MTL - Zhui Xu-~ Chapter 112 Breaking up (7)

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Remember [New] in a second! Time went back a little, and Li Yanfeng was running towards the east side of the chaotic battlefield. He could feel that there were mighty sound waves ringing from the rear.

Not only did the masters of the Great Bright Sect arrive, but Peng Tiangang finally organized a large-scale counterattack.

The two people who came from the rear relentlessly chased and killed were caught in wave after wave of fighting. Then after a while, he could turn around and take care of these two people.

He Wen is determined to go his own way, determined to set off a catastrophe in the entire Jiangnan. The situation in Jiangning no longer has anything to do with the direction of the overall situation. But with the emergence of the black flag, everything that happened here today will still bring great prestige to the participants of various small and medium forces in the future.

As long as he set foot in the vortex today, made some achievements, and then returned to Tongshan, he would be able to take advantage of this reputation to reach a higher level. After that, on the one hand, he relied on Liu Guangshi and Dai Mengwei, and on the other hand, he connected with Xu Zhaonan through his identity as the protector of the Great Brightness Sect, and became a bridge between the two sides. hand.

Of course, this time when he came to Jiangning and fought several times, there were still some strange things that he hadn't figured out yet, such as why the assassin who assassinated Gu Anhe came to assassinate him again... But after the battle with Black Flag At first, these little things are not important for the time being. .

He was thinking about the timing of the counterattack.

Then what appeared in front of my eyes was an extremely simple -


The black figure that suddenly appeared a few feet away one moment, has already appeared in front of the eyes the next moment. The steps driven by this figure make no sound, and all the sounds in the air seem to be swallowed by the sudden expansion of the black figure.

The hairs all over Li Yanfeng's body exploded.

At this moment, he was also rushing forward quickly, almost like a conditioned reflex, his figure shrank suddenly, and the figure of Little Monkey Fist changed. In his subconscious scream, it seemed that five people appeared at the same time. The six body shapes have to rush in different directions.

Martial arts have been passed down in the green forest for thousands of years, and most of the boxing techniques imitate the essence of the power of animals or utensils. In the moment between life and death, the monkey-shaped body that erupted from Li Yanfeng's body has reached perfection.

A punch came from the opposite side.

All the monkey-shaped frames on Li Yanfeng's body were closed at one point, and then the whole person seemed to explode, blasting forward. He was originally tall, but just now when the little monkey retracted his fists, his figure seemed to have turned into a little monkey rushing wildly, but at this moment, the little monkey exploded, as if turning into a sky-reaching demon ape. I can't blink an eye, and the strength of my whole body has been pushed to the limit.

This is the most powerful secret technique in the white ape's arm, Mo Yun hits the sky.

The terrifying posture of the demon ape only stretched for a moment.

With a bang, Li Yanfeng's body flew upside down, collapsing the broken rockery behind him, and amidst the flying stones, his body rolled backwards, rushing into the scattered dust and mud.

Not far away, the little monk chasing after him watched all this safely.

The series of movements that Li Yanfeng used just now, from shrinking to stretching, has already achieved the essence of the monkey shape. For martial arts practitioners, the agility of the monkey's fist and body frame to the majesty of the white ape's arms can make people feel ashamed. Insiders were amazed. However, the punching wind that hit was so fierce and powerful that Li Yanfeng had just stretched out, and when he was close to the peak, he was blasted to pieces all the fists.

So much so that the unusually fierce "moyun hit the sky" looked like a child who opened his hands and made a terrifying grimace the moment someone opened the door.

Then he was punched by others and flew out.

At that moment, the little monk seemed to see the master's relentless move with all his strength.

Li Yanfeng rolled on the ground, and before he stopped, the approaching black figure in a cloak had already stepped over Li Yanfeng's side, and when he spoke, it sounded gentle.

"Why is it early?"

These words were addressed to the soldiers of the Huaxia Army who came chasing and killing Li Yanfeng together with him. Not far away, the uncle of the Huaxia Army who used the iron palm smashed a minion of Heavenly Killer to the ground and said: "It's Young Master Long... who made an advance move."


The figure in the black cloak hesitated for a moment, and there seemed to be doubts in his words, but then he reacted, and saw him disappear in place, leaving only a little laughing sound in the air.

Who is this man...

The little monk was still confused, but immediately, he saw more figures in black cloaks roaring towards the east of his field of vision. "Wang" and other Fang tribes jointly built the direction, and what rolled over was the boiling sword light.

The little monk turned around and ran. In front of him, he knew that the master had already made a move, and he wanted to warn the master, telling the master that "the great master of the Huaxia Army has arrived." But the distance is far away, and it is already a bit late.


The masters under the command of "Yan Luo Wang" had already spread towards the forward position of the Huaxia Army, submerging dozens of soldiers of the Huaxia Army on the front line in the sea of ​​people.

Turning from the rear, Lin Zongwu, who was about to charge the core team of the Huaxia Army, suddenly bumped into a mountain.

This is the first time he has been stopped by someone since he entered the battlefield. Although the figure rushing all the way was temporarily blocked by the outer wall of the house, the masters who were watching this side from far and near, and even inspired by this demon-like figure, still noticed what happened on the second floor of the shop in the first place. crash.

The fierce fighting that erupted in an instant, first brought about a dull and low rumble like a storm, and then the things in the room caused the windows and walls to crack and deform, the floor slab twisted loudly and the waves surged in the movement and attack of the footsteps.

Immediately, the floor collapsed, and the two sank into the ground of the first floor in the fierce confrontation, and the sound of Lin Zongwu's roar rang out.

Most of the members who participated in this fight were well-known figures in the Jianghu, and because of this, most of the martial arts of many people on the battlefield can taste the taste of experts.

What Lin Zongwu has shown since his attack is a supernatural power that has never been seen in this world. During his collision, many masters, veterans, and even those who have been touted as masters many times, I am afraid that they would not dare to confront him head-on. There are also many masters in the Huaxia Army, and they are even fierce in character. They really want to stand in the front if they don't want their lives. It's not that they can't fight back. However, when the storm lasted for one or two breaths, Lin Zongwu failed to break through the opponent, and even Even the sound of destruction rumbled down the first floor. In the increasingly frightening exchange of hands, many people present couldn't help but change their expressions. They understood that this was the arrival of the Great Master of the Huaxia Army.

Intense counterattacks clashed in the shop, like the sound of heavy artillery and thunder. Amidst Lin Zongwu's long roar of "Ah—", two figures crashed into the wall at the back of the shop, and in a billow of smoke and dust, Lin Zongwu's punch was like a huge grinding wheel spinning, and the dust that rose from the wide sleeves of his robe was like a heavy cannon fired, blasting towards the upper body of the person coming from the opposite side.

On the opposite side, the man in the black cloak attacked with almost the same fierce punch. The two figures smashed through the back wall of the shop, passed through the narrow back alley, and then twisted the courtyard wall on the other side. Bounce back against the wall of the store.

The two figures shifted and shifted. If Lin Zongwu's body is like a giant Buddha or a mountain, the fists and feet blasted by the black shadow in the cloak are like thousands of dragon chants. The fierce grasping, tearing, and tripping kung fu dragged Lin Zongwu to fight left and right. When the distance is short, he grabs and tears with his hands, uses elbows as punches, and attacks fiercely. As long as the distance is slightly opened, the punches in his hands will spread out like a torrential rain, covering Lin Zongwu's upper body. The fighting style of power is similar to Li Yanfeng's white ape arm, but the combination of the black-robed man's boxing and body shape is more magnificent, and the range of stretching and hunting is wider, but it is like combining the fist frame of the dragon-shaped boxing with the cannon Hammer and spear skills, in just a short moment, his calm and unrestrained guru demeanor seemed to overwhelm Lin Zongwu faintly.

Of course, the confrontation and collision of the two figures was fierce and fast. In just a short moment, the storm transformed from the figures collided left and right three times in the alleyway behind the shop. In the sound, only a loud bang was heard, and the two attacking people separated after the most violent blow. Lin Zongwu stepped back into the shop, and the figure in the black cloak smashed through the wall of the courtyard on the other side, and cracked the blue bricks on the ground as he stepped back. The black cloak shook, tall and His figure did not fall down.

The billowing smoke and dust filled the air, and the walls of this courtyard were falling down one by one, and on the opposite side, the shop whose entire wall had been destroyed was also slowly beginning to collapse.

The battle ahead is still going on, but seeing the fierce and crazy scene here, the battlefield is far and near, and some of the masters who belong to the Great Light Sect and King Yama are quiet for a few breaths at this moment. Everyone looked at the man who stopped Lin Zongwu. At this time, he was wearing a black cloak of smoke and dust, and his scalp was numb.

Some people are thinking: Could it be that Mr. Ning has arrived?

Such thoughts did not last, and in the shop that started to collapse, Lin Zongwu laughed: "Haha." His voice was calm, and he said, "Chen Fan."

The voice fell heavily into the ears of everyone on the nearby battlefield, and it exploded like a thunderbolt, but compared to the first thought of many people, this name made people feel better.

Southwest and Jiangnan are separated by thousands of miles. Everyone in the green forest used to talk about the heart demon in the southwest or the blood-handed human slaughter, although they seemed relaxed, but if they were really enemies with the black flag, that Mr. Everyone believed in such a thing as a brazen attack at the stage and overwhelming the world.

Miao Jiang, Chen Fan, the deputy commander of the 29th Chinese Army, was the person who personally killed the Jurchen General Yin Shuke on the Tanzhou battlefield. Few people in the green forest knew about his origin, but most of them Some warriors are not very clear.

On the street, Peng Tiangang, the saber wielder of "Abi Yuantu", took two steps backwards, looking to the east of the street, there were more figures wielding long knives, slashing out from the other end of his field of vision. Compared with the Huaxia Army squad that had rushed into the battle before, the long knives in the hands of these figures in black cloaks looked more **** and rough, and they were setting off waves of blood along the street.

The defense line on the east side was originally where the Great Bright Sect and the "Runner King" were in charge. This team in black cloaks was originally the main force that the Black Flag was going to use to suppress Leader Lin.

I could only hear a voice in the air shouting ferociously: "Tiannan Badao, ask the Great Guangming Sect to pay back the old debt! Idle people wait! Get out of here—"

There are also masters on the defensive line here who couldn't bear the humiliation, and called out to meet them: "This is the territory of my Fair Party, what kind of ghost knife, don't go crazy!"

On the other side there was also a master who rushed out: "Then you will die!"

More than twenty years ago, rivers and lakes had not yet become a term that everyone could understand, and many people had not yet formed a strong memory of the green forest. Now only a few people vaguely remember that the Tiannanba Sword that Liu Dabiao was in charge of back then was like this domineering existence.

After the imperial forces headed by the Ministry of Punishment mobilized resources to kill Liu Dabiao with all their masters, Badaozhuang joined Fang La's command and became the main force of the Yongle Uprising, gradually breaking away from the scope of ordinary green forests. After the failure of the Yongle Uprising, the remaining 800 people in Badaozhuang returned to Miaojiang to recuperate. Afterwards, they participated in the Golden Temple and the Northwest Resistance. In fact, most of the old farmers in the past have been split up and joined the system of the Huaxia Army.

This is the name of Ba Dao, the last time it appeared in the disputes between the rivers and lakes.

In the courtyard, the black figure pulled back his cloak and threw it into the air amidst a cloud of dust.

"Fatty, your **** senior sister has been waiting for you for many years."

When the broken cloak was stretched in the air, below was Chen Fan's tall and strong figure. He shook his arms and looked towards the opposite side.

"I'll take you to see her."

On the opposite side, dilapidated shops are collapsing, dust and stones are collapsing and falling. In the shrinking darkness, Lin Zongwu stretches out his hand to grab a collapsed pillar, and then calmly pushes it away with one hand, causing a more violent collapse. Raise the dust.

He is laughing.

"Hahaha, Chen Fan, Chen Fan...well done."

The huge demon **** walked forward.

A person's life, going round and round, will leave many regrets. Throughout his life, Lin Zongwu once regarded martial arts as the most important thing in the world, thinking that one day he would become the strongest in the world, and everything would go smoothly and he would accomplish many great things, which would be praised by people all over the world.

His talent in martial arts is indeed extraordinary, and he touched the threshold of a master early, but now, looking back at the peak of his martial arts, none of the major things he wanted to do had really gone smoothly.

When he was still in the prosperous age, he wanted to carry the power of the Great Brightness Sect across the Central Plains, only to see some opportunities, and was killed by Ning Yi head-on in Zhuxian Town;

Facing troubled times, trying to turn the tide, he led hundreds of thousands of followers, but they were not the generals of the Jurchens;

Once wanted to challenge Zhou Tong to become famous, but Zhou Tong went to assassinate Nianhan and died in battle;

He wants to cooperate with others in politics, but in the end, he gets burned by a woman like Lou Shuwan. Even because his disciples are too miserable on the anti-golden battlefield, he can't use his own force to find trouble for the other party. ;

In Zhuxian Town, he once killed the traitor Qin Yuyuan, but later, with the various propaganda of the Black Banner Army, this may become the biggest stain and infamy in his life;

He and Ning Liheng had formed a dispute over Fang Qifo's matter, and their grievances have deepened since then, but until now, he has been unable to seek revenge from the other party, because the Black Banner Army defeated Jurchen Nianhan and Nianhan in the southwest. Xi Yin, if he kills the opponent on the grounds of personal grievances—let alone whether he succeeds or not—he will only leave a pile of infamy;

He even came to the south of the Yangtze River and was respected by Xu Zhaonan as the holy leader. In fact, it is not because of the lack of control over the Daguangjiao that the power has been left behind...

All these things, all the major things he wanted to achieve in the past few decades, seemed to be thwarted by such and such people, but he couldn't do any of them heartily.

After arriving in Jiangning, he lived in the New Tiger Palace, watching the chaos in the city amidst all kinds of reputations, but his heart became more and more peaceful.

The major events in this life are unfinished, and when you don't care so much about power, status, and praise, you can taste something in this chaotic turbidity.

Life is alive, drifting with the tide, and getting old, many things are not what you want to do, but what you should do. The Da Guang Sect can be thrown to Xu Zhaonan, it might not be a destination. Fortunately, disciple Ping An is very talented in martial arts and has a pure heart. He should be able to inherit the mantle. Shot unscrupulously and competed with it one or two.

And at the moment when Chen Fan appeared, he felt the boiling blood for the first time in a long time.

This is the strongest disciple who inherited Fang Qifo's mantle. He was also born with divine power since he was a child. He has been active in the battlefield these years and is in his prime. From him, he can see Fang Qifo at his peak.

Senior sister Sikong Nan died of his assassination.

Over the years, he has been unable to take revenge in the past.

First, the sons and daughters of the Jianghu are old, Chen Fan is a junior, seeking revenge for Fang Qifo, he can be regarded as dignified, as a person of the same generation as Fang Qifo, if he hits the door because of this, it is not considered decent, and it would be shameful to speak out.

Second, Chen Fan joined Black Flag and became a general on the battlefield, and later killed a Jurchen general on the battlefield. Such a character, like Ning Yi, cannot be settled with personal grievances.

But at this moment, he took the initiative to come here as a disciple of Fang Qifo and a member of Ba Dao.

In the opposite courtyard, the shade of the trees flowed, and in the shade of the trees, Chen Fan's figure was as heroic as Fang Qifo, who entered the main altar of the Manichaeism with Liu Dabiao and others more than 20 years ago. This is the heroism unique to the world, and it is something that the fat monk respects and pursues all his life.

This half-life pursuit of invincibility, the grievances and grievances with Fang Qifo, at this moment, can finally come together.

He felt the great joy in his life.

The supporting pillars collapsed and disintegrated with the heavy walls, and the dilapidated shop that was triggering a chain reaction suddenly raised huge smoke and dust. In the smoke and dust, "Magic Buddha" Lin Echan stepped out, waving his left arm lightly , just right to intercept a piece of blue brick falling from mid-air, and the blue brick was shot to the side like a cannonball. At this moment, half of the people on the battlefield heard his Buddha's name: "... Amitabha."

This Buddha's name is rich and full of joy, and it seems to be ringing in the ears of everyone nearby.

At the same moment, Chen Fan disappeared in place.


Two figures sank into the disintegrated ruins with a bang—

a little earlier.

Holding the musket he took over from his wounded comrade, Ning Ji ran at high speed on the battlefield.

Wang Nanda and another master chased after him, trying to kill all those with guns, but Ning Ji's steps were fast and agile. He ran away in the direction he wanted, always keeping a few positions away from the master who was chasing him.

The musket is effective in killing and killing, but it is not suitable for fighting alone. The most ideal situation is of course to drag the enemy to run around, let the comrades deal with the two flies, and then cooperate with the comrades. Although the battlefield is chaotic at this moment, he I am confident that as long as Yuwen Fit and the others see the situation on their side, they will definitely find an opportunity to make a move for themselves.

On the other hand, the "enemy of life" Lin Zongwu caused great damage, and if he found a chance, he had to shoot him no matter what to let him know what "the times have changed".

A few courtyards away, there were sounds of fierce fighting and destruction not far from UU Reading, which was extremely violent. When Lin Zongwu drank "Chen Fan", Ning Ji's eyes widened. Glaring, he desperately rushed to the roof not far away.

Rushed up to the ridgeline of the roof, shoveled the tiles, sank forward, half-kneeled, and raised the gun, the muzzle of the gun turned around following Lin Zongwu's voice.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and his eyes saw Lin Zongwu's waving arm when the dust rose.

Chen Fan's figure had suddenly disappeared.

I didn't see the fat monk's body, but the side of his head was pierced like thousands of fine needles, and maliciousness swept over him.

Just like in Chengdu last year, when he challenged Chen Fan with his brother and sister-in-law, he was on the line of life and death. Ning Ji didn't have time to think about it, and jumped to the side with all his strength.


The blue bricks flew over with a bang, and countless tiles and sawdust from the ridge of the roof flew up.

The cicadas feel it before the autumn wind moves.

At this moment, Lin Zongwu's mood was harmonious.

Holding the musket, Ning Ji fell from the roof in embarrassment.

Read The Duke's Passion