MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 307 : You are not the same person

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He was brought back to the Nanyue Palace by Qilian, and Qilian Song did not let Kumiko Wenxi a few people to look after Bai Aoxue. Instead, he ordered the maids who accompanied him to take care of Bai Aoxue.

And Bai Aoxue's trip, did not see the past, followed by the whistling around the Qilian song, although some doubts, but did not ask.

"Where is the Princess Muxi? Can she let her see me?" Bai Aoxue looked at the maid who had been behind him and asked faintly.

The maid saw Bai Aoxue talking to her. She did not react to it for a while. After a while, she returned to Shinto: "The Princess Muhammad has been away from the palace for some time. The slaves don't know where Muhammad went."

Bai Aoxue was surprised when he heard the maid's words, but did not say much.

"I know."

The maid saw that Bai Aoxue had no idea of ​​continuing to talk, and he was doing his duty to guard Bai Baixue.

However, Bai Aoxue is really confused. He admires where he went, why he is not worried about Qilian.

Thinking about it, Bai Aoxue will see the bright yellow figure coming far away.

The Qilian song that disappeared for a few days appeared again, and Bai Aoxue did not have much reaction.

But this time, it wasn't that Qilian song came alone, but instead he followed someone.

See Bai Aoxue sitting in the huā garden, Qilian song slightly frowning: "The huā garden is so cold, don't you all, burn a stove to Miss Bai?"

The maid was panicked, and the little **** and his party were also panicked.

"The emperor is angry!"

Bai Aoxue saw this and slightly raised his eyebrows: "I don't want them to burn, I am not cold."

When Qilian Song saw Bai Aoxue talking, he did not say much. He tried to help Bai Aoxue in the first few steps, but he was led by Bai Aoxue and walked straight into the house.

Qi Liange took some of his hand and looked at the person who was present in the cold. "Let's get up. Prepare meals. Stay here for dinner today."

And those little eunuchs, with the palace girl listening to the songs of the singer, relieved and got up and prepared each.

"The emperor... This woman's good life is not polite!" The man behind Qi Lian song looked at Bai Aoxue's back and frowned slightly.

When Qilian Song heard the man's words, his face changed slightly, but he did not blame.

"Ao Xue is a bit indifferent, you should get used to it later. After all, she is about to become the mother of my South Moon." Qi Lian whispered, as if he had said it at the moment, it is a very common little thing.

Bai Ao Xue, who had already gone far, was very good at hearing the words of Qi Lian Ge. His footsteps were slightly stunned, and Bai Ao Xue’s eyes were cold.

Qi Lian Ge took the man behind him, followed Bai Baixue, and walked into Bai Aoxue’s palace.

"Why, don't you have nothing to do, don't you go?" Bai Aoshen saw the singer coming in, and said rudely.

Qilian Song seems to care less than the general, faint: "It may be very busy in a few days, I may not have time to come to see you every day."

Bai Aoxue understands the meaning of Qilian song, and faintly said: "I don't have anything, you don't use it for me. After all, I am the king of the five kings who inherited, and people know that it is not good."

Even if Qilian’s temper is good, this meeting is still irritated by Bai Ao Xue.

He did not expect that Bai Aoxue had the ability to irritate people.

"Oh... Inherited five lords? I want to come to this time you have no spirit, I don't know that the inheritance has already changed." Qi Liange looked at Bai Aoxue, and smiled.

When Bai Aoxue heard the words of Qi Lian, he said faintly: "Is it the king of the night?"

Qilian Song slowly nodded, and Bai Baixue could guess, and there was no such surprise.

"He is enthroned. On the night of your disappearance, he successfully enthroned. And now he is busy drafting a woman, probably already forgetting you. If not, how can I not see him looking for you." Sensible, observing the expression of Bai Aoxue, and saying enough things to make Bai Ao Xue’s heart shake.

However, he was still disappointed. There was no change in the face of Bai Aoxue. The quiet phoenixes were not even a wave.

Bai Aoxue listened to the words of Qilian, as if he didn't care about the general saying: "Is it? He is basically what I expected."

"He is a draft girl, don't you care?" Qilian Song asked not to be willing to look at Bai Aoxue.

"Why should I care? Because I believe that he will not choose a female show, I naturally don't care. Even if it is a real draft girl, it is because the current situation needs, but I believe he will not betray me." Bai Ao Xue slightly squinted I looked at Qi Liange.

It was so quiet from beginning to end that Yanlian song felt frustrated.

"Do you believe him so much? Men are not like this. If you have the right, you will be mad." Qilian song is not willing.

Bai Ao Xue is facing the Qilian song, lightly red lips: "Then tell me, are you such a person? After having the right, you will be mad at yourself?"

Qilian song was a speech by Bai Aoxue, and he was speechless.

"I am different from him... naturally." Qilian song does not look at Bai Aoxue's gaze, Cangjie said.

Bai Aoxue smiled softly: "It's not the same. Jun Ye Xiu will not do this kind of thing like you. It will be imprisoned for a person who does not love himself."

When Qilian Song listens to Bai Aoxue’s words, it’s like hearing a big joke. “Haha... If you don’t love Juny Night, you certainly don’t know what kind of crazy action he will make! Maybe it’s more than me. Crazy!"

"But I love Jun nighting. There is no such thing." Bai Aoxue seriously looked at Qilian song, saying gently and fluently.

There is no hesitation, no hesitation.

The original laughing laughter stopped the smile, and looked at Bai Aoxue for a moment, just wanting to talk. The man who didn’t talk from the beginning to the end, he spoke first.

"My emperor loves you so much, how can you trample on the heart of my emperor!" The man looked at Bai Aoxue and said disgustedly.

When Bai Aoxue heard the man's words, he glanced at the man slightly and didn't care much: "That will let me leave. I will not trample on your emperor's mind."

"You!..." The man apparently did not expect the attitude of Bai Aoxue, but he was mad at the moment, but was stopped by Qilian.

"Enough, hehe. You step back." Qi Lian song sighed, looking at the man's eyes, with a trace of ice.

The man named Yu, who was unwilling to look at Bai Aoxue, took the lead and retired.

"You go, I am tired, I want to take a break." Bai Ao Xue did not look at the song, said softly.

Qilian Song looked at the back of Bai Aoxue. After a long time, he said: "I will let your three maids come to see you. You have a good rest these days. After five days, you will be a grand ceremony. I will make you a world." The most honorable woman in the most honorable."

After all, not waiting for Bai Aoxue's reaction, Qilian song turned and left.

When Bai Aoxue heard the words of Qilian, he tightened his hand and secretly said that she must step up and she must leave here on the 5th!

After the Qilian song left, a few hurried footsteps have already arrived.

"Miss!" The three pleasant voices are more unbelievable.

Bai Aoxue heard the sound, a slight meal, then smiled and turned around: "Is it all stupid? Even I don't know?"

Kapok Wenxi listened to a few people, no longer hesitated, quickly rushed to Bai Aoxue, just want to pounce into the white proud snow embrace, but was stopped by the maids guarding.

"What are you doing!?" Kapok was stopped, naturally asked unhappy.

"Miss White is pregnant now, you will hurt Miss Bai." The maid looked cold and looked at the kapok.

However, if a few people in Kumiko Wenxi listened to the maid, they were shocked and did not know how to react.

Unbelievably looking at Bai Aoxue, what happened to the lady during the time they were not there? Why are you pregnant? ?

"Miss...this..." Kapok looked shocked at Bai Aoxue, muttering for a long time, but didn't know what to say.

Bai Aoxue looked at the appearance of kapok and smiled: "What do you think, this is the night of the night and my child, it has been almost five months."

Kapok heard Bai Baixue said, his eyes were red, carefully squatting beside Bai Aoxue, reaching out and trying to cover the belly of Bai Aoxue.

Bai Ao Xue is thin and has a stomach for five months. It is not very obvious now.

"So fast, the slaves will have a small master, really happy." Kapok said with exclamation.

Bai Aoxue looked at the maid next to him and said gently: "Go out first, I have something to say to them."

The maid was hesitant, but when she thought of the rigor of outside guards, she went out with confidence.

"Miss, isn't you kidnapping you here?" Wenxi looked at Bai Aoxue and asked seriously.

Just now they came along the way, how strict the guards here, they have already seen it. In this case, Qilian Song must have kidnapped Bai Aoxue and was imprisoned here.

Bai Aoxue nodded lightly.

"Then they said, is the queen of the singer's song to be a monk?" The red sleeve looked at Bai Aoxue and asked anxiously.

Bai Aoxue nodded and said: "I just saw what you saw. You can't get rid of the cartilage. I can't do it now. I also dispensed with the antidote. Now I am still a little bit of medicine. You must help me. To."

"Miss, what medicine do you say, we will get it all we can!" Wenxi said a few people.

Bai Aoxue confessed to Wenxi, and the maid came in to remind Bai Aoxue to rest and let Wenxi leave.

Although Wenxi’s people were unwilling, there was no way at this time. After bidding farewell to Bai Aoxue, he left.

"You go to tell Qilian, I want to see Nalan Youhong." Bai Aoxue looked at the maid who came in, faintly said.

The maid heard it, and gave it a glimpse of it.

Bai Aoxue looked at the darkness of the darkness and took out the medicine that had been hidden. After careful attention, he heard a slight noise.

Although the sound is light, but for her, it is enough to attract attention.


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