MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 571 The young master arrives

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In the Hundred Herbs Hall, Doctor Qi finished dressing the man. Although he had seen a lot of incisions, this man's incision was too deep at the moment. He felt that he should use some other wound medicine, so he said to this man: "You stay here first, I will go ahead and get some. vulnerary."

Dr. Qi wanted to leave first, but was suddenly grabbed by someone behind him who asked alertly, "Where are you going?"

"Uh..." Doctor Qi said blankly, "The lobby?"

"No need, you can just use this." The man said and dragged Doctor Qi to sit down.

"Ah..." Dr. Qi was a little confused after being dragged back.

After he was dragged down, he looked at the man's deep scar, and then looked at the man's face, and hesitated a little.

Then he didn't dare to say anything, he lowered his head and continued to bandage.

Li Jingyi was waiting for Ah Zhe Banzhuxiang's time at the door.

Li Jingyi felt that she would stand here like a fool, she thought for a while, then went back to the Hundred Herbs Hall and copied her sword again.

It will take time to go to the yamen to find someone, and it is estimated that the yamen is far away from them. By the time someone finds it, Doctor Qi may be cold.

A Zhe will be rushing to the nearest contact point of the flower boat - a rouge shop.

He came here every time he delivered news before, but it was the first time he came here in such a broad day to find the truth.

"What's the matter?" The guy who was in charge of greeting at the door knew Ah Zhe, so someone came and pulled him over. The guy said to Ah Zhe, "Why did you come here in broad daylight? What if someone saw it?"

"Something, urgent." Ah Zhe panted and leaned on the counter.

"Don't make trouble." The man rolled his eyes at Ah Zhe, "The store is busy today, isn't this the latest batch of fat powder, the customers are almost crowding the store, Don't be joking."

A Zhe finally caught his breath. He looked at the young man who lowered his head and started to play the abacus again. He took out something from his pocket and patted it on the table with a blank expression.

"What is it..." The man heard the sound of Ah Zhe slapping the thing on the table, which sounded like a piece of gold or silver, so he smiled and said, "You are also here to buy fat powder. ...I said earlier, it's not that I can't keep it for you, so why make it so mysterious..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked down and saw the small piece of gold on the table, and the smile on his lips suddenly stiffened there.

A Zhe raised his eyebrows and watched the change in the man's expression quite novel.

…Two minutes later, the powder shop closed collectively.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" The people behind Ah Zhe shouted at him, "What are you doing? Can't you run faster?"

"Hey, how fast do I have to go!" A Zhe faced the wind and said, "But the contrast between you is too big! What did I get you?"

A Zhe really didn't know what was going on in the brain circuits of this group of people. When he first saw him, he told him not to make trouble until he took out the golden flower. , these people are like crazy.

Dozens of people rushed out of the powder shop. A Zhe felt a little flustered when he saw it. He had been here several times, but he didn't realize that there were so many people hiding in it. This made him feel like the killer in front of Tianyi Building seemed to be eating dry rice.

"What exactly did I give you?" In the chaos, A Zhe suddenly caught the point, "Isn't it a token of the flower boat? It's not like I haven't seen you use it before. Why are you acting so excited?"

"That's different." The person next to him said, "You are holding a special token."

"A special token?" A Zhe looked confused.

"Who gave you this?"

"A... little girl."

A Zhe's confusion continued until the group of people arrived at the Hundred Herbs Hall. At this moment, Li Jingyi was no longer at the door.

He tried to listen around and found a sound in the backyard.

A Zhe frowned, the voice did not sound too intense, but it was indeed the sound of a sword.

It seems... there are not many people, this is a bit different from what he thought, he originally thought there would be a lot of people, after all, if Tianyilou really came to arrest people of his level, It is impossible to dispatch only one or two.

A Zhe's face was inexplicably embarrassed. He looked at the few people around him and wondered if he had made a mistake, but seeing that the group of people around him had long been cautious At the beginning of the battle, he quietly approached the Hundred Herbs Hall. He rubbed his nose and suddenly felt that he was superfluous.

The cautious and professional attitude was like facing a hunt, which made Ah Zhe a little embarrassed.

He looked at the cautious attitude of this group of people, and suddenly felt that there were no peerless masters below, was it a little sorry for them...

In the backyard, Li Jingyi and the man with the grim face were facing each other, both of them had very cold eyes, the man smiled and said, "I didn't expect... I see you as a half-old child. I let you go, the real master is here."

Dr. Qi was hiding behind Li Jingyi and shivering at this moment. The little boy also came over and shivered with Dr. Qi.

"You two go out first." Li Jingyi said in a very calm voice.

"No, no!" Doctor Qi said, "If we leave, what will you do?"

Li Jingyi eavesdropped outside the door for a long time just now, and finally heard that the sound inside was not right, so she pretended to go in to deliver water, but in fact she took advantage of the person's lack of defense against her, and took advantage of the other party's hand, This saved Doctor Qi.

Dr. Qi was in a cold sweat at that time, and was trying his best to delay the speed of dressing, to the point where that person was a little impatient.

Because Dr. Qi also noticed something was wrong, he was afraid that he had finished dressing this man, and the man would cross the river to demolish the bridge and kill him.

This person really didn't have any good intentions, Li Jingyi didn't plan to let the other party go, because this person was the wanted criminal posted on the wall before.

This man has done a lot of evil. If he is let go now, he will definitely do other excessive things.

And Li Jingyi remembered that the wanted notice said that this person would almost never leave alive. If this person accidentally ran out, then...

The man looked at Li Jingyi with a look of contempt, as if he was laughing at her that a little girl dared to come here, but there was a trace of solemnity in this contempt, after all... It was the first time I saw it. It was a bit strange. He didn't dare to do anything to Li Jingyi for the time being.

Li Jingyi glanced at the man, took a deep breath, and was about to start. Doctor Qi shouted after her, "Don't be impulsive, Jingyi! Let's wait!"

"Hehe, it's too late." The wanted criminal sneered, "You little girl doesn't know the sky is high, but I want you to know today, what is sinister in the rivers and lakes."

"Jingyi!" Doctor Qi shouted. Before he could say anything, he saw that Li Jingyi had already fought with that person.

"You go out first." Dr. Qi couldn't get in, so he turned his head tremblingly and opened the door for the little boy first, but in a blink of an eye he saw a flying knife stabbing straight into the door frame superior.

The wanted criminal who was fighting with Li Jingyi gave him a cold look, and Doctor Qi was cold in his bones.

"It's over, it's over, it's over all at once." Doctor Qi thought in a messy mind, what about Xiao Han? What about Hua Rongyue?

"Shall we go down now?" The person on the roof discussed, the person in charge of this operation thought about it and nodded, "Let's go down now, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

Li Jingyi relied on her young age and flexible body to jump back and forth between swords and swords skillfully, but she could feel the terrifying inner strength of the man on the opposite side.

Her swordsmanship is good, but compared with this kind of person, she will definitely lose her internal strength, especially if she is injured by this person's internal strength, the consequences will definitely be very serious.

Li Jingyi carefully avoided the man's palm, but she was accidentally rubbed against her. At that moment, her throat became sweet, and a faint blood surged up from her chest.

"Little girl, I'll teach you something today." The wanted criminal said with a smile across from Li Jingyi, "You really have some strength, but... it's a pity that you were born in such a small place. If If you were born in a sect, you must be the proud son of the heavens there, and you don’t have to live on like now.”

Li Jingyi looked at him coldly.

"In the arena, you can't become famous because of talent. Sometimes you need some luck, and more importantly, some background and strength." The man sneered, "But you know these things. It's too late, try to know as soon as possible in the next life..."

The man's knife was raised, reflecting a cold light.

Doctor Qi closed his eyes abruptly, not daring to look any further, the little boy beside him who hadn't run out would also shrink beside him and shiver.

Just when the two of them were so nervous that no one dared to open their eyes, it suddenly became quiet in front of them.

The surroundings seemed to be cloudy, and a shadow blocked the sunlight in front of me.

Dr. Qi felt something was wrong. He secretly opened one eye and looked in front of him. The first thing that entered his eyes was the figure of a girl...

Li Jingyi cautiously looked at the yard. Just when she was about to gather up her strength to fight against the opponent, suddenly there were so many inexplicable people in the yard.

She didn't know any of these people, so she didn't dare to speak, but these people should not be with the wanted criminal, because when a person came over just now, he directly subdued the wanted criminal .

A tall, thin, silent man came over and looked at Li Jingyi quietly. Li Jingyi didn't know what they were doing, so she could only look at them quietly.


The tall and thin man looked at Li Jingyi for a long time, and when Li Jingyi couldn't help but ask "where are you from?", the man suddenly laughed.

He stretched out his hand to Li Jingyi, palm up, holding a flower inside.