MTL - Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?-Chapter 1591 : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 158)

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Shi Niange can’t remember how long he hasn’t slept, or whether it’s daytime in the United States or night in the country. In short, he just sat in the hospital ward with people coming by him from time to time, walking and stopping, asking questions. Asked, she answered occasionally, occasionally just sitting silently.

Dad woke up once in the daytime today. The anaesthetic was over. The injuries on his body were all painful, but his legs were numb without feeling. Not long after waking up, the bedside surrounded several directors of the company. The doctor came in and drove the directors away. When Shi Niange went into the ward, he just sat on the bed and looked at her dad.

Shifu also lay there silently, looking at her.

The father and daughter looked at each other in silence.

Later, when she returned to the rest room, she still looked out the window and didn't speak.

In the evening, all the shareholders of Shida Group went to the hospital. Several shareholders were the company’s founders. The veteran, who was half of the company who worked hard with her parents back then, has always spoken heavily, even her uncle and uncle. They didn't dare to offend the friendship, they had to give in and endure as much as possible.

But in the past two days, there was an accident in the Shi’s family. One of the chairman and the vice president was seriously injured and hospitalized, and the other died suddenly. There were also many disagreements among shareholders. A contradiction arises waiting to be resolved.

They quarreled directly outside the hospital ward.

"I don't have much money recently, five hundred million, how can such a friendship be obtained, this is not a joke."

An old man with white temples, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and a three-piece gray suit. He is one of the largest shareholders of Shida Group. Everyone calls him Xiao Dong. He said: "One hundred million, everyone puts it together. There may be more, five hundred million, where can I find it? Mining?"

"That is, one hundred million you are of course not a problem." Another director on the opposite side said: "I remember not long ago, you just bought a farm in Australia for your eldest son, and bought it for your younger son in New York last month. The location of your villa is worth 100 million, right? Of course this is your legitimate income. We don’t express any opinions, nor say that there is something wrong with the current Shida Group, and the flow of funds is impeded. You have to pay for it. Means, but in the current situation, if you drag it on, I am afraid that the company will have to declare bankruptcy before the chairman of the board can stand up."

"What are you talking about?" someone next to him whispered a reminder: "Don't talk nonsense, the chairman's legs are already..."

Several people were silent.


Their chairman's legs are already dead, and they will all have to sit in a wheelchair in the future, so how can they wait for the day when he gets up again.

Dong Xiao didn’t listen, and proceeded with ease: “To be honest, we are now at this age, and we must consider more risks than those young people now. This money is not unwilling to pay, but the amount is too large. Everyone will do it for a while. I can't get so much."

The person on the other side looked at each other with a sneer, and asked with a sneer: "Xiao Dong, do you think the company has no leader now, and the entire company is going to be stepped up to be abolished, so you plan to stop and withdraw the card? "

"No, no, we have been with Shida Group for so many years, the company is supported by one hand, how can we retreat."

"Then what's your plan?"

Xiao Dong smiled, the corners of his eyes were sharp as knives, and said: "I have a premise. Unless I transfer half of the shares held by Vice President Yang and Miss Shi to me, I will take 300 million, so that I will be a director. long."

Several people looked at him clearly.

It turns out that the abacus is here.

Xiao Dong, where did you hear that 18% of Shida Group’s shares are in Shi Niange, the daughter of Shi Dong and Vice President Yang. It seems that this was a confidentiality agreement of the company at the time. Few people knew about it, but Xiao Dong actually knew.

Coupled with the vice-president shares that Vice President Yang had long been transferred from Shi Dong to her, in fact, the company's largest director has always been Vice President Yang, and now all this probably will fall to their daughter.

If you want to lose half of the shares in this way, plus the 20% of the shares that Dong Xiao already has, he will of course be the largest chairman of the company.

A few people didn't speak any more, after all, this matter was not for them to decide.

But in a blink of an eye, I saw a young girl standing between the door of the injection room and the lounge not far away, looking at them calmly.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, I have often seen her in the hospital in the last two days, as if I have been here."

"Whose child, half-year-old and not-so-young, frightens someone like a ghost every day in the hospital. If you are sick, you should take good care of you, go home if you are not sick, and stand here to listen to people talking?" Xiao Dong's expression was a little embarrassed He glared at her, then retracted his gaze and was about to leave.

Shi Niange walked over at this moment: "Hello Xiao Dong, when my last name is my surname, my name is Shi Niange."

The expressions and movements of several people were all at once, and Xiao Dong's expression was a little cracked for an instant, and he suddenly turned his eyes to look at the young girl.

Shi Nian Song?

After they learned that a part of the shares were in her, they quietly checked the information about her very early, and of course they knew that Shi Niange was Shi's daughter.

Shi Niange looked at Xiao Dong with light eyes.

When Xiao Dong thought of the conversation just now, she should have heard it, and the expression on her face was a little uncomfortable for a while.

Shi Niange just glanced at him lightly and lightly, and then at other people lightly, without saying a word, and went straight away, after walking to the door of her father's ward, and following the door. Wen Ke, the company's assistant who had been guarding for a few days, confessed a few words and asked Wen Ke to help check whether her mother had left any insurance documents or equity transfer documents under her name.

She hadn't thought about these things before, but just after hearing the chats of those people, she suddenly realized that someone as smart as her mother should have seen the eyes of these people long ago, so after she knew that she was sick, she should What preparations will be left.

Wen Ke looked at her in surprise, and then said: "No need to check, Miss Shi, Vice President Yang did transfer all the equity and property in her name to your name.

Shi Niange looked at him and took a deep breath: "So?"

"So, you are now the largest shareholder of Shida Group. After all, you still have a part of the equity in your own hands. Add up, it has surpassed your father Shi Dong." Wen Ke said softly, "But to ensure your safety, Yang Yang When the vice president did this, no one told him. I have been with Mr. Yang and Dong for many years. She is more at ease with me, so only I know about this. The documents are still in the company, and they are in the safe in her office. Here, after the hospital’s matter is resolved, I will take it out and hand it to you."