

"Stinky boy every day in the West, are you a Chinese or a Westerner? If you dare to go out, I will kill you today and go back to me!"

Unfortunately, when he heard his son's words, Wang Meng immediately picked up a stick from the side and prepared to start.

"Hey, don't be angry, wife, Yungao wants to help! Yungao, why go upstairs quickly!"

Dagui saw this scene and quickly came out to stop it.

At the same time, he also gave Zhuge Yungao a few glances. Yungao ran upstairs in fright after seeing it.

If you joke about your own mother, it will really hit people.

"Hmph, if you weren't used to it, this kid would be like this? He does those foreign things every day, and two days ago, he said that our Maoshan Taoism is a feudal superstition, and we don't talk about science!

If it wasn't for my son, I would have broken his leg! "

Wang Meng also snorted coldly and was very angry.

Because this kid was born prematurely and his meridians were weak, he couldn't cultivate!

They sent him to the school since he was a child to give him some advanced knowledge.

Who knows that after learning some Western fur knowledge, they will doubt the authenticity of Taoism every day.

It even said it was a feudal superstition.

It's just bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors.

"Forget it, the child is ignorant, and he won't think so when he sees the true strength of our cultivators in the future!"

Zhuge Kongping quickly persuaded him.

"Real strength? It's not all you, you are too lazy to be like a pig every day, and sometimes you can't even send out Taoism!

Do you still want Yungao to believe you?

I really don't know why my father asked me to marry you back then! "

It's a pity that Wang Meng was scolded by Wang Meng just after he finished speaking.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's my fault, it's my fault!"

Dagui could only be scolded with his head bowed and submissive expression on his face.

Seeing her husband so cowardly, Wang Meng was even more angry.

After giving him a blank look, he walked upstairs.

"Alas, this is really scolded for 30 in vain!"

Dagui sighed and walked upstairs helplessly.


In the next few days, everyone in Wushan County was panicking because the plague was getting worse and worse.

Dozens of people have already died from the plague.

Every household closed their doors and dared not go out.

Fortunately, in this era, every household has a small yard, grows some vegetables, and stores grain, otherwise, there will be no food to eat.

As for wanting to come in and go out, because it is blocked by the surrounding officers and soldiers, it is impossible to go in and out!

Of course, as long as you are not afraid of death, you can still enter with a little money, but if you want to go out after entering, it is impossible.

If you try to break out, you will be shot directly.

As for the Xiaobao family who brought the virus back, they died because of the virus before other angry people came to kill them.


That night, Yun Gao, who was really bored, stole the cauldron at home, and then got an antenna in the yard to receive messages!

These are all learned from foreigners, and I don't know if they are useful.

"It's almost there, I just don't know if I can receive the signal. If so, I'll show it to the foreign teacher when this plague is over!"

Yun Gao happily looked at the cauldron with copper wires and metal bars.

The other side of the copper wire is connected to this light bulb.

You must know that this light bulb was bought from foreign merchants at a huge price, which was 20 oceans.

It is equivalent to spending tens of thousands of dollars to buy a light bulb.

Although the price is high, it is normal in this day and age.


However, at this moment, a change occurred, and a sudden thunder struck down in the sky.


The next moment, Thunder slammed into Yungao's cauldron!

The huge roar blew up the pot directly.

Fortunately, Yun Gao, who was not very powerful, was just taken aback.

However, at this moment, a graceful figure fell from the sky.

This figure fell directly into the dry well beside the pot lid.

Yun Gao, who was still in a daze, immediately saw it.

"Wow! Isn't it right, there will be beautiful women in the sky?"

Yun Gao was dumbfounded in an instant!

"Little brat, what are you doing with the pot at home?"

However, just when he wanted to see it, a roar of Hedong lion suddenly came from behind.

Yun Gao was instantly terrified.

"not good!"

When he turned around, he immediately saw his mother walking over angrily.

After seeing the cauldron in the yard that was struck by lightning, Wang Meng's face instantly darkened.

"How is this going?"

Dagui also walked out with sleepy eyes.

"Why is the pot I went to my house scrapped?"

Dagui was stunned when he saw the pot in the yard.

"Dad, mom, listen to my explanation! I'm doing a science experiment!"

Yun Gao was frightened and quickly explained.

"Kneel down!!"

However, Wang Meng spoke directly.


Yun Gao didn't hesitate, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Wife, calm down, this...

"You kneel down too!"

Dagui still wanted to beg for mercy, but was glared back by Wang Meng.

"The man has gold under his knees, wife!"

Dagui wanted to resist.

"Is there any gold? My words don't work?"

Wang Meng narrowed his eyes.


Dagui immediately fell to his knees in fright.

"It's easy to use, and gold is also squeezed in front of my wife!"

Dagui hurried to please.

"The pot is also broken. I'll see how you cook and eat tomorrow. Kneel down for me, and I'll clean you up tomorrow morning!"

Wang Meng was so angry that he turned around and left the yard.

"Wow, Dad, can you be a little bit more stubborn!"

Yun Gao, who was beside him after his mother left, was speechless.

"Bullshit, why don't you resist when you have the guts?"

Dagui glanced at the other party.

"Cough, don't I dare?"

Yun Gao said helplessly!

"Nonsense, do you think I dare? Kneel down!"

Dagui also sighed helplessly.

Two people from the family can't beat a foreign surname, which is really a bit miserable.


However, at this moment, a wave suddenly came from the well behind the two of them.


Read The Duke's Passion