MTL - Young Master Gu’s All-Powerful Sweet Wife-Chapter 255 Is she herself?

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It was just such a sentence. After the old man of the Li family left, the old man Gu forgot it.

But this year, the Li family suddenly came to the door. There were some problems in the Li family's company. In order to be able to climb up the relationship with the Gu family, they had to fulfill the marriage contract that year.

And the old man Gu has always been a person who loves face and keeps his promises, so he agreed to this marriage, but he just set the marriage on Gu Yunshen, who happened to be in Ningcheng, and was indifferent and lonely, and wanted to make Gu Yunshen more lively after his marriage.

The old man Gu thought that the Li family was going to marry the Gu family. It must be the eldest daughter in the family, and the second daughter at the worst. Who would have guessed that he would have given Gu Yunshen a 19-year-old girl.

More importantly, Mr. Gu is already clear about Li Ge's previous glorious deeds.

It is really hard for Mr. Gu to imagine how such a bad girl can get along with his eldest grandson, who has been a genius since childhood.

"Oh." After Gu Yunshen heard the words of Old Man Gu, his expression was very indifferent, and he just said lightly, "Go to the Yellow Sea to play."

"Go to the Yellow Sea to play?!"

Old Man Gu's eyes widened, patted the table and said, "I heard that you found a way to let that girl enter Ningcheng University, she went to Huanghai to play?"

Gu Yunshen obviously couldn't understand why Old Man Gu had such a big reaction. He frowned a little and said, "She is a person, not an object, why can't she go out to play?"

"Yun Shen, tell the grandfather the truth, if you really don't like that girl, let's just leave the Li family's marriage." Old Man Gu said with a heavy face, "I've heard all about that girl, that girl doesn't look like a good girl. It looks like, the doctor around you is driving away without saying anything, and he is still pointing fingers at your illness, anyway, that girl is only nineteen, and she is not married yet..."


Before the old man Gu had finished speaking, Gu Yunshen interrupted the old man Gu directly.

Gu Yun took a deep breath and said to Mr. Gu, "She's fine."

Hearing this, Old Man Gu showed a hint of surprise on his face. He was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu Yunshen's face seriously.

His eldest grandson, with outstanding talent, has been a genius since he was a child. When he was young and publicized, he ran rampant in the capital when he was a teenager. Anyone who saw him in the whole capital would call him Young Master Gu.

Later, Gu Yunshen wanted to join the army, but his family was not allowed, so he had to enter the Institute of Physics, and his temper slowly calmed down.

But at that time, Gu Yunshen could often see the spirit of young people.

And Gu Yunshen's complete change came after the heavy military.

Looking at Gu Yunshen today, it is impossible for Mr. Gu to not feel distressed.

This was the first time he heard Gu Yunshen commenting on a girl like this...

"Do you like her?" Old Man Gu couldn't help asking.

like her?

Gu Yun lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I probably like it."

When Old Man Gu heard Gu Yunshen's admission, he was inevitably shocked again.

But at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Li Ge walked in from the outside and didn't look inside. He took off his hat, mask and coat at the door very casually, and changed his shoes before going inside.

Originally, this was her usual residence. Although the relationship with Gu Yunshen was not very clear for the time being, it was a place like home for Li Ge.

Therefore, when Li Ge was standing at the door, he didn't notice that there were more people in the living room.

"I am back…"

Li Ge was talking while walking in, and when he looked up, he saw a strange old man in the living room.

And this strange old man was also looking at her.

However, Li Ge was only stunned for a moment, then his face returned to indifference, and he said in a very casual tone: "Here, the old man, have you eaten yet?"

Master Gu: "..."

Gu Yunshen: "..."

Although there was nothing wrong with Li Ge's words, the problem was that her tone was too familiar, as if she had known the old man for a long time.

"I thought you weren't coming back tonight." Gu Yunshen glanced at Li Ge silently and said.

"Well, I'll come back to see you."

Li Ge came over, but did not take a seat, but found a box of tea at random, brewed it in the teapot on the table, and poured a cup for Old Man Gu and Gu Yunshen each.

At this time, Li Ge's performance was so calm that Old Master Gu couldn't say a word for a while.

After seeing the two of them, Li Ge raised his brows rarely, and said, "Old man is busy with other affairs, so it's rare to come to Ningcheng, I don't know why..."

Old Man Gu also noticed that Li Ge was different from what he imagined, so he hummed softly and said, "Are you that girl from the Li family?"

He had heard before that the youngest daughter of the Li family was a delinquent girl. She grew up in the country, and there was no way to get into fights. But seeing Li Ge herself now naturally surprised Old Man Gu.

The temperament can be said differently, but Li Ge's appearance is really outstanding, slender and tall, with a face that is one in a thousand, white skin with a pointed chin, and especially beautiful eyes, it is hard to imagine such a girl. It turned out to be a bad girl who grew up in the countryside.

"I'm Li Ge." Li Ge nodded, smiled slowly, and said, "But I think the old man should know me, so I don't need to introduce more?"

Master Gu: "..."

The surrounding air was silent for a moment, but soon Old Man Gu widened his eyes, stared at Li Ge and said, "This is how you talk to your elders?!"

Li Ge raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there any problem?"

Master Gu: "..."

Big problem!

He has been in the Gu family for so many years, which of those juniors are not respectful and not even dare to let a fart when they see him?

The temperament of this girl from the Li family... how should I put it... It's actually a bit interesting.

Gu Yun took a deep look at the old man Gu, and then said, "She has this temper."

"I didn't ask you!" Old Man Gu glared at Gu Yunshen, then looked at Li Ge and said, "I heard from the girl from the Jiang family that you pointed fingers at Yunshen's illness and drove away Yunshen's attending doctor?"

Hearing Old Man Gu's words, Li Ge thought for a long time before he remembered, as if there was indeed something going on.

After a while, Li Ge said with a smile, "Master, are you talking about that Miss Jiang, the attending doctor she was talking about is herself?"

For Jiang Rui, Li Ge was quite impressed.

After all, it was the first time she had met someone who was robbing her of food after she had lived so old.

Read The Duke's Passion