MTL - You’re Beautiful When You Smile-Chapter 66 city

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"You have to be shameless, what can't you say, actually hit a woman?!"

In the woman’s scream, the nursery rhyme ignored her, but she turned back and rubbed her foot and touched Lu Sicheng and touched the water. In fact, a bottle of mineral water is not itchy or painless, but it is to give her gas. It’s awkward, when it’s too late, when the nursery rhyme got out of Lu Sicheng’s arms like a muddy – she just took a step forward like Godzilla, and she didn’t have time to do it. At this time, I heard Lu Sicheng. The voice screamed and chubby, and his assistant immediately reached out with a tacit understanding and pulled the nursery rhyme again to lift it up...

Everyone said that she was fat on weekdays. The key moment is that individuals can lift her up.

"As long as you are a woman, which one of your eyes looks at me like a man? Well, can you tell me something you can understand? This big exhibition is all about people. Where do I go to find a dog for you?" translation?"

The nursery rhyme was caught by Xiaopeng, and she stretched her short leg and kicked her foot in the air. Xiaopeng took her back and retreated. Lu Yue was on the side and gave Lu Sicheng a paper towel to wipe the water.

And the woman was also pulled by other showgirls, and several people were holding her hands, and they were also persuaded -

“It is normal for the guests to have inconvenient changes. What do you participate in?”

“Everyone is taking money, but why are the guests called guests? Because people are really invited...”

"Don't talk about it."

"Really, there is something about you. People are discussing with the host what you are plugging in. Before giving you a seat, don't say thank you..."

As I said, it was probably heard that some of the part-time people did not agree with her. At this time, the showgirl was about awesome. She grabbed her hand and rushed up on the high heels - but when she was When she was just raised and not falling, she was buckled by a great force next to her. She rubbed her head and looked up at a pair of indifferent dark brown cockroaches - the tall man was still wet, he hanged down. Looking at her: "Is it finished?"

The fierce gaze saw her subconsciously shrinking.

The man’s words have just fallen.

There was a little shorter behind him, and the boy who grew up like a few hair dyed green was coming up. She took her arm out of the man’s hand and pushed her by the force. Put, his face still smiled and said: "Don't look for something."

It’s just that the laughter is also a look of people, and there is no more amiableness than the person who first stopped her.

At this point, seeing so many people stop, this showgirl is not good to say anything, one foot flipped over the chair next to it, throwing the next sentence, "I don't do it, a group of brains are broken", and my arms are headed up to the outside of the lounge. -

After two steps, she was squatted from the ankle that suddenly came out from the side. She squatted down and found that the people in the room looked at each other innocently. I didn’t know who did it for a while. It was only loud. He snorted again, "brain-dead", turned and opened the door of the lounge and left!

Everyone: "..."

Five seconds later, everyone in the lounge was fixed in place, and the entire lounge was still and silent.

Until Xiaopeng raised his hand and patted the head of the nursery rhyme: "Make it."

The nursery rhyme came out of his arm and bent over. When he was just swearing, he was kicked by the high heels. He didn’t talk... Lu Yue looked down at her for a while and smiled: "Okay, you give A wave of rhythm that I bring, at least one month's salary is deductible."

"Nothing is ok, I will talk to the club over there... No one wants to see it today."

Xiaorui came out to play the round field. In fact, his position in this place was the most embarrassing. He was sandwiched between the club and the players. He couldn’t take the initiative to show his position. Of course, he also felt that the activities of this series were very brain-dead. But at this time, he is also the most incapable of jumping out to speak...

So today he is passive all day.

At this point, everyone saw a chicken flying dog jump for a moment, finally relaxed, a few showgirl around to ask the nursery rhymes have nothing to do, the host is also playing in the round field... Only Lu Sicheng took the program to go to the corner and took a picture with a mobile phone Photographed, and then threw the program list - the nursery rhyme turned to see his back is still wet, frowning, smashed a bag of paper towels from his pocket, and walked over to Lu Sicheng.

"The event is still coming up according to the list," Lu Sicheng took the paper towel, but did not look at the nursery rhymes. "Little fat and old k and Lu Yue, you did not have a hand injury and followed the host to go to the game, and the rest went back. ""

The nursery rhyme rounded his eyes: "I still do it? Then I just tossed something in the sky -"

The words were still gone, and the rest of the complaints were returned to the stomach by a calm scan of Lu Sicheng.

The host was so troubled, and now Lu Sicheng loosened his mouth and did not dare to say anything else. You have to participate in this kind of words, just like catching a life-saving straw and saying it quickly, even thank you. Then, pulling Lu Yue, Xiaopang and Lao K, who are afraid of who regretted, rushed to the stage -

When the outside activity sounds again.

The rest of the lounge seemed to be quiet.

Lu Sicheng sat in the corner and pinched the paper towel that the nursery rhyme handed over without talking or useless. The surrounding air pressure was a little bit of honey. The nursery rhymes and the old cat looked at each other with horror. They were fidgeting as if the stool under the buttocks had suddenly stabbed. - The nursery rhythm smashed up the messy chairs on the ground, and then followed them on the bus behind Xiaorui's buttocks, and carefully changed the uniforms for Lu Sicheng like a little **** holding a robes.

In the lounge, handed Lu Sicheng, she whispered: "Cheng Ge, you change clothes first."

Lu Sicheng played the action of the mobile phone and looked up at her. He said nothing but took the clothes and stood up and went to the bathroom. When he pushed the door of the lounge, he ordered only the smoke in the lips. No one dared to stop him.

"..." Next to the old cat, "Cheng brother hasn't smoked for a long time."

"Well, it is estimated that the cigarettes are under pressure," the old cat nodded seriously. "Otherwise, how to release the power of the body that wants to slap you up, it is impossible to smash, take the belt and beat it, just have to Tobacco, deducting wages and calming down..."

While talking, while looking out the door, at this time the man will smoke two cigarettes directly in the corner of the trash can and then extinguished.

Old cat: "Imagine that cigarette is your head."

Nursery rhymes: "..."

The nursery rhyme accidentally remembered what Lu Sicheng had said to her on the plane yesterday. Then she reacted: her captain was probably really angry with her.

........................ This **** is hard to do.

The nursery rhyme never tried to get through a captain who was angry with himself -

The old driver faced a miserable situation for the first time.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

activity ends.

As it turns out, paper can't hold fire.

On the way to the airport after the event, the nursery rhymes sneered at the microblogging fire that screamed. Weibo whipped several whistles about the players of the League of Legends China Telecom team, and they didn’t want to cooperate with them. The female player is more than a word to do it -


This is probably the biggest rhythm of the nursery rhymes entering the team for more than a month.

For a time, whether it was Weibo, Post Bar or all major entertainment platforms, the people who were eating the melons were rumored to be onlookers, and they said everything at the time.


The nursery rhyme comments forwarded over and looked at it, and the heart was like water.

Looking back and looking at Lu Sicheng, I didn't sleep in the car for the first time, and I didn't know what I was doing with my mobile phone. - Nursery rhymes hope that he is not looking at these gossip messages that seriously discuss whether she is a madman.

Short-necked, the nursery rhymes who knew that they were doing something wrong were quiet and shivering in the corner, sitting in the car and watching the news of the major media about her and showgirl... It’s about half past three, The nursery rhyme finally waited for the call from the top of the club. She first took Xiaorui to a dog blood sprinkler, and then let Xiaorui call the nursery rhyme. Then the two nodded and looked at the brothers and sisters together. Finally, the club deducted the nursery rhymes for two months. Wages and bonuses, and are ready to blame on the wall of the official blog, by the way announced to ban her.



The nursery rhyme frowned and frowned, and he promised to go back and think about it -

Say no, she is also really dissatisfied.

However, when it comes out, not all things can be solved with temperament. The club has done this at a glance. The punishment can be big or small. It can be said that it is not painful... The nursery rhyme hangs up the phone again. I picked up my mobile phone and brushed down my own Weibo. Many people sent private messages to her, and they were also ugly. What was careful, rude, and lost the face of the girl?

She has seen it before.

Although he is doing it himself, it’s not a bad thing to be so sad. He can only spit it out with this yang, otherwise she doesn’t know what to do at this time: because the onlookers don’t know what happened in the afternoon, just Listen to the showgirl's side words.

She is arguing.

Today, Yang listened to her slamming a few words in the banyan hole, and directly yelled at the phone: "Who is not a mother who is not a big public squad, how is it? Is there a problem with your mouth? How did you not beat her at that time?" A slap - Ai Jia, you grab my phone again!! Roll away! Don't make trouble!"

"You don't want to ignite this hurricane," Ai Jia's voice faintly came from the phone. "This can't be done by sex. You don't see how the outside rhythm comes with it..."

"I saw it, so I said that there are not many of her two slaps really losing money," the voice of Jinyang returned to the phone, probably because she violently snatched her own phone. "This year, women can't sanction women." Didn't the little people at the end of the day go to heaven? Tell the quality of the little sly who are looking for something?... I said Mulan, if you are so mad, it seems as if the suffocating tone of the banned game is awkward?"

The nursery rhymes raised their heads and carefully looked at themselves behind them, then "squeaked" and turned back to lower the voice and said as a thief: "...our captain is too angry."

Jin Yang: "What is he angry with?"

Nursery rhyme: "It seems that yesterday I just said that I have to be a good person, don't bring my own rhythm - and then twelve hours later, I was banned."

Jin Yang: "...that is quite dead, and I am expected to be mad at you."

Jin Yang: "But it's not right. Why don't you explain it? Is it boring?"

The nursery rhyme thought about it, not that she couldn’t say it, but that she knew that what she said at this time was like a sophistry, and she didn’t have any persuasive power...

I tangledly made a phone call with Jinyang, and poured a few barrels of bitter water. The nursery rhyme went to the airport at 4:30 in the afternoon to get into an internal injury. The bus arrived at the airport and was ready to return to Shanghai.

When she got off the bus, she received this morning WeChat -

The nursery rhyme took a lip-sucking angle and guessed what Jinyang was saying and opened Weibo. Sure enough, the official microblog of zgdx has hung her body on the wall -

Above, this is the content of the announcement.

The public relations text is standardized with "ambiguous words", and then the punishment is banned, and the salary is paid - originally, although there are still people who do not care about the truth, want to know what madness is mad, but the official ignores it. It has already come to the end of this matter.

However, at this time, things reversed.

When Guan Bo’s punishment announcement came out, suddenly there was a new Weibo vest that was bought by a certain treasure in the comment area. It didn’t say anything, just sigh it, and distributed the afternoon to the guest’s hand. The photo of the activity list that was not known to be forgotten by the nursery rhyme was sent out, and the word: the truth?

This reply was quickly praised as the top first on Weibo.

Countless people follow the reply below -

"This is awkward"

"What is going on?"

"What do I want to hold this princess";

"Don't tell me that our nursery rhymes are because they refused the princess to hold this interactive link and provoked the showgirl who did not know who to go to, and the mother was deducted from the salary";

"This game.................. spit, vulgarity is not vulgar? Did you finally do it? Your club management allows players with hand injuries to do this kind of interaction. Is there a shi?"

In the first time, someone took this screenshot and posted it on the forum water experience, with a title -

The post replies hundreds of times!

People said that this reversal in the afternoon was very exciting!

With this in mind, more people stood up. This time, more vocalists were on the scene of the zgdx team fans. Everyone proved that this event was really done in the afternoon, and it was embarrassing!

What is more powerful is that some people directly recorded the video screen of the old k who held the showgirl to play the game. In the video, I clearly heard the fans shouting "What is this playing?" "It's disgusting" "Don't do it." , we don't want to see one" -

The old k running around in the video is just like a mountain.

At this time, whether it is a fan of the zgdx team, everyone’s winds suddenly rushed in the opposite direction. “Disgusting” “club management brain damage” “I thought that the day before the game was very brainless and I thought it would be more brain-dead. In the back, "this kind of voice is endless -


The nursery rhymes roughly looked at the reposting post of the post, quit, and open the microblog.

Some of the people who had been particularly embarrassed before, she honestly believed that she apologized.

In addition, there are a lot of fans who look at the avatar and id, probably a little girl, to thank her and bluntly, "I can't imagine how it would be if Cheng Ge (old cat) did this activity..."

The nursery rhyme exited Weibo, looked at the teammates sitting in the waiting room, stood up from the seat, raised his hand and shook his mobile phone, and asked: "Who did the program list?"

"I do not know."

"Not me, I was very busy at the time."

"I am holding you, my sister, how can I have time to do this detail?"

"Which staff? The master of rhythm, the backhand is the cloud and the rain, and the public opinion is played between applause in an instant-"

The nursery rhyme teammates talked openly, Lu Yue looked at the nursery rhyme with a smile and said, "Welcome to my world"; sitting next to him, Lu Sicheng wearing headphones, sweater hat covered with half Face, cold, this face is closing your eyes...

"Although I don't know who it is, Big Brother, you are my benefactor, thank you, really." Nursery rhymes leaned against the teammates and all the staff, hehe, "and today's business is troublesome, sorry."

"Just say this."

"Don't worry, I will live long!"

"It's not me, who is standing up, we can't say that we are married with an excitement..."

The teammates screamed, snoring and snoring, and the airport radio rang the boarding pass.

At this time, Lu Sicheng opened his eyes, took off the headphones and walked into the pocket and stood up. He glanced at the teammates who immediately closed their mouths: "Come on board, go back to training, prepare for tomorrow's game."

After that, he kept his eyes moving past the nursery rhyme and headed for the boarding gate.

The virginity is stunned, looking at the man’s straight and self-contained back with frost and snow.

... very good.

Her captain is still angry.

Read The Duke's Passion