MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 31

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Tang Suoyan's birthday is not in vain, and the relationship between the two can be regarded as a qualitative leap.

Tao Xiaodong ate two cakes and cooked a bowl of noodles with him. Tang Suoyan said that he couldn't eat it anymore, so Tao Xiaodong cooked it anyway, and said, "Why don't you just eat one stick, you must eat longevity noodles for birthdays."

Tang Suoyan ate a few mouthfuls cooperatively. Tao Xiaodong stared at him not to let him bite off. After a few mouthfuls, Tang Suoyan said, "Boss Tao, I really can't eat anymore."

Tao Xiaodong didn't care about it at all, took it and finished eating, and said with a smile: "Longevity noodles are not left, I will eat it for you."

He was so natural, not at all uncomfortable. Tang Suoyan watched him eat up all the noodles. When he wiped his mouth, Tang Suoyan asked him suddenly: "Have you ever had a stiff fight with anyone?"

Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Which one do you say?"

"It's just that they don't get along."

Tao Xiaodong laughed: "Of course I did."

He felt that Tang Suoyan asked this question inexplicably, how can a person live without conflicts with anyone. Tang Suoyan said: "Who can not get along with you?"

Tao Xiaodong came to his senses and asked tentatively, "Ah, is this a compliment to me?"

Tang Suoyan just smiled.

Tao Xiaodong said: "I am really popular, and I have many friends. But there are also a lot of people who bother me. Sometimes I can pretend and pick."

He knew himself quite objectively, and he said in a nutshell: "I am very annoying when I come up, and my temper is not always as good as you see, and there are many annoying things about me. I will contact more You'll know, and then you should bother me."

Tang Suoyan nodded and said to him, "Then I'll wait and see."

The noodles were also finished, and it was getting dark early. They spent a lot of time together that day, and Tao Xiaodong even hugged someone. Before that, the only physical contact between them was Tang Suoyan's slap on the back when he was walking, and today it was a big step.

I drank in the afternoon, even if I am sober now, I can't drive. Tang Suo said, "Sleep here, and leave tomorrow."

Tao Xiaodong immediately shook his head: "We have to go."

I can't tell if I live here, it's not like that. Although Tang Suoyan said so, Tao Xiaodong always thought more about it.

In the end, I called a surrogate driver and went back. On the way back, thinking about these things today, my mind was still a little confused, but I still drifted more or less.

He felt at ease in Tang Suoyan.

It was very late when I got home, there was no light in the house, and it was all dark when I opened the door.

Tao Huainan hadn't fallen asleep yet, when he heard him come back and ask in a low voice, "Brother is back?"

The door of their room was not closed, so Tao Xiaodong walked over in the dark and knocked his leg on the sofa. Tao Huainan asked him, "Have you knocked?"

"Well, I didn't turn on the light." Tao Xiaodong talked to him at his door, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I went to bed in the afternoon." Tao Huainan said.

Tao Xiaodong said to him, "Hurry up and sleep, I'll sleep after taking a shower."

"Oh, good night." Tao Huainan whispered.

Tao Xiaodong said "um", and went back to his room, knocking on the door frame when he strayed.

When I got out of the shower, I saw Tang Suoyan's message: Not home yet?

He hurried back: I'm home, I'm taking a shower.

Tang Suoyan: Just tell me.

Tao Xiaodong: I'm not ashamed to send it to you.

Tang Suo said back to him: I'm sorry, I haven't had enough energy yet?

Tao Xiaodong lay on the bed and replied with a smile: A little bit.

After sending each other a few messages, Tao Xiaodong looked at the time and sent a voice message: "It's late, go to sleep, brother Yan, and say happy birthday again."

"Okay, good night." Tang Suoyan also replied.

Tao Xiaodong didn't return. Just as he was about to put away his phone, he received another text message from Tang Suoyan.

—Thank you Xiaodong.

He didn't say thank you, and Tao Xiaodong didn't need to ask. Tao Xiaodong looked at the chat box and replied what he had said during the day.

— Ha, it should be.

Tao Xiaodong has been taking care of his personal affairs these days, but he has not delayed his serious business. He works diligently in the store on weekdays. Huan Ge murmured praises every day while taking photos of his works. In his eyes, Dong Ge was like heaven and earth, and his hands were fairy hands.

After shooting the work, I adjust the color and retouch the picture, and wait for others to praise it when I post it. His brother Dong's work should be praised no matter what, of course there are also some sour ones. A young tattoo artist with a little fame and thousands of fans forwarded it, and pulled out a bunch of professional-looking comments, saying that Tao Xiaodong's pictures are only technical and not. soul.

Huan Ge immediately switched to the trumpet and replied to the other party: Don't imitate Dongshen without a soul, master. The work you put on the top is the picture of my Dongshen last September, please don't be too presumptuous.

The guy on the opposite side was also a very poisonous guy, and he replied Huan Ge: Get back and lick the dog.

Huan Ge immediately changed his ID to "Dongshen Licking Dog" and replied: Did you see my ID? From now on, I will let you see me once a day.

The other party blocked him.

Huan Ge kept "tsk tsk" there, and showed a little deaf man next to him his work. The little deaf man curled his lips, with a look of disdain, and drew a "shameless" with his brush.

Most of these deaf-mute people in the store are students, and generally Tao Xiaodong accepts them and gives them a job opportunity. The salary is not high, but it is not low, which is the normal price of a part-time job for students. The work and value of Tao Xiaodong will always be equal, and there will not be so many inexplicable gains or losses.

Tao Xiaodong recently had a full-body picture, which lasted for several days and ten hours. He didn't deliver food for a week, and he couldn't leave on weekends. After Tang Suoyan's birthday, it was supposed to be very hot, but Tao Xiaodong suddenly couldn't leave, so he could only send a message every night after get off work, thinking about it.

Woke up this morning and took the initiative to send a voice message to Tang Suoyan: "Brother Yan, I'm at work."

It was past six o'clock in the morning, and it was estimated that Tang Suoyan should wake up at this time.

Tang Suoyan was already in the office when he saw this. Just after changing his clothes, several interns at the door were holding a bunch of lists in their hands, waiting for him to go to the consultation.

After listening to his voice, Tang Suoyan quickly replied, "I'm at work too, so I'll call you at night without my cell phone."

Tao Xiaodong replied quickly, afraid of delaying his work.

Tang Suoyan put the phone in the drawer, opened the door and went out.

At the annual meeting of ophthalmology next week, many foreign doctors have already come in advance, and they will follow in the consultation and rounds, and the key surgeries will follow, observe and learn.

Tang Suoyan's operations had to be performed under the eyes of a circle of doctors, and his hands were very steady. Professor Xu has seldom performed surgery in the past two years. Now Tang Suoyan is the first surgeon in the ophthalmology department of the Third Hospital, and he is also the one who handles the most beautifully.

Those who need consultation are all difficult diseases. Professor Xu has a deep line between his eyebrows, which has been frowning all year round. In order to make it easier for international friends to listen and discuss, all consultations have to be in English, which is also a coincidence. Recently, there are many difficult and difficult cases.

Before he finished his work, a resident doctor came in and secretly told him to go to the ward.

Tang Suoyan asked him what happened.

The resident doctor stuck to him and said, "There is a glaucoma patient who is making a fuss in the ward right now, and it's making a lot of noise."

Tang Suoyan talked to him in a low voice and asked him why he was making trouble.

"You'd better go and have a look. It's that... the one from the special zone ward. He's clamoring for you to go over."

Tang Suoyan frowned: "What's the problem?"

The resident doctor was also nervous, knowing that Tang Suoyan couldn't leave now, but that person was really difficult to deal with. So the voice was extremely low: "The stitches were removed in the early morning... Now I'm a bit inclined to walk away."

The patient personally arranged by the dean specially asked Tang Suoyan to take extra care and obey him. Tang Suoyan did the trabeculectomy himself, and even gave him two post-operative massages.

There is an ophthalmologist in the family who understands it quite well. It is usually convenient for family members who understand the condition and can save a lot of explanations. Last night, the patient suddenly complained that the eyes were too uncomfortable, and the filter bubble was a bit congested, and the family members insisted on removing the stitches.

Tang Suoyan said "sorry" to the others when he heard this, and followed the resident doctor out.

After going out, I asked, "Who dismantled it?"

"Dr. Lin was on duty yesterday. He didn't dare to dismantle it. He couldn't get through to you when he called you." The resident doctor spoke quickly, "The family members will call the director directly and say that if he doesn't dismantle it, he will dismantle it himself."

"Who dismantled it in the end?" Tang Suoyan asked again.

"Doctor Lin dismantled it..." The resident doctor knew that Tang Suoyan could not be wronged, and was a little worried for Dr. Lin.

When Tang Suoyan passed by, the man was making a fuss, shouting loudly in the ward, asking to find the director. Tang Suoyan checked him, the anterior chamber was almost gone, and the choroid was detached. Immediately arranged to bandage and dilate the pupils, and the hormone was used immediately.

Family members and patients clamored to find the director, saying that the hospital was not responsible for the patients and should be held accountable.

Dr. Lin dared not speak out, and said in a low voice, "You insisted on dismantling it last night, and we signed a disclaimer."

Tang Suoyan glanced at him and stopped him from continuing to speak.

But his words still angered the family, saying that the hospital was shirking responsibility. Tang Suoyan let them quarrel, without showing any expression from the beginning to the end, and arranged work to solve the problem normally, and did not speak to irritate them or comfort them. If he didn't speak, the family members couldn't make a fuss, and they became quieter after a while.

There are many patients like this, and it is sometimes convenient to know a little about it, and sometimes it is troublesome. Relying on self-knowledge and not cooperating, do what you want. The resident doctor didn't dare to argue with them, and he couldn't get through the phone, so he signed a disclaimer under embarrassment, pushing out the risk and then acting according to the patient's wishes.

Still young and inexperienced, signing or not signing the disclaimer is considered an accident.

When the family members were quiet, Tang Suo calmed down a few words, saying that he was responsible and would not shirk it. If the operation failed later, he would be responsible for redoing it.

After a brief reassurance, the patient and his family stopped making trouble. After all, they were the ones who asked for the stitches to be removed.

However, when the rounds came, the patient still yelled for a long time in front of all the doctors.

Professor Xu asked what was going on, the resident doctor quickly described it, and Professor Xu said a few words, what to do if something happens later. Only one family member was left in the ward round, and the family member who knew ophthalmology was not there. In fact, Professor Xu just went around a few words to confuse the patient and stopped making trouble. Foreign doctors can't understand Chinese. Professor Xu and Tang Suoyan spoke in both Chinese and English for a few minutes. Chinese was spoken to the patient, and English was spoken to the doctor. Neither of them meant the same thing. Finally, Professor Xu nodded, and a team of doctors left after their ward rounds.

Tang Suoyan never turned off his work phone. The doctor on duty called him once and didn't get through, so he didn't dare to call again, thinking that he had turned off the phone. Patients have a bad impression in the hospital, which affects the image of the hospital.

This is Tang Suoyan's patient, whether it is taken care of by the superior or not, there is actually no difference in Tang Suoyan's. The stitches were removed early, the filter bubble disappeared, and the surgery was done in vain. Accidents are accidents, whether the patient insists on them or not.

A disclaimer is just a piece of paper, and it is only useful if you go to court, and no one will recognize it if you don't go to court. They are all patients under the personal care of the dean. Whoever you talk about for exemption is Tang Suoyan's responsibility.

Tang Suoyan said in the morning that he would call Tao Xiaodong, and he would leave the hospital in the middle of the night. I took a look at the phone, and there were two messages from Tao Xiaodong in the evening.

— Does brother Yan work overtime? I'm off work and I'll bring you food.

About an hour and a half later, a second message came.

—You are busy with your work, I put the lunch box on the roof of your car, remember to take it.

Read The Duke's Passion