MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 69

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Tao Xiaodong is now a low-pressure person, the surrounding air pressure is low, people want to walk around him, and no one talks to him in the store.

On the one hand, this low pressure is caused by himself. He is so silent every day, and he doesn't speak when his mouth hurts. When he comes to the store, he works hard or fills in the gallery. On the other hand, he was also neglected, Da Huang ignored him, and it seemed that the two people had a quarrel, and the boss had a conflict, and the subordinates did not dare to talk nonsense and dare not provoke him.

In the past, these two were tied together like brothers, laughing and joking in the store every day, Dahuang "Xiaodong Xiaodong" all day long, Tao Xiaodong didn't care about anything, and whenever anyone came to him, he would "ask Dahuang". Now Dahuang is no longer "Xiaodong", and hardly talks to him, as if he can't see him.

Tang Suoyan gave him an order not to use his eyes that much, no more than five hours a day, and it had to be intermittent. Tao Xiaodong can no longer keep his head down and follow the pictures. He doesn't know what to do when he is not working.

I can't make pictures, and I don't want to say words.

In the end, I could only lean on the sofa with my eyes closed, not falling asleep, but also motionless.

Rhubarb held his big cup, wandered upstairs and downstairs, turned around slowly, sat on the sofa opposite him, and drank tea. Boil water to boil tea, and after taking a sip, you have to take a long breath of heat.

"Are you settled?"

Tao Xiaodong opened his eyes, saw him, and sat up straight.

"Does your mouth still hurt?" Rhubarb raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

"It's okay." Tao Xiaodong raised his hand to touch it, but remembering that Tang Suoyan wouldn't let him touch it, he put it down again.

Rhubarb didn't talk to him or look at him. After a while, he said: "Your sister-in-law said that you haven't gone to eat at home for a while, and let you go."

Tao Xiaodong said "ah", and just about to speak, Rhubarb continued, "I said no, people are thinking about having a banquet with me, and they probably won't come again in the future."

After speaking, he took another sip of tea.

Tao Xiaodong blinked, finally smiled, and cursed "fuck" in a low voice.

"You still fuck?" Rhubarb raised his thick eyebrows, "Why do you fuck?"

Rhubarb was really angry this time, and he was cold for many days. Tao Xiaodong has nothing to say now, and he is not wronged if he is angry with him.

Everyone in the store was buzzing with work, and there was no one in the rest area.

Tao Xiaodong called out "Brother".

Huang Yida looked at him, Tao Xiaodong's eyes gradually became helpless, and he raised his finger to his own eyes.

Huang Yida didn't understand at first, but after a few seconds he understood, and his eyes slowly widened.

Tao Xiaodong nodded at him, looked at him, and said in a low voice, "So it's true that I told you to make early preparations. You should make early plans."

It took Huang Yida a long time before he frowned and let out a curse.

"I'm just telling you about this." Tao Xiaodong put his elbows on his legs and rubbed his face with his hands, "I'm not enough to be your brother, and I'm not enough to take care of this mess. I'll never do this. Tired, this is what I love to do, I have loved it for half my life."

Tao Xiaodong took his hand away, his eyes were deeper and heavier than before, and his voice was lowered: "...but I can't help it, brother."

Da Huang's eyes turned red after a brush, quickly turned away, cursed again, and then said: "It's all about your mother."

Tao Xiaodong didn't want to tell anyone that he intended to finish everything before his eyes were completely blind, and then he withdrew. He would become blind after all, and he didn't want anyone to know about it. A tattooist who lost his eyesight sounds like a joke. Whether others are sorry or pitiful, there is no need for these, Tao Xiaodong will not give others a chance to sigh.

He is always the proudest in this line of work.

At first, I thought I could make money doing tattoos.

After doing it for so many years, he really likes it. This is a career he loves, and it is difficult to let go. I have spent my time and effort in this line of work. If it wasn't for true love, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I am today.

But a blind man can't do this, no matter how awesome he is, he can't draw with his eyes closed.

All he can do is to leave as many pictures as possible, whether he has finished it or has no chance to do it. On that day, he will disseminate the gallery, and whoever wants it will take it away, and he will completely withdraw from this circle from then on.

But Rhubarb couldn't hide it, and he wouldn't lose contact with him if he really withdrew in the future, he would know sooner or later.

Rhubarb digested it by himself for a long time that day, then let out a long breath, leaned closer, and said to Tao Xiaodong: "If you can't help it, let fate do it. The Dongda field can't be poured in my hands, and you can't do it. I can’t fall. It’s too sad to swallow the words of whether or not to break up in the future.”

Tao Xiaodong twitched the corner of his mouth, and didn't say anything else that was unpleasant. Everyone is in a bad mood, so there is no need to say too much now.

Tao Xiaodong used to have a friend who was a bit older than him and also a great god. At that time, Tao Xiaodong often cooperated with him, an old acquaintance. A high-spirited person suddenly became paralyzed one day a few years ago and couldn't speak well. Now I can barely walk, and it is impossible to make pictures.

Because this matter has been in the circle for a long time, when their old friends get together, there is always a long ten minutes at the wine table to regret, everyone has to say "it's a pity", say "fate tricks people" .

Those sighs and eyes, Tao Xiaodong will never let them rest on him one day, he can't leave the scene in this way.

He and Tang Suoyan also temporarily returned to the original mode of getting along.

Go to work together in the morning and leave work together in the evening. Tang Suoyan spoke with a half smile, and could still joke with him, everything was as usual. Tao Xiaodong will be a little more peaceful every day by his side.

But Dr. Tang is also very principled. You know he is good, and he talks to you with a smile, but you also know clearly that he is still angry. He could hug Tao Xiaodong and pat him softly to comfort him, but he didn't kiss him, and he didn't come back to sleep.

The two were close, but not close enough.

Saturday morning.

Tao Xiaodong stood in front of the mirror and looked at the scab on the corner of his mouth. Tang Suoyan came in to get something and asked him, "Does it hurt?"

"Fortunately, I'll just take a look." Tao Xiaodong looked at the mirror and said.

"Don't always think about him, don't think about it." Tang Suoyan said.

Tao Xiaodong said "um" and went out with him.

"Go and take the medicine." Tang Suoyan moved the chair, and went to change a small downlight at the entrance. The light bulb dimmed a bit after a long time. I bought 20 light bulbs yesterday, and I have to change all of them at home.

Tao Xiaodong also moved the chair, and started from the other end of the living room in silence.

Tang Suoyan didn't stop him from doing it, but raised his head and tore off the black tape that was originally wrapped around the wire, and asked him, "Have you taken the medicine yet?"

Tao Xiaodong replied that he had eaten.

Tang Suoyan said "Yes", and the two of them changed their own light bulbs.

How can there be any medicine for this disease, vitamin A supplement, DHA supplement, lutein supplement, supplementation is just a comfort. Tao Huainan also took medicine, but it didn't help after taking it for so many years.

But Tang Suoyan asked him to eat, and Tao Xiaodong still ate it without saying a word. He asked him to massage and he also learned how to massage. He found an acquaintance to make an appointment for him to start acupuncture next month, and Tao Xiaodong would go there on time.

Whatever Tang Suoyan asked him to do, he nodded happily.

More than anyone else, Tao Xiaodong hopes that these will be useful. He is like a tree on the edge of a cliff, hoping that he can lighten and lighten. Only by lightly touching the tree can the pressure be reduced. Tao Xiaodong is very afraid that one day Tang Suoyan will make him too tired and breathless.

There was an open window on the balcony, and Tao Xiaodong's back was facing the open window on the balcony. Tang Suoyan came down after changing one, and went to close the window.

When he passed by, Tao Xiaodong lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Suoyan laughed: "Why are you so nervous, I'll close the window."

"Ah." Tao Xiaodong looked at him, continued to change the lights, and said, "I can turn it off if you tell me."

Tang Suoyan came back after closing the window, and when he walked past him again, he patted his leg lightly and said, "Relax."

Tao Xiaodong felt that he was already very relaxed, compared to the previous few days.

He is like a cautious child.

After lunch, Tang Suoyan watched him take the initiative to wash the fruit, made a plate of fruit, brought it over and sat next to him to eat. Usually he is not active in eating fruit, and Tang Suoyan only remembered to eat it after washing and cutting it, otherwise he would not remember it.

Now that I know that my eyes are going to break, I remember to eat a vegetable salad for every meal, and I also think about eating fruit after meals.

Tang Suoyan watched him take a fork of an apple and swallow it, suddenly turned away from him, and turned around after a while.

Before speaking, take a breath, clear your throat, and smile: "So good."

If Tao Xiaodong had to smile and say "Damn" in the past, he would be ashamed to be said to be good when he was in his thirties. Now he just smiled and didn't speak.

Tang Suoyan reached out and touched his face.

After Tao Xiaodong finished eating the fruit, he went to wash the dishes, and came back to sit on the other side of the sofa, not talking, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He's been in this state a lot lately.

Tang Suoyan said to him: "I have to go to a meeting in the afternoon, how about you sleep?"

Tao Xiaodong said yes.

Before Tang Suoyan left, he had already fallen asleep, lying on the sofa with his pillow on his side. Tang Suoyan didn't pull the light curtain, went to get him a blanket to cover him, and kissed him lightly on the forehead before leaving.

Tao Xiaodong hasn't been sleeping well during this time, often with his eyes open until dawn, feeling haggard and spiritless.

Hard to sleep well today.

It may be that the whole morning with Tang Suoyan was too peaceful, and Tang Suoyan made people feel at ease.

He doesn't seem to have worried about Tao Xiaodong's eyes. If he is sick, let's treat him. Don't worry, don't think too much. He never conveyed to Tao Xiaodong the attitude of how serious this is, and always downplayed it. With his attitude, Tao Xiaodong himself relaxed a lot.

When Tang Suoyan came back, he took off his coat and came over to look at Tao Xiaodong first. Seeing that he was still sleeping soundly, he went to wash his hands. Sitting on the sofa after washing his hands, Tao Xiaodong woke up almost as soon as he sat down.

I saw Tang Suoyan at a glance.

It's hard to describe the feeling in my heart at that moment, as if my floating heart was supported, and my wandering soul had a home, it was so solid that my whole heart fell to the ground, and my whole body became limp.

This moment is so comfortable.

Tang Suoyan was loosening his tie at first, when he saw Tao Xiaodong staring at him with open eyes, he smiled: "Are you awake?"

Tao Xiaodong looked at him for a while, sat up, and quietly moved to Tang Suoyan's side.

Tang Suoyan hugged him and fell into a warm sleep. Tang Suoyan liked it very much: "Have you slept well?"

Tao Xiaodong said "um" first, and then called "Brother Yan".

Tang Suoyan touched his back up and down, which seemed to be just a small unconscious movement like before, and it also seemed to comfort him.

"I..." Tao Xiaodong rested his head on his shoulder, Tang Suoyan's shirt was still on, and the whiteness that caught the eye was not dazzling, but instead carried the warmth of Tang Suoyan's body.

He said hoarsely, "I just don't know what to do, I don't want to separate from you..."

Tang Suoyan paused for a moment, then continued to touch his back.

"I cherish it so, so... so much, my heart is about to break." Tao Xiaodong put his eyes on Tang Suoyan's shoulder, and spoke with a nasal and hoarse voice, "...what should I do?"

Tang Suoyan turned his head to the side and pressed his chin against the top of his head.

Tao Xiaodong clung to him tightly, without raising his head, his nasal voice became more and more hoarse: "You said you were sad, I was in pain, I was in too much pain."

Tang Suoyan raised his hand to touch his face, trying to make him look up.

Tao Xiaodong hid his head and didn't let Tang Suoyan see his face. Tang Suoyan kissed the top of his head and called him "Xiaodong".

"What should I do?" Tao Xiaodong took a deep breath, his voice was broken, "...What should you do?"

His shoulders were shaking, he hugged Tang Suoyan tightly, grabbed Tang Suoyan's shirt, trying to draw more strength from this man. Tang Suoyan turned his head away, his Adam's apple trembled slightly.

Tao Xiaodong called him from the nest, screaming with difficulty and dependence, using a lot of strength but suppressing a hoarse voice to pray, and said softly——

"Brother Yan, help me."