MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 669 Bay Bay Return

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"You really took me as a omnipotent..." Qin Xiaobai, who was sold by Jia Wei, was covered with black lines.

Although he thought that his mouth was still awesome, but with the fame of his big flicker, while enjoying the glory.

It also makes more and more people have a natural caution for him, making him more and more difficult to fool people...

Bay Bay is more special, and the relationship between the mainland is too subtle.

This is reflected in the fact that the Gulf Bay is facing the mainland's regular arrogance. The mainland says that the East Bay Bay is going west. The mainland says that North Bay Bay is going south.

As for now, although the mainland has helped the Gulf of Vietnam to fight the Vietnam War, the relationship between the Gulf and the mainland has eased.

However, the People’s Bay has also passed, aiding the Cambodian uprising to stab Vietnam’s knife, and returning this person’s feelings, not owing the mainland anything.

Coupled with this huge crisis itself, it is possible for a regional-level force in the Gulf to confront the forces of Japan and South Korea.

At the same time, these two state-level forces are also the island countries and peninsula countries where the navy is strong. Once it is troubled, it will even **** the Bay Island Island. This risk is too great.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai did not have much confidence to persuade the Gulf.

At this time, Zhang Liang said that he gave Qin Xiaobai a trick and could help Qin Xiaobai to do this.

Qin Xiaobai could not help but be a little surprised to ask: "Is the ovary still arguing?"

Zhang Liang shook his head: "There is no such thing. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing that can be done, but at this moment it may be useful."

The so-called method of Zhang Liang is not to use any flamboyant rhetoric, but to bear the heart of a sincere Chicheng.

Under normal circumstances, this may not be useful, but it will be deceived by others. However, between the Chinese mainland and the Bay of the Bay, this subtle relationship of love and death will produce miraculous effects.

At this point, Zhang Liang was already at the banquet, and Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had tried it.

Then Zhang Liang went to Qin Xiaobai. At that time, Hanwang was able to get away with it. If the Lord is frank and willing, he will be able to successfully convince the Bay.

"I can't convince Bay Bay that I don't know yet, but you Zhang Liang's room has already convinced me, that's good. I will listen to Mr.."

Qin Xiaobai immediately expressed his intention to Zhang Liang, but he has no other good way anyway.

Even if it didn't work. Not to mention the reputation of his invincible mouth, although this is not a good reputation...


Time is tight, after the plan is fixed. Qin Xiaobai did not delay for a while, and then went offline and boarded the forum. Tell the players staying at the Bay Bay Forum that there are important things to look for in the Bay Bay twin sisters, Xi Xi, Han Han.

The players who stayed on the Bay Bay Forum, see Qin Xiaobai. I am afraid that I will not be able to go on the line immediately.

Qin Xiaobai did not wait for a moment, Xi Xi, Han Han will be on the forum. The twin sisters spent the flowers, and when they saw Qin Xiaobai, they spoke: "Little brother, is it so eager to find us?"

"I must have heard about it. Recently, Japan, India, what happened to North Korea and Pakistan."

Qin Xiaobai did not go around the bend. He directly said according to what Zhang Liang said, with a sincere heart of Chicheng, to the sisters of the Bay Bay, to inform them of the adversity of China today, including the declaration of war against Japan. It will trigger the alliance of the Eight Powers.

Then Qin Xiaobai and another look of sincerity, said: "Now the crisis facing China, only the Bay of the Bay can be rescued, Wang Jun and all of them are helping the children of Yan and Huang to help."

The twin sisters of the Bay Bay have suddenly heard the news. They have actually guessed that Qin Xiaobai’s visit to them was due to the Japanese and Indians’ attack on North Korea and India, the two natural allies of the Chinese mainland.

I did not expect that this would actually put China into a crisis.

As for how Qin Xiaobai knows about the Eight-Power Allied Forces, it is no longer important. They believe that the Chinese dominators will not take this thing to make them jokes, even if Qin Xiaobai is a big flicker...

As for whether or not to lend a helping hand to the Chinese mainland, Xi Xi and Han Han have looked at each other. The twin sisters have a heart-to-heart relationship. They only understand the meaning of each other with eye contact, so they quickly go to Qin. Xiaobai replied:

"Bay is also a part of China. This is the consistent persistence of our Blue Camp. Therefore, the crisis in China is also a crisis in our Bay Bay. We are naturally duty-bound. We must do our best for this. Xiaobai brother, let us tell us how to go. Just do it."

"Wow, the ovary is really a god."

I have never used the truth to fool people, and Qin Xiaobai, who has always had a small heart in her heart, saw that she really succeeded in getting help from Wanwan, and she couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

"But Xiaobai's brother, if you want to get help from Lunjia, you have to promise us a condition!"

Then, the Bay Bay twin sisters spent flowers and laughed and said to Qin Xiaobai.

For the matter of speaking conditions, Qin Xiaobai has long been accustomed to it. He will feel strange when there is no condition. Nowadays, the Chinese crisis is almost tied to the Bay, so Qin Xiaobai said very generously, let them All right.

Xi Xi and Han Han saw this pair of eyes and immediately said to Qin Xiaobai: "Let us return to China."

Qin Xiaobai originally thought that the conditions that Bay Bay could raise were at most a little more, the shares of the Maritime Silk Road.

Although he was distressed with small money, but before the Chinese crisis, this was not a problem at all, so he waved without hesitation: "Oh, these are all small things, don’t say how many shares, even if you let the Maritime Silk Road give You Bay Bay has been in management for a few years..."

As a result, half of it, Qin Xiaobai, who came back from the gods, suddenly stunned and exclaimed: "Shrimp, return to China? Are you sure you are not counterattacking the mainland?..."

"Hey, what do you do when you counterattack the mainland, we have to return to China." Xi Xi, Han Han smiled, and said clearly to Qin Xiaobai.

In fact, for the return to China, the twin sisters have already begun to consider it.

Because all discerning people can see that in Southeast Asia, and even in the world, China is the big country that will eventually compete for the position of world hegemon.

The status of the Bay of the Bay, it is impossible to protect the body forever neutral, or return to China, or counterattack the mainland.

Counterattacking the mainland can basically be ignored. At most, it can only help European and American powers to invade China. However, they will not get any benefit at all. They can only cause China to collapse, and it may not be successful. Even if it succeeds, Their words are not a good thing.

As far as the overall situation is concerned, the best way is to return to China. As a result, their style will immediately become a strong country, and then they will not have to worry about it all day, even the Philippines will not dare to provoke.

It’s just that the overall situation is the big picture. Not everyone in the Bay Bay can understand the big picture, and they still have the power of the Green Camp, so they just think about it.

But now it is different. Now they are in the blue camp, and together with the Gulf and the mainland, after cross-strait confrontation, the feelings on both sides of the strait have been honed.

Perhaps in reality, even this is not so easy to say that unity is unified, but this is only in the game, Bay Bay people are not so resistant, so it is time to mature.

However, as a proud attitude of Bay Bay, they were unable to take the initiative to squint and propose a return. They have been waiting for Qin Xiaobai to confess. As a result, this product is a piece of wood, and they don’t understand their minds at all...

Nowadays, Qin Xiaobai, on behalf of Huaxia, has asked for That is exactly what happened.

In this way, the return to China is not based on the charity of the mainland, but they have saved the Chinese mainland and won the rewards of their own tasks.


Qin Xiaobai did not understand that the complicated mentality of the Gulf Bay, which was originally a proud overall of the mainland, and the women’s heart of the two sisters, did not want to know...

He only knows a little about it now, that is, he is asking for a job in the Bay, not only for the benefit of the Gulf, but also fulfilling the wishes of several generations in the mainland, so that the Bay Bay will return...

This can not help but make Qin Xiaobai's cognition of his own god's flickering technique reach a new realm again... (to be continued.)

PS: Special thanks: Sally 丶 丶 孽 10,000 yuan reward, for this black ink desperately add a more chapter (*^__^*)......

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