MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 40

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Tao Xiaodong is not stupid, and Tang Suoyan's hand hurts and he has no medicine. Can he not understand the meaning behind his words?

This guy is also very up-to-date, and immediately replied: I will get it for you when I go back.

Tang Suo said: OK.

Tao Xiaodong has been out for more than a week, if he hadn't built a house, he would probably have returned. Since the houses were all demolished, he had to be almost built before he could leave, otherwise he would leave and throw the whole thing to the half-blind principal, that's not the case.

During the school holidays, those who lived on the mountain generally went home, but most of the blind children did not, and they had to be picked up by their parents when they got home, and it was a hassle to go back and forth. Some of them are actually supposed to go to junior high school. Several children have been in the sixth grade for two or three years. Because the family does not come to pick them up, they send their children here and leave them alone.

During construction during the day, most of them sat under the wall of the dormitory and listened. Some who are not totally blind will come closer to see. The winter here is not as cold as in the north, but it is very humid, especially in the mountains. The children can only take care of themselves halfway, and their clothes are not very clean. Those who didn't care much at home didn't even wear cotton-padded jackets, but only a single coat with two layers of sweaters inside.

They called Tao Xiaodong Uncle Tao. They didn't know what he looked like, but they often heard such an uncle from the headmaster.

They listen to work, and Tao Xiaodong often watches them. When I look at them, I can always think of Tao Huainan. The blind children in the world are generally the same, where they sit quietly, and sometimes look up to the sky to look at the sun.

Children with a sense of light and strong light like the sun, the eyes are bright under the sun, and the face is warmed by the sun.

The difference from Tao Huainan is that they are a small group, living together 24 hours a day, getting close and familiar with each other. When sitting next to each other, they will talk in a low voice, laugh when they are happy, bump into me and push you, which is not much different from normal children. Tao Huainan is much quieter than them. There are only two older brothers in the world, and he doesn't accept outsiders very much.

Tao Xiaodong looked at them, and sometimes he could watch them all day just by looking at them.

Tao Xiaodong left when the house was finished and there was only fine work left. Before leaving, I bought a batch of clothes for the children here, two sets of padded clothes and long johns for each person, and new ones for winter quilts.

Some people are born suffering, and there is not much anyone can do to help them. There is actually very little Tao Xiaodong can do, he can't think of them all the time. He has funded a lot of such schools, some of which won't ask again after receiving the money once, and some will continue to invest once a year. Where he can see, he can do something to help, and where he can't see, he can't do anything.

There are too many people suffering. Tao Xiaodong considers himself not a philanthropist, nor does he have a bodhisattva heart. It is simply because there are blind people around him, so he wants to make life easier for other blind people.

When Tao Xiaodong was leaving, the principal and his son sent him to the train station down the mountain. Tao Xiaodong had difficulty with one hand, so he could use only one hand.

"Uncle Tao, is your hand really okay?" The boy kept staring at his left hand worriedly.

Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "It's all right."

The principal insisted on buying a bus ticket for him, and Tao Xiaodong said that he had already booked the ticket on his mobile phone. The principal picked up the ticket for him with his ID card, and sent Tao Xiaodong to the ticket gate. He couldn't see clearly, but he kept staring at him.

The boy asked him, "Uncle Tao, are you still here?"

"Come on," Tao Xiaodong said, "Call me if you need anything."

"Watch your hands," said the boy, frowning.

Tao Xiaodong shook his arms with a smile and entered the platform.

On the dilapidated platform of the small railway station in the county seat, Tao Xiaodong carried his bag on his back, put his right hand into his clothes pocket, his left hand could not be stuffed into his pocket, and could only hang down by his side.

His hand was injured yesterday. A blind boy walked in the wrong direction and was about to bump into a pile of bricks. Tao Xiaodong stretched out his hand to pull him, and knocked his hand on it. Even with an inch of strength, it didn't take much effort, and I didn't feel much pain at the time. It took two hours to feel the pain, and half of my hand was swollen.

On the plane, this half of the hand was throbbing and hurting. Tao Xiaodong wanted to sleep for a while, but he was not very fast asleep. This hand was always pulling him, and he couldn't sleep well.

When the plane was taxiing on the tarmac, Tao Xiaodong sent a message to Tang Suoyan: Brother Yan, are you here yet?

Tang Suoyan sent him a voice message: "It's a bit of a traffic jam, I still have about 20 minutes, are you there?"

Tao Xiaodong said: "I arrived half an hour early, don't worry, I'll wait for you in the parking lot."

Tang Suoyan said to him: "Then you go slowly."

He had a little smile when he said this, so Tao Xiaodong laughed too, and replied, "Okay, I'll hold on a bit and walk out in twenty minutes."

When getting off the plane, Tao Xiaodong was carrying his bag with his right hand and put his left hand in front of him, but he was bumped several times. Tao Xiaodong was almost sweating.

The two haven't seen each other since that night, so it stands to reason that Tao Xiaodong is nervous. But this hand felt like it was getting more and more painful, and Tao Xiaodong's nervousness melted away.

The temperature in the car was quite warm, and Tao Xiaodong exhaled as soon as he got in, and then called "Brother Yan".

Stop and go at the airport pick-up gate, Tang Suoyan drove the car away first, looked at the road ahead, and said with a smile: "Long time no see."

This sentence was to tease him, and Tao Xiaodong laughed immediately.

This year, the snow is heavy, and Tao Xiaodong has had several snowfalls in the past ten days. Tao Xiaodong was thinking about Tang Suoyan's hand, and asked, "Does your hand still hurt, Brother Yan?"

"It hurts." Tang Suoyan answered quickly.

His right hand was placed on the gear lever. Tao Xiaodong looked at it and didn't move. Tang Suoyan glanced at him, then reached out and touched Tao Xiaodong's hand: "Why don't you see if it's cold?"

This touch nearly took Tao Xiaodong's breath away, and he suffocated.

Tao Xiaodong pulled out his hand, and Tang Suoyan also felt that something was wrong: "What's wrong with your hand?"

"It's frustrating." Tao Xiaodong exhaled, and said with a wry smile, "I can't even feel whether it's cold or not, it's numb."

Tang Suoyan looked at his hand, it was a little exaggeratedly swollen. Tang Suoyan frowned: "When did it happen? Have you been to the hospital?"

Tao Xiaodong shook his head and said, "I didn't look at it, it should be fine, I just knocked it down yesterday."

While queuing up to pay the fee, Tang Suoyan held his wrist and looked carefully at his hand. Tang Suoyan asked him: "Where did you knock? Did you fall?"

"Knock on a brick wall, just use an inch of strength." Tao Xiaodong's hands are swollen twice now, and he wants to laugh a little, so he said with a smile, "I can catch up with anything."

Tang Suoyan still frowned: "Still laughing? Does it hurt?"

Tao Xiaodong said it was okay.

As a result, Tao Xiaodong was not able to go home that night, so Tang Suoyan dragged him directly to the hospital, where he went to the emergency room to take a film. There were fewer people in the hospital at night, not as overcrowded as it was during the day. Tang Suoyan walked to his left and protected his left arm. Tao Xiaodong was still saying, "I don't think there's anything wrong, Brother Yan."

"Really," Tang Suoyan said helplessly, "I feel like you've broken a bone."

Tao Xiaodong said with certainty that he would not: "I didn't feel any pain just after knocking, I guess it's just a muscle strain."

"Hold your hands, don't hold me back." Although the doctors on duty at the emergency department didn't know Tang Suoyan, they knew Tang Suoyan and would greet him when they saw him coming, and Tang Suoyan nodded in response.

After taking the piece, Tang Suoyan looked at it first, and Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Have you folded it?"

I was still laughing when I asked, but I always thought it was just a bruise and swelling, which would disappear in two days. Tang Suoyan glanced at him and said it was a deal.

Tao Xiaodong still thought he was joking, wanting to laugh while hurting. Until Tang Suoyan sighed and said to him: "Don't laugh if you don't care about it."

Tang Suoyan, the doctor on duty at the emergency department of the orthopedics department, knew him and led Tao Xiaodong in. I came here before the filming, Tang Suoyan handed over the film and said to the doctor, "It's broken."

Tao Xiaodong believed it a little bit now, and asked Tang Suoyan, "Really?"

Tang Suoyan stood beside him, not in the mood to talk to him, but only glanced at him.

Fractures of the ring finger and little finger, cartilage damage of the middle finger.

Tao Xiaodong was a little confused, so he knocked on it, but he didn't think it was that strong at the time.

The two tossed in the hospital for several hours, and it was midnight when they came out. In the middle, Tao Huainan called Tao Xiaodong and asked him why he hadn't returned yet.

Tao Xiaodong didn't say he was in the hospital, only that he didn't know what time he would be back.

Tao Huainan asked him what was the matter, Tao Xiaodong didn't say anything, and finally said that he was with Dr. Tang. Tao Huainan stopped asking when he heard this, and said with a smile that it's fine if you don't come back.

Tao Xiaodong's left hand was completely immobilized, because it took a long time, and there was no treatment for more than 24 hours, and the swelling was too severe. The process of resetting the upper splint made Tao Xiaodong sweat all over, and he didn't make a sound when it hurt. Tang Suoyan stood next to him, with his hands on his shoulders, and he could feel his muscles tensing up every time he was in severe pain.

Tang Suoyan frowned and stroked the back of his shoulder.

I can't use this hand temporarily, and I won't be able to use it normally within three or four months. Tao Xiaodong still felt psychedelic when he got into the car, and he couldn't buckle the seat belt with one hand.

"It was fine when I left, but I got a broken bone when I came back." Tang Suoyan helped him buckle it up, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Tao Xiaodong said, "You have to go to work tomorrow, and I've been taking care of you all night."

Tang Suoyan started the car and said, "I'd rather not use it today and I'll take half the night. You come back and take care of yourself. I'll take you home after a meal."

"Then what's the matter? It's already like this." Tao Xiaodong's face was so painful that he could still laugh, and said, "I made you worry about Brother Yan."

Tang Suoyan ignored him, it was too worrying.

Dazed by the pain, Tao Xiaodong leaned back on the seat and took a nap. When the car was parked in the basement of Tang Suoyan's house, Tao Xiaodong sat up and asked, "Where is this?"

Tang Suoyan helped him press the seat belt: "My house."

"No, I'll just go home..." Tao Xiaodong didn't want to bother Tang Suoyan, "You have to go to work tomorrow, so you don't have time to worry about me."

Tang Suoyan didn't talk to him much, got out of the car and opened the door on his side: "Get down."

Now that it's all here, if Tao Xiaodong insists on leaving, it seems too fussy. Tao Xiaodong then got out of the car, and Tang Suoyan held his left arm and said as he walked, "Where are you going so late?"

Tao Xiaodong didn't allow anyone to walk by like this, and was a little awkward for a while, wanting to laugh: "Brother Yan, I can walk by myself, but I feel like I'm paralyzed when you're like this."

His words made Tang Suoyan frowned again: "Talk nonsense."

Stepping into this door again, the memory of that night suddenly flashed in Tao Xiaodong's mind. As soon as he entered the door, the faint fragrance evoked all the scenes that Tao Xiaodong deliberately wanted to forget these days.

The pair of slippers he was wearing were confiscated, and Tao Xiaodong changed his shoes, still a little stiff standing at the door.

"Your hand will hurt for a while." Tang Suoyan also changed shoes and came in, pushing Tao Xiaodong away naturally. "If you are so painful that you can't sleep at night, just tell me and take a pill. I'll go to work tomorrow and you and I will Together, you have to get injections for a few days."

"I'll get you something to eat, you sit and rest for a while." Tang Suoyan said again.

Tao Xiaodong took off his coat with one hand, and Tang Suoyan helped him hang the door. Tao Xiaodong actually kept holding back his urine, and he didn't empty out when he was in the hospital.

"Brother Yan." He called Tang Suoyan, cleared his throat and said, "I have to...take a shower."

It was a day of trains, planes and hospitals, so I couldn't sleep tonight without taking a shower. Tang Suoyan looked at his left hand, thought for a while and said, "Wash it."

Tao Xiaodong asked again: "Will you wear that suit from last time?"

Tang Suoyan had already washed the suit for him, so he went in and took it out for him from the closet and put it in the bathroom, and then asked him, "Can you wash it yourself..."

Before he finished asking, Tao Xiaodong rushed to answer: "Yes! Yes, yes, yes."

Tang Suoyan laughed and looked at him twice. Tao Xiaodong is still uncomfortable, the memory of this house is too deep for him. Tang Suo said: "Okay, then you can wash it, pay attention, and call me if you need anything."

Tao Xiaodong nodded and said yes.

He went into the bathroom, and Tang Suoyan closed the door for him. Tao Xiaodong tossed and tossed for a long time to take off his clothes with one hand, and Tang Suoyan knocked on the door just after taking off the clothes inside: "Xiaodong?"

Tao Xiaodong was shocked and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Yan?"

Tang Suo said, "I brought you a new pair of underwear and put them at the door."

The author has something to say: Dong, you may not know that the gong is the one who screams in pain in our family, and the one who can bear it is not.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy