MTL - You’re Beautiful When You Smile-Chapter 80

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Lu Sicheng is discussing today's game with his teammates. The voice is not too slow or slow, without much emotion. If it is not listening to his own voice, this tone says a boring data, like a teacher on a blackboard in the summer. The same chemical formula is written -

In addition to hypnosis, who should listen carefully?

... partial preferences like everyone listens very seriously.

As the virgins licked the rice, they felt that they were in a strange circle.

- Her eyes always follow someone unconsciously, but for some special reason, she knows that she should not do this... Lu Sicheng, whom she had seen before she did not play a career, was the match on the field, propaganda If you are able to mix your entertainment, you will rarely see fans occasionally in the live room.

Until one day her daily seat was arranged next to him.

She saw that he wore clothes that didn't know if it was **** early in the morning, squinting his **** and going downstairs to open the refrigerator to find cola or yogurt;

She has seen his hair as a chicken coop;

She has seen that his unshaven is not trimming;

She has seen him because of the darkness of the night and dark circles, like a ghost upper body -

She had heard that he was too tired to lie on the sofa because he was too tired of watching the video of the game. Now, half of the small books of the nursery rhyme are Lu Sicheng’s messy and scribbled notes. When he is in the meeting, he will hold the book and say some data. : Although the nursery rhyme is very suspicious, is he really understanding what he has written...

She has seen him hiding cigarettes under Xiaorui's fire-eye jingjing. Although he rarely touched this thing recently, "violation of the team rules" seems to be one of his hobbies...

She had seen him beat the rank mentality explosion, and in the mouth, all the four teammates except himself were classified as "mental" and then hanged up and hanged from the master one night...

She had seen him rushing to the toilet, had to stand up and play games, then took the five kills and quickly ended the game and rushed into the toilet. Finally, he yelled inside, "Who took the paper, and took the paper," and licked the pants. Hurrying out...

- However.

Even if this is the case, after she faded the light of "idol", she found that she was still attracted to it... even the look of the paper towel with the trousers can be classified as "cute", it would be very troublesome. .

Nursery rhymes: "..."

Put the shrimp on the chopsticks into the mouth, and the nursery rhymes are chewing on the food. If she silently tells her that she is smart, she will not be led by Lu Sicheng.

Until a cup of cola with floating ice and a mist of water on the wall of the cup was placed in front of her.

The ice cubes collided with each other to make a subtle "beep" sound. The bubbles on the surface of the cola burst and splashed. The nursery rhymes paused. She inexplicably looked at a pair of dark brown scorpions... The latter looked calm: "Don't you drink?"

The nursery rhyme thought about it. This time, when she remembered the end of the afternoon game, she walked all the way to the parking lot and was hot enough. When she climbed the car, she said nothing. She wanted to drink Coke and there was ice in the kfc. That kind of.

...he actually heard it.

The nursery rhyme took a small sip from Coke, the sweetness of the drink bursted along the tip of his tongue to the throat, and she drank a big sip, then put down the cup and sat down with satisfaction: "Don't think that a cup of cola can buy me, don't hate it." You kept me outside the door and fed the mosquitoes for more than an hour."

Lu Sicheng: "Yeah."

Nursery rhymes: "It's mad."

Lu Sicheng reached out and licked her head: "Drink your cola."

The nursery rhymes picked up the cup.

The cold liquid is in balance with the temperature of her hot palm, and she finds that she can't put the Coke cup down at all -

Although she knows that girls are not good at drinking ice, drinking Coke will gain weight.

Can't drink ice cola, there is no advantage in drinking anything, Mard - thinking so in my heart, the nursery rhyme raises his neck, drinks a cup of drink in his hand, and transparent ice cubes are poured into his mouth. The teeth bite and squeak.

For this kind of dialogue between the mental hospital and the patient in the ward, the nursery rhyme refused.


But soon the nursery rhymes did not have any thoughts to remember the problem of Coke or telegraph pole or Chinese garden dog.

Before going to bed at night, Xiaorui helped the team to make an appointment for a training match with the Korean carrier team on Wednesday. This team was called "bo5 God of War", the traditional strong team in the Korean Division -

The pool of player heroes in each position can almost be described by "all". It is almost impossible to target them in the ban&pick session... often feel that your pick selection has restrained the corresponding position in the last second. Heroes, they often get another hero who also played this position, you never thought about it before, but think about the skills and features that really can resist your choices - and you want to restrain The hand selection was placed in another position.

Even this hand-changing seems to be just trying to restrain your corresponding position hero, and suddenly changed from passive to active.

- This is a trick that the op team often pulls out, shocking and admiring.

And the nursery rhymes are more concerned about the op single team players - their single player Jin Yuguang is an old player who has been playing for the op team for five years from the trainee. From s2 to s6, he is the cap of the op team. The person grows tall and fat, and some people call him "the hero of the sea of ​​the op hero", meaning that although he is not the most carrying one, but in his game, the op is like eating a reassurance, even if he has lost In the two games, I can still make the second chase three.

- The "bo5" Ares title of the op team is inseparable from this player.

There are a total of two training games, one nursery rhyme, one Lu Yue, this is to prepare for this year's world competition, facing the Korean strong team, only flexible changes can make the team go further - for this, nursery rhymes Lu Yue has no objection. After the last virginity was banned, Lu Yue has used his own actions to show that he is a qualified and keep up the pace of the team, and the nursery rhyme has been chasing him behind him. Dare to give up your training time...

The so-called early sleep when I first entered the team has long been a cloud. It is normal to go to the middle of the night every day. When I climb down from the computer, her brain is empty, only walking and replenishing.

So for the training game on Wednesday, don't be embarrassed in front of the Korean sea gods, thinking that not only must kill at least five or five, but after determining the training plan before going to bed on Sunday, the nursery rhyme sat in his position the next day. Didn’t move on...

By the way, the live broadcast time is not a good time.

Because the king's game version can't be double-row after the game version is updated in June, she has been training with Lu Yue's number and the old k-nano field. Lu Yue is using her king's number to single row.

In addition to eating time or occasionally someone standing up to drink water, there are very few voices in the base, and the sound of the mouse and keyboard dominates everything. The rest is the communication between nursery rhymes and old k-

"The third level is to catch it, the other side of Casadin, then you can't catch it."

"I have a look, I have seen this ad, he likes to signal on the way down, and if he doesn't come, he will be crazy."

"Don't ignore him, don't ignore him."

"If you ignore him, he will type."

"Afraid of a fart, you can't read Korean."


At the beginning of a new game, the nursery rhymes are broken and the old k said teammates are bad. At this time, Lu Sicheng, who was sitting next to her, just finished playing a game, throwing the mouse up and moving up the wrist, standing behind the nursery rhyme. Seeing that she started to line up, she took a sip of water in front of the cup in front of her, and took a breath of water, and the man’s movement suddenly broke.

Then quickly put down the cup, coughed a few times in the bathroom and started brushing your teeth.

When Lu Sicheng came back, he still had the mint flavor of toothpaste. He reached out and knocked on the table of the nursery rhyme: "The opposite side of the field has already taken the f4 in the upper half of the field, indicating that a group of wild monsters have been brushed, your line of soldiers. The pressure is so deep, is it waiting to be gank? If you choose to play a poodle on Wednesday, you will be directly cleared."

Nursery rhymes: "...ban poodle."

Lu Sicheng: "There are widows, nightmares, scarecrows, how do you let your fist give you ten bans?"

Nursery rhymes: "..."

Immediately operate your own hero to withdraw.

Old k: "You two of the two singles are different, and Lao Tzu is still tired of waiting for two people to play. I suggest that the team also arrange a substitute for me."

Lu Sicheng: "You are the first professional player who asks for a substitute. Do you still have a dream?"

Old k: "..."

There is a bunch of barrage floating overhead -


"I still have a barrage, shut it down, concentrate on training, and see what they do nonsense."

Lu Sicheng said as he picked up his own cup and posted it on the face of the nursery rhyme. The nursery rhyme was shocked by the cold, and he shrank his neck and slipped a gun. She screamed: "Lu Sicheng !What are you doing!"

"Call this and give me a cup."


"With me drinking cat hair inside," Lu Sicheng said faintly. "Summer is here. I don't know that people who are not caring know that small animals will lose hair. Can you take your cat to a pet shop for a bath?"

The nursery rhyme pushed his hand holding the cup: "You still know that you have no love."

Lu Sicheng eyes still staring at the computer screen nursery rhyme: "So now you've considered not beat the overflowing love - the opposite three, how old you are still wild brush k to gank ah?."

Old k, nursery rhyme: "..."

Tong Yu really finished this ranking under Lu Sicheng's mean eyelids. After the game, she stood up and looked for her cat. Finally, under Lu Sicheng's computer, she saw a fat cat holding a man's slippers and sleeping: The hair that had been combed in the morning was a poke of Dongqiao Xiqiao, and the nursery rhyme took it up and rushed to the outside yard of the base and combed the hair under the sun, watching the cat hair flying in the sun. After a sneeze, I decided to listen to Lu Sicheng’s words and take a big cake to take a bath tomorrow.


The next morning, I got up and called to make an appointment with a nearby pet grooming parlour. I put the reluctant cat into the pet box and squatted.

When the nursery rhyme found the pet shop, it was 10 am, because it was a working day, so there were not many people in the store. There was only one guest... The nursery rhymes pushed the door and just reported their mobile phone number, and then they felt that the atmosphere in the store did not seem to be Too right -

She paused and looked up and looked at the only guest in the pet shop. At this moment she was sitting in a chair playing with a mobile phone, next to a cushion, a kitten lying on it... ... In fact, it is accurate that the girl and the cat are in a bad state of mind.

"I know you." She suddenly said, "Is the zgdx team in the middle?"


"I met in the flower and bird market that day," the girl smiled and said, "I am with Tyron."

Tong Tong also recognized her coming -

But not because of people, it is because of the cat.

I handed the cake to the pet shop staff. She went to the girl and asked, "What happened to the cat?"

"There was a cold, and there was too much mental stress brought to the base. I really shouldn’t take it to the cinema that day." She stood up and said, "Tylenco didn't have time to take care of it, just give it to me." Let me bring a pet hospital... Hey, but I still have to go to work today, I have to go to the company to make a card in a while, what should I do? Can you temporarily help me look at it? I will pick it up later. ""

The nursery rhyme looked at the cat and looked at the girl who had already reached the door. She extended her finger and carefully touched the kitten's head: "If you don't want to raise it, don't buy it."

The girl paused, "Well," and then turned and went outside -

"Girl, do you know what Xu Tailun said when he was on the air?"

The man who walked to the door suddenly stopped. She looked back at the nursery rhyme and then faintly said, "I heard it."


The nursery rhyme does not speak.

Watching her leave.

Children take out their mobile phones -

ten minutes later.

The pet shop staff pushed the door in and said to the nursery rhyme: "Little girl, your boyfriend drove to pick you up and your cat. You didn't tell him clearly. Your cat just started washing. How is he so anxious?" ”

Nursery rhymes: ".............................."

The author has something to say: Come here, mom, dragging the tired body to update

Let's take a message to encourage ah ah ah ah ah ah

Read The Duke's Passion