MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 259 : I only want to sleep long.

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When I heard Bai Aoxue’s words, I was very happy, and there was something she could do.

Looking at Bai Aoxue's gaze, the heart is soft, but more firm: "Ao Xue sister, you can rest assured, I will definitely get it."

Qi Tiance looked at Bai Aoxue: "What do you need to do with Yuncao? I can help."

Bai Aoxue gently said: "As long as the juice of the yarrow cloud is extracted, it can be done with a few herbs. I will give you a prescription. You can see if there are any herbs here."

"Okay. Take a break for a while, about a fragrant time, the efficacy will begin to attack." Qi Tianze nodded lightly.

After that, I went to prepare the pen and ink.

Bai Ao Xueyu looked at his own feet, but his eyes were more and more determined.

Now that Yunyun Grass has been found, the poison of Junyue Night can be solved, and she must also rush back to inheritance as soon as possible, and hand over the antidote to Jun Ye.

After all, the poison of Jun Ye night, there is no time to drag.

After a short time, Qi Tiance took the pen and ink paper, and Bai Aoxue wrote the medicinal materials one by one, and then handed it to Qi Tiance.

Looking at Qi Tiance's look at the prescription of the prescription, Bai Aoxue gently said: "How? Do you have these things here?"

Qi Tiance nodded. "About, I wrote everything I have here."

Bai Aoxue heard it, and his heart dropped a few points. He gently said: "That troubles you prepare for me. I will start preparing antidote tomorrow morning."

Qi Tiance listened to Bai Aoxue’s words and looked at Bai Aoxue’s legs. He nodded and said, “Don’t be too reluctant, you will spend it today.”

Bai Aixue heard the words of Qi Tiance and smiled gently: "My own body, I know. If it is so easy to fall down, if it is so fragile, I can't live today."

As soon as I heard Bai Aoxue, Qi Tiance no longer said more, and set about preparing herbs for Bai Aoxue.

And hey, also took the yunyun grass out, ready to extract the juice of the 暮云草 for Bai Ao Xue.

Looking at the two people who did not count on the rewards, Bai Aoxue was sincerely glad that if she did not fall off the cliff, she would not be able to meet Qi Tiance, so it would be even more impossible to find the clouds.

All of this, as if it were destined to be in the world, she came to this world, met so many people, learned too much, things she had never learned before, and she understood the feelings of past lives and never understood.

I thought it was a funny and ridiculous dream, and I couldn’t wait to be awake from my dreams.

Now I want to, forever sleep in this dream.

I only want to sleep long.

The left foot is like a burning fire, and it completely pulls back the thoughts of Bai Aoxue. Bai Aoxue knows that it is generally the beginning of the efficacy of the drug.

Although she was extremely painful, she could still stand it.

The potency of infiltrating the bone marrow is slowly exerted. Bai Aoxue can feel the recovery of his own meridians, although accompanied by unbearable pain.

But still did not say a word.

And Qi Tiance and Yu, have also come to Bai Aoxue, afraid that Bai Aoxue can not endure the pain and hurt himself. They are good to stop in time.

But did not expect that Bai Aoxue saw them coming in and returned with a smile. Although some are far-fetched, they are still brilliant.

Both of them are closely watching the reaction of Bai Aoxue, but they can't bear the change of Bai Ao Xue's face. If the sweat is not falling into the corner, they can't see it. What kind of pain Bai Baixue is enduring at the moment.

"Master, is there anything that can stop the pain? Ao Xue's sister is very difficult to accept!" He turned to look at Qi Tiance, anxiously asked.

Qi Tiance was shocked, Bai Aoxue's tenacity and patience, such pain, even an extraordinary Wufu, can not stand, let alone such a thin woman like her.

"Oh... I'm fine. Don't worry. If you take painkillers, then the effect is not the best." Qi Tiance just wanted to speak, Bai Aoxue said first.

When he heard Bai Aoxue's words, he turned to Qiqi, but he saw Qi Tianze seriously nod.

"But Ao Xue's sister, so you will be very uncomfortable!" He looked sadly at Bai Aoxue.

"Hey, everyone has, things that have to be done, there are reasons to bear the pain. At this time, you should encourage them and support them. Instead of blindly evading. You must know that escaping will never solve things. It will only push people around you farther and farther." Qi Tiance looked at him and said seriously.

When I heard Qi Tiance’s words, I didn’t speak for a while, but my heart was thinking carefully, and the meaning of Qi Tian’s words.

At this time, the young cockroach did not understand, such an easy-to-understand truth, how many years her master realized, and lost many important things, this changed the truth.

Now his master, as a person who comes over, teaches her, only hopes that she will grow up, not to embark on the path of her master.

On the other side, Bai Aoxue, but he looked at Qi Tiance deeply, but did not speak again, quietly endured the pain.

It’s good to have a sigh of tolerance, and after the pain, it’s a new life.

As long as the mind thinks of the night, and thinks about the shackles of life and death, Bai Aoxue feels that the pain of pain is no longer painful.

He and Qi Tianze both quietly accompanied Bai Aoxue, and spent the most painful time until the pain dissipated. A tired white proud snow had already fallen asleep.

"Master, is it already alright?" He asked Qi Tiance with a puzzled look.

Qi Tiance nodded and said: "See the effect after three days."

When the words just fell, Yu Guang saw a fiery red.

"How is Ao Xue?" Looking at the sleeping white arrogant snow, the frost turned and looked at Qi Tiance.

After some rest, the frost at the moment is no longer the same. In the morning, I saw the wolf, and the peach blossoms re-ignited the streamer, and the face also had some blood.

Qi Tiance said faintly: "It's okay."

After that, I plan to leave.

"Thank you for saving, I have nothing to do with frost, and there is nothing to reward you, but he wants me to help you kill people, I will not accept it!" Flow cream looked at Qi Tiance who wanted to turn away and said seriously.

Even he himself did not find out that he himself had already slammed the cynicism and silently saved it.

When Qi Tiance heard the frost, he did not ridicule or despise. A person who can go empty into the depths of Taohualing is absolutely impossible.

The man in front of him is extraordinary. He can see at a glance that although he is proud, although he is famous in the world, he is never arrogant. Even if you are getting along with others, you have been modest.

"I wrote down." Qi Tiance said seriously, said that he would turn and leave.

And hey, but he is still moving around Bai Aoxue.

"Who are you?" He asked, looking up at the man who was more handsome than Master, whispering.

"Then who are you?" The cream looked at the young and lovely cockroaches, and smiled at the lips.

"I am Master's disciple! My name is 蒹葭." He said proudly to the frost.

When the frost is heard, the corner of the mouth evokes the arc of interest, slowly saying: "I am also a master of the Master, my name is Frosting, you can call me a frosty brother. Xiao Yan."

To put it bluntly, he raised his slender hand and licked his head.

However, it was a movement that was shed by frost, and it was scared, and it was slightly stunned, and then the face was somewhat smoked.

In addition to Master, this is the second man she met, and it is still such a beautiful man.

I don’t know what I’m thinking, even if I know it, I will only smile a little. At this moment, he is all in one heart, throwing himself on Bai Aoxue, watching the pale face of Bai Aoxue, and again blaming himself in the heart of the frost.

If you don't save your envy, Bai Aoxue will not have an accident. Although he is well now, but she is hurt, who should he look for? !

"How did you save the proud snow?" The frost turned and looked at the cockroach, gently asked.

As soon as I heard the frost, I remembered that the Master was holding one, and when the woman who was so angry, she was scared. She thought that Master and others were coming back, but I didn’t want to.

"When Master went to collect medicine, he saw someone in Yanjiang, and he saved it." He replied gently.

"At that time, Ao Xue’s sister really only sighed with a sigh of relief. If it wasn’t for Master’s medical skills, I’m afraid that Ao Xue’s sister is still in a coma.” He said with a heart.

When the frost was heard, the heart tightened and clenched his fists and looked at him: "Small, you take care of her for me, I go out."

Although she is young, she can feel his irritability by the emotions of the frosty moment and the tangled appearance.

Then nodded, "I know, let's go to the frosty brother."

The frost turned to look at Bai Aoxue and turned and left.

Nowadays, he still does not understand his feelings for Bai Aoxue. He is an idiot.

When did it start, and she was so unclear about her, the most impressive thing was the maintenance of Bai Aoxue, a person of mine, you dare to move?

Then he knocked on his lonely heart.

However, the more he understands his heart, the more clear he is. There is no possibility between them. If you don’t want to lose her, you will always be stupid and continue to be a master and apprentice. This is the only bond between them. Bondage.

He didn't want to lose even such a bondage.

As long as she can live happily, peace and joy, he is willing to hold a life of stupidity.

And he can always participate in her life.

Years are long, he wants to use her own way, watching her grow up, even if she is full of children. Then such a relationship will continue by their descendants.

On the next day, Bai Aoxue woke up early and saw the frosting on her cane chair next to her.

Can not help but a warm heart, Bai Aoxue can not bear to disturb the frosty rest, they support themselves, slowly got up and leaned on the bed rail.

After a while, I will call Bai Aoxue to get up.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Bai Aoxue had long awakened, facing her gesture of snoring.

Nodded a little, the footsteps came in gently, but still alarmed, and always kept vigilant.

"Wake up." Bai Aoxue looked at it, and for a moment he didn't look at his own frost, and he was awkward.

[End of the second, weekend Kaisen] R638

Read The Duke's Passion