MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 93 life and death verdict (6)

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Text Chapter 1093 The Judgment of Life and Death (6)

In the afternoon, the sky was overcast, and the gray clouds drifted with the wind.

In Jiangning City, the afternoon session of the martial arts tournament was going on. There were crowds of people gathered in restaurants and teahouses near the venue, and people from various backgrounds also came and went on the streets. On the street, evidence of compensation was brought or killed for the nearby gambling games. Some people bet on the gambling game and were elated, while others were thrown into the street with a mournful face. Meeting and networking in such a lively atmosphere is a scene of joy and harmony. . .

At the east end of the city, the people who left the "Juxianju" in Zhong'anfang dispersed on the street soon after. Shi Weiyang paid a little attention to the lively competition that was taking place in the center of the city at this time, but then he calmed down and, together with Wu Chennan, walked towards the Five Lakes Inn in a low-key and natural way.

When he came to Wuhu Inn to arrest people for the first time, he didn't expect that this inn was not a good place, and he would resist in a corner and fight with great fanfare, but it turned out to be a bad thing. This time, he learned a lesson under Wu Chennan's reminder , first set out to make the necessary preparations, and then chose the Pathfinder, and quietly surrounded the inn.

After coming out, I was still a little nervous after all.

"My father... won't you be angry about this..."

Seeing his hesitation, Wu Chennan was not surprised, and said with a smile: "If Shigong really refuses, my lord, you will never bring these people out."

"...That's true." Shi Weiyang's transfer of personnel on Baofeng's side, although he did not directly report it to his father this time, he was also nodded by several shopkeepers in Juxianju. Thinking about it this way, he felt a little relieved Come. But then he said: "But if... there is something tricky in the inn, will it get out of hand again... I mean, what kind of result will my father want..."

"I don't think you need to worry too much, Young Master." Wu Chennan said, "You are Shi Gong's son, and your future achievements will not lie in one or two small things. You come out to do things to show everyone that your hands You still have power in the world, and you have the means to control power. What Shigong wants to see is your progress, son, not necessarily the details of these two things..."

It took only two years for the FAIR Party to make a fortune, and the Baofeng took advantage of the trend, and then Weiyang came out to take care of things, and the time was even shorter. At the beginning, he held great power and was praised by all parties, so he was naturally inflated. After encountering a series of obstacles because of Yan Yunzhi's matter this time, he became uneasy again.

Wu Chennan is a scholar who has read a lot. He is better than Gongjin and Marquis Wu. He was neglected for a long time when the Shi family made a fortune in the past. Now he finally got the chance to be trusted by Shi Weiyang, so he thought and comforted this disposition An unassuming childhood companion.

"Of course, Shi Gong naturally has his own thoughts on how to deal with the Five Lakes Inn in detail, but these thoughts are beyond Chen Nan's ability to speculate. Wei Yang, you and I were born in troubled times, so it's nothing more than Soldiers come to cover up the water and the soil, and when you encounter a problem, you should forge ahead and deal with it. Although Shigong reprimanded you for your previous actions, I think the last thing he wants to see is that you really stay at home and hang down your head. , Sighing, think about it, isn’t that the case?”

Shi Weiyang was shocked: "Chen Nan is still thorough."

The two rode forward, and after talking like this for a while, Shi Weiyang's will gradually became firmer, and the purpose of going out this time became more clear. Passing through several long streets like this, and talking about the martial arts competition in the city center while chatting, Wu Chennan waved his hands casually: "The arena over there is just a little gimmick to attract the attention of outsiders. The things that matter are not there. Whether this meeting goes well or not is the most important thing in this world in the future."

Then he introduced the progress of the meeting in recent days in detail, talked about the most acute conflict between Zhou Shang and everyone, and mentioned several small forces such as Dalongtou, and then inevitably mentioned the matter related to Wuhu Inn "book club".

Shi Weiyang said: "Privately, I heard that this study club may be related to Southwest Black Flag."

Wu Chennan shook his head and smiled and said, "It's just some people with a heart, using the name of the Southwest, to secretly stir up trouble. Today's fair party, if you say that Yama's side can be summed up, it is 'going to extremes', and the reading will sum it up In the name of the Southwest, they said that the internal rules of the fair party were too lax. In the recently issued pamphlet, they said that the five parties, including the fair king He Wen, would not last long, but the contents of the pamphlet , it is said that it is not the original version in the Southwest, it has been changed by someone with a heart."

"But who is the person behind this..."

"My lord, you don't have to care." Wu Chen smiled south, "My lord, you know, whose tiger skin is being pulled by our fair party?"

This question is too simple, Shi Weiyang raised his eyebrows: "Naturally Southwest."

"That's right. When we rebelled, we pulled the tiger skin of the Southwest Huaxia Army. But today, everyone inside us knows that the Fair Party and the Huaxia Army are completely different things. We pulled the tiger skin to make a big banner. There are five great kings in power, but at this time, if someone wants to rip off Southwest's tiger skin, what is he going to do? Whose taboo is the worst offender?"

Wu Chennan shook his head and said with a smile: "Since ancient times, the emperor has been called the Son of Heaven. If he is called the Son of Heaven, will he allow others to be called the Son of Heaven? He Wen pretended to be the Huaxia Army to gain power. If anyone dares to call the Huaxia Army, then his ambition is nothing more than I have seized power...Young Master, since ancient times, in this power field, the division of power has been discussed, and if you seize power, it will be life and death."

"That's why, after the five kings of the Fair Party, there are still big leaders and other forces who can slowly rise up, and even sit together to discuss things, but only the reading club, in the past six months, all five parties have been killed... the people behind this, ambition Too big, and fledgling, dare to say that he is the orthodox of China. It is ridiculous that there are still ignorant people in the world, and it is a joke to say that the backstage of the book club is King Fairness himself... Haha, how could your majesty rebel..."

Wu Chennan talked eloquently and scolded Fang Qiu, Shi Weiyang's doubts were cleared up, and he looked at his childhood companion with admiration again. The two of them went to an alley near Dewuhu Inn, found a teahouse and sat down. While waiting for all parties to make arrangements, Shi Weiyang inquired deeply about Wu Chennan's aspirations. The companion who studies at home is well-educated and wants to take advantage of the troubled times to make a career.

Shi Weiyang felt ashamed, and only now did he feel that his success in the past one or two years, being touted by others, was more like a game. Immediately, he also confessed his thoughts to Wu Chennan, saying: "...Little brother used to be frivolous and frivolous with Meng Lang, and in the future, when encountering many things, please brother Wu be sure to be by my side and remind me, even if I am being ridiculous again, brother Wu will be the one You should scold me to wake me up. As a man of my generation, if I really want to do something big in this world, I will be happy..."

Wu Chennan also took his hand and bowed down: "You and my brother, why should you do this, it's what you should..." He made Zhuge Liang's posture when he met the Ming Lord. Both of them are still young, when they meet the master and the backer, the whole teahouse is almost bursting with light of forging ahead.

After such a scene of "the guest and the host get along well with each other", when we talk about things again, we have a broader and more practical perspective on the problem. At this time, the preparations for concocting the Five Lakes Inn were done well one after another, and the pioneers also came back one after another to report the information from the inn. During such planning, Wu Chennan presented Shi Weiyang with a strategy like a tribute to Shi Weiyang.

"...Actually, not to mention the Five Lakes Inn, all the things around the young master these days have come from the departure of Miss Yan. But from Chen Nan's point of view, although Miss Yan left resolutely, if she wants to get back, she may not be the only one It's really that difficult."

"Oh?" Shi Weiyang stared, "Actually...A few days ago at the Jinlou, Shopkeeper Jin and the others almost caught Yan Yunzhi, but they still let her run away. Shopkeeper Jin's wrist is not yet able to catch her back ...Chennan has any clever strategy, so don't be a fool, right?"

When Weiyang said that, he cupped his fists and bowed with a smile, Wu Chennan also laughed: "Young master's temperament is too kind, the shopkeeper Jin, maybe it should be said that it is dark under the lamp, Weiyang, you have overlooked one thing. Yan Although the girl left Zhong'an Square recklessly, she is not alone. She still has relatives in Jiangning City at this time. I dare to bet you, although Yan Yunzhi is gone, she must be concerned about Yan Er in private. He will also be concerned about...whether the business between the Yan family and your Shi family will be truly affected."

"Chen Nan said..." Shi Weiyang blinked, "...but this Yan family is still a guest of my Shi family after all..."

"Young master took good care of Yan's family. At the beginning, Meng Lang scared Miss Yan away. Afterwards, he apologized with great fanfare, and tried his best to promote the alliance between Shi and Yan... Under such circumstances, Erxia Yan made some small mistakes in Jiangning, where good and bad people are mixed together. Unexpectedly, who can pick out the fault of the young master."

Wu Chennan said these words slowly, and then took a step back: "Of course, these strategies may be too slanted, alas, you have a kind heart..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Weiyang grabbed it with both hands, and said in a deep voice: "No! A man acts in a casual manner. It was Brother Wu who reminded me. I can't think of such a difficult thing. After Brother Wu said a few words, He has already pointed out the way. If Brother Wu has any ideas in the future, he must speak frankly, if I am a woman, I will not be able to accomplish great things."

He made self-criticism in a generous tone, and after he finished speaking, someone came over to report that he was fully prepared to encircle and suppress Wuhu Inn. This was originally something that had been expected psychologically. If he wanted to make a show here and restore his majesty as the second son, it was no longer a problem.

Shi Weiyang waved his hand: "Let's go, get rid of today's Wuhu Inn first, and then slowly bring back those guys from last time and deal with them one by one. Brother Wu, since you and I have decided to do something big, let's Don't worry too much about details! Let's do it!"

In just a moment, Shi Weiyang and Wu Chennan walked out of the teahouse and walked along the street to the stone bridge in front of Wuhu Inn. The sky was already overcast, and groups of people gathered towards the inn from all directions. The master has already broken the door and broken the window.

The situation in Jiangning was not peaceful at all. Seeing the menacing crowd, the first reaction of the people in the inn was not to catch them without a fight, but to fight with their knives. The first batch of people were immediately cut down in a pool of blood. There was a cry: "Catch the murderer of the 'Reading Club'."

Batches of people were arrested, and some booklets of the "Reading Club" were found from the corpses lying in a pool of blood, and a large amount of evidence was found in the walls inside the inn. Shi Weiyang and Wu Chennan strode into the inn, lit the first fire, and then came out and directly interrogated some people loudly on the street at Qiaotou, asking them who stayed here when they came last time. Where did the murderer of the "Reading Club" go?

Someone shouted loudly: "We are the people of 'Nongxian' Zhao Jingci, how can you do that!"

Wu Chennan said: "The people last time were all from 'Nongxian' Zhao Jingci. They were still there a few days ago, but they left after something happened. They clearly have ghosts in their hearts! You are also with them —" He and Shi Weiyang yelled, and threw the booklet of the "Reading Club" they found in each other's faces.

The flame gradually rose, and the momentum gradually increased.

Shi Weiyang said: "The last time I came here, the spectators around the house were clearly the accomplices of everyone in this inn, so I caught them out and asked me one by one whether they were related to the reading club or not. It's implicated!"

Baofeng's operation this time was intentional and unintentional, and the preparations were extremely appropriate. When Shi Weiyang gave an order, the thugs around rushed to all sides and started arresting people. Shi Weiyang remembered clearly that the last time he was blocked on the road in front of the inn and failed, these people also helped him a lot. On the spot, many people who were watching the bustle and couldn't escape were arrested, questioned and beaten to the ground.

The fire in the inn was getting stronger, Shi Weiyang shouted to the surroundings:

"You people, no matter whether you are involved with the gangsters in the book club or not, after today, tell me about those gangsters who used to be in the Five Lakes Inn. Even if they escaped today by chance, I will kill them one by one. Find out, not one left—"

The wind helped the fire, and in the light of the fire strange pamphlets danced in the street. The people on the Baofeng searched around for a while, and found some "evidence". Shi Weiyang took all the shopkeepers and waiters in the inn and sent them to jail. The rest of them interrogated and beat up before they left one after another. A few small bosses who belonged to the "King of Fairness" came over. , were also forcefully driven away by Shi Weiyang. He pointed to the "evidence" everywhere, and said that if it was really an ordinary quarrel last time, why those shopkeepers left, there is clearly a big problem. The other party couldn't argue for a while.

The second son's face was picked up just like that.

It was cloudy.

In Juxian Residence, Shi Baofeng sat on the balcony on the attic where the cool breeze blows, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and meditated.

Footsteps sounded, and the treasurer, Jin Yongsheng, came up from downstairs and greeted him from the side.

"Mr. Jin, please sit down." Shi Baofeng spread his hands aside, "How's it going?"

"It's still the same situation at the meeting." Jin Yongsheng said, "From my point of view, if the boss doesn't go, then there will be no results."

The seventh day of the lunar new year is the fourth day of the fair party meeting. Baofeng still participated in the morning, who knew that he would come back at noon, and he would be too lazy to attend in the afternoon. At this time, all parties in the meeting were still discussing their ideas and conditions in response to the several questions raised by He Wen. Shi Baofeng's sudden absence made it impossible for the "King of Equality" to make a final decision. Just stopped.

"If you can't get the result, you can't get it." Shi Baofeng smiled, and then the smile faded away, "It's always good to have your words and my words when negotiating in a meeting. In the first meeting, Mr. He threw the question, The second time and the third time we talked about our ideas, but our Mr. He sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, as if he was going to wait for others to finish playing the cards before making a statement... I think something is wrong."

When he said this, he paused: "And... I feel a little strange."

"What did the boss feel?"

"...It's so normal." Shi Baofeng said, "He Wen throws a question, Zhou Shang and He Wen fight, everyone expresses their opinions, and finally discusses the result. I always think it's too normal. He Wen...he doesn't look like such a normal person people..."

The cool autumn wind was blowing from a distance, and there was silence on the balcony for a while, Jin Yongsheng didn't answer, Shi Baofeng thought for a moment, then turned his head and smiled: "Mr. Jin, sit down quickly... If it's just the progress of the conference, it's not necessary to ask Mr. Jin to come over." Report the news once. Is there any problem with Nie Zi?"

Only then did Jin Yongsheng take a step forward, and sat down next to him: "Second Young Master can still shoulder the responsibility, the arrangements are all in place."

"Damn, if you hadn't greeted Mr. Jin and watched step by step, he would have known what to do."

"It's okay to do it over there."

"If there's any serious problem, I'll peel off his skin!" Shi Baofeng said, "Then, what about...Chennan?"

"Young people, aggressive and ambitious, I think it's good."

"Let him rush for a while, as Elder Jin also said, young people are aggressive and ambitious, then in the future... I will ask Elder Jin to teach him a little more propriety at the right time."

"This..." Jin Yongsheng hesitated, then nodded, "OK."

There was silence on the balcony for a while, when Baofeng didn't know what he was thinking, Jin Yongsheng got up and was about to say goodbye, but he turned his head away again, with a gloomy and serious face.

"Old Jin." He said, "What do you think about the study club?"

"It's still those opinions from the past... After all, I couldn't really catch people. It's too hard to say which side it is..."

"It was said that He Wen did it, so what do you say?"

"...That would be a major event that turned the sky upside down." Jin Yongsheng pondered, "But such a possibility is small after all. Why bother Mr. He? It is more credible to say that Ning Yi in the Southwest did it himself, and the biggest possibility , it’s nothing more than some opportunist, or the method of ambitious people like Da Longtou who want to be in the top position... In fact, according to me, even a person like Dalongtou who is likely to be on the stage will not go so far with his sword. This is not making enemies everywhere , looking for a dead end?"

"Zhou Shang is at the forefront. He is the most likely to join forces with He Wen. On the contrary, many people have forgotten about the study meeting... and He Wen's slow pace also makes me feel wrong. If he doesn't express his opinion, I won't go. There's a meeting."

"Yes." Jin Yongsheng nodded.

"In addition, the second child made a fuss at the Five Lakes Inn, obviously slapping 'Nongxian' Zhao Jingci in the face. Although he planted the blame and had an excuse, it's not so easy to argue with each other, Mr. Jin Help me take care of it more, of course, on the one hand, train him and Chen Nan, on the other hand, don't really screw it up, this matter can be big or small... But compared to the overall situation, it's nothing."


"The excuse of 'reading club', I will use it to test He Wen... Most likely there will be no results... No result is the best... Next..."

Shi Baofeng sat on the chair, the thumbs of both hands were twirling each other, and after speaking, he was already in the state of talking to himself. Jin Yongsheng nodded, and retreated silently. He went out from the attic, the sky was cloudy, it seemed that it was going to rain, and the distance in the city seemed to be still bustling. Those bustles were not big things. The real big things often happened quietly under the water...

Shi Weiyang made enough gestures at the Five Lakes Inn. After arresting and beating people, he ordered his subordinates to evacuate in an orderly manner. He even arranged for a water dragon to come over, so that the fire at the Five Lakes Inn would only burn down the inn. , not spread to other places, so as not to be more accused.

After going through these things, and with the help of Wu Chennan, he is determined to become a person who can handle everything. The crowd here has withdrawn, and he has already started to care about the news of those people who ran away in the inn before—these people must be To catch back. Afterwards, he also had a preliminary idea about the arrangement Wu Chennan set up for him, about capturing Yan Yunzhi back.

When Yan Yunzhi is captured, he will no longer stick to a little bit of personal love between his son and daughter. On the scene, he will definitely make a good gesture to the other party and cover everything, but of course, some of the methods in the middle are nothing more than a non-toxic and unhusband. Common sense.

The dark clouds are rolling over, and the people who are doing great things are all paying attention to the greater distance. At the Wuhu Inn, the flames were still burning, and some little people who had been beaten badly got up from the ground and went home crying. After a while, some doctors were also invited to see Some people were wounded, and they were bandaged with cheap wound medicine.

When the doctor was about to leave, a figure came running staggeringly by the side of the road. This person was a little lame, weak, and had a strange walking posture. He ran to the doctor and knelt down and kowtowed. The doctor listened to his stammering speech, and then followed him to the bridge hole of the nearby stone bridge.

In the bridge hole, a frail woman with a **** head was lying there, and the breathing in and out was intermittent, and it was already quite weak. The doctor looked at the woman for a moment, then shook his head helplessly. The injury received by the other party this time is actually not too serious, but the exhaustion of the body in the past, coupled with this injury, the ability of a barefoot doctor like him , there is no way.

The lame and stuttering man hugged him and kowtowed, not allowing him to leave. His dark face was stained with blood, and his nose and saliva were almost mixed together. The doctor couldn't be bothered, and finally gave him a pack of cheap gold sore medicine and left. up.

I don't know when, it began to rain lightly.

A man named Xue Jin hugged his wife and hid in the bridge hole. He couldn’t light a fire, and the surroundings became very wet. His wife’s head was wrapped in a bandage, but there was no response to any calls from him. Knowing whether to let the other party rest or do something, he hugged his unresponsive wife and cried loudly in the rain, like a wild dog whose leg had been broken and was dying on the side of the road, whimpering and licking the Healed wound.


Under the continuous rain, people who are vigorously doing big things will not pay attention to these small things that are about to go out.

In the middle of the night, someone came...

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