MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 567 cleaning

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In the back room, Hua Rongyue sat on the top seat, and the boss was trembling below.

Sister Zhen stayed outside, Hua Rongyue looked at the boss who was kneeling in front of her, and there was nothing on her face.

Although I know that there will definitely be betrayals in the flower boat, but I see the other party slipping and kneeling so fast, and my heart is still slightly subtle...

Hua Rongyue said, "Do you know what I came for you?"

"Of course I know." This boss is indeed the first wave of grasshoppers who defected to Hua Rongyue at that time. The whole person can be said to be climbing up straight, which is called a neat and tidy one. .

"Did they go in?" said the man's subordinate who was guarding outside, "Why did Hua Mian suddenly come here today?"

"I don't know, what he does on a whim, who knows." Another person next to him whispered.


"Does the program need to be terminated?"

"Wait a little longer." The leader gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't Hua Rongyue just go in with that person? It should problem."

"It's already like this, so let's wait and see."

"Recently..." Someone was silent for a long time before suddenly saying, "We are under a lot of pressure, although Hua Mian is becoming more and more awake now, but the power of the flower boat is also increasing. It started to affect us gradually..."

"If we don't take this opportunity to stop him, then maybe we will encounter great danger..."

"Sometimes I also think... Hua Mian is very scary." A person next to him said, "It's like he came here suddenly today... You said he was unintentional, or he knew in advance what?"

"Shh." A man next to him glared at him, "What are you talking about? You can't even do this little thing well, isn't the favor given to you by adults not enough? Do you want to shake the heart of the army when you say this?"

The complaining person fell silent for a moment, and after a while he said, "I'm sorry, it's my gaffe."

"Why hasn't Hua Rongyue come out for so long?" Someone suddenly asked, "If that person didn't believe he was a flower, shouldn't he have come out earlier?"

"Oh, that's right." The person next to him suddenly became surprised, "We originally thought of revolting against Hua Mian when he was not paying attention, but when he completely got on the pirate ship Besides, I didn't expect him to endure this time?"

"Wait a little longer." A man next to him said, "I think Hua Rongyue is very powerful, maybe...he really used some means to fool that person. already."

—Hua Rongyue in the house is "fooling" the boss in front of her at this moment.

"I still remember... when you first joined the flower boat, you were free to choose where to go?" Hua Rongyue said, "I seemed to have met you at that time, in the flower boat. at the dance."

The boss trembled upon hearing this.

He remembers me! He still remembers me!

The boss roared in his heart.

"I remember you sitting in the corner at the time, looking at everyone with your eyes, I liked your eyes very much." Hua Rongyue said, "When I asked people to come over to toast, you He walked up to me and gave me a serious look, as if he wanted to remember me."

"I didn't expect Mr. Hua Mian to have such a good memory." At this moment, the boss no longer had the slightest suspicion. There were really not many people who knew what happened on the flower boat at that time, not to mention the fact that he gave When the flower noodles are toasted, they are toasted alone.

This person is indeed a flower.

Those people outside did not expect that Hua Rongyue's "fooling" method was so simple - as long as she was really real.

It's just...the boss asked in surprise, "Since you are here, then the one in the flower boat..."

"The flower noodles are just a code name." Hua Rongyue said lightly, "The flower noodles have always been two people."

After she finished saying this, she saw the boss's body shaking violently.

Hua Rongyue's words are true words that can pass a polygraph. In her heart, Hua Mian has always been two people.

"We are brothers, and my personality is different from his." Hua Rongyue's nonsense came casually, "His temper is short-tempered and impulsive, but I don't like that look, this It would make me feel disrespectful."

The boss nodded thoughtfully, on the surface he had no idea, but in his heart he began to think uncontrollably, is this a drama of brothers fighting?

The flower boat is indeed a fortune. If the flower face is originally two people, then once there is any gap between the two people, it will be a standard "struggle for the throne" plot.

The boss suddenly understood why Hua Mian came to him. Generally speaking, ordinary people like him who are not strong have no sense of existence in the flower boat, but Things are different now.

According to his guess, the "flower face" in front of him should be the one who fell behind during the competition. He needs to collect his own forces from the flower boat to help him.

Therefore, he will be selected.

The boss was very excited, he said in his heart that this is "from the dragon's work"!

If the lineup is correct, then he may enjoy something he never dreamed of in the rest of his life.

What casino? what boss? What he will be able to access at that time is already beyond the reach of ordinary people in a lifetime.

At this moment, the boss is not at all worried that the person he chooses is wrong, and he has not even considered that possibility.

—because in his heart, the flower face that has been dragging and entangled with lunatics will fail sooner or later.

"What do you need me to do?" Almost at the same time, the boss asked this sentence without thinking.

Hua Rongyue's heart moved slightly, she lowered her head and looked at the boss who wanted to be flush with her feet, "I need you to listen to me."

"No matter what you say, you have to listen to me. When the time comes, you will do what I say."

"No problem!" The boss almost cried with joy.

Sister Zhen shook her legs outside the door and said, "Why haven't you come out yet?"

Does she think that a night hero is like this? Hua Rongyue had told her that this person had been favored by the Night Walker before, so she seemed so excited, but Zhenjie tried hard to imagine how the Night Walker saved the boss, but she didn't get it at all. clue.

When she went out with Nightcrawler, the most common thing she did was to catch petty thieves. The real sister thought that this boss was kidnapped by a thief when he was stealing the purse?

Looking at the boss, he doesn't look like a tall man...

Just when she was thinking about it, Hua Rongyue suddenly pushed the door and walked out from behind.

"Ouch! You finally came out!" Zhenjie shouted excitedly.

Hua Rongyue walked in the front, the boss followed her, following her every step of the way. After walking down, Sister Zhen raised her chin to the boss, "You look very smart, but I didn't expect you to be stupid. Now you finally know who we are?"

"I know, I know." The boss said repeatedly.

"Next time we come again, do you dare to look at me with such disgusting eyes?" Sister Zhen pointed to his nose.

"Don't dare..." The boss shook his head frantically for a moment, joking, and grabbing people from the flower face, he was afraid that he was not going to kill.

"That's right." Sister Zhen gritted her teeth and smiled, "Next time you dare to look at me like this, believe it or not, I'll gouge your eyes out."

"It's getting late, it's time to go back." Hua Rongyue suddenly said.

"Huh? How can there be, isn't it still early?" Sister Zhen dragged Hua Rongyue and said, "While there is still enough time, let's go out for a walk, maybe I can see something more interesting."

"Okay." Hua Rongyue has always had no temper in front of Zhenjie, nodded and followed her out.

The boss wiped his sweat and said, "I'll drop a baby..."

"Who was that person who left just now?" Lao Tan came over and asked curiously.

"It's a very unexpected person." The boss took a deep breath, and then his face flushed, "But it's also my nobleman."

Lao Tan complained silently in his heart, judging from the game of chess just now, your nobleman is not a normal temperament... I am afraid that one day if you are not happy, you will be executed directly .

The boss was happy and thought, Hua Mian is taking a woman out to hang out again.

With his temper, I don't know how many people will suffer in the flower boat tonight...

"Did you succeed?" Hua Rongyue asked with extremely nervous expressions when she saw those people when she returned.

"Success." Hua Rongyue said, "Also, Sister Zhen had a great time tonight."

"Great!" The group of people who came with Hua Rongyue were all excited, Hua Rongyue raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw their overexcited appearance.

What's the matter, is she so happy about her success?

"Since one succeeds, the next one will be very easy." The man said and glanced at Hua Rongyue, "I thought the flower noodles had just passed by the street, no matter what How can you not believe that you are really fancy."

Hua Rongyue did not speak, but smiled reservedly.

On Flower Street, in a quiet room, a girl wearing a butterfly mask sat quietly in the room, when she suddenly received a letter from a little oriole.

She watched the little oriole stretch out her paws reservedly to signal her to take down the letter, and read the contents of the letter quietly.

The moment it was opened, there was a very familiar handwriting on it.

The tone of the people in the letter is very straightforward, even colloquial, which is different from ordinary letters, but Butterfly Girl really likes to read such very easy-to-understand letters.

This is also the style of that person.

After reading everything in the letter, Butterfly Girl suddenly showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then the smile gradually expanded, until it was hideous...

The interior of the flower boat tonight was not peaceful.

—A "big cleaning" belonging to the flower boat is slowly kicking off...

Read The Duke's Passion