MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1122 break (9)

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Remember [New] in a second! The little monk's almost crying voice gave a momentary warning.

The light of the knife came oncoming.

Ning Ji suddenly raised his gun to block, then let go of the handle of the gun with his right hand, and hugged him out.

The figure of the little monk collided, and the two of them almost subconsciously dismantled their moves within a very short range. The musket was separated between the two of them. Passing through the musket, it pierced Ning Ji's throat and chest.

Both of them are good at short knives, and they have fought each other before. At this moment when the accident was so steep, Ning Ji's right hand hugged out, interspersed with the opponent's arm like lightning, and the knife that stabbed the neck was pressed by his elbow, and it was drawn to the shoulder, and the opponent's sword was pulled away. Cut and stab again, Ning Ji went up close to him, locked the opponent's upper body, and embraced the young monk's neck.

The little monk was about to be hooked on the back of the neck, he stepped forward, turned into a head hammer and slammed towards the wooden gun body of the musket, Ning Ji caught it empty, but the other hand had already grabbed the other side's lapel, The light of the saber in the little monk's hand went from bottom to top, stabbing Ning Ji's temple on one side, Ning Ji swung his arm, and then was brought out blood again.

The two young men fought close to each other in the blink of an eye, and their figures moved like a whirling storm. The musket was sandwiched between the two of them and almost flew, and then there was only a bang in the interlacing of swords and lights, and the smaller figure was thrown into the air. He flew out, rolled dust on the ground, and then stood up with his arms on the ground. Ning Ji also hit the wall on the side of the road. His hands and body were covered with blood. The musket was kicked by the little monk with all his strength in the air. It was rotten, and the wooden handle and gun barrel exploded all over the place.

Ning Ji waved his hands in the air, clenched his fists, and stared at the opposite side with wide eyes.

"You're crazy—"

Being betrayed by his comrades on the battlefield was the first experience in his life. .

The little monk held a short dagger in his hand, with tears in his eyes, he cried out in a crying voice: "That's my uncle—"

"What, those are bad guys—" Ning Ji turned his head to look around, then pointed to the side, "That's big..." He suddenly realized something.

"That's my uncle—" the little monk cried.

"That's the king, king of the Great Brightness Sect..." Ning Ji didn't remember Wang Nanda's name clearly, but he barely understood the basic structure of the Great Brightness Sect. At this time, countless things were running around in his mind, " That, that...that fat man is your teacher, master..."

"Wow ah ah ah ah..." The sunlight in late autumn is not too warm, the little monk broke out a moment of fierceness, and now weeping in the street, "That is my uncle, you beat my uncle to death..."

Ning Ji shook his head, his eyes gradually turned cold, he stood there thinking for a while, and then, the knife slipped out of his sleeve, and he fixed the direction of the little monk.

In life, there are many things that are not easy to accept. It takes a long time to think clearly, but this is not the case on the battlefield. Even the life and death of the closest person will not give people time to slowly Digestion. Ning Ji has seen many such things, at this moment he already understands that the little monk in front of him is already an enemy.

He accepted this judgment.

On the other side, the little monk was holding a short knife and was crying.

At this moment, Lin Zongwu's mournful roar sounded from not far away.

He already knew about Wang Nanda's death.

Ning Ji, who had already made a fighting stance, was slightly stunned as he put out his horse stance, and he blinked his eyes.

A terrifying sense of crisis, like being targeted by a giant beast, has swept over.

The victory or defeat between the great masters on the battlefield was still undecided, but at this moment, many people felt the change of aura one after another.

"Feather Knife" Qian Luoning flew towards this direction, and there was also a fierce and rapid whistling sound from his mouth.

On the surrounding battlefield, most of the masters of the Huaxia Army, including Yuwen Fit, Xiao Hei, and Hei Niu, showed confusion in their eyes.

"...What, what's wrong?"

A special order has been issued, and what happened on the battlefield was an unexpected change.

Earlier, after negotiating with He Wen, the Huaxia Army, who decided to support the opponent in Jiangning, had its own plan.

According to the original idea, the first attack on the other four kings near the Jiuwu Yamen was of course the force arranged by King Ping himself. Afterwards, the Huaxia Army acted as foreign aid, and Chen Fan in the east suppressed Lin Zongwu as a tyrant. The two sides settled the debts left over from the rivers and lakes in the past, and the Huaxia Army squad led by Qian Luoning from the west and south entered the field last, and raised the black flag over Jiangning City, which had the effect of finalizing the decision. In this way, on the one hand, it supported He Wen's reforms, and on the other hand, it greatly promoted the reputation of the Huaxia Army, which was a win-win situation.

During this period, what Chen Fan asked for was a chance to fight alone with Lin Zongwu. As the actual person in charge of the 29th Army, the reason why he came here was also to settle the grievances and grievances left by Master's family in an upright manner. He was taught by the Seven Buddhas, so he was able to lead the army and make achievements on the battlefield. However, Chen Fan's free and easy heroism has not changed much in the past ten years.

For him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't do some things, but when things come to an end, it's okay to do as he pleases.

Qian Luoning is a more authentic member of Ba Dao, and therefore, he did not persuade Chen Fan's actions too much. As the battle unfolded, as a master who was also worthy of fighting Lin Zongwu, he never chose to fight Lin Zongwu with Chen Fan. This was a promise he made to Chen Fan.

This battle, if Chen Fan wins, it will be hearty and hearty, and the Huaxia Army will be able to publicize the matter outside. And if Chen Fan is defeated, according to the original plan, the Huaxia Army will also start besieging and killing Lin Zongwu. It will never be easy. At that time, Qian Luoning and a group of snipers will besiege him. In the future, the Huaxia Army will still be able to publicize their victory outside.

At that time, at most, Ning Yi would go out and appease the upright Chen Fan, for example: "Just be wronged, and say to the outside world that you have won." Such cooperation.

In fact, Ning Yi himself may still be the one who wants to cooperate with the publicity, but he didn't come to the scene this time, and he didn't recognize the basic conditions for this matter.

This is a very good, original arrangement.

Due to Long Shaoxia's reckless attack, the order of the battle was disrupted. It is also for this reason that after Lin Zongwu made the attack, Chen Fan just led a group of Ba Dao members from the east position defended by the Great Bright Sect and the "Runner King" They came in a hurry, but following the smooth fight between Chen Fan and Lin Zongwu, some mistakes were not a big problem.

But no one expected that there would be a second accident.

Lin Zongwu's harmonious state of mind only lasted for a short moment, and he was hit halfway through the circle he walked out of in his life.

Long Aotian killed Wang Nanda with a musket.

Lin Zongwu once thought that Sikong Nan's fall was his greatest loss.

In the last few years, maybe yes. However, how can the memory of the dead be higher than the sudden death of the living?

For more than ten years after Sikongnan's death, Wang Nanda followed Lin Zongwu, taking care of the affairs around him and the mundane affairs in the church for him with trepidation, but in fact, he was called "Crazy Tiger" back then. Lin Zongwu is even more unwilling to pay attention to the reckless men who do these things. When Lin Zongwu put down the teaching affairs, he took over the teaching affairs. Lin Zongwu wanted to teach his disciples, and he fully supported him. After Xu Zhaonan made achievements, he persuaded Lin Zongwu to come and take a look, but in fact, he hardly did anything. Something against Lin Zongwu's will...

Lin Zongwu is almost getting used to all this...


His mournful voice could be heard throughout the battlefield. Lin Zongwu's figure rushed out of the battle circle. At this moment, he lost his mind and was more terrifying than before. Even Chen Fan couldn't for a while. Grabbing him, the two rushed towards the place where Wang Nanda died. Chen Fan punched him in the back.

Qian Luoning reacted immediately and rushed out.

Ning Ji stood there in a daze, the weeping little monk had tears all over his face, his voice was choked in his throat at this moment, and he turned his head to look to the side of his field of vision.

Chen Fan slammed into Lin Zongwu who was furious from the side, and the two crashed into the house beside him, filled with smoke and dust, and Lin Zongwu slammed out again the next moment.

"Oh shit…"

Ning Ji ran away.

The strongest master he has encountered in these years is Aunt Hong in his family. The opponent's superb swordsmanship and killing skills are estimated to be able to cut Lin Zongwu under the sword, but at any time, it is impossible for Aunt Hong to threaten him with such a dangerous killing intent , the ancient demon **** in the fury, even the mighty Uncle Fan couldn't hold back.

At this moment, he didn't care about any fighting method, and ran away with his life in the distance.

On the chaotic battlefield, someone fired a shot towards this side, but missed Lin Zongwu. Chen Fan tried to stop Lin Zongwu, and the two stumbled and fought in the hurricane. Looking at the running figure, the little monk cried out: "Master..." Then he ran to the side with his head in his arms.

No one on the battlefield could tell which side his bald head belonged to, and this place was about to become the focus of the battle.

The eldest brother who killed the uncle was like lightning, and ran towards the southeast, while the master and the great master of the Huaxia Army collided all the way, like a chariot, knocking down and leveling all the houses blocking the road.

He once considered persuading the two sides to cease fighting, but at this moment, he didn't know what to say and what to do, so he could only cry and run further away, and then chased in the direction where Master and Big Brother were running. past.

Qian Luoning and Yuwen Fit are also chasing after them.

On the battlefield, it was Peng Tiangang, the swordsman of "Abi Yuantu", who deeply understood the changes in the battle situation.

After realizing that young hero Long Aotian killed Wang Nanda and continued to poke the hornet's nest, Xiao Hei and others on the battlefield were shocked and sighed first, and then they could only make tactical adjustments at the first time.

The message conveyed by Qian Luoning's roar also came from this.

At this moment, everyone in the Huaxia Army is being submerged in the siege of many green forest masters, and they are defending with the help of the location. However, the task of besieging and killing Lin Zongwu has been issued.

Defensive strategies need to shift to offense.

Hold these encircled positions for a cup of tea and wait for the other side to collapse on its own, with fewer casualties, and once you turn to the offensive, things get risky, but of course, maybe rewarding.

Only a few breaths passed after Qian Luoning's whistling order, and in a courtyard in the middle of the battle, Hei Niu quickly issued the order.

Everyone copied the grenade.

The brunette's fingers are in the air.




In front of the battle formation, a grenade was thrown.

After a burst of blast, the smoke and dust filled the air. The black girl picked up the shield and rushed into the smoke and dust, and several figures also rushed in in the blink of an eye.

On the other side of the smoke and dust, the wounded and the dead lay down in disorder, and someone stood up covered in blood. The next moment, his body was hit by a shield in the air, and the Huaxia soldiers who turned to charge rushed forward violently.

In just a few breaths of time, the four fulcrums on the battlefield launched a counterattack at the same time. After the grenade broke the formation, the violent charge met the green forest people who felt powerful and rushed like a sea tide, so the sea wave shattered. The four front lines plowed out broken and ferocious blood paths, and in a blink of an eye, they were swept away by several feet or even tens of feet in the crowd. These four fronts that broke the formation pointed at Peng Tiangang in the center of the battlefield at the same time.

At this moment, the murderous intent felt by the great master Peng Tiangang, who has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, is by no means inferior to that of Ning Ji who is running away on the battlefield at the moment. The hairs on his body stand on end. Unlike Ning Ji, he Unable to turn around and run away.

So he brandished the steel knife.

"Come closer! Hold me back—"

Under his order, the personal guards and confidantes gathered towards this side. People shouted in fear, and tried to throw fire and thunder forward. The smoke and dust of the explosion filled the air, and the waves of blood rushed towards this place. Bian fiercely chiseled over.

Ning Ji was half covered in blood and ran wildly. At this moment, he couldn't even observe the situation and lead Lin Zongwu towards a more ideal ambush direction. He could only rely on his immediate instinct to move towards the more complicated terrain. It is more suitable for running and dodging in the direction of maneuvering and dodging.

Blue bricks whizzed towards him from behind, almost rubbing against his body, and exploded the rockery in the nearby courtyard. Among the flying stone chips, Ning Ji rolled to the ground, got up and continued to escape for his life. The right side of the body was cut by the ungrateful younger brother and was still bleeding, and the left side of the body was also thrown up by the stones. At this time, he naturally envied his elder brother who practiced the thirteen Taibao horizontal training since childhood, although even if he practiced to Xiao Hei The golden bell cover of the same degree may not be able to withstand the full attack of this fat man, but at least... it won't hurt so much.

When I was a kid thinking that the best defense is offense, I was wrong—wrong!

In response to Lin Zongwu's sudden madness, the front-line comrades and the rear reserve personnel seemed to respond in a short moment. During the running process, he could see the rise of emergency flares. But at this time, in the face of the fat monk who suddenly went into a frenzy and was not afraid of life and death, the members of the Huaxia Army were unable to really hold him back.

In the blink of an eye, Ning Ji, who was fleeing in one direction, had already escaped from the initial chaotic battle group.

Chen Fan dragged Lin Zongwu into a fight all the way, occasionally crashing into a restaurant and tea shop, and then crashing out from the other side. Lin Zongwu, who was almost out of control in his anger, and Chen Fan, who shot with all his strength, both ooze blood from their mouths and noses, but at this moment , the strength in that huge body is still rising, he may have really reached the realm of the number one person in the world.

Yuwen Fit was running on the roof of the building, and then rushed down the street. In different directions, there were three snipers either running or riding horses, running towards this direction with all their strength. Some people tried to shoot at Lin Zongwu. But in the complex terrain and high-speed collision, the shooting didn't play much role.

But the encirclement is shrinking in the chase.

Through the courtyard, through the garden, through the old attic and the wreckage of the house after the fire, Ning Ji ran to the street. On one side of the street is the river that passes through the city. Ning Ji was slightly taken aback.

With his water quality, he could escape by jumping into the water in the past, but at this moment, the urban rivers that have not been cleaned for months are extremely filthy, and he has wounds on half of his body, so he cannot just jump into it casually.

More than ten feet behind, Lin Zongwu and Chen Fan slammed into a brick wall and fought with angry fists on the street. In their panic, the fat monk's ferocious eyes also began to lock on this side, Ning Ji wanted to He turned around and returned to the courtyard, but on the side of his vision, a sniper had already appeared on the roof in front, and he ran towards that side.

"Kill him—" he shouted, his face equally fierce.

Running back to the yard, the opponent is also easy to resist the gunshots in the complicated terrain, but on such a wide street, even if he is only fifteen years old this year, he will bet his life against the number one person in the world.

Chen Fan and Lin Zongwu fought together, the sniper on the roof failed to shoot, he waited for the reality, and on the other side, the second sniper also rushed to the position where he could shoot at high speed.

Rather avoid running along the river.

Lin Zongwu picked up a bamboo pole on the side of the road and tried to throw it over. Chen Fan broke the bamboo pole with a heavy fist. The two of them crashed into the bamboo shed with messy fortifications on the side of the road, and debris flew all over the sky.

A small boat was passing through the messy river, coming this way, Ning Ji glanced at the little beggar covered in mud on the pole on the boat, and while running, he glanced again, the other was dark On his face, his eyes widened...

At the same moment, in the battle circle in the distance, the frenzied striker crushed and killed Peng Tiangang's personal guards. At a certain moment, a chaotic attack fell in front of Peng Tiangang. He fought back with a big knife, and someone suppressed him with a shield in the high-speed collision. In response to his counterattack, someone hugged his arm, and a big knife slashed across his chest. The black girl pushed up his face, and smashed this fierce and famous generation of masters to the hard stone on the side of the road. , smashing the back of the opponent's head.

Qu Longjun failed to escape from this chaotic city, because too many people wanted to get out of the city gate.

She decided to hide in the city for a while longer, but near noon, she heard about the fighting that was going on near the Jiuwu Yamen. The black flag of the Huaxia Army was erected high, and the battle had already started, and it was said that it was bloody.

She didn't have the guts to go to the chaotic battlefield to watch the battle. To be honest, she didn't know many Chinese soldiers. She walked through the chaotic streets and found a dilapidated black boat by the river. Take a look at the situation here.

The boy's figure covered half of his body with blood running on the street by the river, the shade of withered willows in the city swaying in the wind, for some reason, she felt so familiar with this figure , maybe that was the image that the other party showed during the night of fighting in the small courtyard in the southwest. Half of the body's wounds and blood, still want to pay the blood debt to the enemy.

During the days when she came to Jiangning, she often thought of him, his innocent and even cute face when he was calm, sometimes he looked wooden and not easy to get close to, and when he was angry, he could splatter ten steps of blood fiercely. In the past, she was afraid of conflicts and killings, but perhaps she had lived in troubled times for a long time, and she felt that this might be a more appropriate face to face the world.

The five-foot demon... I don't know why he made such a name in Jiangning...

Like a dream, the other party appeared in front of my eyes.

"Dragon... Dragon..."

She supported the boat and shouted in a low voice, but for a while, she didn't know how to call it better.

At this moment, Long Aotian also recognized the little cheap dog.

He ran over.

Leaping over the river.

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