MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 582 chronic poison, drug

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A confrontation that was very tense on the surface but even a little funny in the dark, just ended inexplicably.

Hua Rongyue touched her slightly red neck, looked at the faceless who left, and smiled inexplicably.

She said yes...Is this called the good reincarnation of heaven?

Jiang Lianhuan is indeed a person with strong learning ability. He has almost learned the essence of flower noodles.

If Jiang Lianhuan's force value is not much worse than that of Big Brother Yi, then Hua Rongyue might really be a coward.

As she walked towards the Hundred Herbs Hall, she thought to herself why this guy came here in the middle of the night? And also set up ghosts.

Hua Rongyue thought that she should not see Jiang Lianhuan in a short time. After all, this guy has been freed as he thought, so he should go as far as possible Far.

Better never come back.

In the end, this guy not only came back, but also wore such a suit to pretend to be a ghost.

What is he doing?

Hua Rongyue quietly pushed the door back to the Hundred Herbs Hall, no one was in the room, everyone should have fallen asleep.

She also got into her small cabinet, picked up the big flower that climbed in at some point, and closed her eyes.

In her last life, Jiang Lianhuan became the Gu Queen of Six Doors, and Hua Rongyue did not know what happened, but she was quite sad.

Because her identity is quite special, after all, she is still Yi Linglong on the bright side, and with the buff of Gu King, she can walk sideways through the six doors for a while.

However, Hua Rongyue upholds her usual low-key attitude, and almost never acts like she is very good outside, even in front of people she is familiar with.

Today is the first day of King Hua Gu, and since she woke up, she felt the almost suppressed desire to control her from Six Doors.

"Hey, Hua Zhaitou, you're here." A Zou Kuai, who was familiar with Hua Rongyue, greeted Hua Rongyue casually.

Hua Rongyue was just about to reply when she was suddenly grabbed by someone behind her. When she turned her head, she was an unfamiliar catcher.

"Hua Zhaotou, I have something to do here, come with me." The man said with a smile, Hua Rongyue felt the strength in his hand, and laughed in his heart, slowly Follow him out.

Although Hua Rongyue is still doing her own thing in the six doors as before, after all, if she is suddenly transferred, I am afraid some people will be suspicious, but gradually something is wrong She thought about it.

How to say…

Whenever she wants to chat with someone she knows, she will be interrupted intentionally or not.

Or when she wanted to do something that seemed "dangerous", such as suddenly walking to the weapon rack, or going to the archives to read some more secret materials, Hua Rong Yue can feel the extremely tense atmosphere of the group of people behind him.

In short, her identity has suddenly changed from a person to a "dangerous object".

Everyone who knew the inside story was vaguely guarding her.

Hua Rongyue suddenly understood how Jiang Lianhuan's explosive character was formed, and she could clearly feel that the group of people behind her did not regard her as a person.

She's just a very useful tool.

This kind of feeling does make people sensitive and indifferent. Considering that Jiang Lianhuan seems to have always been the backup Gu King of Six Doors, 80% of them have grown up in such an environment since childhood.

Hua Rongyue is a sane adult and used to be a civil servant. Although she is a little uncomfortable with this exclusion, she will not let it affect her.


Harm is interesting.

Just as Hua Rongyue released her murderous aura again and wanted to see the startled look of the group of people behind her, suddenly a person pushed the door and walked in, making Hua Rongyue suddenly restrained Murder on the body.

"Isn't this good?" After Yan Sheng came over, he glanced at Hua Rongyue, and looked at a humane behind him with dissatisfaction, "What are you talking about?"

Hua Rongyue glanced at the person and suddenly laughed. This person was the one who had been following behind her this morning.

She said why she disappeared all of a sudden, it turned out to be a small report.

The man turned pale when he saw Hua Rongyue's smile, as if he saw a man-eating monster. He turned his head and said in a low voice, "No... Mr. Yan, he really..."

"He'll be fine." Yan Sheng said helplessly, "And there are so many people here, all of them are six-door arresters, what are you doing around him? Are these arresters? Are they all dead?"

The man behind looked at Yan Sheng, everyone was a little nervous, and finally one person said, "Master Yan, then... if something happens..."

"Find me if something goes wrong." Yan Sheng waved his hand irritably, "Go."

"I'm sorry, you..." Yan Sheng looked at Hua Rongyue and seemed to be silent for a while, then asked, "I didn't expect that the last person was really you."

"It's fine."

Hua Rongyue found that her impression in Yan Sheng's heart seemed unexpectedly high. After all, she felt that Jiang Lianhuan would never have this treatment in her previous life.

She can even simulate the dialogue between Jiang Lianhuan and Yan Sheng in her mind.

—Let's go, I have something to do today, and you are asked to kill someone.

—Go ahead.

Hua Rongyue screened out the strange images in her head, Yan Sheng looked at Hua Rongyue's face and said, "It's okay, in a few days, we can slowly transfer you to another Elsewhere, there shouldn't be anyone there..."

"I didn't take it to heart." Hua Rongyue smiled, "Master Yan, don't worry."

Yan Sheng seemed to be watching Hua Rongyue for a long time before finally letting go.

Then hesitantly took out a small bottle from his arms and said, "This... is your medicine for today."

The bottle was pure white with no decoration on it.

Hua Rongyue laughed as soon as she saw the bottle, "Okay, please sir."

She took the small bottle and drank it without hesitation.

Yan Sheng looked a little complicated when he saw Hua Rongyue taking the bottle. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it. When he saw Hua Rongyue dry the medicine in the bottle, his eyes became more complicated.

What's in that bottle?

Hua Rongyue was playing with this small bottle in her hand, how could it be so simple for Six Doors to put a Gu King on her own territory? Don't they want to live?

Certainly not.

So last night, Hua Rongyue was actually given two things.

—one is a small jar with Gu worms, and the other is a bottle of poison.

This poison needs to be taken regularly, otherwise it will poison and die, and the death is terrible.

Hua Mian has almost never used any method to control the lunatic under her hands, not even the craziest people. Although the outside world sees Hua Mian as being very cruel to her subordinates, very few people actually know that Hua Mian Rongyue sometimes really respects the personal opinions of these mentally ill people.

She smacked her lips and tasted the numb taste on the tip of her tongue.

It's a familiar taste.

Hua Rongyue said a long time ago that the Six Doors may have a leg with Tianyi Building, and this has been verified again in this poison, and even the formula of this thing is exactly the same.

Hua Rongyue took a cup of tea and rinsed her mouth, then handed the bottle to Yan Sheng, and even deliberately showed him the bottom of the bottle, indicating that she was really drinking.

Yan Sheng took the bottle and his eyes were very complicated.

Hua Rongyue knows that he is actually very difficult to deal with now, after all, the two could be regarded as friends before, but after last night, their identities changed, as if they had become tools and people The identity of the caretaker.

To put it badly, in the eyes of outsiders, if Yan Sheng does not give her an antidote tomorrow, then she will die on the street.

In this case…

Even a good friend can become a little embarrassed.

"Cough." Yan Sheng coughed lightly on purpose, hesitating for a long time but still embarrassedly said, "Actually... I don't really want to send it to you in person..."

"It's okay, Master Yan is also one of the few trustworthy people in the six doors." Hua Rongyue said with a smile.


Yan Sheng looked at Hua Rongyue and suddenly wanted to ask, are you really crazy?

But these words just turned around in a circle, and did not dare to say it.

Hua Rongyue thanked Yan Sheng, as if he had done him a big favor, not giving her a bottle of poison at all, and turned to look at the information again.

Fujiang appeared at this time.

He was just about to come in to find something, so he happened to see Hua Rongyue standing in front of the bookshelf.

It just so happened that there were basically no other people in this room, and there was nothing to cover, so Fujiang saw those people who were looking at Hua Rongyue with extremely fearful eyes.

Those people were almost all crowded in the corner of the house, deliberately avoiding Hua Rongyue, but they dared not let Hua Rongyue out of their sight.

Because Fujiang has been hiding from Hua Rongyue, he has never seen Hua Rongyue inside the six doors a few times. After seeing it today, he was instantly full of anger.

Hey...Look at this group of people, they are all scared like this, Fujiang sighed in his heart, it is estimated that they are also very difficult to handle, they want to be with Yi Linglong working life.

It can only be said that the six-door Zhaoan mechanism is good, but sometimes it is also a huge challenge to the psychology of catching fast.

Hua Rongyue stood there alone and turned the book, Fujiang looked at Hua Rongyue at this moment, and inexplicably thought of the time on Huashan Mountain.

He inexplicably felt that Hua Rongyue seemed a little...poor?

You've lost your mind. Fujiang said in his heart, this is Yi Linglong, the pure Yi Linglong.

Read The Duke's Passion