MTL - Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?-Chapter 1548 : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 115)

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Mother Qin's eyes suddenly fell on her because of her words.

"As an outsider, there are things that I shouldn't know, but I'm sorry, I still accidentally know." Shi Niange said softly, "But don't worry, even if someone opens my mouth, I will be able to tell you everything. I won’t say it to others. After all, this is Qin Siting’s family affair and I will not intervene, but as his girlfriend, I sincerely hope that he will not be affected by these things that have nothing to do with him.”

When Mother Qin saw Nian Ge suddenly came over to talk, she cast her eyes on her.

Qin Siting looked back at her: "Go back."

Shi Niange stood there, still looking at Mother Qin: "Auntie, let's compare our hearts to our hearts. You hope that he will fulfill the love and future you want, then will you fulfill your son's love and future? If he and you After leaving, we will definitely be separated. In order to fulfill your love, you will sacrifice his original life, love, and everything that has been planned for the future. Is this what you want?"

Mother Qin was taken aback for a moment and looked at her.

Shi Niange smiled at him, smiling calmly and calmly: "Auntie, we also love each other very much."

Qin Siting spoke for a while, and did not deliberately block Shi Niange behind him. Qin's mother stood there for a long time in silence, Shi Niange stood behind him, raised his hand and put his arm around. Looking at the mother Qin outside the door: "Auntie, the best choice is to make each other better. The Qin family does not force you to stay, nor do you force Qin Siting. He is your son. He has no choice, but at least you He shouldn't add such a torment to his supposedly peaceful life. I think this shouldn't be something a mother should do."


Mother Qin went downstairs and never came up again.

About ten minutes later, a servant came up and knocked on the door and whispered, saying that the lady had gone, and the protective door had already called the manufacturer to repair it, asking Qin Shao if he had anything else to order.

Qin Siting only said it was all right.

Shi Niange sat on the bed in his room, looking at him.

"Qin Siting, have you not eaten much in the past few days?" she asked.

At this moment Qin's mother has already left, but she doesn't know what else she plans to do next, or give up. No matter what, she is calm and there is no one else here. She has to get her Qin Siting back quickly. He was involved in this abyss that shouldn't belong to him.

She needs to take him away.

Shi Niange leaned over to him again. He sat on the sofa in the bedroom. She approached him, leaning her head and tilting her head to look at him: "I haven't eaten either. It's very late now. If you don’t eat late, this is simply abuse. Are you going to abuse your girlfriend? Qin Siting?"

Qin Siting glanced at her, got up and went out, and returned after a while: "Someone will bring up dinner in a while. You can eat something first, and then go back to the Lishui Villa tomorrow to eat with you."

"It doesn't matter what you eat, you can go back to Lishui Villa with me." Shi Niange smiled and brought his face closer to him. When they were so close that they could feel each other's breath, she looked into his eyes and said:" Qin Siting, I have always been there, you still have me."

I've always been there, you still have me.


When I returned to Lishui Villa the next day, it was already the sixth day of the new year.

Seeing that there are still two days left for her birthday, but at this stage, Nian Ge really doesn’t want to mention anything about birthdays or birthdays. She feels that Qin Siting can be free from those things in the Qin family. For her enough.

But it's also a coincidence that there was a batch of new drugs in Grandpa's laboratory during the Chinese New Year. There are also some things like drug analysis and observation. Many other staff have gone outside for the New Year. If he didn't come back, Grandpa simply called the two of them to the laboratory and asked Qin Siting and Shi Niange to watch them in the laboratory.

On the sixth day of the new year, there were only two of them in Ruoda’s laboratory.

After Shi Niange had done what she should do, she sat next to her in a white coat and was a little drowsy with one hand on her head.

It's too quiet here, I can't even watch TV, I can only use my mobile phone at most, and I feel very sleepy after I'm busy.

Qin Siting still has some analytical projects to do. When I came back, Niange was sitting there and fell asleep, so she went to the rest room to sleep first.

Shi Niange sat there with him for a while, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he slipped back to the rest room.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Siting completed the analysis project he was going to do, and sorted out the new drugs that needed to be taken care of by Shi Niange. When he went to the rest room, Shi Niange was sleeping.

The girl was lying upright on the temporary single bed in the rest room, her black hair was scattered, her calves were slightly curled up, her shoes were on the edge of the bed, and her bare feet were hanging on the edge of the bed. Her sleeping posture was not elegant, but transparent. With a naive and lovely.

He went to the end of the bed and sat down, looking at her sideways.

She has no habit of makeup. Even though many girls like to wear makeup and wear various styles of clothes nowadays after college, she always cleans some casual sports styles, how comfortable and how to wear, let alone makeup, usually I don't even bother to use a lip balm. At any rate, he is still a daughter of the Shi family, but the girls of other ordinary people are all better than her.

The sleeping girl’s eyelashes are long and curled, and she quietly covers her eyelids. After being frostbited outside Qin’s house a few days ago, her nose has always been occasionally reddened recently, and it will take a few days to get better. When I fell asleep, not only the tip of my nose was a little red, but there was also a little bit of pressure on the side of the face. I knew how heavy I was sleeping.

At this moment, Qin Siting's ear echoed the call that had just been answered.

Mother Qin called and said that she had arrived at the airport, and she chose to go to Japan with Yama Honda to live the life she wanted. As for the Qin family, she would try to keep it confidential, keep the Qin family's reputation, and give his father one. To explain, for Qin Siting, Mother Qin said that Shi Niange was right. She could not cut off his original life because of the life she wanted. She said that Shi Niange woke her up. Indeed, she She can't let her son sacrifice everything because of her love, so that she has been entangled with each other, which is not good for either party, she chooses to let go.

Qin Siting raised his hand and extended his index finger, touching her still red nose very lightly, remembering that she stood in front of the villa with a cold red appearance that day and said, it's so cold outside, she When she wanted to go in, she said, Qin Siting, I have always been there, you still have me.

He hooked the corners of her lips unconsciously, helped her gently lift the arm that was pressing on her side, adjusted a comfortable posture so that she could continue to water, and did not dare to move too much so as not to wake her up, and then took it again. The pillow on the other side came over, and one hand passed through her hair from the back of the head to lift her head slightly, and the other hand put the pillow in.

The girl's hair is silky to the touch, with a faint fragrance of shampoo.

Shi Niange is really sleepy.

When she returned to the Lishui Villa from the Qin family, she never slept well. Even in her dreams, Qin Siting suddenly said that he was going to Japan. He would leave her if he wanted to leave the Qin family or Haicheng. She woke up several times in the middle of the night, and then couldn't sleep.

What I was doing here today was a boring project. I was too sleepy for a long time, so I slept dimly, and when I woke up it was already half past nine in the night.

There was floor heating in the rest room on winter nights. It was not cold at all. She slept under the quilt and was even a little hot. She squirmed in the quilt and kicked the quilt away with one leg.

Qin Siting was sitting on the single sofa beside the bed looking at the phone, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the movement on the bed and glanced up.

The girl opened her eyes dazedly and kicked the quilt. Then she sat up and rubbed her eyes like a child. She probably got frostbite on the tip of her nose a few days ago. Although it is not red anymore, the tip of her nose is a little itchy. I grabbed it twice with my hands.

It took a while before she turned her eyes dimly to look at him.

"Have you done all the drug analysis that Grandpa asked you to do?" The voice was a little hoarse just after waking up.

"Yeah." Qin Siting said little as always.

Shi Niange stretched out. He didn't pay attention to the time when he woke up just now. Now he turned his eyes to look out of the window, froze for a moment, and then picked up the phone to look at the time: "It's half past nine?!"

The man sitting on the opposite sofa saw her look surprised: "Otherwise you think?"

"Oh my God, I thought I only slept for two hours, did I actually slept for more than six hours?" Shi Niange was annoyed: "Then those I want to watch this afternoon..."

"I'm done, don't worry." Seeing her eagerly fluttering and getting out of bed, Qin Siting finally couldn't help but bend his Shi Niange took a look. He suddenly came over, put his hands on the coffee table next to him, leaned his upper body forward, and looked at Qin Siting with scorching eyes: "How many hours have you been in the rest room?"

Qin Siting looked at her and answered truthfully: "Almost three hours."

"You just sit here and watch me sleep for three hours?" Her eyes were still burning.

Qin Siting: "..."

He picked up the book speechlessly: "Reading."

Shi Niange raised his hand and pressed the book down, and continued to stare at his eyes: "Answer me face-to-face, did you keep watching me sleeping? You read these books when they were in the library, don't think I am I don’t remember, how could you keep reading this book."

"That's the first volume, this is the second volume." His voice was flat and slowly said: "I hope I keep watching you?"

Shi Niange didn't believe it, so he lowered his head and looked at the book carefully.

Oh, yes, the cover looks the same, but the contents of the upper and lower volumes are different.

But she was still not convinced, and continued to press the book, staring into his eyes and said: "Then at least one of these three hours is watching me sleep, right? Say, watch me sleep, did you move? What are you thinking about? Honestly admit it!"

Qin Siting: "..."