MTL - Zhui Xu-v2 Chapter 9 Future look

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In the evening, the setting sun was reddened by the weather, and half of Jiangning City was immersed in the warm red glow. When coming back from the outside, Su Taner met a small donkey and then knew that Ning Yi had been infected with the cold. While inquiring with the doctor about the doctor's statement, she led the three courtyards of the grandfather Su Yu Su Taigong.

I have something to ask with my grandfather today. Since I know that Ning Yi is not a big problem, naturally I don’t have to rush to see it. After entering the yard, I discovered that San Shu Su Yunfang and Sancha are also there. Together with San Shu’s second daughter, everyone now calls this little girl a seven-headed girl. Now she is telling a story in front of her grandfather. Several servants are waiting around the crowd.

"...and then, that Zhou Yu, he beat the yellow cover..."

Su Taner walked over and moved to a stool to sit down. She also listened to the story of the girl with her grandfather and the uncle and the three uncles. It was a very interesting thing to say about the three countries. Soon after the story was finished, the girl stood up: "Second sister."

"Small seven knows to tell a story. It’s awesome. Have you heard about the book with the restaurant?"

"No, it was Mr. who told us when he was in the school."

“Hmm?” Su Taner hesitated for a while, “Which gentleman.”

"Yi brother, Yi brother knows a lot of things."

Although the name is not good to hear, the status is low under the fence, but in the women's family, it is basically called as a brother. Therefore, the seven-headed girl only called Ning Yi as his brother, not a brother-in-law. After listening to her, Su Taner smiled slightly, but she was thinking about the meaning of this matter. Next to the three uncle Su Yunfang said: "Is it in the past to teach the Analects?"

Seven gimmicks nodded: "Well, "The Analects of Confucius", we learned about Liren..." There was some tension between the expressions, and I usually asked about my studies. Then I might have to endorse her.

However, this time the father did not say that he wanted to endorse. Su Yun said to Su Taner: "The Analects of Confucius said that the Three Kingdoms, although the children like to listen to the story, but the gentleman should be respected by the students, and the levy is the right way, but it also needs There is a degree, Taner, you should remind Liheng."

This is a very strict reprimand. Su Taner had no choice but to nod. The old man next to him smiled and said: "Don’t be so serious, you can be loved by students in a few days. You can teach yourself. They love school, and it is his business to give them to the children. The third child, you don’t know the cause and effect, how do you know that the Analects have nothing to do with the Three Kingdoms, and how can you know that Liheng is not interested in it, not in its position? Politics, this principle has taught you a few brothers that you should not be arrogant in this matter."

In fact, in this matter, Su Taner also thinks that the Analects of Confucius said that the Three Kingdoms are not reliable, but Su Lao Tai is like it. He does not have the knowledge of Ning Yi. In fact, he knew that the other side’s knowledge was not high. It is from other perspectives.

The current situation of the Su family is complicated. Su Jiayong, the second son of the Su family, is the second-year-old Su Zhongkan, the third-year-old Su Yunfang, who has a business all the way. However, regardless of the qualification of the wrist, Su Boyong has the upper hand. Nowadays, the old Taigong is still in the situation, and it seems that he is still a brother and a brother. But when you look down, the third generation is a straw bag. Only Su Boyong’s only daughter, Su Tan, is a unique show. Su Yu considers it. In a few years, I plan to put my family business on Su Tan, of course, this is also a big trouble.

牝鸡司晨, the resistance encountered is several times larger than the ordinary handover. If at this time, there is a reluctant one in the Sujia’s male squad, but it is not, and Su Tan’s acting is not warm. Not fire, all kinds of means are quite outstanding, there is a general style, she has this ability, but also has ambitions in this regard. Now the old man has drawn some formal management from the industry managed by Su Boyong, which is regarded as a formal test. This test does not look at her ability, but directly allows her to use her father's resources to overcome and integrate the other two. See how much she can do it.

The pressure faced by Su Taner is temporarily on the side. The significance of Ning Yi’s original entry is to allow Su Tan to stay in the Su family. The old Taigong is very valued for the relationship with Ningjiazu, so he is also taken care of by Ning Yi. The contradiction of Su’s family seems to have not yet intensified. Su Taner wants to overpower other people and integrate other people. Don't you have it, the old man is not dead, no one wants to be strong.

But if the contradictions really intensify in the future, the old man himself is not there. If these people want to deal with Su Tan, then as her husband, the Ning Yi, who is lightly regarded, is naturally the best breakthrough. It’s not easy to find some excuse to do something. Su Lao Taigong saw this point and let Ning Yi go to teach. The Yushan Academy is mostly the Sujia children. If Ning Yi’s book is well taught and won the respect of these young people, the status will be superseded in this struggle. There is at least one layer of divisional aura, and others have to think about it.

Because of this, Ning Yi can let the children like it, this is the best, the old man of the old man will ask Ning Yi's lectures, the little girl said happy, asked Su Taner: "Second sister, you know What will Mr. say tomorrow?"

Su Taner smiled and said: "Tomorrow is not enough. He has been infected with the cold. He started to recuperate at home today. I am afraid that I can't go to class tomorrow."

"Oh?" The old woman asked the situation questioningly. Su Taner repeated it as Xiaoxiao said, and the little girl said, "Can I go to see my brother?" Su Taner shook her head. : "Wind and cold are afraid of infection, Xiaoqi is still waiting for you to be a good brother and then go to visit is better."

After the three uncles and three sisters left with the little girl, Su Taner chatted with his grandfather for a while before returning to his yard. When he went to see Ning Yi, Ning Yi was taking medicine in bed, his expression was unhappy, and Su Taner greeted a few words. I originally wanted to talk about the story, but when I saw him sick, I would not say it.

Su Taner has the ability, and she also wants to do something with her daughter. On the other hand, she is also a very traditional and orthodox girl. She chooses to accept her life, although she does not like marriage. You can see it when you get along, the personality is there, and the framework is still that framework.

She hopes that Mr. Ning Yi can be a majestic rather than a little trick to please students. Relatively to a little clever or small means, she is more willing to be an orthodox even a pedantic scholar, even if there is no really advanced knowledge, I hope He is more in line with the "right way." Of course, for now, this is a process of mutual understanding. She will not easily draw conclusions, but she will slowly try to outline a shape in her mind.

In fact, this shape is also clear. He is an ordinary scholar. He is not very knowledgeable, his knowledge is not wide, his heart is still good, and his temper is still sloppy. This is the good man she wants to make a living.

At this point, you can play some waywardness, but the time is limited. One day, after two people, they still have to live together, and they have to give birth to children. As long as he is not a traitor, these things will always happen. The future... This is probably the case, nothing is variable. I may still keep some small expectations in my heart, but I am looking forward to what it will be. In fact, she does not know what she is. After she continues to contact, she may know more about this husband, but what is big? In and out, surprises, and the like, it is probably not possible.

At the end of the seventh year of Wuwang Jinghan, in the middle of the Sujia house in Jiangning City, the beautiful woman who walked out of the eaves looked up and looked up. She gently stroked the hair on her ear. The pretty face was still clear, with a little Helpless, but more still calm and calm, when the wind blows through the yard, the light blue dress is gently swaying in the wind. Miss Tan, who was only in the name of a woman who was not a man in name, is watching her marriage like this at this time...

But for now, this is not something that really takes up a lot of weight in her life. She has other things to think about, to do, ordinary life, even if it is occasionally taken care of, it will be flat. Walk on your own path. If everything goes on the path of natural circumstance, perhaps after a few decades, when she once again walks out of the eaves and raises her head, she will suddenly remember the wind she saw many days ago, like she brought her to some place. But now, everything is plentiful and there is no need to care about many things.

It is in this fascinating scene that the Mid-Autumn Festival is here.


The disease is like a mountain, and the disease goes like a silk. There was no special medicine in this year. This body was originally weak. I didn’t exercise for a long time and caught a cold. So on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, Ning Yi stayed in the room and could only take the time to look at the ancient vernacular novels.

According to Ning Yi's previous experience, the current situation, it is OK to go out in the yard, but this is ancient. The medical conditions are not good, and the physical condition of a group of people is poor. As long as someone takes care of them, the prevention and treatment of the disease is still very heavy. When the time is late, it begins to turn cold again. Xiaoyan has refused his uneasy patient at the door. Going out, Ning Yi also understands the bitterness of Xiao Shantou.

No matter whether it is, he is not a very moving person anyway, just open the window for a while, even if such a small slap is also a small face is not happy, Ning Yi is bored, it will take time to explain the fresh air to her. The benefits of the human body and so on.

In the evening, Ning Yi added a piece of clothes, and with the return of Su Taner and others went out to dinner, in any case, since it was only cold, the Mid-Autumn Festival this large family feast still had to participate. There are hundreds of people from the master to the management, Xiaoxuan, Yi, and the nursing home. The scale is huge. In the main hall and several large yards, a table of eight octopuses will be placed, and the lively will be a mess.

Ning Yi used to eat large-scale banquets. For example, every year the company's tail teeth are large, but it must be said that the more modern, the more alienated between people. Nowadays, in the ancient atmosphere, even if the family really has a few people who are very enthusiastic about him, sitting here can also feel a kind of enthusiasm, and the busy firecrackers outside, the children ran When he ran, the crowd screamed, greeted, and chatted, and he greeted him with Su Taner – he actually liked it.

The sunset has not yet fallen, the banquet has begun to serve, and in this lively atmosphere, the torches and lanterns are burning up, and the day is getting into the night, all kinds of sounds come into one, guessing, drunk, and the old Tai’s side. The host family had a good time. Several children also came to read a few poems they had made. They were also happy with the three hoes of the apricots. They were arranged at a banquet not far away, laughing and running. Run, talk to Su Tan, talk about something, and occasionally talk to Ning Yi, saying, "Aunt Gu, they are telling the story you said...", Ning Yi said a few in the classroom. The story has already spread among the juniors. It seems that there is still a tendency to pass on to the past.

Oh, the age of lack of entertainment is like this...

The dinner started early, but it actually came to an end soon after the night, but of course, the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone will enjoy the show together, the old Taigong will say Su Boyong to the people, then the old man returns to his yard, a bunch of The Su family are talking to the past, and they have to talk to Su Taigong. Some young people must have this process even if they want to go. The three brothers headed by Su Boyong are responsible for the management of the next generation, the red envelope has actually been issued, mainly to take turns to say something intimate.

The old man is over seventy years old this year, but he is in good health and his spirit is also awkward. Ning Yi and Su Taner greeted him when he was eating. At this time, the old man said, "You will support each other in the future. If you like, then Ning Yi, who is urging a cold, will go back to rest, although Ning Yi looks like usual at this time, but the scorpion is slightly sand.

If it is in modern times, the 20-year-old body can eat the medicine without taking any medicine, and there is no pressure. Now, it is being taken care of by a 70-year-old old man. Ning Yi is helpless. But since this is the case, there is no way. The intensity of exercise in the first few months is not great. It is only due to the habit of fitness. Therefore, it does not play a more thorough role in the physique of this scholar. The intensive exercise is on the agenda.

All the way back to the small building, Su Taner followed Ning Yi into the room on his side. After a moment of silence, he sneered Ning Yi to rest well tonight, and then slightly embarrassed to suggest that he still has to go out at night. Because I told him a few days ago, I want to go to the Gion Garden.

Regardless of whether Ning Yi is ill or not, the poetry association Su Taner will definitely go, because for her, the main purpose is to talk to some people and talk about business. In this certainty, even if Ning Yi is not happy, and even loud and noisy, I am afraid there is no difference. Just as a wife's identity, it seems strange to confess this kind of thing when I have a cold.

However, Ning Yi understands this. He only feels interesting about this kind of thing. His little wife will certainly not give up the business of Sujia. On the other hand, he hopes to try to balance this marriage, even if At present, this is basically a famous marriage, and she still dominates. Ancient woman, this is really an effort to make him feel cute.

After a little appreciating the expression of Su Tan's efforts to discourage him from giving him extra thoughts, Ning Yi smiled and let her go early and go back early. When Su Tan was ready to leave, and he took care of him, he remembered: "Oh, no, let Xiaoxiao go to play, I have nothing to do, I will sleep at most when I read the book."

There are many performances on the six boats of the Liyuan Poetry Association. You can also enjoy the night view of the entire Qinhuai River in the same way. For anyone at this time, it is a feast-level enjoyment. A few days ago, Xiao Yan began to say in front of him that the poem would be more fun and fun, because in the past, Su Taner would take them three pieces together. Ning Yi feels very good about her nephew. She doesn't want to stir up the interest of Xiaotou because of her own sake, but Su Tan has not spoken yet. She has already smiled and shook her head: "I don't go, stay with my grandfather at home." Read a book together."

Purely in terms of feelings, Su Tan's view of three sisters, like a younger sister, is definitely much deeper than the current Ning Yi, but in any case, after all, it is the next person, and now she is ignorant, she will not have to say more. Ning Yi took a few words and decided that he could not give up after he was convinced.

The two men watched the three people on the second floor corridor and looked out from here. The house of Sujia was spread far away from the horizon, extending to the distant streets, and the whole Jiangning City was row upon row and the lights were brilliant. Scene, this time if you can find a high place to look down, this ancient glorious night scene must have a flavor, it is only possible today to appreciate it.

"Grandpa, let's go in." Xiaoxiao laughed. "Are you also telling a story to Xiaoyan?"

"Stools are coming out and I’m here..."

"Then I won't listen." Xiao Yan snorted and then picked up the trouble. "The wind is big, go in..."

"It's okay, nothing, you see, there is no wind, and I wear so much... or else I have to put on a top hat... It’s also fun to look at it from here, so I’m sure, the stool is moving out. Let me tell you a... Journey to the West... or else the story of the West Chamber."

Since he said this, the nephew had to give up his position and the two moved the stool to sit down on this small platform. At this time, the Su family’s yard was no longer as lively as before. Occasionally, people who were ready to go out were seen, and all kinds of firecrackers, gongs and drums came from far away. Although Mid-Autumn Festival is a holiday with my In fact, there are still a lot of entertainments, such as Su Tan, who usually go to the conference, lanterns, cocktail parties, poetry, and all kinds of Ordinary people do not have to stay at home, go out to the market to see the dragon and lion dance guessing riddles is lively.

At this time, in the city, the most important programs are nearing the beginning. Some poems have already hanged the first poem outside, and then some fixed broths will sing these poems. As for the largest poetry clubs, people are still coming in. When Su Taner goes out, the Panfu Gate, which holds the water-stopping poetry, is also a gathering of celebrities. On weekdays, Ning Yi and others play chess at the river. Qin Lao also put on a relatively formal dress today, accompanied by Xiao Yan Niang, and then led a large group of followers to meet: "Qin Gong is coming, Panfu is up and down... ..."

This person is now the Panjia family leader Pan Guangyan, but also the patriarchal minister and Hanlin bachelor Pan Mingchen's eldest brother, talent is also extraordinary, best at painting, especially the crane figure is a must, the average person respects a crane, but For this Qin old, he is still quite respectful. The two are similar in age. Qin Lao quickly smiled and said: "Don’t dare to be a daring. If you are still so gifted, I will not come again next time..."

"Haha, Qin Gong is still so funny... Right, Ming Gong has already arrived..." The two men chilled and walked inside.

Soon after, the water-stopping poetry began, and the six ships that had been docked on the most lively streets of the Qinhuai River slowly descended from the shore. A first poem was uploaded from various gatherings and spread throughout the city. In the city lights and yangko, the elegant atmosphere has become more and more intense, and the city's lively Mid-Autumn Night has only officially entered its climax.

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