MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 54

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Since I have determined that the emperor is a metamorphosis of playing the eunuch, Tian Qi is both worried and has a very strange idea: Is the emperor really only picking her alone? Will there be a lot, um, like her, just everyone knows each other?

When a person is in a dangerous environment, she always hopes that she is not alone. The more people have the same situation as her, the more she can feel safe.

The current state of Tian Qi is like this. Thinking about it, she decided to find someone to consult. Of course, you can't ask too direct, otherwise you will expose the secrets of the emperor. If you fail, you will be ruined.

If you are looking for a word for the emperor's daily life, you will know everything about it.

When the emperor was asleep in the morning, Sheng Anhuai sat down in the eaves in front of the Qing Palace to enjoy the cold. The left hand held a big Pu fan, the right hand held the teapot, and the teapot contained the herbal tea. He shook the big fan and sipped the herbal tea from time to time. It is also very pleasant.

Tian Qi has come together, God is mysterious, look around, and lower the voice and say to Sheng Anhuai, "Sheng Grandpa, I heard people say bad things today!"

"Oh? What am I saying?" Sheng Anhuai asked, while slowly drinking a cup of tea. He was a bit curious, he didn't easily offend people, and then he said, who has such a courage to chew his tongue.

"They said, you touched the little brother of the emperor!"

"噗-" Sheng Anhuai just drank the imported tea and spit it out. The tea is sprayed in midair, reflecting a faint rainbow of light in the sun. He wiped his mouth gently and turned his face to look at Tian Qi in a faint manner, not talking.

Tian Qi quickly explained, "I didn't say it, they said it. I just listened to one ear. To tell the truth, I don't believe it, huh, huh..."

Sheng Anhuai is not angry at all. It seems that the protagonist of this bad story is not him at all. He asked, "The little brother you said is not referring to Ning Wang, but another younger brother, right?"

Tian Qizhong nodded and his face was red and red.

"That, I touched it." Sheng Anhuai said, calmly drinking tea.

"..." Tian Qi looked at him unbelievably.

Sheng Anhuai asked, "Have you touched?"

"Nothing... I didn't..." Tian Qi's neck shook like a rattle.

"In fact, this is nothing," Sheng Anhuai explained, with a hint of relief in his tone. "The emperor is excited, and he is too lazy to find a blind man. Let us help the hand. If you are a slave, you must know how to share your concern at any time." You said it is not?" He said that the clouds are light and windy, while he said that he secretly observed the look of Tian Qi, thinking, emperor, slaves, I am for your good deeds, but even my face is not.

Tian Qihong nodded with a red face.

Sheng Anhuai added, "In fact, not only me, but many people have done this too, for example," said a few names. "These people know that it’s good, don’t say that you missed your mouth, otherwise I Can't help you either."

"You can rest assured, I don't say it." Tian Qi's brain emerged from these unlucky ones, unable to sum up their commonalities, showing the rich taste of the emperor and the unique taste.

Seeing the fire is almost the same, Sheng Anhuai finally said, "If the emperor lets you do this, you will do it honestly, don't think too much. Do you understand?"

Tian Qizhong focused on nodding.

Successful brainwashing, Sheng Anhuai is very satisfied.

Tian Qi still has a question, "Is that the emperor... Did he wear your clothes?"

Even if Sheng Anhuai was shameless, he couldn’t nod to confess this kind of thing, so the old face was red. "That didn't."

Tian Qi is satisfied with leaving. She was less nervous when she thought that there were many people in the world who had a common experience with her.

But as a girl, she touched the man's thing, and it is always a matter of a good woman. But she turned to think again, which good woman will enter the palace as an eunuch? In fact, she has long had nothing to do with the words "good family"...

Besides, Sheng Anhuai also makes sense. Since she chose to be an eunuch, it is a matter of fact that she is serving the master.

For a moment, I felt like I had a lot of feelings in the mood of the horse. She thought that this kind of thing would have to swell her head, and simply throw them all out and go out to the Baohe store.

When I arrived at Baohe Store, I saw Fang Jun, and Tian Qi remembered the origin of his heirloom. So she pulled Fang Jun aside and asked, "Do you know Chen Wuyong?"

When Fang Jun heard the name, he instinctively nodded. Then he felt that the air in Tianqi’s body seemed to suddenly cool down. Fang Jun was a bit strange. Looking at Tian Qi, although the father-in-law was trying to keep calm, he heard the voice of his teeth.

Fang Jun quickly shook his head again. "I don't know him."

"Then why are you nodding?" Tian Qi did not believe.

"I think this name is very nice."

Only those who are more stupid than him will believe such a silly reason. Tian Qi does not believe, roaring Fang Jun, "Do you tell the truth?"

Fang Jun replied, "I just think the name is familiar, really. I knew it before, but I can't think of it now."

Tian Qi said coldly, "Don't think that amnesia is a omnipotent excuse. If you let me know what bad things you have done, you can't spare you."

Fang Jun did not know why this gentle and friendly little **** was suddenly frosty. He scratched his head and carefully searched the name in his head. No results, he nodded in confusion.

Here, Tian Qi’s mood is even worse. He ignores people and hides in the living room to drink tea. After a while, there was a small **** outside to report, saying that a Tang Gongzi came to her. Tian Qi greeted him and saw it, it turned out to be Tang Tianyuan.

"Rare visitors, how come you come here." Tian Qi said, introducing Tang Tianyuan into the living room, and told people to re-enter the tea.

"Just passing by, take a look at you." Tang Tianyuan is actually a refreshing person. After getting familiar with Tian Qi, he is not impatient with the red tape. These four days did not have a good meeting, Tang Tianyuan asked Ji Zheng, Ji Zheng said to cover up, Tang Tianyuan is such a transparent person, seeing this is probably because they are a bit awkward, he is afraid that Tian Qi is not happy, they come to look He looked at it.

Of course, the two are just chatting, and the words are not mentioned.

When Tian Qi saw Tang Tianyuan, he thought of Tang Ruoring; when he thought of Tang Ruoring, he thought of Sun Congrui; when he thought of Sun Congrui, he thought of another thing. "I heard that Sun Fan and his sister have recently become very important, and the emperor has praised him." Seven sneer said.

Tang Tianyuan saw that Tian Qi was not happy. He thought it was because of Ji Zheng, but the matter mentioned by Tian Qi also made him very depressed - he was recently overtaken by Sun Congrui. Suddenly, Sun Congrui was dragged a few times by his son. I didn’t expect that this old boy had given the emperor a medal, and the emperor accused him of a pass, but he won the emperor’s praise.

Tang Tianyuan said, "Probably he will be lucky for a while, and the emperor will not be angry."

Tian Qidao, "I tell the truth, don't mind. To talk about the rule of the country, the prince is the first in the cabinet, but if you talk about the sacredness, you can't catch up with the old thief."

Although this is not a big deal, it seems to be somewhat interesting. Tang Tianyuan laughed. "You are talking about it."

"I just know the medals on his, but it is said that the government has used the library to collect things and spent too much money, accusing the emperor of being too extravagant. It is really interesting. The library for the government is the embarrassment of the eunuchs. It’s all the precedent of the emperor’s time. You said, Sun Congrui said this, who is it?”

Tang Tianyuan stunned and replied, "In short, it is not true. I did not think of this layer."

Tian nodded seven times. "You can't think of it because you are always cautious when you serve the king. You don't dare to have a little disobedience. This time Sun Cuirui did the opposite, actually providing the emperor with a step. The emperor has been in the past few years. I changed a lot of rules set by the emperor. Although the intention was good, sometimes I also recruited some whispers of the slogans, saying that he was not filial. He hated the extravagant wind, and Sun Congrui took the insider to use the library to say things. It’s like he wants to hack people. When he turns his head, someone will hand it over. How can he not reuse it because of such a thoughtful minister."

Tian Qi said this in one breath and saw Tang Tianyuan laughing at her. She didn't understand. "Is it wrong?"

Tang Tianyuan said, "No, you are very good. Tian Xiandi, I rarely admire others, you count one."

Tian Qi quickly waved his hand. "I don't dare to be afraid. I just know something about it. I told you that Sun Congrui knows that the emperor does not like the eunuch, so he always pretends to have a high-profile appearance with the eunuch. In fact, he is the most It’s not that the **** has not been beaten, and it’s disgusting.”

Tang Tianyuan had some accidents. "Sun Congrui has contacts with the eunuchs? I have never heard of them."

Tian Qi sneered. "You can go back and ask Ling Zun. When Chen Wuyong and the noble lady joined forces to cover the sky and rain, why did Sun Congrui be as stable as Taishan? It is really because the so-called Qingjie is so famous that no one dares to move him. He deceived the fool. He took the trust of others and went to Chen Wuyong to vote for it. Only when he changed his shirt, Zheng Shoufu did not dare to offend Chen Wuyong, but he also saved many good people in secret, which is a hundred times stronger than Sun Congrui. ."

When Tang Tianyuan saw that Tian Qiyue said that he was more angry, he persuaded him to say, "The sages are suffocating. These things have been going on for so many years. Don't be tempted by this... Are you close people who have been harmed by Sun Congru?"

Tian Qi shook his head and sighed, bowed his head and took a sip of tea. "The secrets that I told you, it is best not to let others know."

Tang Tianyuan nodded. "That is natural."

Tian Qi said again, "I think, I am a younger generation. I shouldn’t say anything to the Tang Daren. But I have a word. If the Tang people listen to it, they can help one or two."

"Good brother, but it does not matter."

Tian Qi smiled. "The emperor is a person who respects his relatives and friends and hurts his son. Do you understand?"

Respect, pro-Taiwan; friend, Ning Wang; Huzi, Emperor.

This is like a nonsense, but it is a mystery.

Tang Tianyuan naturally understands that he will smile at the meeting. The two talked about something else, the local customs, the food in Tiannanhaibei, and the feeling of Tianqi was finally better.

When Tang Tianyuan returned home, he said that the words of Tian Qi were almost unspoken to him. Tang Ruoring, Tang Ruoring listened to the rush of the top, and even said three "truths."

In fact, the flowers and intestines in Tianqi's stomach are no more than these old foxes. She relies on the understanding of the emperor. Because she understands, she can look at the problem from the perspective of the closest truth. Tang Ruoring’s time in the cabinet was much later than Zheng Sun’s. The chances of direct contact with the emperor were naturally not enough. The understanding of the emperor was indeed lacking.

At this time, Tang Ruoring asked his son, "What is your friend named Tian Wenhao? What is the way to see the Holy Spirit?"

Tang Tianyuan replied, "He is a Gusu person, his whereabouts are mysterious, and he has a lot of friendship with Ning Wang. As for the understanding of the royal family, most of them come from Ning Wangye?"

Tang Ruo-ling shook his head. "I can't see it. What is his family doing? Is the father's father an official in the DPRK?"

"I don't know this. I only know that he is doing seven at home. I want to be a clan."

Tang Ruoring was shocked. ""


"Tian Qi!" He was very excited.

Tang Tianyuan was shocked. "What's wrong, but what's wrong?"

"It turns out." Tang Ruo-ling smiled and explained to Tang Tianyuan.

Tang Tianyuan listened to Tian Qi as an eunuch. At first he did not believe it. "Tian Xiandi's manners are not like an eunuch."

"I want to come to the palace before he is a child of the family. You are not saying that he hates Sun Congrui. It must be because Sun Congrui has caused his family to die. He has become an **** in the palace. If he has no way to go, he will not be so, he does not know which one he is. "There are people." Tang Ruo-ling said, recalling someone who might have been harmed by Sun Congrui or Chen Wuyong, who did not have a surname. In fact, at that time, Tang Ruolin was not in the capital, and he did not know much about these details.

In short, the two men now understand that Tian Qi and Tang Tianyuan said that they are intentional and want to help Tang Ruling to deal with Sun Congrui. He was afraid that the father and son of Tang would not trust him, and he deliberately revealed his own bottom.

Everyone is a smart person, such a good ally, Tang Ruo Ling will not miss it.

Tang Tianyuan did not want to see the eunuch, but he really hated Tian Qi. He thought that such a man of unparalleled temperament had such a tragic experience, and he could not help but sigh. So he made up his mind and did not pick him up in front of Tian Qi.


When Tian Qiyi returned to the Qing Palace, he was in a bad mood. He thought that the big perverted emperor had played so many eunuchs. She was a little disgusting. She always felt that she would not be able to stand it anymore, and she could only run the road.

So Tian Qi plans to first count the family wealth, so that he is ready to run.

Climb to the bottom of the bed, find the dark space, get it out, fumble... money? !

Tian Qi’s heart sank and looked carefully. It’s really gone, nothing!

Can the Qing Palace be thieves? !

Too unbelievable, Tian Qi climbed out and sat on the bed, anxious to bite his fingers. She recalled it again. When she was last seen, her silver ticket and gold and silver were still placed inside, and there is no more today. It is unlikely that a thief will dry up the Qing Palace. Even if it is such a big skill, he will go straight to those invaluable treasures and will not risk his life to steal a house under the bed of an eunuch.

Therefore, the most likely should be stolen by people in the same room.

Tian Qi did not dare to act rashly. He found Sheng Anhuai and complained at the first time.

Who knows that Sheng Anhuai knows the inside story, he coughs, "This thing, you still go back to the emperor."

Tian Qi does not understand, what is this rule, how can the emperor manage this?

"Let you go, go, if you don't go, your money will be back."

Tian Qi had to go to the emperor, although his heart was still puzzled. But after seeing the emperor, she understood, because -

"I am afraid that you will spend money indiscriminately, so I will help you keep your money."

"..." As an emperor, he went to steal the money of the eunuch. He said that he was so grand-minded. He had seen shameless and had never seen such shamelessness. Tian Qi really wanted to bite him to solve the problem.

"The emperor, the minion never spends money." She tried to argue.

Ji Heng went to Tian Qi and stared at him. "Why are you hiding?"

"I have nothing..."

Ji Heng bowed her head and kissed her. He held her shoulders, and their foreheads pressed against their foreheads. Ji Heng stared at Tian Qi’s eyes and whispered, "What are you afraid of?"

Tian Qi was very unpromising and her face was red. She couldn’t look at him with her eyes closed. "The slaves... I am not afraid of anything." Actually, I am afraid of you...

"But I am afraid," Ji Heng said, holding Tian Qi into his arms and holding it. "I am afraid that you will run around." So you have confiscated your money. Whoever makes you see the money is more important than life.

Tian Qizhen suspected that this metamorphosis emperor was Zhuge Liang, and she had already started when she had thoughts. She refused to resist when she let him go. "The emperor, the slaves don't run around, you give me the money."

"What do you want, I will buy it for you."

"I want my money."



Tian Qi wants to cry without tears, and puts on this master, she really fell for eight years of blood.

Ji Heng gently rubbed the neck of Tian Qi with his chin and suddenly called her, "Tian Qi."

"The slave is here."

"You always like it, how much do you like it?"

"The emperor, why don't you give money back to the minions, will the slave tell you?"

"Forget it, I don't want to hear it." I was afraid to be disappointed.

"So... can the slaves retire?"

"kiss Me."

After experiencing more serious things, Tian Qi did not have any pressure to do such a small thing. She squinted at Ji Heng’s lips and ran away without waiting for Ji Heng’s opening.

Ji Heng lifted his finger and gently pressed it on his lips, thoughtfully. Since that happened between the two, Tian Qi always hides from him. He can see that this avoidance is not because of shyness, but because of fear. Ji Heng shook his head and smiled. He was already good enough in the face of Tian Qi. Is this little metamorphosis afraid of him?

Moreover, the relationship between the two is already so close...

Some things are not satisfied after they have been tasted, but they are more eager. Since that day, Ji Heng’s heart is like a road opening, and he is also filled with dissatisfaction. He is not only satisfied with the kiss and touch between the two, but also the kind of joy. He wanted to, and wanted Tian Qi to look at him seriously, and he said that he liked him seriously, instead of beinghave happily.

Ji Heng feels that this request is really not excessive, but Tian Qi is more and more afraid of him...

He has a sense of frustration with nowhere. This feeling, even after experiencing the storms of life and death, has never been seen, but now facing such a person, he has no way.

I thought that I had just scared the little perverts, or that I was angry. Ji Heng was a little annoyed and wanted to chase him out to see him.

Tian Qi ran very fast, and Ji Heng found it for a while before he found him. At this time, the outside is dull, the sun has been swallowed by the horizon, and the sunset glows away from the color, like the residual fat powder on the face of the beauty. The entire Forbidden City is immersed in this pale color, such as a behemoth that is sleepy.

Ji Heng saw the back of Tian Qi and wanted to step forward. However, he soon discovered that he was not alone with him.

Tian Qi did not find the person behind her. She walked in the heart and whispered in her heart. Playing with the **** is a matter of life style, stealing things is a matter of character. This emperor is really bad from the inside out. If she is a spokesperson, she must write a thousand words and seal the emperor.

In the mind, I thought about the shackles of the emperor being shackled. Tian Qi was cold and couldn’t be touched. She thought she had blocked her way, and she let her go, but she didn’t want to go up with her. He smiled at Tian Qi, "Hey, Tian Gonggong, is it you? I am so embarrassed, it’s dark, I haven’t looked good, didn’t hit you?”

Tian Qiyi saw that this person is Zhucui who invited the moon palace. This bamboo green is not as thin as her name. The front-convex-back-warped like a deformed big water radish. Because the chest is too big, it is always upside down when walking. Tian Qi looks at it. Tired for her.

Since the last time he told Kangxi in front of the emperor, Tian Qi was reluctant to talk to the people who invited the moon palace. Therefore, at this time, Zhu Cui came to talk with her. She was only politely sighed and slowed down. I want to wait for Zhu Cui to go first.

However, Zhu Cui also slowed down and talked to her about the day.

Tian Qi did not know that Zhu Cui today came with a mission. Kang Wei, this is going to be with Tian Qi, and I can’t make a plan. Since money doesn't work, come to the United States. It is also a loss for her to come up with such an approach, to play against a eunuch. However, this is also excusable, because Tian Qi’s baby master is a famous erotic, and Tian Gonggong was taught by the master for seven years, and it will always get a little bit better. The tastes of the eunuchs are very heavy, like the full body, the more exciting the touch. Bamboo is their goddess. This bamboo Cui had a good relationship. She died last year. Now Kangxi sent her to seduce Tian Gonggong. To be honest, Zhu Cui also has his own little ninety-nine. First of all, Tian Gonggong is a royal red man. It is only good for him to have no harm. Secondly, the eunuchs of the whole palace add up, and there is no such thing as a good man. I can afford her.

So Zhu Cuixing rushed to perform the task. She is full of ambitions and wants to get Tian Gonggong into hand. It doesn't matter if she can't get her hands anyway. In the palace, it is not illegal to ridicule the eunuch.

Tian Qi did not want to chat with Zhu Cui. She did not receive the meaning of the bamboo in the words. Even the man showed her good things, she couldn't make a difference, let alone an inexplicable woman.

However, Tian Qi did not respond, and Zhu Cui wanted to call him. She suddenly pulled the arm of Tian Qi. "Tian Gonggong, I have a big secret to tell you."

"I do not want to hear."

"..." Zhu Cui had to mutter, "Kang Yu wants to harm you."

This must be heard. Tian Qi was then taken to a quiet place by Zhu Cui, making an auditory gesture.

However, Zhu Cui did not tell him any big secrets. She stood up in her chest and glared at Tian Qi’s arm and smiled. "Tian Gonggong, what do you think of me?"

Tian Qi was arched twice by the big chest, hiding and hiding, so he looked at the two piles of mountains and frowned. "You are quite big here."

It’s too good! Tian Gonggong suddenly rushed to the ground, and Zhu Cuiton felt embarrassed and covered his face with a smile.

"Isn't you tired to walk?" Tian Qi is really curious about this problem. Her own chest is at least two laps smaller than Zhu Cui, and she is exhausted every day.

"Tian Gonggong..." Zhu Cuigang wanted to invite Tian Gonggong to try his hand, but he didn't want to hear a cold drink:


Both of them were shocked, coming out from behind the rockery and seeing the emperor standing on the side of the road, and quickly squatting. The sky is darker, and the emperor’s expression is not very clear, but Tian Qi feels that he must be very embarrassed now.

"Come on." Ji Heng shouted loudly, and immediately the nearby **** ran over and greeted him.

"Take this indecent, shameless, and the slaves of the chaos, and drag the rods."

Inferiority, shamelessness, harassment of the harem, and Tian Qi’s unclearness, but the “sticks” are absolutely understandable. She was a bit mad at once, so she was so inexplicably dying?

Several small eunuchs came over and took two people down, and Tian Qi could not hear his heartbeat. However, at this time, the metamorphosis, Ji Heng flew out a handful of hand jade that was holding, and knocked down an **** next to Tian Qi. "Who said to take him!"

The other also quickly released Tianqi, and several people dragged Zhucui away quickly. Zhu Cui has been scared at this moment, and even forgives forgotten, so he is dragged down with big eyes.

Although Tian Qi escaped, he was also prostration.

Ji Heng screened away from others. He walked over to Tian Qi and looked down at him. His voice was as soft as a wind blowing. "Scared you?"

Tian Qi: "..." You should ask scared me?