MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 573 forever

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In Hua Rongyue's view, this incident was purely an accident, but this accident caused a series of consequences that caught people off guard.

It was at this time that Hua Rongyue realized that Hua Mian had always been a very scary existence in the eyes of that man, and she also blamed that man for being too calm all the time , Hua Rongyue had no confidence before.

Her attitude also made the man praise her for her psychological quality.

Only Hua Rongyue knew that she just thought that these people were sick.

"He came to you, do you have any ideas?" Finally, one day, the man put down his arrogance and humbly asked Hua Rongyue to ask for advice.

Hua Rongyue probably came to look for her because he really couldn't find the reason why Hua Mian came here.

This man will suddenly come to ask her, Hua Rongyue thinks this person may be quite smart, after all, she has been pretending to be silent here for so long, if she doesn't come to her again, she can't make sense .

"You don't have to keep guessing what he wants to do. He came to me is not the reason you think, nor is there any loophole between us." Hua Rongyue said lightly.

"Oh?" As soon as the man heard Hua Rongyue's words, he became interested by the way, and he said, "How do you know?"

Hua Rongyue closed her mouth and looked at him with those cold eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay." The man looked at Hua Rongyue's eyes and smiled helplessly, "You always have this temperament, I just ask, I don't want to do it what."

Is this Hua Rongyue letter? In fact, Hua Rongyue didn't believe it either, but at this moment, she could see a little sign of weakness from this man.

"If you don't want to anger him and make things worse, stop all your actions first." Hua Rongyue finally said slowly.

"Let me go to him to resolve this matter."

After she finished saying this, she saw the man's hand on the chair tighten slightly.

Hua Rongyue knew that what she said would cause huge waves in the man's heart. After all, there were at least three times more people around Hua Rongyue during this time. That man could not wait to let Hua Rongyue directly Stay home and don't go out.

Hua Rongyue knew that this man privately regarded her as a collection, and it was a collection that he made by himself.

This man was actually a little panicked at this moment, Hua Rongyue felt that he might have a feeling in his heart that "his collection was suddenly discovered by thieves before it was successfully built", This is absolutely intolerable for a self-proclaimed collector.

But he finally slowly put down the hand that he almost raised.

Hua Rongyue was not in a hurry, just sat there, silently.

She didn't explain to the man at all, didn't say anything superfluous, just like a shell with its mouth closed, but it was this attitude that made the man ponder.

After a while, the man finally let go.

"Alright." The man nodded, "You are more promising than before, and you are not afraid of fancy face, which is indeed a good thing."

"I wasn't afraid of him."

The man did not speak, but put on that smiling look again. Now it seems that he has recovered, at least there is no difference on his face.

"Yes, I know." He said in a tone that seemed to coax a child, "It's just that I always forget that you have become so powerful now."

"Don't be so pretentious." Hua Rongyue continued in a cold voice, "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"'ve become less and less fun since you killed Jiang Lianhuan." The man sighed, "If that's the case, then you can go, I won't stop you, Just see how far you can do it."

Lin Qiya knocked on the door, listened to the sound inside, and walked in.

Flower face turned her back to her, looking at the letter in her hand, Lin Qiya carefully hugged him from behind, and said, "Sir... what are you looking at?"

"Nothing." Hua Mian immediately put the letter in her hand down.

Lin Qiya just took a quick glance just now, she vaguely saw the words "Hundred Herbs Hall" on it, and she vaguely thought that Hua Mian was watching the incident a few days ago ?

Sure enough... Lin Qiya secretly suppressed the excitement in her heart and stood aside as if nothing had happened.

She looked out the window subconsciously, thinking silently, that person... should be coming soon, right?

The person mentioned in the information Lin Qiya received before, although she had never seen him, she was inexplicably very interested in that person.

Perhaps this is just a curiosity about the most precious collection under the man's hands. After all, what can be regarded as a collection by that man... is definitely a unique person in the world.

Flower Mian continued to sit in front of the window for a long time by herself. At this moment, the curtain suddenly swayed a few times, and he subconsciously looked towards the place where the wind was blowing.

…When the wind stops, there will be one more person there.

The man was wearing a white shirt, his face was slightly pale, and he looked like a pale ghost.

Lin Qiya realized at that moment that the person who came was Hua Rongyue, she glanced at Hua Rongyue secretly, and then raised her brows slightly behind the flower face.

She thought to herself, she didn't expect this person to be quite handsome.

"You're here." Flower said lightly, his voice sounded a little hoarse, Lin Qiya knew it was because he dealt with several people in the flower boat one after another in the afternoon, speaking a little bit There are a few more, that's why it sounds like this.

Too many people have been dealt with on the flower boat recently, even a person like Lin Qiya who is completely on the sidelines can feel this abnormality, especially some of them are completely without any The reason was dealt with, maybe just because I looked at the flower face one more time.

But what does this have to do with Lin Qiya? If it wasn't for some of these unlucky **** who were under the master's hands, and the master told her to blow the pillow, she wouldn't take the initiative to mention this to Hua Mian.

Lin Qiya breathed a sigh of relief when she thought of this. She was also a little proud in her heart. After all, Hua Mian has been going crazy from time to time recently, and she will only appear calmer when she is by her side.

Is this what it feels like to slowly control a Gu-king? It's a pity... Lin Qiya bit her lip and secretly glanced at the flower next to her.

It's a pity...this time will not last long.

Lin Qiya's eyes slowly became colder.

"Aren't you looking for me all this time?" Hua Rongyue said coldly.

Flower looked at Hua Rongyue and smiled.

Lin Qiya was a little surprised, after all, Hua Mian didn't seem to have much time to laugh recently.

"You are much bolder than before." Hua Nian picked up a wine glass from the side, poured a glass of wine from it, and drank it himself.

When Lin Qiya watched Hua Mian pour the wine, she subconsciously wanted to go over and pour it for him, but he was pushed away.

This made her stunned for a moment, and there was a faint feeling of not being used to it.

The words of Hua Mian seemed to complain and blame, but there was no obvious anger in his tone, at least Lin Qiya didn't hear it.

"You know I'll come to you?" Hua Rongyue came over, took the wine jug, picked up another wine glass from the side, filled it up and drank it in one gulp. His stuff is too natural, like he's done it countless times.

"With your character, you may do this." Hua Mian smiled and shook her head. "After all, I know you too well."

Lin Qiya sat behind and watched, she originally wanted to get closer, after all, that adult gave her a task to observe Hua Rongyue's performance, but now she feels inexplicable Some of them couldn't fit in, and the two inexplicably formed an invisible wall in front of them, separating her.

Hua Mian and Hua Rongyue didn't say a few words either. The two spent most of the time sitting there drinking. Hua Mian's alcohol capacity was good, and Hua Rongyue's alcohol capacity was also good.

—Lin Qiya sat in the back for a long time, and gradually felt a little uncomfortable.

She thought about it for a long time, and suddenly realized that the uncomfortable feeling was because she was sitting right behind the two people.

—The two seem to be competing for internal strength. Although Lin Qiya can't feel anything, she has always been very clear about the strength of Hua Mian.

Hua Rongyue didn't make a sound from the beginning, Lin Qiya was slightly shocked, and even the teacup in her hand almost knocked over.

She spent so long in the flower boat, although she is in Cao Ying and Han, but she does not deny the power of flower noodles in her heart.

This is the first time she has seen someone who can compete with Hua Mian for internal strength.

"Your martial arts have improved a lot than before." Hua Mian said, "It's a bit beyond my expectations."

"But don't you intend to explain what happened before?"

"What to explain?" Hua Rongyue said after drinking a glass of wine.

Flower Noodles took another sip of wine, this time he didn't say anything, but the speed of drinking was slightly faster. Lin Qiya clenched her fists quietly behind her, she already understood what the two people in front of her were fighting.

It's just... Hua Rongyue's answer made Lin Qiya's heart tense. She said in her heart that this person was too reckless. Such an answer is definitely not what she wants to hear at this moment. of.

Lin Qiya has been with Hua Mian for so long, so she naturally knows what kind of answer he likes.

If this person can't do it...can I have to do it myself? Lin Qiya's eyes gradually became fierce.

At this moment, Hua Mian drank another glass of wine. When he wanted to drink another glass, Hua Rongyue suddenly stopped him and said, "Stop drinking."

"What does my drinking have to do with you?" Hua Mian sneered.

"I thought you were clear." Hua Rongyue raised her head, looked at the moon in the sky, and sighed inexplicably.

His voice sounded a little distant, faint, like a dream, but it was easily heard by Hua Mian and Lin Qiya behind.

"I am the only one in this world who will never betray you."