MTL - Wilderness Live: True Princess, She Blasts Interstellar-Chapter 337 He really beat me

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  Chapter 337 He really beat me

  Early the next morning, Mu Qingyun just woke up, and subconsciously touched the place next to her.

  The side is empty, but there is still warmth on the bed.

  Opening her eyes suddenly, she recovered from her sleepiness and raised her voice, "Su Qiluo?"

"I'm here."

  Su Qiluo's voice sounded quite far away from her.

  Are you going to make breakfast?

  Rubbing her head, she tidied up briefly and walked downstairs quickly.

  Walking into the living room, there was a familiar sound of ping-pong-pong in the kitchen. She turned her head to look, and sure enough, Su Qiluo was cooking.

   "Why are you still making breakfast?" She walked behind Su Qiluo, and put her arms around his waist, "Don't take a good rest."

"After a while, I will definitely stay on the space battlefield. While I have time now, of course I have to cook a meal for my wife." Su Qiluo freed up a hand, and gently pressed her hand around her waist On, "Anyway, it's not troublesome."

  When Mu Qingyun heard his words, an inexplicable irritability welled up in her heart.

   "I'll be waiting for you to come back from the military academy." She said, poking her head and looking at what Su Qiluo was working on.

  A piece of dough made of protein powder was in his hand, easily wrapped the meat filling, and kneaded it into various shapes.

  He did dozens of them directly.

   "It doesn't take so much for a breakfast, just make it simple, let's eat first." She withdrew her hand and tugged at Su Qiluo's clothes.

"You are hungry?"

  Su Qiluo froze for a moment, then looked sideways at her.

"It's not that you're hungry, but don't you have to leave soon?" She picked up the prepared meal and said, "Don't worry too much if you eat early, in case they urge you to leave while you're eating." ?”

  After hearing this, Su Qiluo stopped doing it, "You are right."

  Open the steamer, take out the last bowl of buns, the two walked to the dining table and started eating.

   "If we can turn the danger out this time, we'll find a place to live in seclusion." Mu Qingyun took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, the skin was thin and filled with fillings, Su Qiluo's cooking skills really got better and better.

   "Are you serious this time?" Su Qiluo looked at her with a smile, "Last time you said to live in seclusion, but Su Zhou casually said a few words, and you decided to stay."

   "After all, it's my military adviser. He begged me, so I can't give him face?" Speaking of this, she really felt a little guilty.

  Su Qiluo didn't care, "It seems that he really beat me."

   "Then, let's bypass him in the future." She raised her eyebrows and continued following his words.

  Hearing what she said, Su Qiluo was quite surprised.

  Every time the topic of Su Zhou comes up, she always speaks for Su Zhou, but this time, she will follow his words.

   "Okay, this is what you said."

   "Well, I said so." Mu Qingyun smiled.

  The two of them ate breakfast very slowly, and Su Qiluo had prepared a lot of things, so the breakfast was dragged on for more than an hour.

   "General Su, knock knock knock, General Su, are you ready?"

  It's almost time.

  Su Qiluo glanced at the time on the phone, "I should go."

   "I'll see you off." Taking the coat from the chair, she put it on for Su Qiluo.

   "Just deliver it to the door." Su Qiluo raised her hand so that Mu Qingyun could put on his coat.

  Mu Qingyun looked at the tape on his shirt, and suddenly had an idea.

  She stretched out her hand to grab the strap of his shirt, she yanked it hard, but she didn't expect Su Qiluo to be easily led and lowered her head as if she had no weight.

  She looked at the handsome face who was close at hand, without too much hesitation, she put her arms around Su Qiluo's neck and continued to press down.

  Lips touched together, she was dissatisfied with this shallow kiss, so she tentatively stuck out her tongue and gently touched Su Qiluo's lips.

  Su Qiluo looked at her active sweetheart, her eyes darkened, she stretched out her hand to tightly wrap her waist, and leaned on her body.

  Lout and tongue entangled, he changed from passive to active, trying to taste her.

   This kiss was clearly started by Mu Qingyun, but in the end, she was the one who was so kissed that she couldn't breathe.

   "Knock knock knock—Admiral Su, haven't you gotten up yet?"

  The sound of knocking on the door sounded again, and the people outside seemed unable to hold back, and began to urge again.

  Mu Qingyun glanced in the direction of the door, and frowned in displeasure. If it wasn't for business, she would never let Su Qiluo go today.

   "I have to go." Seeing the unhappiness of the person in her arms, Su Qiluo lowered her head and kissed her on the cheek again.

"it is good."

  She looked up at Su Qiluo, immediately suppressed the negative emotions on her face, and showed him a bright smile.

  There was another knock on the door, but this time the sound was intermittent. The knocker seemed to be hesitating, not knowing whether he should keep knocking.

   "Let's go, they are all waiting impatiently." Su Qiluo slid down her hair, comforted her, and then walked towards the door.


  The door was suddenly opened, Su Qiluo was holding the doorknob, and met the knocker outside the door.

  The hands of the people outside who were about to knock on the door stopped in mid-air. Seeing the slightly red lips of the two of them, they suddenly understood something.

   Smiled awkwardly, he put down his hand resentfully, "Haha, General, you're up."

   "Let's go." Su Qiluo glanced at him lightly, and gathered his clothes.

   "Okay, okay." He nodded in response, and the moment he turned around, all the expressions of helplessness and collapse were displayed on his face.

   Really convinced, his luck is not very good today.

  There were more than a dozen people with black and white matches, but he was eliminated in the first round, and then... he became the unlucky guy who called Admiral Su to come out.

  Mu Qingyun went out together with her, and originally wanted to see her off for a further distance, but Su Qiluo didn't let her continue, "That's it, you go back and rest for a while."

  Hearing this, she nodded.

   "Be safe, I'll be here waiting for you to come back." An unconcealable worry flashed in her eyes. Although she knew Su Qiluo's ability was strong, this was a war between two planets.

   "Yes." Su Qiluo replied with a smile.

  The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Su Qiluo turned around and followed the unlucky guy who was forced to knock on the door.

  Watching Su Qiluo's figure gradually disappear from sight, Mu Qingyun felt indescribably disappointed.

  For some reason, she always had a bad premonition in her heart.

   "Mu Qingyun!"

  Suddenly, someone behind her called her name.

   Reining in her emotions, she turned around and saw that it was Zhou Hengyue.

   "Let's go?"

  Zhou Hengyue looked at her, raised his chin as a gesture.

   "Where's Su Zhou, why didn't he come?" She walked over quickly and asked suspiciously.

  The military division has the most sense of time. He is never late and is always the first one to arrive.

"He's here, but I heard that Qi Luo is leaving at this time, so I want to take a look." Zhou Hengyue didn't know the relationship between Su Zhou and Su Qiluo, "Qi Luo really eats everything, why is everyone like him?" fan."

  (end of this chapter)