MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 75 Infrastructure is only for the top stream (10th

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"That's right, just like the expression of Quinn's boss is perfect." Quinn, who had a stinky expression but was suddenly praised, was neither angry nor laughing.

But I have to admit that what Shi Qi said is indeed a good way of mutual benefit.

So, Shi Qi successfully became one of the rulers of Dante Town, yes one!

The boss of Quinn is still responsible for the military suppression, while Shi Qi is only a nominal ruler and has no real power, and even takes the lead in paying taxes.

However, the expressions of Shi Qi's subordinates and other gangsters when they found out Shi Qi's true identity were even more exciting than when they saw that the ending of "Othello" was a tragedy.

Did you make a mistake?

This is the legitimate ruler sent from above?

The first few were killed by the boss, and the weakest was left.

Moreover, they never imagined that Shi Qi used this unusual method to infiltrate the town of Dante. Many gold coins.

"Is this a bandit?"

"I think it might be a robber."

"Shi Qi, a fourteen-year-old guy, how can his brain be so smart? I now believe that the former Tambur Empire has been brilliant. After all, this brain is not the same as ours."

The most explosive news is undoubtedly the identity of Shi Qi.

Royal descendants of the Tambur Empire!

I did not expect that a country that has been destroyed for more than 300 years still has members of the royal family alive.

And, live so miserably.

After knowing that Shi Qi is a puppet, those gangsters who had been abused and cried by Shi Qi with the story of "Othello" decided to forgive Shi Qi. There is nothing worse than a descendant of a subjugated country. Such a person should not be able to write any happy stories.

As for when Shi Qi said he took them to make money, and even changed the arena into an opera house, their hearts are very complicated.

I think they are all outlaws. You let those noble masters and noble ladies come here to watch their performances?

Did they want to live?

Conversely, if you let them perform in the two empires, they will definitely not go, because they have not lived enough.

It takes a long time to train actors, and now Shi Qi is not in a hurry.

Just leave everything to the lame Tubbssi, this guy has a very smart mind, and assign him an O'Neal as a bodyguard, business has never failed.

During this time, Shi Qi was responsible for recording the story with a quill pen.

It turns out that the quill is really a tiring writing tool.


Spring flowers bloom, and Tambur Plain is back to life again.

But the Hill Empire and the Odin Empire sent two small caravans here. If it was the past, they were very worried that they would be robbed.

But this time!

Maybe it was because of Shi Qi's face. Although they were robbed, they were only robbed of half of the money and materials.

It's acceptable.

Shi Qi is a fourteen-year-old child. People from the two empires do not think that Shi Qi has enough right to speak.

How do they know at this time that these are all the crooked brains of Shi Qi, and even some of the gold coins were distributed as stolen money from other leaders.

I have to say that it is very pleasant to cooperate with bandits and robbers. As long as there are enough interests, everyone is a friend. Don't go to intrigue, really happy.

The two caravans met in Dante Town, blue eyes met purple eyes, and the two empires clashed instantly.

To be reasonable, if there is no Tambul Plain as a buffer, the war between the Hill Empire and the Odin Empire will not stop at all.


The first time I got to Dante Town, it was a fight.

Shi Qi and the leaders of Dante Town stood not far away to watch the fun, this group of thugs saw this scene for the first time, and even couldn't help but take out the fruit in their arms to eat up.

I have to say, it's so lively.

"Just let them fight like this?" The leaders looked at the flamboyant imperial caravans, and they couldn't hold back their weapons and wanted to do it, "Although no one lives here, But just letting them go like this doesn't feel good."

"With me here, this is a legal ruled area." Shi Qi finished eating a raspberry in his hand with a smile, then took out something from his arms and played with it, carefully examining it. Look, this is the identity seal representing the two empires.

"What do you mean?"

The bosses are accustomed to robbery, and they can't figure out what Shi Qi's intentions are.

Withdrawing the seal, Shi Qi continued to eat fresh raspberries, "Who said this place is unowned? This place clearly belongs to every citizen of Dante Town, as for whose... first First come first served!"

Who can survive here, who is not a guy who is looking for money?

Therefore, under the command of a group of leaders, those subordinates went to seize the broken houses where no one lived at all.

When all the broken houses were damaged and almost affected the houses where normal people lived, Quinn appeared in front of them, no nonsense.

He alone suppressed the members of the two caravans. Quinn was an impatient, and came up with two words, "Losing money!"

The bereaved dog of a robber and bandit, how dare they make them lose money?


They were not convinced.

"Where's Shi Qi? Where is Shi Qi! I need him to receive us!" They saw Quinn's strength and didn't dare to act rashly, so they were going to find the weakest Shi Qi. come out.

"For him?"

"It's not his turn to speak yet."

"If you don't want to lose money, then lose your life."

The attitude of these people made it clear that they regarded themselves as Shi Qi's subordinates.

Quinn's feelings for Shi Qi were very complicated, and the reason why he was willing to cooperate was because he wanted to see what Shi Qi could do.

Pissed off the strongest warrior in Dante!

The end was tragic.

Quinn didn't want to kill them directly, but like a beast that caught the prey and played with it, the vicious attack was not fatal, every time it gave you a powerful attack, it made you feel self-righteous A chance to escape, and then crush you the moment you raise your hopes!

Tactics, although Quinn didn't want to learn, but because he was around his grandfather, he also learned a lot.

Otherwise, how could he quickly rule this Dante town?

The people of the two caravans were beaten half to death by the boss of Quinn. Although they were not convinced, they were convinced.

So they were left with half of their property, and a large part was taken away.

in the empire.

It's not that they don't want to go, it's really, they're under house arrest.

The people who wanted to subdue here were treated like they were, and the only advantage was that they were still alive.

So, another half month passed.

The two empires sent troops to deter them.

But obviously!

None of them made it to Dante alive.

Died in the Tambul Plain.

Before the words of Qi that threatened those people died on the way.

Shi Qi is just a puppet, and now the real ruler here is himself.

He promised Shi Qi that he would take them on business.

And Shi Qi also said that all the fighting rights here are yours.

At a time like this, it is natural that the force value is more important, so those waves of battles were all carried out under the leadership of Quinn. It has to be said that Quinn is like an invincible general who has killed countless well-equipped troops.

It is precisely because he has such a powerful combat ability that other gangsters listen to him like this.

If it weren't for him, the gangsters would be a mess, and they would have been killed by the two empires.

Caravans will be robbed, and troops will be killed.

This Tambul Plain is as dangerous as ever, only the miracle of Shi Qi survived to Dante Town, and even treated differently.

Just after the two empires sent several more troops, and then they were all killed by this group of bandits.

The first group of 'businessmen' who were under house arrest finally met Shi Qi.

Shi Qi likes white very much. The black-haired and black-eyed boy is wearing a soft white cloth, and he appears in the town of Dante, which symbolizes crime, cruelty and blood.

The boy's facial features and eyebrows are relatively delicate, and his figure is also very thin.

But those black eyes that symbolize the status of the royal family are more glorious than everyone else.

At this time, the little guy was holding a big bowl in his hand, which was filled with raspberries, the specialty fruit of Tambur Plain in spring.

The beautiful boy who is harmless to humans and animals is completely out of tune with this style of painting.

Especially behind the boy was an Odin man who was more powerful than a brown bear, which made him even more weak and pitiful. Sitting in front of them, Shi Qi was seriously eating raspberries. She had to say that the fruit was delicious. She liked it and was addicted to eating raspberries recently. Maybe it's because eating too much meat on the Tambul Plain makes fruit more valuable.

The boy who is more delicate and lovely than those nobles, eats fruit seriously.

After comparing my daily status with poor food, drink, sleep, and house arrest, I instantly felt unbalanced.

They wanted to knock over Shi Qi's bowl, but Shi Qi put the bowl in O'Neill's hand.


No more.

The time they were here also knew, this guy is the second strongest here.

If you can't beat it, you can only endure it.

Don't dare to get angry with O'Neal, so he aimed his dissatisfaction at Shi Qi, "Look at our joke, are you happy?"