MTL - Young Master Gu’s All-Powerful Sweet Wife-Chapter 225 take off the mask

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Gu Yunche was frightened by Li Ge's series of actions, staring at him, unable to react at all.

After all the actions were done last night, Li Ge put down the knife in his hand, sneered slowly, looked up at the director not far away and said, "Director, there is no problem with me here, if he has no problem, the video will be available at any time. Shooting can begin."

"Mr. Gu? Do you have any questions?" The director looked at Gu Yunche eagerly when he heard Li Ge's words.

"Er..." Gu Yunche was stunned for a moment, then swallowed his saliva, and said after a long while, "I'm here...also...should...have no problem...isn't it?"

Gu Yunche said these words hesitantly, but the director didn't seem to notice anything wrong with his face, instead he happily clapped his hands and said, "Okay, since there is no problem with the two of you, let's start. !"

Gu Yunche: "..."

Now, even if I say I regret it, it is obviously too late.

So just like this, Gu Yunche was forced to drive the ducks onto the shelves, holding Bai Ze's weapon in his hand, and stood at his position.

The director was still commanding excitedly over there, and said to Li Ge and Gu Yunche, "You two, just follow the actions we designed before, and the two of you will rush from your respective positions to this center point. Then fight, two moves are enough, Jiufeng and Bai Ze each put their knives on each other's necks, Jiufeng holds Bai Ze's knife, understand?"

"Okay." Li Ge nodded decisively.

With the director's start, Li Ge quickly entered the state.

The footsteps are very light and fast, and they fight towards the center point that was designed early in the morning.

Gu Yunche was only slower than Li Ge for a moment, but he quickly reacted and rushed over following Li Ge's movements.

After rushing over, there were only two movements. Although Gu Yunche didn't look very good, at this juncture, he did not lose the chain at all.

The movements of the two were very fast. Li Ge's knife and Gu Yunche's long sword were placed on Duofang's neck almost instantly. One of Li Ge's double knives was knocked out, and the other hand held it. Gu Yunche held the long sword around her neck.

"Very good, very good!" The director quickly said to Li Ge, "Miss Li, take off your mask!"

Li Ge: "…"

How is she going to take off her mask now?

Does she have a third hand?

Fortunately, Gu Yunche reacted quickly, reaching out and quickly taking off the mask on Li Ge's face.

As the mask was taken off, Li Ge's long hair fell down instantly, revealing an extremely delicate face. Due to the influence of the makeup, Li Ge's face at this moment was very similar to the modeled characters in the game.

"Ka—" The director didn't expect this action scene to be over in one go. He clapped his hands in joy and said, "Okay, that's it! It's over!"

Li Ge didn't say anything more about the episode just released, but took off the relatively fragmented accessories one by one, and said to the director after leaving the studio: "So... Director, we are in the studio part. Is it all finished? Can the rest of the filming be done as soon as possible today? I still have something to do.”

"It's alright, Miss Li, if you have something to do, go do it first." The director hurriedly said beside him when he heard what Li Ge said.

Li Ge frowned slightly and said, "Didn't you say there are still scenes for filming?"

"That's it." The director first organized the wording, and then said: "Miss Li, originally, our plan for this promotional film was to have two members of the FFK and OMG teams shoot a segment together, but for now Judging from the reactions on the Internet, this promotion still needs to be done separately, so this interaction has been temporarily shelved, if you have something to do, Miss Li, go ahead and do it first."

When he said this, the director was more or less nervous.

Gu Yunche's popularity is not bad, but for an amateur like Li Ge, with such an arrangement, her role will be greatly reduced.

And without the interaction with these professional e-sports players, the popularity of the Internet will also drop a lot.

Therefore, the director was really worried that Li Ge would be dissatisfied with it.

However, after hearing the director's words, Li Ge's expression did not change, he just nodded casually and said, "Okay, director, that means it's nothing to do with me, right? If that's the case, I Go back first."

"Yes, if there are any other arrangements in the future, we will contact you here." The director said quickly.

In this case, Li Ge naturally won't say much.

For Li Ge, this is just a job in itself.

As for the popularity of the Internet... Li Ge really doesn't care much.

After Li Ge turned around and changed his clothes, he picked up the schoolbag he just brought, and went out without hesitation.

"Hey..." Because Gu Yunche was wearing a wig, he didn't remove his makeup so quickly. Seeing Li Ge leaving in such a hurry, he was about to speak to stop Li Ge, but Li Ge had already gone out first.

"Why is she in such a hurry?" Gu Yunche couldn't help but ask.

The director glanced at Gu Yunche, and then said, " could I know this, this is Miss Li's own business."

Hearing this, Gu Yunche lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "This is surprising."

On the other hand, after Li Ge came out of Star Entertainment, he drove directly to Gu Yunshen's manor outside the city.

When Li Ge went back, Gu Yunshen was taking a drip.

When Gu Yunshen was in a coma before, Li Ge got a stagnating needle on his arm, so Gu Yunshen couldn't just walk around for the past few days.

"How's it going?" After Li Ge entered the room, he dragged a chair over, sat beside Gu Yunshen's bed, and said indifferently, "I just read your blood test report, and it's still the same, blood sugar is higher than before. A little bit, but nothing else has changed."

Gu Yunshen also expected this result, so he lowered his head and smiled and said, "I know."

"Okay, you can count on your body."

Li Ge nodded, then brought his schoolbag from the sofa next to him.

At this time, Li Ge's schoolbag was bulging, and at a glance, he knew that the weight was not light.

Gu Yunche looked at Li Ge's schoolbag, raised his eyebrows slowly, and said with a smile, "What?"

"For you." After Li Ge said something indifferent, he poured out all the contents in his schoolbag.

Li Ge's schoolbag was full of dark brown glass medicine bottles, without any labels, let alone production trademarks and ingredients.