MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 93 The entertainment industry is all my cp (2nd 1st)

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Hearing this, the agent immediately sensed something was wrong, and hurried to smooth things over, "The little girl said she can't have a brain, so don't have the same knowledge as her."

The age of criminal responsibility." Shi Qi directly moved out of the law,

"But Fali is more than human feelings. After all, our artists are still newcomers, so don't be too extreme. If necessary, we can help you clean up. You know, your reputation... "The agent also knows that the contract is a serious matter, but I didn't expect Shi Qi, who is usually a talkative person, to be so difficult after shaving his beard.

If it really matches capital, it is definitely asking for trouble.

Thinking that Shi Qi likes the entertainment industry, so the agent wants to take a roundabout policy and let his artist and Shi Qi hype. Of course, his little abacus is good. Now I will hype with you to stabilize you, and wait for the resources of their artists to be ready. There are other springboards, and it will not be too late to step back.

After all, Shi Qi's reputation is very bad, and he can't be washed away by so many top fans.

Being able to stir up scandals with Shi Qi, and even attract a lot of fans who feel distressed about their artists.

"My reputation is not bad for this arrogance." Shi Qi couldn't see through his careful thinking, "Seeing that your artists have just made their debut, so this penalty is my own. I paid. It's only three million in liquidated damages, I can afford it."

"It's you, such an unprofessional star, we can't afford to invite Tianshi Entertainment."

After finishing speaking, Shi Qi gestured towards his assistant, "See off!"

At this time, the idol captain was stunned, and he didn't expect that he would fall into such a situation.

She can become a female team leader, and she will naturally be observant, because Shi Qi's reputation is too bad, so she can't help putting on airs, and even finds a paparazzi to follow up, preparing for the follow-up Follow up on the hype.


But why is your experience different from others?

Obviously others can step on Shi Qi's position like this, why can't you?

Why is Shi Qi targeting himself?

The female team leader cried on the spot.

However, crying and crying is useless in front of Shi Qi. The original owner was kind-hearted. White-eyed wolf.

She is not the kind of soft persimmon that is easy to pinch.

Of course it wasn't that the female team leader was unlucky to bump into Shi Qi, don't worry, those who stepped on the original master, wait for her one by one.

After driving the people away, Shi Qi looked at the stunned film crew and motioned them to continue.

However, how does one shoot a couple's magazine cover?

"Boss, do you need to find another little flower to support the facade? In fact, our artist is very good. Although...tempered." Seeing that the shooting could not go on, the assistant tentatively gave a suggestion.

He has also seen the world, but Shi Qi's actions are not particularly surprising, after all, the master's actions will only be more ruthless.

The eldest young master always likes to give those newcomers a chance. As long as those newcomers pretend to be pitiful in front of the eldest young master, show their grievances and their pursuit of the stage and their dreams, the eldest young master will give them a chance.

Of course the eldest young master is very kind, except that he does not use those people, he will not wear small shoes for artists.

That's right, it's a problem that people are unclear.

Today I saw that Shi Qi did a good deed, tearing the white lotus! The assistant thinks, this seems to be enlightened?

Actually, according to their own resources, let those famous old actors and powerful singers bring stars with them. However, the eldest young master has taken a different approach, and with super high resources, he still wants to start from the grassroots level and specially bring newcomers.

Good results.

A good hand is played thinly.

If it weren't for the Shi family's great business, they would not be able to fail.

But the master made up his mind to let the eldest young master learn to suffer and learn to grow by himself, and never do anything by himself.

Therefore, there are rumors outside, saying that entertainment is not good.

How could they know that even if the eldest young master bankrupted Tianshi Entertainment, the Shi family would not be short of money. Because, with the investment of the master in the past few years, he has contracted three diamond mines and ten gold mines abroad.

If you spend a day of entertainment, you can let the eldest young master learn to manage money, which is actually very reasonable.

To have a good relationship with the eldest young master.

The eldest young master is a simple brain, but if someone uses dim sum, the eldest young master will easily be locked up, and then there will be nothing left? You short-sighted fellows.

The whole entertainment industry is like this, especially those fans, who are crazy.

"I need to cherish the feathers, so that my fans will not be jealous in the future. This time I will shoot and find a dummy model." Shi Qi has no interest in frying CP at all. The first time I joined the entertainment industry was my debut as a boy group. How many little girls considered His Royal Highness the Prince!

"..." The assistant looked at Shi Qi with a strange look, boss, how black are you on the Internet, and your fans?

If there is, it is probably only the sister who is far abroad.

I know that you have been hacked very badly. Now the little lady has completed the university course at the age of 18 and is now going through the procedures for returning to China.

However, these little ladies kept him secret and not allowed to say it.

Others are employees of Shi Qi, although they also think Shi Qi's words are incredible, but they dare not express it face to face. Today, the boss doesn't know what's going on, and he smashes three million to get angry at every turn.

What if one is unhappy and fires them?

Therefore, a group of people were waiting to accompany Shi Qi to shoot the magazine.

All kinds of close-up selfies can hold up, even because there is one scene when Qi gently kisses the shoulder of the dummy model.


That shot was absolutely amazing.

Pure and lustful, what she said was simply Shi Qi.

Like the incarnation of the **** of love and beauty in Greek mythology, people who watch it are swallowing saliva frequently.

Apart from the face, the only thing that was exposed was the pair of slender and articulated hands.

It turns out that subtlety can be so seductive.

Even if it was a dummy model, one couldn't help but imagine how wonderful it would be if Shi Qi was in front of his real girlfriend.

However, thinking about it makes me feel sour.

Because, no one deserves Shi Qi.

He is so perfect and noble!

The photographer at the beginning was only forced to open the business, but when he patted and looked at Shi Qi, his eyes were like a hungry wolf who saw meat, with green light in his eyes.

This is the passion of a professional when facing the ultimate beauty he pursues.

In the end, this set of photos was hailed by the photographer as the best photos of his career.

However, he is concerned about the magazine's sales.

Since Shi Qi's reputation in the entertainment industry is not easy to do.


The boss's popularity, let alone no.

Every time a topic related to Shi Qi can be searched, and the last time it was hacked for a week.

On average four times a month, and each time I work with a different top streamer.

That night, Shi Qi was on Weibo's hot search for driving away the female team leader.

Good guy, the little girl who was aggrieved and crying in person, turned around and attacked on the Internet.

Fortunately, Shi Qi is not a person who takes other people's ideas to heart, and even finds it funny.

There are really many people in the entertainment circle who are like the female team leader. But, holding a good hand and playing such a bad game, the original owner is also the first in history.

It doesn’t matter if it’s resource background or beauty.

I have borne the liquidated damages myself, I just don’t want to be too embarrassing. As a result, she let you go, but you still felt wronged, and brought those fans up to boycott yourself crazily.

All kinds of scolding, greeting the ancestors of Shi Qi.

What, "Capital Dog?"

Very good.

In that case.

It's getting colder, it's time for that ignorant guy to be banned.

The words “Gold Master Dad” and “Capital Dad” are not false names.

"Uncle Li, you pay attention to it for a while and let the troubles get to the top. When the trouble is too big, all the videos at the shooting site will be exposed, and by the way, we will sign the contract. Let's break it out together. Since they want justice, then I will give them justice." Shi Qi doesn't like trouble, since you are not forgiving.

Then, let's get a fatal blow.

"Okay, boss." The assistant looked at Shi Qi with a smile and looked at Weibo. He thought the eldest young master was angry, but he turned his head and gave such an order.

The biggest hit?

Got it!

The eldest young master said before that adults should bear criminal responsibility, so wait until the matter is so troublesome that they can be prosecuted.

Shi Qi's assistant, surnamed Li, is an old man of the Shi family. This is also a guarantee that the old man gave Shi Qi, lest the child be deceived.

After all, how innocent children are.

The old man knows this.

A twenty-five-year-old boy who still believes in fairy tales in the world—

Thanks for being a grandson.

When Qi is a granddaughter, the old man can't worry.

I heard that he finished his studies early and studied abroad.

The old man looked at the news about his granddaughter reported by his subordinates with satisfaction, but he did not know that the villain had sneaked back to China.

Read The Duke's Passion