MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1138 Bitter Winter (12)

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In the dark night, in the courtyard of Mohe Pond, Yu Hezhong's mental journey turned around a few times, and after eating noodles, he finally made up his mind: "Women and children must always be rescued."

Shishi also nodded: "If you don't go out, you will be left behind, and if you go out, there will be risks, but I have thought about it carefully, this is the only thing you can do now, so I won't say more. It's like the Zuo family, what they do is actually It’s just some things, as long as you can catch them, you will have a place in the future, brother Yu, you are middle-aged, and then you have to cheer up and worry about it.”

Yu Hezhong nodded, and after hesitating for a while, he looked at Shishi: "It's convenient, it's convenient for me to ask, what happened in the past few days, actually, I haven't seen it clearly..."

Shishi smiled: "Then...Brother Yu, please tell me first, what happened to you here."

"... Yan Daolun, he..."

Yu Hezhong deliberated, and roughly stated what he had seen in the past few days, Yan Daolun, two confidante friends, and even the matter of Gao Wenjing and Sun Kang, he said : "I guess you already know this..." Then he said some of his own thoughts and speculations, other people's mockery of him, and so on.

Shishi listened quietly, thought silently, and nodded at the end.

She said: "On the eighth day of December, the news from the Central Plains has actually reached Chengdu. Several leaders who sit here met immediately. That night, on the 1st... that is, Liheng's suggestion was also sent back. The matter There have been changes, of course we have to clean up the mess and see what we can get and want... We have prepared a basic list of people who may be able to win over from the outside world, but to be honest, it is not comprehensive, and in this environment, The situation in the Central Plains is also changing rapidly, and there are many things that require people who need to act outside to adapt..."

"... After deciding on this matter, I selected a list of several people, including Yan Daolun, and contacted and tested them in private. He Zhong, you are not on the list..."

Sitting opposite, Shishi put his hands on his knees, and paused slightly: "For selfishness... and because I know you well, I applied in private and asked them to give you a chance to communicate, and they agreed. To be honest , In the past few days, I deliberately... didn't see you. I'm sorry."

Her words were gentle, and she stretched out her hand as if wanting to comfort Yu Hezhong. Yu Hezhong clenched his fists, shook his head, and then shook his head again: "I...I know, I used to be...too useless..."

"It's not because of ability. Brother Yu, I believe you have ability, but you have to take a step forward and use it. At the beginning of the transaction between Liu Guangshi and the Huaxia Army, a person like you was needed in the middle of the transaction. We took advantage of Yan Daolun, and also buffered the relationship with Liu Guangshi. The benefits in the middle are not for you, but for others. You just happened to come, and I will push the boat along. This is not a taboo. But if... this time you left this line In the future, we can still meet, drink tea, and chat, but I can’t support you behind the scenes, give you any power or benefits, and I can’t help, it’s the way we get along in the future, you have to be clear about this..."

"I know..." Yu Hezhong nodded, " are"

He hesitated to express that he knew, and it was difficult to say the second half of the words. Shishi felt a little weak when he heard it, and his face became serious, but then he smiled again: "Although it is not true, but I think what you said is also reasonable, after all, I think...he will be jealous, um, puff... definitely will There are some…"

Pursing his lips and smiling, he was happy.

After laughing like this for a moment, she thought for a while: "Anyway... I heard a saying before that there are no enlightened soldiers in the army, and they will run away by themselves when they leave the formation. Only those soldiers who know why they are fighting , to be able to get out of the formation, and even without the officer, he can still charge forward. Liu Guangshi's piece of meat fell to the ground, and now it is torn apart. Let's send people out, or recruit talents, bring back supplies, or bury Some hidden clues are not offering a reward, just saying that the Huaxia Army recruits people to join the team... That's why, Brother Yu, you have to think things through yourself, you have to do something yourself, so that we can have an overall plan and a plan , the Huaxia Army can cooperate well with you, and this should be the safest way for you..."

When she said this, there were some unspoken words, but naturally she didn't make it too clear. Liu Guangshi's giant whale sank, and most capable people can get some benefits. Like Yan Daolun, even if he doesn't need the coordination of the Huaxia Army, after leaving the Southwest, I'm afraid he can attract some people to the Southwest to "join". , even if these people are good and bad, the Huaxia Army can only accept them. Wherever Yan Daolun goes, he will eventually be treated politely.

But Yu Hezhong is completely different, his ability is too mediocre at present, if he is only thrown out as a bounty hunter, pulling people's heads everywhere to seek wealth and danger, let's not say whether the Huaxia Army needs this After he left the Southwest, he either ran away in fright and disappeared, or was caught and eaten alive by Zou Xu and Dai Mengwei's people. There would hardly be a third result. Only when he nods to join the Huaxia Army can the people of the Huaxia Army take him to learn some skills in the future, relying on the connections he has accumulated in the past year or so, and the "fake tiger prestige" who has a background in the Huaxia Army. Maybe something can be done.

"...The espionage and foreign affairs departments have made arrangements to go out to fight the autumn wind. The work of the propaganda department is what I told you earlier. As for some things you don't know, Brother Yu, it was hard to say before, but now you can say it. The two women next to you have complicated backgrounds. Behind Wei Rou is Yan Daolun, but it’s not just Yan Daolun, either she or Gao Wenjing, they are basically your offline on the scene, and they get news from you Afterwards, they will do another round of resale, and usually there will be several next buyers. Sometimes we want to spread some information about Liu Guangshi, and we will disclose it to you, and then let it out through their mouths..."

Yu Hezhong opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"On the other hand... Zou Xu is one of the people who have received Li Heng's true biography. According to Li Heng, he has a great sense of the overall situation in overall planning. This is because Li Heng often instilled something in them during that time. "Learn my strategy, just push it over" and other messy reasons. Since Zou Xu betrayed the Huaxia Army, he will also treat the Huaxia Army as the biggest enemy..."

"In the past few years in the Central Plains, his development seems to be mediocre. In fact, he has steadily and steadily swallowed up the power of several big landlords and big families that corrupted him. In Chengdu, he must have planted a dark thread early on. Even if there is no way to steal the too powerful results of Gewu, he must be interested in knowing the reaction to many major events here. After Liu Guangshi fell, the Huaxia Army His reaction is what he cares most about."

Yu Hezhong thought of something, raised his head, Shi Shi looked at him with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Sun, Kang..."

She said: "The Sun Kang who came to the door to humiliate you is very likely to be such an intelligence dealer... In the past, whether it was you or Yan Daolun, they were the core of the transaction between Liu Guangshi and the Huaxia Army. People, so if the Huaxia Army wants to make a fuss today, it is easy to think of you. But you, who are closest to me, have not seen me at all these days. They may judge that the Huaxia Army is dismissive of the farce in the Central Plains. Ning Yi has an arrogant personality, and only focuses on developing his own things... The most important thing for Sun Kang to find Gao Wenjing is to confirm your fineness and whether there is any Huaxia Army behind you. Of course, if the intelligence dealer Not Sun Kang, other people in Chengdu have also seen what happened to you, and can make similar judgments."

Yu Hezhong laughed complicatedly: "It turns out that I have been so happy in the past year or so, but I was just a **** from the beginning to the end..."

Shishi chuckled: "To put it this way, everyone in the world is a pawn. Sometimes you know who you are in, and sometimes you can even choose, but most people don't have to choose most of the time. Of course...if you follow the I think the words of the Propaganda Department are all intertwined interests. If you are useful, the interests will pass on you. Relatives care about you and will come to you. Good friends drink tea with you, and bad people do things with you. Buying and selling, testing you, it's the same..."

"...You really can talk." Yu Hezhong smiled helplessly.

Shishi took it for granted: "In the building, that's how it is. Back then, I lived by rounding things up. It's not the first day you saw me."

When she said this, Yu Hezhong felt a lot better: "Then Yan Daolun, has he already promised you something..."

Shi Shi shook his head: "Yan Daolun is an old-fashioned literati. He is considering how much he is worth and how far he should go. Brother Yu, you have been deceived by him. You know me, and you can know the Huaxia Army from me. So he encourages you to come here, look at my attitude, and see how many relationships the Huaxia Army has so far, so he can find a way to sell for a price... In fact, this matter right now is for him who is capable and ambitious It is the most difficult choice for someone who is critical to his future."

"Yes, he has land at home."

Shi Shi laughed: "This is one aspect, but he is a capable person. In the future, if possible, you should try to unite with long as he is on the right track, it doesn't matter if you curry favor with him."

"That's right. If I go out with him next time, I have to learn a lot from him." Yu Hezhong was deeply convinced, and when he said this, he remembered another thing: "By the way, when we met on the first day, Yan Daolun asked me an endless question..."


"He asked if there were any upper-level figures named Long in the Huaxia Army."


"Yeah, he didn't go into too much detail, and I'm not too sure about the characters named Long in your Huaxia Army. Then I thought, maybe it's the General Long Huilong from Xia Village...You always write about Xia Village in your books. The awakening was thanks to the blessing of General Long Hui who sacrificed his life for righteousness. I have heard a few rumors that the descendants of General Long Huilong are still in the Chinese army. Clearly, I took it with me later..."

When Yu Hezhong talked about this, Shishi seemed to have thought of something, and squinted his eyes: "At that time... what was the specific situation, how did he say it... try to repeat it to me..."

"Okay, it was... the second round after I asked about looking for you, and I suddenly asked such a thing, so I remembered that he said..."

Yu Hezhong recalled the situation that day and described it in detail. Shishi listened for a while, her eyes narrowed and the corners of her mouth seemed to turn into crescent moons, revealing a strange smile. After Yu Hezhong finished speaking, she nodded, pursed her lips and smiled for a while before she opened her mouth.

"Well, he is up for grabs, and he has really considered joining the Huaxia Army, but he still wants to up for grabs..."

"What's the matter...the surname is Long..."

"There is indeed a soldier surnamed Long in the army. Due to some special circumstances, he went to Jiangning in the second half of this year. I can't say what his background is, but his character and appearance are not bad. On Yan Daolun's side, there is a clan named Yan Taiwei's, maybe you have heard Yan Daolun say that a small faction gathered near Liu Guangshi's territory, called Yanjiabao, and his family's son-in-law, Yan Daolun's cousin, also went to Jiangning this time. A little soldier with the surname Long, something happened..."

"Ah?" Yu Hezhong listened to this **** thing.

Speaking of the love story, Shi Shi seemed quite happy: "When this incident happened, Chen Fan and Qian Baye all led the team to Jiangning. Later, the woman made trouble with Chen Shuai, and Chen Shuai promised I will give an explanation to the Yan family, and this matter is quite grand... Of course, the little soldier surnamed Long has not yet returned to the team because of a mission, and his niece quietly went after him, and now both parties are in the south of the Yangtze River. There is no trace, but the feelings of that girl Yan for this little dragon are very touching..."

"...This matter has not been resolved so far." Shi Shi smiled, "But Chen Shuai has already spoken, Qian Baye also made a promise, and will handle it properly. After arriving in Chengdu, I talked to Yan Daolun in private for a while, and said that if things go well, our Huaxia Army and your Yan family can be regarded as in-laws now, and since then, Yan Daolun has been very interested in the nature of this in-law."

Yu Hezhong understood: "I understand...if this little brother surnamed Long has the background of a Chinese military figure..."

"Naturally, Yan Daolun took this opportunity to join the Huaxia Army with all his heart and soul."

"Then... this little brother Long..." Yu Hezhong looked at Shishi.

Shi Shi laughed for a while, and tilted his head helplessly: "We have no way to tell him... Brother Long is just a soldier from an ordinary family."


Shishi took a sip of water: "But now we know at least that Yan Daolun is really tempted, and he is thinking about this matter carefully. Then if he helps, it will go smoothly...Of course, this is none of my business , Hou Yuanyu will contact you later..."

For Yu Hezhong, there are still many things to worry about. He sat here and chatted with Shi Shi a lot. When he talked about himself, he was dissatisfied with his past, and also worried about the future he just nodded to. Not long after, he talked about Gao Wenjing and Wei Rou with Shishi—he used to rarely mention himself in front of Shishi. The two "confidantes" of his life, now he wants to say it all at once, for both of them, he feels very far away at this time, maybe it is because he understands that the days of luxury and money in the past have bid farewell to him forever.

After wasting a lot of energy, Shi Shi at least temporarily ignited the flame in his heart, and he wanted to go forward and do some things he could do.

Regarding these matters, Shishi patiently chatted with him, and even about some people he knew who were originally in Liu Guangshi's army, Shishi thoughtfully gave him a round of advice and taught him how to be In the process of dealing with the opponent, at least use the advantage of the "fox pretending to be tiger" who is backed by the Huaxia Army as much as possible.

When the time is approaching, according to Shishi, Hou Yuanyu will come over to him after work for a round of detailed handover—before deciding to talk to him about this matter, Shishi has already made preparations for the other party to agree. Perhaps it was out of understanding of him, or out of trust in his nature, Yu Hezhong didn't want to pursue it in detail. Even if he couldn't win the other party's favor in the relationship between men and women, he was really the best friend among the other party's friends. A special and lucky person.

At the end, he thought of one thing, and after thinking about it for a while, he opened his mouth.

"Actually, there is one thing, I don't know if you know it, or... think it's serious..."

"Then you said it." Shi Shi smiled.

"Gao Wenjing, she should be regarded as the person... Li Rulai sent me the wire..." Yu Hezhong said, "Of course, after you said it today, I probably understand that she will sell information to many people in private, but... Li Rulai What Tathagata has done recently is not a good thing. He bought a lot of people from outside before. You know that he set up a factory and land enclosure in Chengdu, but there is still some business in it. I’m afraid others can’t tell you. In fact I couldn't say it before..."

Shi Shi looked at him.

"You also know that the Huaxia Army does not allow prostitutes to be prostitutes. Nowadays, all the prostitutes in the southwest come in from outside. This business is very easy to do. There are a few big families doing it. Li Rulai, he uses the channel of buying people from outside. , not only arranging those famous prostitutes and skinny horses, and opening restaurants for banquets, but also I heard that in order to manage relationships, he often finds ways to secretly give some famous prostitutes and skinny horses to Generals in the army, this very popular..."

At this point in Yu Hezhong's words, in the quiet room of UU Reading, Shishi's right hand fell, and there was a bang, and the teacup in her hand fell on the tea table. Yu Hezhong looked up, Horrified and terrified, Shi Shi's face seemed to be covered with a layer of icy frost for a moment, as cold as a knife.

During the many years in Bianliang, including more than a year in the Southwest, Yu Hezhong had never seen Shishi's expression when she was angry, but at this moment, she had cultivated in the army and in the high-level circles for several years. A murderous aura burst out suddenly.

Frost was put away as soon as it was put, Shishi stretched out his hand and pushed away the cup on the coffee table, took a breath, then got up, and went to the back of the desk.

Her voice was still soft.

"Do you have a specific impression of this matter?"

"I... I've heard some things, but I can't confirm it."

"Let me prove it."

Shishi took out the pen and paper.

"You tell me, I remember." 12189/10990806

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