MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 1117 break (4)

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The green forest masters who were reinforcing in the direction of the Huaxia Army's invasion all used the strongest killing moves in their lives at the first time.

Inspired by countless shouts, the counterattack from the second line of defense and the already chaotic first line of defense was first of all a large number of arrows, hidden weapons, locusts, stones, barbed wire, and tiles on the roof. piece…

Fighting in the green forest—after being exaggerated by Southwest novels—although it is important to be dignified and upright when it comes to the scene, but once it enters the actual fight, all kinds of martial arts have their own unscrupulous skills, such as throwing fishing nets, throwing hidden weapons, throwing lime, throwing Sand and depends on the specific situation, and it is a trick practiced by many warriors. Among the many schools of martial arts, including lying on the ground, assassination, poisoning and other branches that sound disgraceful, many people will dabble in their practice.

On the buildings and roofs in the south, as soon as a warrior rushed up, he shoveled up a large number of tiles with high-speed legs like a ox plowing the ground, and rushed forward like a goddess scattering flowers; The figure of the master of the Mouse Fist was almost shrunk, his feet were fast, and he was running along the edge of the roof. He jumped between the edge of the roof and the beams below, appearing and disappearing from time to time. A mouse-like cry.

Most of the martial arts in the world imitate the power of animals. This rat fist seems ridiculous, but it rushes up to the roof and beams, moves like lightning, and is most suitable for fighting in the streets and alleys in complex environments. If it is at night, the rat punch The assassination of a boxing master in the city is enough to make people shudder.

In front, there is a figure jumping on the roof like a roc spreading its wings;

Some run like wolves in the streets;

Someone's body crouched like a gigantic spider;

Someone is holding a giant hammer and running like a rhinoceros;

Someone's steps were lost, and it was hard to tell the direction he was going between the turns, but in just a moment, he had leaped over a distance of more than ten feet, and the two knives were hidden in his hands;

A series of figures surged towards...

Li Duanwu and his companions pushed the shield car and crushed it forward at high speed—

On the roof, someone was thrown down by the tall black man and tied into skewers on the knife forest in front of the shield car. The tall black man then took a grenade and threw it down from upstairs. Li Duanwu yelled: "Get out of here." His body jumped out, and in front of the shield vehicle, someone threw a grenade over. .

There was a loud bang, the streets were full of gunpowder smoke, several shield vehicles stopped, and Li Duanwu shouted from the side of the street: "Go to the fire thunder, bang his mother—"

Gunpowder has been used on a large scale by Ning Yi for so many years. Although the Fair Party has not been popularized in battle, the elite troops always understand and prepare. Almost at the time when the Black Banner Army threw the grenade, Lu Xian already had Someone took out the fire mine, and then lit the fuse.

A few strong and strong people in the Li family village waved the fire thunder, ready to throw it forward. At this moment, Lu Xian waved his hand vigorously, telling Li Duanwu and others to retreat or avoid it. Li Duanwu's seemingly old body rushed like a tiger. to the rear. On the roof in front of the street, Yuwen Feidu pulled the trigger in an inconspicuous place.

Some fire thunders flew into the sky and rolled towards the distance. Not far from Lu Xian, a companion's forehead burst into blood, and he collapsed backwards. The ignited fire mines fell to the ground and rolled.

"Fuck, get out of here—" Lu Xian yelled hoarsely.

The reaction ability that belongs to the martial artist's years of training made several figures rush out in different directions at a high speed at this moment. The next moment, the sound of rumbling explosions enveloped half of the street, the roof and the ground were shaking, and smoke and dust billowed Then, the fire mine that fell not far from Lu Xian's side immediately caused a chain reaction in the fire mine reserves here.

On the roof and on the second floor of the building, the green forest masters who rushed forward had also collided with the Huaxia Army soldiers who were walking forward with shields, basically in groups of three. Compared with the ferocity and violence shown by the green forest masters, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army basically use the two swordsmen and shields in the front as defense, and the one in the back either uses a spear or a broadsword as the main supporting or attacking hand. , while the sword and shield were setting up the barrier and pushing forward, the spear behind stabbed at an enemy who seemed to be the easiest to get.

A simple and quick shot, thrust out and retracted.

The next moment, the two swords and shields turned their shields with their hands, and slashed at the same time.

Not much fancy, just two steel knives resolutely and violently slashing at one enemy at the same time, then facing the other with the horizontal knife, and then flipping the shield to block.

At the moment of fighting, there were five or six masters jumping in front of them, and then there was a splash of blood, and there was a sound of blocking, and the spear directly pierced the shoulder of a master, and the two knives that turned the shield cut open He covered the chest and arm of the closest master, and then blocked the attacks of several warriors nearby.

The master of the Mouse Fist was the most nimble, and suddenly fell from the side just before the contact. He crossed the beam on the second floor at high speed, moved to a place a little behind the steps of the three Huaxia soldiers, and rushed He opened the roof, and with a sound of "Wow -", he waved his two knives about to slash, but the man with the gun behind him turned around to greet him.

The long spear in the opponent's hand seemed to have disappeared, but the next moment, the sharp edge pierced out and retracted. This is a textbook-like return to the carbine.

The mouse fist master was pierced through the chest, and his body fell from the roof behind him.

The companions with swords and shields were still swinging their swords and moving forward. Four of the several masters who rushed were beheaded in a pool of blood. The people in the crowd were figuring out their figures, and someone fell down. The Huaxia soldier with a spear rolled over again, and under the interference of the air waves, he pierced the thigh of an enemy in front of him.

The sword and shield moved forward, and the flesh and blood exploded in the process.

At this time, Xue Jin, who was staggering forward with the paper in his hand, had just walked in front of the Juma at the intersection, when the air waves brought by the rumbling explosion rolled up, as if to engulf the long street in front of him, and the earth shook. Even with the will to die, at this moment, he still opened his eyes wide, as if seeing the spectacle of destruction.

He staggered forward.

At the same time, on the outskirts of the defensive positions on the west and south sides of the old Wu Yamen, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army also marched forward in different places. The forward movement was more like a giant plow with more than a dozen sharp edges. The moment the two sides collided, it plowed the ground and smashed the waves coming from the pavement. Its speed was not fast, but it seemed that there was no Push forward as if encountering obstacles.

Like a meat-grinding machine, it smashed the first batch of green forest masters who rushed up into the air.

Even as the Huaxia Army, the quality of each soldier is naturally high or low, but over the years, as long as it is a team that goes out for long-distance missions, it is customary to select the most elite special combat personnel in the army. For example, during the Southwest War, the various teams sent out, such as Qu Qing and Zhuo Yongqing, not only had to shoulder the responsibility of negotiating with all parties, but in many cases, they also shouldered the heavy responsibility of eliminating **** and killing people. After playing Yan Qingjue's capture of Li Touhe, designing silver techniques and other tricks, the flexible cooperation of these people is also required.

During the period of the Southwest War, the Huaxia Army was still short of manpower, but after defeating Nianhan and Xiyin, there were indeed too many members of the Special Forces that could be selected during the period of recuperation. The people brought out by Qian Luoning this time include former Ba Dao members and former green forest masters, but most importantly, they have all gone through untrained fighting and cooperation in the brutal battle against the Jurchens in the Southwest.

Some of these people, before joining the Huaxia Army, may be far inferior to the green forest masters who rushed over this time, but after these years of fighting and polishing, their cooperative killing with swords and guns does not even require a second shot , even with a knife and a gun, the opponent can't even feel the huge murderous aura before the shot, just because after the hard-fought fighting on the battlefield, such an assassination action doesn't even need to be malicious, just like a butcher slaughtering pigs and sheep , precise and natural.

As for the other part of the team, they were already well-known masters in the green forest before joining the Huaxia Army. At this moment, whether it is cooperating with their companions or taking orders a little, they all maintain a stronger overall view than ordinary warriors.

Explosions roared, airflow collided, tiles and dust rustled down, Lu Xian got up among the messy door panels, not far from his vision, a sturdy young man nicknamed Pillar hung a severed hand, lost in the smoke and dust turn around. These people have experience in using fire mines, but because they have not experienced many scenarios, they have not yet had the safety awareness of being forced out by large-scale accidents.

Lu Xian couldn't hear too many voices in his ears, and shouted in his mouth: "Back back, back up—" He waved his hand, and then ran forward. Amidst the gunpowder smoke, there were still quite a few figures on the street circling in the dust. Some got up from the ground, their tattered bodies seemed to be leaking through a sieve, and some supported each other and retreated. Li Duanwu was hiding in a place. Behind the wall, at this moment, he suddenly exerted strength, rushed towards this side, and waved his hand.

As the "Dragon of Broken River" who took Lu Xian in and led him to become a teacher in the arena, Li Duanwu was the best at tiger-shaped boxing, and he also gained a great reputation in the arena when he was young. At this time, he was rushing with tiger steps, and in a single leap, he vacated a few feet, and in a blink of an eye he was in front, Lu Xian saw that he was still shouting something.

On another roof not far away, two figures had poked their heads for a while.

"Play the commanding one."


"The loudest one?"

The sniper pulled the trigger.

"Run a little fast..."

In front of Lu Xian, Li Duanwu, who was running very fast, exploded with blood and jumped out of his eyes. After he fell to the ground, he bumped a long distance, but the posture of his body proved that he was already dead.

Just a momentary difference, like an illusion.


Lu Xian drank violently. In a roar like thunder and a beast, a figure rushed down into the sky, and the steel knife in his hand slashed down on the head of the pillar with the broken hand.

At this moment, Lu Xian was extremely angry, and his senses were also extremely sensitive. He raised his knife suddenly and blocked the opponent's slashing. Rolling on the ground, he got up and fought him with a knife, and then flew back. The knife in Lu Xian's hand was like a storm, and the knife was heavy as if it was about to smash the opponent into pieces. The jingling sound was like a rainstorm hitting a banana leaf, but he couldn't break the opponent's offensive no matter what.

Correspondingly, the light of the saber in the young man's hand was extremely fierce, and the other party opened his mouth, "Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Lu Xian had just lost a loved one at this moment, and his beard and hair were as flamboyant as a demon god, but the young man was not afraid at all, even though he missed the upper hand, he continued to gather his inner strength, and the sword light was like a tide, wave after wave, to counterattack at the most fierce moment of the opponent come over!

On the side of the street, the "Black Iron God" descended from the sky, and the companions around him screamed and killed the generals. In front of the field of vision, there were surviving disciples of the Xuandaomen who jumped over the crooked shield chariot, and ran away with **** cries. The figure chased over from there, and on the roof on the side of the road, **** corpses fell down one after another, and the Huaxia Army's squad was advancing.

There are also more companions rushing towards the rear, roaring wildly. Zhou Shang has the most lunatics who are not afraid of death. As the first wave of vanguards exploded before the Huaxia Army's offensive, the ones who rushed at this time were finally the real ones. Large troops, far away, even artillery vehicles have been lined up.

Next to him was a swordsman from Li Family Village who was fighting with blood all over his body, trying to drag him back. The young man in front of him fought with him for a long while, seemingly full of ferociousness. At this moment, he found a gap and jumped out to the side , with a wave of the steel knife in his hand, it flew straight to the chest of a member of "King Yama" who rushed two feet away. When the blood exploded, he had already jumped into the nearby shop like a cheetah, and then slashed across the side courtyard.

"Black Iron God" Qiu Shuyan also walked horizontally towards the side shops and courtyards. The attacks of the masters of the Huaxia Army were extremely powerful, but at this moment Lu Xian realized that no matter whether it was the "Black Iron God" Qiu Shuyan who had experienced many battles, or the seemingly young and vigorous "Five-foot Y Demon", at this moment, they were all invincible. Instead of relying on spirit to fight forward, he chose to walk sideways not far after exceeding the front line.

On both sides of the road, and even in the farther courtyards, the attacking edge of the Huaxia army squads faintly connected into a long line, and the advancing soldiers maintained contact with each other and deterred the enemy.


bang bang—

In the sky, the sound of muskets occasionally sounded, and from the crowd rushing from behind, a flower of blood exploded from time to time, with screams and shouts one after another, occasionally, there was a grenade explosion, and there were people on the street Tried to throw fire and mine, but was immediately shot out by the musket, followed by the roar and chaos in the crowd...

The front line of the Huaxia Army is still advancing in an orderly manner. Zhou Shang's front line did not stop after the chaos exploded. Groups of vicious green forest people rushed forward, and then retreated in panic. It's like a raging tide keeps rolling back after encountering a dike.

In Lu Xian's eyes, the sky turned **** and then pale.

At this time, less than half a stick of incense had passed since the start of the fight, before the east and north intersections of the old Wu Yamen, a large number of complainers began to gather, and after that, groups of warriors began to pounce on the various people at these intersections. At this point, large-scale chaos began, but because there was no support from artillery fire or muskets, the offensives on the east and north sides only reached a stalemate when they launched. Only a few green forest masters led people into the outer courtyard, and were immediately killed The Great Guangming Sect or the masters of the Baofeng who were stationed here killed or injured them.

Only in the direction of the west and south, as the forward line of the Huaxia Army rushed to the second intersection, groups of people who were wounded or fled in the streets and courtyards behind were causing this place to fall into an even greater crisis. confusion.

The snipers of the Huaxia Army shoot at the figure that seems to have a huge threat from a high place. For the enemy rushing forward, the rushing team will immediately defeat and kill the enemy. But compared to the large number of green forest people gathered here, the eleven squads could only defeat some of the enemies in front of them after all. Some enemies fled hastily during the stage of collapse, and some warriors still chose to launch surprise attacks on the Huaxia Army from different directions.

Xue Cheng walked in the dense smoke.

The surroundings were thunderous, and there were sounds of fighting from far and near. Members of the Black Flag ran past him, and someone was walking forward on the roof. in the dream.

The **** street crossing did not become the end of his life, the black flag broke through the way ahead, so in front of his vision, there was still a long road waiting for him to cross. After many years, it seems that Ning Yi... that familiar name came here with a strange will.

What's the point of all this...

He stepped over the sticky blood and the corpse with scarlet internal organs, as if in a sea of ​​chaos, he was heading towards the last journey of his life.

Moon Mother...


This exhausting and long life...

Walking forward, he walked around the stranded shield car in front with difficulty, and the raised long knife was as dense as a forest. He looked back, and at the intersection behind him, there were one after another figures approaching coweringly and roaring...

The shop on the side was filled with smoke and dust, and Li Yanfeng, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face and blood on his body, rushed forward with a low body. He was chased and killed by a man and a woman of the Huaxia Army regardless of Wude, and it was difficult until he rushed into a group of "companions". Someone in the sky shot him with a musket, almost killing him, but as he observed carefully in the dark, he gradually realized that the musket was only a more violent Arrow, react more quickly, there is still a way to avoid it.

It's just that it's not easy to fight back against the opponent. At this time, the black flag members who came to Jiangning are all mediocre, and they have been trained to attack each other separately. Even with his skill, once the opponent is attacked The two are entangled, and it is very difficult to escape.

Of course, in this chaotic killing field right now, his "comrades in arms" are the majority after all. When a large number of people are rushing to fight, he still has the possibility of finding a single member of the Huaxia Army and killing them.

Walking through the shop, I saw the figure jumping over from the side of the shield car outside.

He raised his stick and rushed out, wanting to kill this man in one fell swoop, when a long gun barrel was raised towards him from the roof diagonally opposite.

Li Yanfeng exerted force with his feet, changed direction with a swipe, and drew a big "Z" on the road, then rolled like an ape, and threw himself into the alleyway opposite the road.

He swung his claws like a tiger, and with a bang, he dug out half of the green brick on the wall.

Xue Jin staggered forward.


Blue brick whistling...

blood is red...

It also seems to have a sticky sweetness...

The field of vision rotates, and there is a buzzing sound in the body...

He's used to the pain...

The blue bricks hit him, and he rolled on the ground. The shaking field of vision turned and turned, turning into the sky with floating clouds, and the roof tiles of the streets and alleys extended into long black lines on both sides of the field of vision.

Once upon a time, I have seen such a picture...

Perhaps it was the sky that my parents saw when I went outing in the suburbs of Jiangning when I was a child...

It's like lying somewhere side by side with a woman I met for the first time...

There seems to be a faint scent of green grass in the nose...

am i leaving...

He lay there, waiting quietly for a while...

However, the scene in front of me continues...

Mother of the Moon...

...Isn't it time yet?

On the long street, Xue Jin slowly turned over...

He moved forward and took a step hard...

The little monk who rushed out of the chaos was tidying up his clothes while running, and then saw this scene.

On the roof, Yuwen Fit hesitated for a moment, although he did not understand Xue Jin's identity and significance...

On the street, the limping figure stretched out his hand holding the complaint, and slowly and with difficulty, he crawled forward four steps. There was blood dripping under his body.

He went where he wanted to go...

The turbulent destruction and killing have already descended on the entire land.

at a certain moment,

The little monk waved his rice bowl and rushed forward...

On the roof, Yuwen Fei stood up and rushed forward.

A companion beside him also rushed to the ground while roaring.

The monkey king Li Yanfeng rushed out of the dark alley, jumped into the crowd, and ran in the chaos. Behind him, a companion was shot and burst into blood, and waves of chaos unfolded as he ran...

On the front line where the Huaxia Army confronted "King Gao" and "King Yama", the rampage of killings and conflicts was still rolling up, and the chaotic fights everywhere also brought casualties to the Huaxia Army's squad. Cut forward, and then joined the emergency rescue...

Some real masters gradually played a role in the charge, and on the other side of the second street, the artillery sounded overwhelmingly, flooding some streets, and the nearby snipers began to suppress the artillery positions on the opposite side...

Lin Zongwu's figure has disappeared from the temple's tower...

All the violence went away from his side.

In the wind, there seemed to be a peaceful singing sound.

When will the moon be...

Ask the sky for wine...

I don't know the palace in the sky...

What year is this eve...

I want to go home with the wind...

I am afraid that Qionglou Yuyu...

It's too cold at the heights...

Dance to clear the shadows...

Why is it like being in the world?

He hates that poet named Ning Yi. UU reading

But gradually, I began to listen to this song more and more.

Because a woman named Yueniang often sings it.

When is the bright moon?

when she was...

There will always be.

Xue Jin stood on the long street and waited for a while.


Read The Duke's Passion