MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 54 Bend the steel straight male fan (19th �

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Shi Yu knew that his grandparents could not be easily offended, but he couldn't bear it any longer. Just walk away.

He left his position, but no one stopped him.

Without the obstructive Shi Yu, the movie ended smoothly, and the grandparents couldn't help but sigh with emotion about the relationship between the fox demon and the little girl.

At the same time, they held each other's hands.

How happy is it to be with you in this life?

"..." In the middle, Shi Qi ate a wave of dog food.

The grandparents are getting old, so after watching the movie, they will be sent back to rest first.

Although grandparents do not have any share or right to speak in TIME Group, but they have great influence in country Z, then grandparents go to worship ancestors, visit old friends, and walk around Look, wherever he goes, he is greeted by big people who can make a sensation in the whole country.

Looking at them, those paparazzi also know why TIME Group can go public as soon as it returns to China. It's not that the CEO of the TIME Group is too good, but in the final analysis, he was shadowed by his ancestors.

The root of the TIME group is still in country Z.

Because the attitude of the grandparents is obvious, not only those paparazzi reporters dare not comment on Shi Qi casually, but Shi Yu seems like a poor little man who is not wanted.

On the celebration banquet of the tens of billions of box office of "Only Demon", countless celebrities gathered here.

Although I didn't meet the old man and the old lady this time, and even the Fan Xian couple didn't attend, no one dared to underestimate Shi Qi, and they surrounded her like a star holding the moon.

Because Shi Qi has the highest status, the entire crew must give way to Shi Qi.

The person who was most concerned by the reporters was Shi Qi.

"Do you want to enter the entertainment industry next?"

"Yes." Want to reach the top

"Then, which entertainment company are you planning to cooperate with? Do you continue to cooperate with Dingsheng Entertainment?"

"Partner with any entertainment company given the opportunity."

"Eh? Are you planning to develop exclusively in the film industry, but also in the TV or singer circle? In this case, for a newcomer in the entertainment industry, is the goal too big? How much?" Because Shi Qi's momentum has been relatively strong recently, those gossip reporters are more euphemistic, and if they are normal, they will directly say that you are greedy and can't chew too much.

Shi Qi answered in another way, "As an investor, I feel that with sufficient funds, I can cast a wide net."


"The role of this film is just a friendly cameo. In fact, I am the investor behind the scenes."

"So you are actually the father of the gold master behind the "Only Demon" movie?"

"It's not that great, but it's just 30% of the total box office revenue after the movie is broadcast."

"Fuck!" Rao is a well-informed reporter, and under the impact of such Versailles literature, he still made a foul language, do you want to be so cruel!

A string of zeros appeared in their minds, and they were dazzled, how much is this, how much is it!

"Thinking about it carefully, I will be able to get all the shares tonight." Since Fan Xue started, then Fan in the end, after calming everyone down, Shi Qi said that he was just for entertainment The plan of the circle, "As for being an actor, I am not a professional student, and I will not force filming. But, if there is a suitable role, you can consider giving it a try."

Other people become actors, and they all work hard to get the role, starting from the bottom.

Shi Qi is better, coming up is the commanding heights.

The entire entertainment industry plays with her, and even, as long as he wants, he can buy out the copyright and find a team to shoot by himself.


Too annoying.

Originally, I wanted to use the words of metaphysics to suppress Shi Qi, but when I thought that Shi Qi only showed his face in two scenes, he directly conferred the first movie show of God, and he was speechless. .

The most important thing is that this movie that Shi Qi participated in also won an epoch-making tens of billions at the box office!

The most terrifying thing is that he actually has a share of the proceeds of this movie.

Whether it is fame or wealth, it is simply unreasonable for you to earn it by yourself.

The top is at the top, and Shi Qi is only short of an excellent script and a suitable protagonist image to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Shi Qi's audience relationship is really amazing, this wave of favorability is brushed down, there are countless face fans madly roaring and begging the fox demon to come down to the world to make a movie, they want to see Shi Qi's prosperous beauty color.

Yes, that's what the winners in life say.

What will be said later, those people have not paid attention to listening.

My mind was stunned by the words of the investor and the 30% profit share.

It is said that after Yu took over the TIME Group at that time, he has successfully earned nine figures a month. Correspondingly, Shi Qi is a rice bug who can only earn eight figures.

It seems that there is no ambition.

Besides, as an actor, Shi Qi is in the entertainment industry, and he always feels that he is not as famous as the boss of the TIME Group.


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

in the movie.

Not only is the role so unforgettable, but the most terrifying thing is that she is actually one of the investors.

Ten billion box office!

This movie does not choose those big stars, and the main money is spent on the blade. In terms of cost, it is completely different from those movies that invest hundreds of millions at every turn, but the income is extremely high .

Subtract those costs before calculating the benefit.

Even if Shi Qi can get 1% of the share, it is still hundreds of millions of assets. Thirty percent, that's billions! After taxes, that's a huge asset.

TIME Group achieved a nine-digit profit for the first time by relying on the operation of the entire company. At that time, it was already praised to the sky, saying that Shi Yu had a good vision and the company was well managed.

Shi Qi just invested in a movie, and it was easily billions of dollars, which was earned by one person, personal property!

What a surprise!

Also let no one live.

I thought that Shi Qi, who left the TIME Group, was a poor millet bug, but I never thought that he was a **** of wealth.

Want to die.

【We actually raised a new billionaire? 】

[Investing in a movie directly on the rich list? 】

[Shi Qi's money, I have part of it. 】

【Can I say that Shi Qi's pocket money is given by me, and I use my pocket money to give Shi Qi pocket money? 】

【It's sour and lemony, but I can't help feeling glad and happy that Shi Qi can consider making a movie in person. 】

【Ouch, me too! When Shi Qi makes a movie, whether it is the costumes, props or even the fit of the characters, he can completely ignore the capital, just like the current "The Demon", he will not choose those actors who have incidental relationships because of capital issues. Although it hasn't started yet, I have already begun to look forward to Shi Qi's next movie. 】

【Sisters! Go and see those popular IP novels and see which one is suitable for us! 】

[While Shi Qi still wants to play in the entertainment industry, let him go to film, it is urgent! We all worked hard for the first half, and we can't let Shi Qi sit idle and let me into the crew to film! 】



About Shi Qi, the first appearance is the enviable heir of TIME Group.

I was mistaken as a women's clothing boss,

The result was scolded.

Then the release group's electronic pet is completely for the sake of the blind.

Being the rhythm of someone who cares.

Still being scolded.

Then the twin brother appeared and lost his heir status again.

Continue to be scolded.

Now, fans and some onlookers are tired.

At this time, Qi always did what he wanted to do, and he played himself into the rich list.

They think you're having fun, but you're building connections. They think that you are struggling to survive in the entertainment industry, but you are investing to make money. They thought you were betrayed and separated, but the richest family daughter is your personal cook. They thought that your family was no longer favored, but as a result, the old man and the old lady were behind them.

Everything is just what they think.

Every malicious guess about Shi Qi ends up being slapped in the face.

This is a Shuangwen script.

No life at all.

Every time you joke that he fell and can't get up, or even can't help but gloat over his misfortune and step on it, but instead, he stands taller, but he slams himself Dropped his mouth and chewed mud.

When Shi Yu finally boiled his grandparents away and was about to make a move on Shi Qi, he found that Shi Qi suddenly entered the top ten of the rich list, even in the name of a single person, and there is no behind it. company.

He covered his chest on the spot and almost got a heart attack.

On the other side, after completely crushing Shi Yu, Shi Qi, who was about to close the net and kill him completely, received a letter from his grandparents.

An old envelope, which is still written with calligraphy and rice paper.

The envelope is opened, and the font is vigorous and powerful, and the handwriting is like flowing water.

"Little Seventeen:

When I return to China and see the scenery of my motherland, I have no regrets in this life.

The grandparents are very pleased to see the little seventeen who has grown up.

You are very good, excellent, and a child that grandparents can be proud of.

In the future, with or without our care, Little Seventeen can live well.

Similarly, we also saw Shi Yu's performance.

Childish, awkward and even hostile to you, we all see it.

Grandpa and grandma will not force you to be nice to her, but just tell you a story and the truth you need to know. After reading this story, it is up to you to decide how to treat this brother who suddenly fell from the sky. "

These words are very comfortable to look at. From the words, you can feel the love of grandparents for the younger generation, which is much better than the old man's character.

Shi Qi is not interested in other people's stories, but she doesn't want to live up to her grandparents' preference.

As the paper spreads out, Shi Yu's story unfolds in front of Shi Qi.

Read The Duke's Passion