MTL - Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?-Chapter 1585 : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 152)

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Qin Siting looked at her, she also looked at him, and saw that he did not respond, she took the thermometer in him and pasted it on her forehead, then glanced at the new degree, and directly raised it to him. Look: "Look, you see, now it has risen a little bit, now it's 38 degrees! If I go back like this, wherever I faint, something will happen!"

Qin Siting looked at her with a fever that had risen once again, but was excited as if how many people had passed the annual assessment results. He took the thermometer, turned and walked towards the kitchen, and said as he walked, "Since I have a fever. Now, don’t eat too salty, and change the scallion noodles to vegetable noodles."

"Whatever you want, you can." Shi Niange lay still on the sofa, but when she thought of staying with him in the evening, even if she was physically uncomfortable, she still shook her two little feet in excitement.

Sure enough, he still didn't rush her back. Originally, the clinic closed at 8 o'clock, and when I came back, it was almost 9 o'clock. Now after eating, the time has already pointed to 9:30.

Shi Niange had slept in the afternoon. Although she was uncomfortable with a cold, she was still drowsy, and she just washed her hands repeatedly to eat after coming back.

After eating, Qin Siting got her some fruit. He usually mixes fruit with yogurt as a salad for her. Today, he said that because of a cold, he only eats fruit instead of yogurt, and waited for her to digest it. After a while, I urged her to go back to the room to take a shower and go to bed early.

When Shi Niange saw that he had already closed the door outside, she really didn't let her go, and ran upstairs happily. The speed of the upstairs seemed to be healthy, faster than usual.

I went straight into the room she had lived in before, and after entering the door, I threw on the quilt and breathed a clean and soft smell. Then I opened the cabinet and saw that the shirt she was wearing was still hanging there. I thought I hadn't been passive. But when I took it out, there was a faint scent on the shirt, which seemed to be a kind of high-end laundry detergent. She had smelled it on her father.

This is...Is there an aunt who fixed him here to clean, and then took out the shirt in this cabinet to wash, but after washing it, put it back and hang it back in this cabinet?

Was it requested by Qin Siting? Keep putting it in this room, in this cabinet?

Shi Niange’s eyebrows and eyes were suddenly filled with joy. She held her clothes silly for a long time, and then hurried to take a bath. Because of the cold, she took a long time specially. The hot bath seemed to wash away the busyness and sickness of the day. , The fragrance of the washing body came out hot, put on that shirt.

Then she went out and found Qin Siting was still in the living room downstairs, so she went straight downstairs.

Qin Siting was pouring water, with a box of cold granules on hand. Hearing her footsteps downstairs, she looked back and saw the girl who had just taken a bath wearing his shirt and walked down step by step.

Her hair wasn't blown dry, she just scattered behind her shoulders, and went downstairs like this, she didn't look like a patient at all, probably because she was in a really good mood.

As soon as she came downstairs, she ran over, jumped behind him and hugged him: "I'm done!"

Qin Siting held the water glass in his hand: "Lightly, I'm pouring hot water, and I will drink this cold granule later, and then I will go to bed after drinking it."

"Oh." She obediently looked forward from behind him like a child and looked forward to her head, and saw the box of cold granules.

No wonder he hadn't gone to take a bath and rest at the moment, because he was helping her to boil water and find medicine.

What a qualified boyfriend! What kind of blessings did she cultivate in her last life to walk with Qin Siting, hehehe!

She continued to hold him without letting go, and put her face on his back until Qin Siting put the water on the window to dry: "Wait a few minutes, after it's not so hot, pour the granule in and drink it."


"Don't hug if you do. It's a bit patient's consciousness. You can go to bed early after drinking the medicine. Don't think about it. Even if I go out a few days later, I will call you at least every day. Don't worry, huh?"

It's okay that he doesn't mention it, and his heart sinks when he mentions it.

She nodded: "Yeah."

But still holding him without holding his hand, raised his face and said, "I want to kiss him."

Then she added: "I have a cold, don't kiss your mouth, kiss your face." She leaned her cheek toward him again.

Qin Siting sighed, bowed her head and kissed her on the face. When she was about to let go of her hand, she kissed her lips again: "Okay, my resistance is not as bad as yours."

After that, Shi Niange drank the medicine, Qin Siting measured her temperature again before returning to the room. Seeing that the heat still hadn’t subsided, he asked her to rest early, and then began to look for anti-fever medicine, saying that he would find a spare at night. If you continue to have a fever, you have to take the anti-fever medicine.

Shi Niange went back to the room and lay down for a while, unable to sleep. Not long after, he heard the sound of the door next door. It should be Qin Siting who went back to the room directly after looking for the medicine.

She just lay down, closed her eyes, and didn’t know how long it took. She felt that he should have taken a shower. She got up and went to the window to look at the direction of the next door. Seeing that the light next door was still on, he hadn’t sleep.

When Shi Niange thought that Qin Siting was going out recently, he felt as if he had been enchanted. He looked at the next door in front of the window for a long time, but finally couldn't suppress the emotion in his heart, suddenly turned around and walked to the door and opened the door. , Went out, then went outside the door next door and knocked on the door.

After a few knocks, the door opened.

Qin Siting had indeed just taken a bath, and the shirt buttons he had just changed on his body had been buttoned up a few, and most of his chest was almost exposed. While opening the door, he continued to button up the buttons with one hand while watching her: "How can I return it? Not sleeping?"

"Can't sleep." She looked at him with bright eyes.

Qin Siting's hand paused on the button of his shirt, and just met her eyes.

Shi Niange continued to look at him, her eyes calm and fearless.

He put down his hand, stood in front of the door and looked at her for a while, then asked, "Want to come in?"

Shi Niange nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

"Want to sleep together?"

She continued to nod.

Qin Siting smiled at her, Shi Niange saw him smile, and when he was about to go straight in, he heard the man's smile instantly retracted: "Go back and sleep by yourself."

After speaking, the door closed in front of her with a "bang".

Shi Nian couldn't sing, and raised his hand to smash the door: "Qin Siting, you open the door for me! How can you treat patients like this?"

"It's the patient who should have the patient's consciousness. Go back to sleep." The man replied through the door.

She continued to stand in front of the door and said to the door: "I'm sick, shouldn't you take care of it by the bed? I am giving you a chance to behave. Otherwise, if you go out for a few days in a few days, I will fall in love with other little ones. Brother, what should I do if I forget you..."

Read The Duke's Passion