MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 630 betrayal

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The man once told the people under his command that one of the reasons he admired Hua Rongyue was that he had something very ruthless in his bones.

Although Hua Rongyue seems to be quite honest, and he was always a good man in everyone's heart before he went crazy, but since he absolutely killed Hua Mian, this man put his steadfastness And prudence is fully used to kill this aspect.

And when an honest man begins to devote himself to this kind of thing, the effect he produces is amazing.

Hua Mian was injured like this, it can be said that everyone present was completely caught off guard, because just now Hua Mian has always had the upper hand.

"The woman who just died was the servant of the adults?" Two people whispered below.

"Yes." The man nodded, "But don't underestimate Hua Rongyue, it can be said that this woman decided to surrender to the adults for Hua Rongyue."


"At the beginning, the woman was a little hesitant, she seemed to be afraid of the fancy face, and she seemed to think that the adults were not good enough to her, so she had an ambiguous attitude until Hua Rongyue personally looked for her once, She didn't know why she suddenly decided to rely entirely on adults."

"Anything like that?"

"Not only that, it's not the first time this kind of thing has happened...and it's happened many times before."

Maybe not everyone realizes the real horror of Hua Rongyue, but a small number of people have discovered it.

Hua Rongyue has an amazing talent for "fascinating people".

For ordinary people, Hua Rongyue's very gentle appearance at first glance is very easy to make people feel good, so many people are willing to share their secrets with Hua Rongyue Rongyue, even entrusted everything to him.

Most people are willing to trust their sixth sense, and most people's sixth sense actually guides them to trust the person they think is the most credible.

But if...the person who seems to be the most credible is the real man behind the scenes, then what will happen to these people who have given everything to him?

Shen Qinglan finally understood this concept in her mind.

—a fake Yi Linglong has absolutely no way to control so many people.

Besides, there are only six doors... It is impossible for so many martial arts people to be so united.

After eliminating the possibility one by one, she naturally knew the correct option.

—Hua Rongyue is Yi Linglong.

For so long, the most obvious possibility has been ignored by everyone. It is clear that Hua Rongyue has always "played" Yi Linglong, but none of them saw it. .

Why? Shouldn't this be the most obvious thing to do?

Why can Yi Linglong live unharmed under the siege of so many people? Why can't they find Yi Linglong after digging three feet into the ground?

Shen Qinglan was stunned for a long time, then she suddenly turned to Gu Xia and said, "This, this should be a lie..."

Gu Xia's face was still very serious. Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Shen Qinglan suddenly pulled out his sword and rushed up.

"What are you doing?" Before Shen Qinglan could go out far, Gu Xia grabbed her. While controlling Shen Qinglan, he frowned and asked, "Are you crazy?"

"Hua Rongyue, Hua Rongyue..." As Shen Qinglan spoke, her hands trembled and her eyes gradually turned red, she said, "Why, it could be him..."

"I know you must be in a very shocking mood right now, but you must keep calm at this time." Gu Xia said, "I am not in a worse mood than you are now."

"Then don't stop me!" Shen Qinglan said to Gu Xia, "Even if I don't want my life, I will go up and kill Yi Linglong?"

"How did you kill him?" Gu Xia said, "I guess you were killed by his men before you even came to him."

"Didn't you find out? Our identities should have been exposed long ago."

Shen Qinglan was stunned by Gu Xia's words.

"Other people may not know us, but Hua Rongyue will never." Gu Xia said, he looked directly at Shen Qinglan, "Not only our identity, Hua Rongyue gets along with us For such a long time, he knows our weaknesses, our shooting habits, and even the martial arts genre, do you think he will not guard against us in advance?"

Shen Qinglan's eyes became more and more dull, she turned to look at Hua Rongyue, but couldn't find it for a while, but wherever her eyes passed, she always felt as if someone was looking at her and Gu Xia .

The eyes of these people are like evil ghosts hiding in the dark, and they will be swallowed up at any time.

"Don't get too excited, the first thing we do at this time is to protect our own safety." Gu Xia said while pulling Shen Qinglan behind him, "Don't worry, follow behind me."

"Don't panic!" Similarly, the group of six-door people below are also greeting the people around them to not be nervous, because many of them are very familiar with Hua Rongyue People have realized that they know almost everything about Hua Rongyue, and they are almost transparent in front of Hua Rongyue.

This is no less than an earthquake-like blow to this group of small catchers who wholeheartedly regard Hua Rongyue as their good captain. fake.

"How is it possible? How could Captain Hua be such a person?" Someone held his head and said incredulously, "I couldn't tell when I was with Captain Hua before..."

"You know when a person finds out that the person he believes wholeheartedly is lying to him from beginning to end, how much of an impact will he have in his heart at that moment?" Hua Rongyue suddenly She said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Especially that person hasn't revealed anything wrong before."

"For them, this may be no less than being targeted by evil spirits."

Hua Rongyue watched Hua Mian wrap up her hands and asked him lightly, "I wonder what Mr. Hua Mian is feeling now?"

Feelings are naturally there.

Just like when Yi Linglong found out that she was finally betrayed and separated in her previous life, Hua Rongyue almost seemed to have experienced it all again, but from a different perspective.

"But it's a very pleasant thing for me to play with a person." Hua Rongyue said with a smile: "Especially when I found that the person was kept from me from beginning to end. , it seems that nothing has been found..."

"It makes me feel that there is still something interesting in this world."

Just as she finished speaking, everyone heard an explosion in the distance. The sound was not too far from here, and a thick smoke was immediately emitted from the place where the sound came out.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the explosion, only Hua Rongyue was different. After hearing the voice, she laughed softly, and then the voice became louder and louder...

This laughter sounds a little crazy, of course, in the hearts of the six gates, this laughter seems to have been used by Hua Rongyue when she played Yi Linglong, but it is now The meaning is somewhat different.

This voice is like the voice of an evil spirit, even people who have climbed out of **** will probably tremble when they hear this voice.

Whoever can hear the malice and endless madness in this voice…

"What's that?" Flower asked.

"One of your favorite subordinates should be dead now, along with the group of people who originally wanted to rescue soldiers." Hua Rongyue said with a smile, "And they should be in ashes. There will be no flesh left."

Frightened voices were uploaded from the street, Hua Rongyue was still just smiling happily, as if the people who were running in fear were not a single life in her heart at all, or, They are just a group of moving flesh and blood.

"When did you..."

"When you trusted me the most." Hua Rongyue's laughter stopped abruptly, and her tone suddenly became very gentle, as if nothing had happened, "Do you remember the time when you trusted me the most... You told me everything about you, even the secrets in the flower boat."

"At the time I was thinking, how can someone be so stupid in this world that he would tell another person about himself? Especially you, Fancy...I didn't expect you to look so smart , actually pretty stupid."

Hua Rongyue mocked Hua Mian unscrupulously, without giving any face to Hua Mian, she mocked him like a fool who was deceived. In the eyes of everyone, this person seems to really think this is very funny, so much that she almost bends down laughing.

"When..." Gu Xia was stunned for a moment, "Could it be the days when Hua Rongyue from the Six Sects sent Hua Rongyue to contact Huamian?"

 Hua Rongyue was given a good position in the six doors, and he was specially arranged to be responsible for the handover work with the flower boat.

It can be said that the only person Hua Mian trusts in the six doors is Hua Rongyue, Hua Mian can say sorry to everyone, but the only person who is not sorry is Hua Rongyue.

"Crazy, Hua Rongyue." Gu Xia murmured, "He is really, a complete lunatic..."

Gu Xia finally sees it now, Hua Rongyue really thinks it is very pleasing to deceive others to trust.

…But what kind of person considers deception a pleasure?

Flower Mian was still sitting there, because he was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see any of his facial expressions.

But when Hua Rongyue said these words, he was like a silent plaster statue.

"Master Hua Mian..." Someone next to Hua Mian cautiously came to Hua Mian and wanted to say something to him, but Hua Mian suddenly slapped him with a palm, and the man spit it out of his mouth instantly blood.

"Lord Flower!"

The person next to him immediately helped the person who was bleeding from Hua Mian’s palm, and turned to look at Hua Mian with frightened eyes.

"Hahaha..." Hua Mian suddenly laughed, his voice not only frightened the people next to him, but even the people in the flower boat themselves.

"But how can I be vain?"

After he finished speaking, he turned and rolled out of the window, running towards the direction of the explosion. Many people looked in his direction, watching his clothes fluttering in the air.

Hua Rongyue chased after him without saying a word. Then, the talents behind him seemed to wake up and chased after him one after another.

This street was busy for a while.