MTL - You’re Beautiful When You Smile-Chapter 87 city

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Nursery rhymes: "..."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Nursery rhymes: "..."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

The air seemed to solidify, and there was an indescribable sigh of breath around it... The nursery rhyme squinted and Lu Sicheng did not say anything, and the whole figure was like a frozen statue that was scared and crystal clear.

She even forgot to blink.

The heartbeat is gone.

Just like this, I looked at the person in front of me. For a long time, she smirked, and the voice suddenly became sharp: "Cheng brother troubles you to press the card. Cheng Ge, you can’t really stand it like this. You will be tired of being prepared to play a few times, telling you that I am not afraid this time, I am really not afraid -"

While saying "not afraid", he was scared to use the honorific words, and said that he was going backwards... until her whole person retreated to the door, and leaned back on the door, and quietly touched the door handle - The cold metal touched the hot palm, and she calmed down a little... Then she saw the man's face helpless, raised his hand and messed up his hair, and sighed deeply and fell back on the chair behind him.

- It seems that I don't know what to do next.

But what about him, now the nursery rhymes can't really control him, she just wants to take the door out, fleeing, and find a place to use his head against the wall to make himself awake, hurry up from this is a nightmare or paranoia Woke up in her dreams - so the nursery rhyme quietly opened the door behind her, and half of her body slanted out, she heard the majestic voice in the room: "Where? Go back to me."

Nursery rhymes: ".............................."


Three minutes later.

The nursery rhyme sat down opposite the chair opposite Lu Sicheng, staring at her head and looking at her captain with fear and fear, until the other person impatiently raised her head and looked at her, her tiger’s body shook After shrinking, the whole person is going to be small to the corner of the sofa, like a frightened fox.

Lu Sicheng: "What are you doing?"

Nursery rhymes: "..."

Lu Sicheng showed a mean expression: "What do you say, you are like this? Are you asking me to go into the house with me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s not like this expression, peacock courtship knows how to open the screen! How can you do this?"



"Do you agree with me when I am gentle?"


"Look, you are silent." Lu Sicheng frowned, looking at the uncomfortable "squeaky", "I really want to catch Jianyang or Xu Tailun to fight."

"...what are they?"

"Looking for a mirror and you will find that the expression on your face is terrible. I originally wanted to wait for at least one summer champion and then come up with it. As a result, I can see that expression is not enough. Waiting for another person like Xu Tailun, you can convert to the Buddha without waiting for the summer championship. After all, this circle of scum is really quite a lot." Lu Sicheng quickly paused after he finished speaking, as if he felt that he was wrong. Then, it’s a replenishment. “Not like me, I’m fine.”

Nursery rhymes: "..."

……this person.


".............................." The nursery rhyme shriveled in the corner of the sofa. "Then the summer champion will be put up again, and the time and place will be good, and I think this is a good idea."

"..." Lu Sicheng looked at her with the look of "you should take medicine."

"Do you have a principle for this person?"

"So when you last asked me if I was the perfect person without fear, I said no," Lu Sicheng curled his lips and still was that mean expression, just because this sneer became more mean, "if The end of the principle is that the woman who likes to go to the nunnery and knock on the wooden fish, then what should be done in principle? Pit yourself?"

............Woman who likes it.

The virgin eyes widened, and then she raised her hands again to cover her ears, thinking about not holding her eyes again, and finally slamming her hand, and she was stunned by Lu Sicheng.

From the silence of the nursery rhyme, Lu Sicheng gave her a look.

The expression on the face suddenly changed subtly.

The nursery rhyme felt that it was like a sour plum being thrown into a seven-hit drink.

"--So I am passionate, have you not liked me?"


Of course not.

The nurse moved her lips, and the subconscious refused to let it go. However, before she could open her mouth, she heard Lu Sicheng continue to say: "Why should I stand behind my chair and let me see the tone of the abandoned puppy?" A blind date object?"

"I didn't - what the hell, did you hear it?!" The nursery rhyme grabbed his chest and looked like a blind eye. "Mom, your headphones are not plugged in?!"

"It’s just a cut in the song, I accidentally heard it.” Lu Sicheng leaned back. "Isn't it good?"

Nursery rhymes: "..."

..............................A good fart?

Lu Sicheng paused: "Are you going to reject me?"

"...Don't dare."

"..." Lu Sicheng jumped and jumped up and sat up a little. "So, did you agree?"

"...and not."

"I know," Lu Sicheng nodded. "You are just owing nothing."

"Look!" The nursery rhyme immediately extended a finger and pointed at the tip of Lu Sicheng across the sofa. "It is this tone, the tone of the captain, the tone of the team tyrant, the tone of the father - whatever is good, It’s not like the boyfriend’s tone, ah, I said that the boyfriend’s tone didn’t say that you are, what is your lips, and put it down!”

The words have not yet fallen, the person sitting on the opposite sofa suddenly sat up, and the long arm stretched out the fingers of the nursery rhyme - the cold fingertips were surrounded by a large hand with a little temperature, and the nursery rhymes "snapped" for a moment. After reacting, after returning to God, the face is red like a cooked shrimp!

"Can you do as well as your boyfriend, at least give you a chance to try it, you can know, eh?" Lu Sicheng pulled her finger.


Nursery rhymes stared at their fingertips, thinking, what shake you, don't shake my fingers, don't "hmm", what old man is spoiled? This is a foul.

Let go of the nursery rhyme, the man stood up and licked her head: "Let's think about it."


"Give you two hours to consider, before 9 pm."

This person, the confession is so embarrassing.

" it is nine o'clock in the evening."

"Because it is related to whether I can have a good dinner."

Lu Sicheng finished, turned and went out... leaving the nursery rhyme left at the door for a while, then she suddenly bent down and slammed her face, and the whole person rushed to the sofa and went to change it. Come and go, until the Chad sofa was "sweet" shift, she stopped, took a deep breath and told herself: to be calm.

.......................................... Even if faced with such a landslide, she could not calm down.


The nursery rhymes have been messing around for a while in the lounge.

Soon after the interview, the nursery rhymes and Lu Sicheng entered the interview room. The long sofas each occupied one side - not to mention physical contact, even eye contact.

Lu Sicheng leaned down on the sofa and sat down with one hand and looked down on the left.

The nursery rhyme is sitting in front of the kindergarten pupils who wait for the little red flowers to look straight ahead.

The reporters looked at each other and did not know that the people in the Chinese telecom team did not agree - if this is the case, then today's interviews can be done without it - they seem to be able to write three pages in the light.

Reporter's question:

Tong Tong: "You can't generalize, there are also good Korean aids, such as the huawei team's fight... cough, such as the yqcb team's ad and wild, and some other Korean aid."

Lu Sicheng: "The palliative is not a cure, and the eagerness to seek success. If you want to be strong in the competition, you should not rely too much on Korean aid."

Reporter's question:

Nursery rhymes: "Strengthen management, or look at the club."

Lu Sicheng: "There is no conscious, unconscious, the club can't control it. - Also, it must be said that this is not related to foreign aid. In the same situation, domestic players also have."

Reporter's question:

Lu Sicheng: "Subtle coexistence, moderate distance."

Nursery rhyme: "Knowing the positioning, as a person who intervenes in other people's feelings, both the man and the woman are unforgivable; and as a fan, you should also polish your eyes to see if you like the player you are wearing with an irrational beautification filter. From simple love worship to distorted possessiveness, it is a very dangerous thing that is not respected."

Reporter's question:

Nursery rhymes: "Because they are young people, personality and three views have not yet been determined. If you are in contact with society too early, you are easily guided by mistakes. Just like when you are reading, we often provoke teachers to be angry. This is no way. I hope everyone can restrain it a bit?"

Lu Sicheng: "I don't know, anyway, my life style is very good, it is a good man worthy of entrustment."

The man’s voice was not rushing, and the nursery rhyme looked firmly at his eyes and suddenly drifted to the side—

At this time, I did not find any reporters who were not sure about it, so they laughed and looked optimistic and carefree. I felt very envious of the virginity that felt so painful at this time.

I don’t know if Lu Sicheng’s answer inspired the reporters. They actually raised a very terrible problem.

The people who were sitting at the ends of the sofa suddenly exchanged their eyes in unison.

Lu Sicheng: "Why not?"

Nursery rhymes: ".............................."

Lu Sicheng turned to look at the nursery rhymes and asked directly: "Don't you?"

The nursery rhyme grabbed a corner of the sofa cover: "I don't know."


The virginity of the interview ended in the end. I didn’t know it. At the end, I was full of brains, "Don’t you? Don’t you, don’t you? Don’t you?”... Finally, she was mad by such ear worms, and she talked nonsense in the interview. I can’t remember, I only know that when the interview is over, it looks like it’s more urgent than urgency.

Go to the bathroom and wash my face and calm down.

When she carefully debugged her expression in the mirror, walked out of the bathroom and climbed the bus parked in the parking lot. She was ready to clear the voice and looked at the car, then found... oh, her captain was not there.

Tong Yan’s eyes: "...Captain?"

Staff: "Go."

The nursery rhythm is dumbfounded: "Where... Where is it?"

Staff: "Who knows, after the interview, he hurried away, is it estimated that he is an appointment? And he was driving by himself."

The nursery rhyme "squeaked" and looked down at the time. At 8 o'clock in the evening, there was one hour left at nine o'clock. It took about 45 minutes to get back to the base from the competition venue - no traffic jams - That is to say, some people have said that they have to wait for her answer before 9 pm, but have not waited for her to have a chance to say something, he has already ran.


Lu Sicheng, do you know that a single dog in a lifetime is like a long dog?

Look up the mirror tomorrow morning and you will know.

The nursery rhyme threw the bag on the chair, and sat down with anger. When she drove back to the base for more than 40 minutes, she was already angry for a round and was preparing to start the second round.

The car parked at the base of the base is 8:40.

The nursery rhyme jumped off the bus, waved to the staff, went to the base slippers and opened the computer to hold the big cake. When she looked at the bottom right corner of the computer, at 8:45, the seat next to her was empty - Lu Sicheng had not returned yet.

Tong Tong looked out the phone, no text messages, no missed calls.

Nursery rhymes hold the cat and sit down in the position, silent.

The restlessness is like a small volcano that is about to erupt.

"Children, have you eaten?"

"Not hungry."

"silg, double row?"


"Have you fed the cat?"

"Hungry, lose weight."

At 8:50, the engine sound of the car sounded outside the base.

If the nursery rhyme can stand up, she will probably stand tall on her head. She will take the chin off the head of the big cake and look out the door. After five minutes, the door is ringing. At 8:55, Xiaopeng said: "The captain is back, Miss Sister Tang is going to open a door."

Everyone is busy, except the daunting virginity.

She "snapped" and threw the big cake on Lu Sicheng's chair and stood up to open the door.

At this time, there was still a pouring rain that seemed to be unable to stop. When the nursery opened the door, the person standing outside was carrying a piece of water vapor. He might have come back from the parking lot, and the coat was soaked. The hand was tucked in the pocket, and the sweater was pulled with a zipper... When the door was pulled open and looked at the person who appeared behind the door, he was silent and asked, "How come back without changing clothes? The base air conditioner is low, cold. ""

Close your ass, the cat is crying.

The nursery rhyme thought very hard.

More silently, the door was opened and let go to the side - but what I didn't expect was that the person standing by the door did not come in. He just raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. The time was: "Now is Beijing time eight. Point fifty-eight minutes and thirty seconds."

Nursery rhymes: "..."

He actually reported his face.

Lu Sicheng: "Your answer is?"

Nursery rhymes: "I-"

Before the opening of the nursery rhyme, Lu Sicheng interrupted her. The man used to be drowning in the sound of the rain, and said, "I want to answer again." The nursery rhyme is inexplicable. As a result, Yu Guangyi suddenly found himself standing in front of her. The guy’s chest part seems to have an unnatural bump...

As her eyes swept over, the bulge moved and moved again, and then a beautiful short-haired cat stumbled from a half-opened zipper with a furry head and directed at the nursery rhymes. Hey, it sounded.

The nursery rhyme stared at the little milk cat. The whole person was stiff in front of the base. She narrowed her eyes: "........................ This is-"

"Well," Lu Sicheng said. "Although the Qing team is a bit far away, I managed to bring the cat back back."


"Beijing time is 8:59:30, 30 seconds later, if I am still single, you will have no new cats-"

Lu Sicheng’s words have not yet fallen.

The man who stood still in the same place had already slammed his arms open, and hard and hard to hug the man in front of him who was half his head higher than himself. The voice of the man stopped suddenly, and he felt that he bumped into his chest. And the warm nose.

He narrowed his eyes and raised his lips.

Nursery rhymes: "..."

The nursery rhyme raised his face and looked up at the man's chin: "Why don't you hold me backhand?"

Lu Sicheng "oh", but before he could move, he felt that his baby was taken away by the person who had been shrunk in his arms. At the same time, the man pushed him away ruthlessly - the nursery rhyme slammed back. Three steps, looking back at the thief-like look at the other people in the base: everyone is playing games in focus, and no one looks at the corridor.

Under the warm light, she was holding a cat and her face was flushed.

Lu Sicheng leaned against the door and looked at her.

She frowned. "Look at the fart."

He raised his eyebrows: "My cat and my people, how do you see how to look."

"...who is your person, you shut up, and the cat threatens people to be heroes."

"The soldiers are not deceptive, look at the murderous face when you open the door. Without this cat, can I still enter the door tonight?"


Since ancient times, people have been unable to keep their hearts.

Read The Duke's Passion