MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 37

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Tao Xiaodong ate the whole plate of fruit, and unconsciously forked the fruit while talking, and when he lowered his head, he had already eaten it all. Tang Suoyan wanted to cut another plate for him, but Tao Xiaodong said he didn't want to eat it.

Putting the plate aside, I touched my stomach: "It feels like my stomach is cold."

"Then don't eat it." Tang Suoyan said.

The two chatted a lot that night. Tao Xiaodong deliberately talked about himself, how he first learned tattooing, and where he went when he was studying everywhere in the early days. He has traveled to many places and seen many things over the years.

In order to experience the most traditional tribal tattoos, he went to Africa, followed his two friends, broke into the closed ancient tribe, and almost failed to return. I stayed in the United States for a year, felt black culture, and saw tattoos becoming more and more modern and diverse. I also worshiped a little master in Japan, learning from the old traditions, learning from lotus carp, crabapple and snake.

Domestic tattoos have been dominated by imitation for a long time, and he is the same.

"How did you come up with this idea?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

"At first, I thought I could make money." Tao Xiaodong still felt like laughing when he thought about it at that time, "There is a studio in front of my school, and the teacher sometimes makes tattoos for others, and he can charge hundreds of dollars for painting flowers on his body. I I think it's simple, it's too easy to make money like this, I can paint a flower, too."

Tao Xiaodong is such a person. He first learned this trade because he could make money. So Tao Xiaodong never talked about his original intentions, and told people not to mention my original intentions, I was all for money.

This is not to show that I have a personality, it is indeed the truth.

"Have you made money?" Tang Suoyan also smiled when he heard what he said, and asked him.

"What are you earning? You're going bankrupt soon." Tao Xiaodong thumped his leg rhythmically and lightly. At that time, it should be said that it was very embarrassing. I ruined the skin, paid someone else money, and asked him to go to someone else's place to recreate the picture."

Tao Xiaodong pointed at his arm: "Probably this is the position. Halfway through the picture, it was deformed. In the end, I couldn't take it back, and the two sides couldn't be closed. I didn't have any money at that time, and my dad couldn't see clearly at that time. Poor, I went to ktv to work at night and saved enough money to buy machines. It was difficult to eat at that time, Tian Yi gave me half of his meal money, anyway, there are brothers who can’t go hungry.”

From the current Tao Xiaodong, it is hard to think that he has such a time. This is a very glamorous person, with a store of more than 1,000 square meters, and millions of dollars are thrown out as sponsors without blinking an eye.

"I'm still young, and I don't know how high the sky is. I didn't realize that I didn't know anything until I got into this industry with my head covered. I was not convinced. I learned this and that. After learning a lot, I felt that I should finally learn it. Only when I got there did I realize that I don't know anything. It's just a small hill, and behind it there are countless mountains with invisible tops."

"It's also because I'm too stubborn. The more I learn, the more unwilling I am. I think more and want to be top-notch." Tao Xiaodong raised his arms and compared several mountains to the front. "But there are too many great people."

Tao Xiaodong hasn't talked so much with people for a long time, and he doesn't like to talk about the past. Gradually, he doesn't like to talk about the process and the difficult years. Looking back at that time when no one is around, and looking at the present, it seems to be a success in comparison.

"So in the past few years, I didn't earn any money, and I was always floating outside. Half of the money I earned was given to my two brothers, and the other half was used as travel expenses and tuition fees. I made money while walking and learning. It is also difficult to maintain such a life. The brothers around me I was dragged down enough, Tian Yi and Xia Yuan didn’t know how much money they spent on our brothers. Later, there was rhubarb, and rhubarb said that I would definitely succeed, let me do what I wanted to do, and don’t worry about money .”

When people talk about the past, their eyes seem to be looking at the past through their eyes. It is long and distant, separated by hundreds of mountains and thousands of rivers across a long time.

Telling these to people, or as a talking point at the wine table, the harder it was at the beginning, the more it can be boasted now. Or just tell my confidant, I have been through so many things, so I am what I am today. Let me tell you about the past, you can listen to it as you like.

Tang Suoyan and him may have lived two different lives since they were born. I have never experienced hardships, I have never seen people's faces, and I was the top one no matter where I was when I was young.

"I wanted to comfort you, but it's all over." Tang Suoyan dragged the tea table aside and sat closer to Tao Xiaodong.

"I don't want to listen to your comfort, but to tell you something." Tao Xiaodong consciously sat a little closer, and the two sat next to each other, leaning against the glass door behind.

The lights in the building opposite were half off. Half the people were asleep, and the other half were awake. They are the half awake, talking about themselves and the past.

"That's why a lot of people say I'm crazy, I'm so proud." Tao Xiaodong shrugged his shoulders when he laughed, and the two are now arm-to-arm, and Tang Suoyan can also intuitively feel his smile, "I am It's crazy, my success today is all because of my step by step, in exchange for suffering, I deserve my success, I am not crazy who is crazy."

It is impossible for a successful man to say such things with a wanton smile and not to be charming. Bring the self-confidence of those who have experienced it, and the wildness of a successful person.

Tang Suoyan looked at him, saw his chin retracted because of laughing, and the downward arc of the end of his eyes. Tao Xiaodong also turned to look at him, with a smile on his face: "What's wrong?"

Tang Suo said it was nothing, and smiled lightly: "I just feel very proud."

Tao Xiaodong raised his eyebrows: "Because of me?"

"Yes, because of you." Tang Suoyan also imitated Tao Xiaodong's action just now, and compared to the front, "There are so many mountains, and now Xiaodong is the tallest one."

This is an obvious boast.

Tao Xiaodong talked a lot that night, following his own footsteps along the way, he was so in the air, he forgot how awesome he was if he didn't do it often. At this moment, his heart was raised high. Tang Suoyan said that because he felt very proud at such a time, Tao Xiaodong was completely overwhelmed by this sentence.

My brain is very hot, my heart is also very hot, and my breathing becomes faster.

Tang Suoyan stood up and stretched out his hand towards Tao Xiaodong, but Tao Xiaodong still did not move. Tang Suoyan lowered his gaze, and added: "Besides being proud, I'm also quite reluctant. I have suffered so much at such a young's hard work."

Tao Xiaodong looked up at him and blinked.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, Tao Xiaodong leaned on one arm and stood up abruptly.

When he slammed Tang Suoyan on the glass door, Tang Suoyan knocked on the door with the back of his head. Tao Xiaodong stretched out his hand to cushion the place where he knocked, and rubbed the palm of his hand.

"You are..." Tao Xiaodong's voice was panting heavily, and his voice was extremely low, "Do you love me?"

He is really on top, if he is sober at this moment, he will definitely not be able to do this.

Tang Suoyan's thoughts turned several times in his mind, with many ways and many answers, but he looked at Tao Xiaodong's eyes now, and his suppressed breathing, and finally closed his eyes and gave a "hmm".

Tao Xiaodong lifted it up in one breath, staring at Tang Suoyan's eyes, the tendons on his neck were revealed slightly.

Tang Suoyan is so handsome, every line of his face from neck to collarbone is scorching. When Tao Xiaodong bit his collarbone, even though Tang Suoyan restrained himself, he still made a sound because he was unprepared. A very deep sound came down with heavy breathing, which brought Tao Xiaodong back to his senses for a moment.

He raised his head to look into Tang Suoyan's eyes again, and his eyes met. Tao Xiaodong was at a loss for a brief moment.

Tang Suoyan raised his hand and touched his collarbone until he bit it. Tao Xiaodong knew that there was no turning back.

How it happened, I can't recall clearly afterwards.

There was no communication during the whole process, and there was no other sound except the intertwined breathing of each other. The two were very close, legs next to legs, hips to hips.

When Tao Xiaodong gently scratched the right side of Tang Suoyan's abdomen with his fingers through the fabric, his eyes kept staring at Tang Suoyan's face, chasing his expression. Tang Suoyan looked at him without stopping.

When the fabric was no longer between the fingertips and the skin, Tang Suoyan raised his hand and pressed Tao Xiaodong's back.

Tao Xiaodong's breathing became disordered.

The palms are wet and sweaty.

Two single men want to chat late at night, you say I have a clean mind, he says I don't think about anything. Who would believe their presumptuous nonsense.

Behavior is governed by emotions, and emotions are gradually padded to a certain position where you feel wrong if you don’t do anything, and with a little bit of emotional bonus, emotions will naturally become lust.

One used to have a lover but had no **** life, and the other hadn't had a lover for many years. When these two get together, who can restrain themselves more than the other.

Throw a fire into a pile of dry wood, and the sky will be half red.

Tao Xiaodong's many years of being single have used several percent of his skills on people, and in front of the people he loves and respects, he is wanton and wanton. They also kept a little rationality when they were having fun, and only dared to use their skills, but this was enough for them.

The room was filled with a certain kind of breath, mixed with the light fragrance that Tao Xiaodong liked, and the combination of the two smells would fascinate people half to death. Fascinated so intoxicated, so fascinated that the soul trembled.

Tang Suoyan let Tao Xiaodong have fun, let Tao Xiaodong gently bite his neck and collarbone with his teeth.

Finally, when the weather was calm, Tao Xiaodong looked at the marks he had made, frowned and stretched out his hands to rub them.

Tang Suoyan didn't make a sound and let him rub.

He couldn't get it off even if he rubbed it, Tao Xiaodong regained his senses a little bit, thinking it was too much.

Stand up and want to go, want to go to the guest bedroom or sofa and think about what to do tomorrow. After being stopped by Tang Suoyan, he simply stopped tossing and fell asleep.

Tang Suoyan opened his eyes at dawn the next day. When he opened his eyes, the breath in the room was still there, but no one was there.

I went out of the room and looked around, but I couldn't find half a person anywhere.

Tang Suoyan picked up his phone, only to see a message on it. Open it and read only six words—

Brother Yan, I'm leaving first.

Tang Suoyan raised his hand and squeezed his neck, thinking about the absurdity of last night, shook his head and smiled.

Tao Xiaodong left long ago.

Before dawn, he opened his eyes and saw Tang Suoyan in front of him. The memory came back, and the pictures rushed into his mind. Tao Xiaodong didn't breathe for ten seconds.

I got up and picked up the used paper towels and dried wet wipes on the ground and threw them into the trash can. I didn't forget to take the bag of garbage when I left.

My mind was too dull, I sat in a taxi for a long time, looked down, and saw that the bag was still clutched in my hand.

Tao Xiaodong leaned on the back seat and let out a long breath with his eyes closed.

Being single for a long time can do all sorts of embarrassing things, it's fucking... messed up.

The author has something to say:

Dong: I... have thought about everything.

Little sisters: That's impossible, how can it be, you don't think about anything.

Read The Duke's Passion