MTL - Wilderness Live: True Princess, She Blasts Interstellar-Chapter 340 what the **** are you talking about

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  Chapter 340 what kind of **** are you talking about?

   "For that kind of devastating blow, only two powerful stars, Kapaqiong and Maitre, have the ability to protect, but in the previous life, because they only cared about the war, everyone didn't notice it."

   "It's just that I'm kind of scared of the butterfly effect."

   "I have changed so much, not only made you a prominent general in the universe, but also brought Your Majesty here. The trajectory of this life is different from the previous life, and I am afraid that something will happen."

  At that time, he only asked one sentence, "So, what do you want me to do by telling me this?"

  Su Zhou lowered his head, a little frustrated, "I want you to take a look in the universe while fighting with Myrtle. If there is danger, we can take precautions in advance."

  The memory is over, he controls the fighter and looks around in the universe.

  However, before it was quiet for a while, a laser cannon flashed a dazzling red light and shot towards him.

   Frowning, pressing the fighter, he dodged nimbly, but the laser cannon could be tracked. Just as he dodged, the cannonball turned around and "flyed" towards him again.

  Raise your hand and press the attack button, a cannonball is fired from the attack cabin of the fighter, facing the laser cannon.

  The two cannonballs collided and exploded together, making a violent sound, illuminating a corner of the universe.

  Su Qiluo turned her head and looked out through the glass cover.

   Not far in front of him, a familiar fighter plane was parked there. Behind the glass cover, Yi Beixuan was looking at him indifferently.

  He looked at the fighter plane with a mocking smile on his lips.

  It was something made by the doctor, and Yi Beixuan actually drove this fighter to fight against him.


  Suddenly, there was a piercing sound from the communication signal.

  He looked down and saw that it was a short-distance call setting. Around him, there was only the fighter plane of Yibeixuan.

  Raised his hand and clicked the communication button, there was a sound of electric current, and he heard a familiar voice.

   "Qi Luo, long time no see."

   "It's not long. It's only a few days since you left Kapaqiong to start the war on the two stars." He looked at the fighter plane opposite, and as expected, Yi Beixuan was also looking at him through the glass cover.

   "Why are you running here by yourself?" Yi Beixuan's voice came from the communication signal again.

   "What does it have to do with you? You gave me a laser cannon when we first met. You are afraid that I will live, right?" He looked at Yi Beixuan, speaking in the same tone as when we were together before.

  Hearing this, Yi Beixuan smiled helplessly, "Then there is no way, as we are like this now, either you will die or I will live."

   "Heh," Su Qiluo's eyes were full of sarcasm when he heard this, "If you don't know how to use words, go back and study hard. What nonsense are you talking about?"

  Yi Beixuan: "...Your words are really vulgar. I haven't seen you for a few days, and you still talk like this?"

   "Only to you." He twitched the corners of his mouth, making no secret of his hostility towards Yi Beixuan.

   "You are truly sincere."

  The communication signal was cut off suddenly, Su Qiluo glanced down, and after Yi Beixuan said four words, he took the initiative to cut off the communication.

   Turning his eyes to the opposite side, Yi Beixuan had no intention of attacking him at all, so he flew a fighter plane near him.

   Neuropathy one.

  He raised his eyes lazily, and manipulated the fighter plane to move to the left, but just half a step away, Yi Beixuan suddenly followed behind him in the fighter plane.

  Glanced at the fighter plane that was following her from the corner of the eye, Su Qiluo didn't care at all, and continued to drive the fighter plane across the universe.

  He knew that Yi Beixuan would not attack him, so he probably just wanted to know what he was going to do.

   The promised enemy on the battlefield, but they really meet again. The trend between the two of them seems to be a bit off.

   "Dogskin plaster." He groaned secretly, glanced at the fighter plane following him from the corner of his eye, and clicked the acceleration button.


  The sun gradually went down, and there was no sunlight in the sky around six o'clock in the evening.

  Mu Qingyun regained her senses from the practice. She looked at the situation in the sky and felt that it was almost done, so she withdrew the plant power in her left hand.

   "You don't practice anymore?"

   Zhou Hengyue was bored of waiting, he kept staring at Mu Qingyun, and when he saw her move, he immediately asked a question.

   "It's time." Mu Qingyun got up, leaned against the door, and listened to the movement outside.

   Sure enough, after a while, there were noises outside.

   That's right, I slept all day, and I'm sure I'll have something to eat when I wake up.

  Footsteps came from far and near, Zhou Hengyue and Su Zhou looked at each other, the two of them invariably settled in place, and subconsciously breathed lightly.

   After about an hour, the sound outside gradually began to disappear.

  I was listening intently, when suddenly someone slapped me on the arm.

  She turned her head and looked at Zhou Hengyue.

  Zhou Hengyue opened his mouth and said with his mouth: "Do you want to act now?"

   "No," she shook her head and looked at the sky outside, "wait a little longer until the medicine takes full effect."

  The vampires are all out at night, and they will hold a banquet at night. If there is no movement after a while, it will ensure that most of the vampires have been defeated.

   After waiting for a while, Mu Qingyun winked at the two of them, and said softly: "Help stay outside, make sure that no one is stunned. If anyone wants to approach, just stun them!"

  Zhou Hengyue and Su Zhou made an 'OK' gesture before she opened the door with confidence and looked at the situation in the corridor.


   Pushing the door open completely, she came out and walked to the room hidden in her memory.

  The door was not locked, and she opened it with a light touch.

   Walking quickly inside, Yin's room layout was the same as she remembered, with a bulge on the dark gray bed sheet.

  Close the door, she walked to the bed, and looked up at the sleeping person above.

  Why are you still sleeping at this hour?

   Doubt flashed across Mu Qingyun's heart, she stretched out her hand and gently pushed Yin's shoulder, "Yin?"

  The voice fell, but the person on the bed did not move.

   "Yin?" Yin pushed Yin again, but Yin still didn't move.

  Wait, he might have drunk a blood bag too.

   Patting her head, she hurriedly took out the liquid antidote to the drug from the storage bag, and fed it to Yin.

  After a while, the person on the bed still remained silent.

what's the situation?

  She frowned, approached Yin suspiciously, activated the plant ability in her left hand, entered Yin's body, and briefly checked the situation in his body.

   Nothing unusual.

   Withdrawing the plant ability, she was very puzzled.

  After thinking about it, she picked up the communicator on her sleeve and dialed Su Zhou's communication number.

   "What's the matter?" Su Zhou answered very quickly.

   "You and Teacher Zhou are waiting there, maybe all night, remember, don't come out, just hide there."

"it is good."

  Su Zhou is not like Zhou Hengyue, he never asks why, and only executes orders.

  Hung up the communicator, she looked at Yin's closet, and ran in to hide without hesitation.

  Yin doesn't have many clothes, but her wardrobe is very luxuriously designed. For someone of her stature, at least five of them can hide in!

  (end of this chapter)