MTL - Wilderness Live: True Princess, She Blasts Interstellar-Chapter 273 Another one for Mu Xueyao

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   Chapter 273 Another one for Mu Xueyao

   "Bai Pufeng, what is the reason." Zhou Hengyue is also an old fox, so naturally he will not be fooled by Bai Pufeng's "slippery hand".

   Bai Pufeng's deception successfully aroused his inner anger.

   He hates others to fool him the most, not to mention that the other party is just a freshman under him.

   "If you don't clarify this matter, I can decide to expel you from the military academy, even if Ling Shangfu is useless!"

  Admiral Ling?

  The general who selected Bai Pufeng as the trainee?

   Mu Qingyun withdrew her gaze towards Bai Pufeng, she also wanted to know what was the reason why Bai Pufeng was targeting her.

   Bai Pufeng finally restrained the indifferent expression on his face when he heard Zhou Hengyue's words.

   "In my heart, there will always be only one Her Royal Highness." As he spoke, he gave her a cold look.

   Another one for Mu Xueyao?

   Mu Qingyun chuckled and said nothing.

   She didn't bother to talk too much with this kind of person. Anyway, she learned that the reason was not what she did, hatred, she remembered, and revenge will come immediately.

   "Mr. Zhou, you have also figured out the cause and effect of the matter. Shouldn't you give me a fair account?" She said lightly.

   Zhou Hengyue's face was not very good-looking at this time. What kind of **** did Lao Ling choose? It was just for this reason that he shot at Mu Qingyun.

   What a love-minded idiot!

   "Cancel Bai Pufeng's merits, and cancel Bai Pufeng's two-month salary subsidy."

   Zhou Hengyue mercilessly chose the heaviest punishment, and the more he started, the less he could be merciful.

   If he is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, then he will have no deterrent effect at all, and it will be even more troublesome to deal with students in the future.

  Being able to stand out from so many people is either very strong or very lucky.

   These people all have their own arrogance. He wants to suppress a simple one, but suppressing a group, if they are not balanced, there will be trouble.

   So, in the beginning, the means must be ruthless.

   Sure enough, Bai Pufeng did not expect that he would face such a punishment, his face changed greatly, his face was unbelievable.


   "It's just a fight, why punish me so severely? Just because of her relationship with Admiral Su?"

   "Shut up!" Zhou Hengyue frowned with a headache, "If you don't agree, you can go to General Ling, or go to the military academy to protest and complain to me.

   But you have no right to use your own self-righteous guesses to pull others in! "

   Perhaps it was because Zhou Hengyue's expression was too serious, or perhaps it was because his attitude was too firm, Bai Pufeng clenched his fist, and after a few seconds of patience, he still had no choice but to give up.

"Both of you are top-notch talents, don't be hostile to each other for those unwarranted reasons." Zhou Hengyue couldn't help but start to scold, "In the future, the two of you are likely to be a pair of partners, how can you rest assured in your current situation? Hand over your back to the other party?"

   "In this way, there is a simulated scene device inside. The two of you are the most powerful among the freshmen, so it's time to go in and practice."

   Zhou Hengyue said, raised his hand, and the staff next to him immediately pressed a button.

  Suddenly, the two capsule-shaped containers behind him were opened, revealing a simple seat inside and a pair of glasses placed on it.

   "Put on your glasses and you will enter the world of the metaverse, the metaverse scene is constantly changing, but there is one thing to remind you.

   Wounded in the Metaverse, your own senses will also be hit hard, causing damage to your body.

   So don't think that in the metaverse, you can do whatever you want. "

   When the words were over, he walked aside to make way for the two of them.

   Mu Qingyun didn't say anything, and strode into one of the capsules.

   Walk in and the door of the capsule will automatically close.

   Bai Pufeng hesitated, then lifted his foot and walked to another capsule.

   But before he took a few steps, he was stopped by Zhou Hengyue who was beside him.

   "Wait a minute," Zhou Hengyue looked up at him, "Everything in the palace has a reason, don't look at the result, there must be such a result because of such a cause."

The meaning of    is very clear, this is to persuade him.

   Bai Pufeng hesitated for a few seconds, and suddenly said firmly: "Mr. Zhou, the reason why I came to the military academy is only to obtain a higher status and ability to protect Her Royal Highness.

  If I can't protect her, then nothing means anything to me. "

   After the words were finished, he did not wait for Zhou Hengyue to speak, and walked quickly to another capsule.

   Seeing that the door of the capsule was closed, he took out the pendant around his neck and pinched the half-shaped small jade pendant in his hand.

   He is from Junk Star.

   When he was a child, Her Royal Highness the Princess once saved his life.

   This thing is the token that His Highness agreed to be friends with him, and His Highness has the other half.

   He looked at the half of the jade pendant for a long time, and made up his mind secretly.

   He will definitely not let Mu Qingyun go. When Mu Qingyun is punished, he will go to Her Royal Highness the Princess. He will try to surpass Su Qiluo so that Her Highness will no longer be pushed out by Mu Qingyun!

After the    capsule was finished, the two put on their glasses and began their metaverse adventure.


   On the other side, Su Qiluo, who was cultivating in the villa, suddenly opened his eyes.

   The bottom of his eyes was surging with red light at the moment, like a bloodthirsty vampire, quietly waiting for his prey to take the bait.

   "Stop being persistent, if you don't completely eliminate your personality, then I will never be able to restore my full strength."

   In Su Qiluo's mind, a voice sounded coldly.

   "For so many years, you have been pressing me with water abilities, and now that the water abilities are gone, you should also disappear."

   Hearing this, Su Qiluo clenched his fists and did not reply.

   Seeing that he was silent, the voice said again: "I have occupied your body many times, you should know it, you have seen it, I will not pose a threat to anyone."

  Su Qiluo lowered his eyes, was silent for a while, and suddenly said without warning: "Are you really me?"

   "You asked an interesting question," the icy voice continued, "I am you, not you."

"What's the meaning."

   "I am all your bad emotions, such as the pain of being abandoned, the unwillingness of being defeated, the hatred of being betrayed, and the jealousy that has been stimulated.

   But although I am all your bad emotions, I can control my malice, you should be aware of it these days, I will not hurt anyone.

   On the contrary, I can help you love your lover, I can ignore everyone in Kapaqiong, I can ignore the righteousness of the world, only love her, and give her the only love. "

The voice chuckled and continued: "But I am not you, because I and you are two personalities, two different beings, you are you, I am me, I have my thoughts, and you also have yours consciousness."

   (end of this chapter)