MTL - You’re Beautiful When You Smile-Chapter 186

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() The game of life and death is about to begin.

In the general game, after winning two consecutive wins, he was chased by two. From the mentality, zgdx is much more stressed than the tat team...

As the captain, Lu Sicheng did not say anything.

Just before the official start of the game, the man was in front of the game and the supervision of the tat team was also his old knowledge of jroom. A few words - jroom is a Bole, when he was in charge of the public, he will Lu Sicheng this thousand miles from lpl I bought lck in the competition area, so that Lu Sicheng became the first and only foreign aid from the ancient times so far...

Since ancient times, South Korea has been an e-sports country. Only when they export Korean aid and buy it back, it is really the first time. Fortunately, Lu Sicheng used his own strength to let those people close their mouths.

Later, Lu Sicheng did not wait until he got a champion in lck and left the tat team back to lpl. This is also the case.

Roon is criticized: People say that jroon is sick, and he has trained a world-class top ad with the top e-sports industry in Korea, and then put the tiger back to the mountain...

——I know that I am still stupid in the joom every day, and after the pressure to bring the tat team s5 to win the championship, even after losing the s6, the s6 is still in good condition, and it will continue to dominate in lck for a whole year. force!

People say that he is the best professional team coach in the League of Legends worldwide, and that Xiaorui will only help the team to take out the takeaway.

At this moment on the stage, jroom and Lu Sicheng also talked and laughed -

Jroom: "It won't be to see the water in the old club."

"Nothing." Lu Sicheng relied on the entrance of the contestant. "The opposite, because I know that Park Supervisor is very familiar with my style of play, but I am very careful to avoid the various habits that I have developed in the tat team before..."

"Kid, this is really saying that your brother, I have broken my heart. - You used to represent lck, aren't you? Even the soldiers are carrying a small bench and sitting behind you to urge you to study? There is Korean... ...I still remember that you followed me in a sentence to learn Korean - now it is so smooth."

"Brother, what do you want to say?"

"--The following one is giving us a lot of Lefran, eh? Just squatting below and wanting to smiling, smiling is so exciting, I want to see her tears. ......"

"That is my wife. Do you want to see her tears? Do you want me to indulge?" Lu Sicheng raised his eyebrows. "Don't be excited about her, what is it like?"

"Brother is your benefactor, huh? Don't you repay it? Brother wants to win another world championship, so the club can win a villa in Gangnam District, Seoul!" Jroom said seriously.

Lu Sicheng heard the sneer and laughed, only enough to say: "That won't work."

Jroom probably felt that what he said was very disappointing. He finally couldn’t help but laughed: "Oh, it’s as annoying as Li Junhe’s kid. He also saw that I didn’t even cross the tower! I lost the game with us. This guy must be over the tower before the fourth level. You must come to marry him... The first thing that made him beat the game is to ask me: Brother, you are not saying that Junhe will definitely cross the tower, you are all Liar qaq!"

Lu Sicheng played with the players in the hands of the cards, bowed his head and smiled... The slender, long, thin fingertips swept over the red lettering "-lpl" at the top of the sign, and the fingertips were rubbed.

Then the man faintly said: "Yeah, in the world game, each fight, Li Junhe that kid is also the same - this is the battle of honor on behalf of the division."

Jroom heard the words, paused... At this time, I looked up and watched the team members who had just stepped out of the player channel. I raised my hand and took a shot and shot Lu Sicheng’s shoulder: "I will not regret the success or failure." Invite you to lck."

At this time, the nursery rhyme also came out and came to Lu Sicheng.

The man stood up straight, took her hand, smiled at jroom and said, "I am also very happy to meet the tat team in the world."

- For a moment, he was sure that he had seen jroom's eyes light up, back to the light on the game table, behind the ban&pick link bgm that suddenly sounded...

As opponents, they stand opposite each other.

As a former teammate and mentor, jroom does not say, but from the mood of his face at this time, Lu Sicheng knows that he is also very pleased to have such a day, both sides represent their own position, in the world stage of the competition Meet on the top.


Lu Sicheng returned to his seat and looked a little absent-minded to play with his own headphones... The nursery boy sat down beside him, reached out and pulled his sleeves and explored a head: "You and the enemy army What did you say so much?"

"Nothing to say, he said that in the past, it was a teammate's part, let us put Lefland to Li Mintai."


The nursery rhyme grabbed Lu Sicheng's sleeve and grabbed it tightly: Li Mintai didn't want to see her Love Lan, she also really wanted to see Li Mintai's Le Fulan.

"I said no, because the front foot only said in the lounge, whoever dares to put LeFran, I will hang him on the table with the mouse line on the spot."


Between the two talking, the players are all in the form, officially enter the ban&pick link... Because it is the deciding game, everyone dare not engage in any sexual chaos. Before the trouble, the tat team that asked LeFran to come directly to ban Lefran -

The commentary is very happy.

Commentary d:

Commentary f:

Commentary d:

Everyone in the zgdx team voice is also very happy.

Nursery rhymes: "They first ban Le Fulan! They are paralyzed!"

Lu Sicheng: "Look at the excitement of you."

Nursery rhymes: "I am the world's first Loveland!"

Xiaopang: "Yes, the spirit of victory."

Old cat: "Very optimistic."

Old k: "I think it was the little fisherman who was stupid. Several times, the tiger's mouth escaped and was almost killed. I have never been shot in a game. I have just used a blue foot and a hind foot. She is calling: fight the wild man and fight the wild man, where is the wild death!"

Everyone: "Hey."

At this time, the other side, Ban Calista and Rambo, the nursery rhyme patted the mouse: "I sent it again... I released the card, gave me the card, I have to fly."

In fact, it goes without saying that everyone knows that when the card is released, it must be taken. The old cat locks the card for the nursery rhyme, and the other party locks the time and the owner of the river - in order to prevent the opposite side from happening again. The lineup of the river's main millennium, in the case of the leopard woman still outside, the old k had to lock himself a thousand miles...

The tat team took a big tree in the backhand, and the nursery rhymes for the old cat.

Finally, the double lineup is determined one by one -

Tat team pick: big tree, leopard, time, Lu Xi'an, the owner of the river.

Zgdx team pick: Nal, millennium, card, mouse, Bron.

The two sides entered the game loading page, the first level on the line, Lu Sicheng's mouse by the strength of the first class Bron, a few shots to the other side of the road to the second grass Lu Xi'an lost two-thirds of the blood, the other side was forced to smash Drop two bottles of red medicine, turn around and run...

Commentary d:

Explaining the roar of the spirit, Lu Sicheng looked at the knife opposite the eye, because he was forced to escape the line of the soldiers, so he missed two small soldiers, so he took a signal: "Three levels I first Come, old k to kneel down."

Lu Sicheng said that this statement is as stable as a fairy, and he has already determined that he will take the lead in the next step to the third level. The old k should scream, and he will go to the middle to help the nursery rhyme. -

Of course, he could not kill Li Mintai, but he also harassed him to temporarily return to the tower.

Seeing that Tonglu Middle Road is not so tight, the old k turned around and started the frequent gank of the road. When Lu Sicheng really took the lead to reach the third level, the millennium jumped out of the grass and took the lead before the river owner had the opportunity to swallow Lu Xi’an into the stomach. The Lord of the Fire River -

This is what the tat team did not expect!

Originally, the first time was to throw the weakness to Lu Sicheng. The owner of the river even forgot to eat the blood bottle. After opening the shield, he was shot down by three shots. He had to block the flesh and blood in front, let the ad surrender and move away!

Lu Sicheng took the next blood!

People didn't even have time to cheer. At this time, they only heard the voice of the nursery rhyme: "The old man seems to be not on the way back!"

Old cat: "I yell at you, it seems to have the life of Laozi!!"

In the middle and the upper screaming, it is true that the tat team also launched an offensive on zgdx! Almost the mirror, Nakano came to the road to catch the little Nar, killing the little Nar under the tower, and after hitting the wilderness, a wave of soldiers was about to be pushed...

At this time, zgdx has a place on the road, there is a place for three people; tat down the road, only one tower is Lu Sicheng and the old k, the next line is the first line, but the speed of the two people is obviously not as good as three people, Xiaopeng sees anger: "I 艹I have all returned to the city, this whole!"

At this time, the nursery rhymes saw the situation, and the troops had not yet reached the decisive tp, and they landed on the road, and joined the push tower lineup.

The two sides compete for a blood tower!

During the period, the nursery rhyme cut a field of vision and found that his own line of troops also advanced. Nursery rhymes: "My line!"

Old k: "Well, let me go and go..."

Because Lu Sicheng opened first here, after joining the nursery rhyme, the speed increased, and finally, after a few seconds, he led the tat team's blood to successfully get a blood tower!

The old k first retreat, so that the nursery rhyme and Lu Sicheng shared a blood tower to make up for the economic loss - turned to see the tat team, the mountain high emperor far away, simply twisted the head to steal the first element dragon...

After the nursery rhyme took the tower and quickly returned to the line, he continued to develop with Li Mintai. At this time, Li Mintai and Tong Tong each lost a wave of soldiers, but the nursery rhymes got half of the blood tower money is better than Li Mintai’s previous assist in the road. The middle road has a slight advantage...

In the sixth and a half minutes, I arrived at the sixth level a little later than the regular bureau. The first wave of the card opened and flew down the road. The second-hand cut yellow card fixed aid, aq two-connected; at the same time Lu Sicheng cooperated with the mouse, and the mouse opened the skill. Against the temporary loss of protection of the ad, a spurt, chubby and then weak, immediately accept the ad head!

Instantly establish the advantage of the road!

A mouse that is in the forefront and complements the whole line is a top killer!

Next, the zgdx team double c left the line, the world is full of chaos, 311 points push, the mouse field 蹲 丛 丛 阴 阴 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推

In the 20th minute of the game, zgdx has already pushed off the other four towers, leading the three heads, and the overall economy is leading 3,000!

Commentary d:

Explain that the words of d have just fallen, the tat team has indeed proved a wave of what is called "the game has just begun"!

In the battle for an elemental dragon, the big tree took the lead to open a group of virgins who had moved a little bit forward. Lu Xi’an opened the big c-slung. Lu Sicheng had to stealth and look for opportunities, while Nal became bigger and went forward. Lucian niches!

Time old man gave life to the key moment, Lu Xi'an came down from the wall and took a big crazy output on his head. After taking the cards and Bron, he turned the mouse.

At this time, the millennium opened a big undead, and the blood-scarred mouse opened up a wave of output, finally the old man with a healthy bloodline and Lu Xi’an was disabled, and then Lu Xi’an himself was killed at the moment when the undead array disappeared. !

A team battle that lasted for 30 seconds!

In the end, the two sides played a four or six open, zgdx only left the **** Millennium and the smaller Nal can only retreat, the other side hit the field and the order successfully took over the fire dragon!

- When I think about it later, Tong Tong always feels that she has played the most difficult battle since entering the World Championships.

Both groups have 10,000 life-saving skills waiting, especially in the late period, c people resurrected a spring brother, everyone has become a nine-life cat demon... a group battle opened from their own home The highlands hit the highlands all the way to the opposite side -

big dragon?

I am afraid that I will be robbed and I will not open it.

As the saying goes, the dragon is ruined for a lifetime.

No one can afford to be guilty of this mistake. The two sides are not willing to take the pot of being robbed of the dragon. In the past ten minutes, the two sides seem to be fighting for the life around the big dragon, but no one is going to take the initiative. Touch the big dragon even if...

Old k: "Really, if they want to play big dragons, why are they going around the big dragon, scare who is holding the grass!"

Lu Sicheng: "This is what, three minutes ago, who was the person who didn't play the big dragon without giving me a punishment?"

The nursery rhymes looked up and watched the game time. It has already arrived for 60 minutes. Both sides are basically six-god costumes. The dragon is not a big dragon. The ancient dragon is not far from the ancient dragon.

A wave of group battles.

Won the finals.

Lost and bought a ticket to go home.

In the 68th minute, I finally waited for the last wave of team battles -

The two sides met in the middle of the road.

When the skill is cut, the nursery rhymes can almost hear the heartbeat of their own agitation. The whole person’s soul seems to have been sucked into the computer. When she sees her red card flying out, she accurately blows through the crowd to the other side, crit Big blood

At the same time, the old cat Nal became big and flew into the crowd. If the palm of the hand came to the palm of his hand, he would hold the other side and double the c, and her scalp would begin to burst;

Lu Sicheng mouse opened the stealth into the crowd to open, directly in the time when the time is still in the state of the three guns to take Lu Xi'an -

Nursery rhymes: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Xiaopang: "Hey!"

Old cat: "Dead is dead, dead!"

The old k is silent, flashing into the crowd in the moment Lu Sicheng succumbed to the other side ad himself to die, the undead battle, Lu Sicheng treated himself with milk, and Xiaopeng stepped forward to shield him in front of him to cover him.


Then the hand made a final round of destruction on the tat team that lacked ad -

Push off the highland crystal and push the front door tower!

When the nursery rhyme is down at the base of the tat team, she can feel her eyes become sour and moist. At the same time, she is humorous because she can hear countless little angels flying around her head and flying around her head. Blowing a small horn!

Lpl and lck's 2016 ultimate stop!

At that time, the blue crystal of the tat team exploded, and the nursery rhyme took off the earphones and went straight into the arms of Lu Sicheng.

Xiaopeng stood up and hugged the old k to hold his face and kissed him to give a tribute to the last wave of perfection;

The old cat and the old k smiled, and the old k was chubby in his arms and turned his head to collide with the old cat...

Sitting in the audience, countless people who waved lpl should also stand up. They cheered, jumped, and congratulated their team to the spotlight with warm applause.

When the five players on the stage stood firm, Lu Yue in the background rushed up, six people lined up, oh, waved and greeted...

Tonight, after three years, lpl finally has to stand on the stage of the s World Finals again, and this time...

They will never regret it!

The author has something to say: I know that I am even late, but I have a lot of words. Hahahahahahahahahaha, so you can’t marry me.

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