MTL - Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince-Chapter 255 : Why are you giving up for you?

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After picking up the medicine bowl handed by Bai Aoxue, he did not find it, and Bai Ao Xue’s smile was condensed.

"Hey? How do you know that Jun night is awkward?" Bai Aoxue looked at him and asked softly.

As soon as I heard Bai Aoxue, I put the medicine bowl on the table and turned to look at Bai Aoxue: "When the big sister is in a coma, he always calls this name. I think this name is very important to you."

When he heard it, Bai Aoxue nodded lightly: "Yes, it is very important. Compared with myself, he is even more so than me."

Looking at Bai Aoxue's eyebrows with a smile, I don't understand why this beautiful big sister would say so.

"That is in the eyes of the big sister, is that person more important than the older sister? Why is this? I don't understand." He shook his head in confusion.

Bai Aoxue looked at him and smiled softly. The world of jealousy is too simple, and many things don't understand. This is probably a big relationship with her not entering the WTO.

At this moment, she is simply like a white paper, and she will not understand these love and hate.

"Hey, you are still young. If you have a day, you have a very important person for you, you will have my own thoughts." Bai Ao Xue said slowly.

At first glance, I was happy: "Hey, I met! Master is very important to you, it is very important!"

Bai Aoxue looked at the innocent and gently said: "You have been living with your master for many years. In your heart, he is your loved one, better than the blood of your loved ones. But one day, you will grow up and meet you willing to give up your life. Love the lover. Of course, it will take a long time and a long time. Now you can only have a happy life."

I don’t know how to look at Bai Aoxue, hesitating: "Hey, Master is a relative? You will meet a loved one who will give up your life in the future. Isn’t it going to be very tired and painful?"

Bai Aoxue did not think that he would think so thoroughly, but he said nothing wrong.

"It will be very tired, but this is life. The choice may be mastered, perhaps in your own hands. But it depends on yourself, whether you can control your own destiny. Even love is the same truth. Bai Baixue said softly.

With a burning light in his eyes, he is firm and shining.

Young cockroaches, looking at the woman in front of her eyes, the little sprout in her heart began to break. One day, in the sunshine that belongs to her, the president will grow into a towering tree!

"Maybe you still don't understand at this moment, wait for you to grow up. You will know your return after you have seen the Three Thousands of the World. Perhaps this quiet and peaceful pastoral, perhaps the bustling but embarrassing red dust. But no matter After you, where. There will be someone around you, to accompany you to see Yunjuan Yunshu." Bai Ao Xue slightly lips, in my mind, also recalled the proud man.

Fortunately, I can go back to see him alive.

While the heart is grateful, Bai Aoxue is also more reluctant.

She was white and she was going to walk with him.

Listening to Bai Aoxue, this is like esoteric, but the words are transparent, and I haven’t spoken for a long time.

"Does the big sister like someone, is there a Master Jun?" After a while, he looked up at Bai Aoxue and asked excitedly.

When Bai Aoxue heard the words, his mouth twitched, and the child’s thinking jumped too fast. She can't keep up.

"I haven't seen your master. But, your master must have no Junyue Junjun. When I first saw Junyue, I was shocked. I was shocked to be a god. It was probably his. Looks like." Bai Aoxue thought about seeing it for the first time, and the look of the night under the mask of Xuanyu, sighed.

At first glance, some are not in the same channel: "Big sister, you didn't see my master, my master can be handsome! Really, especially when Master is dancing with a knife, when the master returns, you will know it when you read it!" I don't believe that there are men in the world who are better than Master."

Bai Aoxue listened to such confident words and smiled.

I really want to see some of my heart, and my master is sacred.

She has multiple injuries, she knows best, but her master is only three days away, she can recover her internal injuries and recover seven or eighty-eight. This kind of medicine is not the same as those in Jianghu Langzhong. of.

Even her own, I am afraid that it will take three to five days to recover from internal injuries, but the master of the scorpion can accurately determine when he is awake. This is the singularity of Master.

"When are you and your master, when did you come here to live here?" Bai Aoxue looked around at this moment and asked faintly.

At first glance, I thought for a moment: "There have been five years. Since I came here, I have not left. I only know that Master is waiting for someone, but I still haven't waited until now."

In the words, she also had a distress for her master.

"Hey, my name is Bai Aoxue. Later you can call me Ao Xuejie." Bai Aoxue did not intend to ask questions, then transferred the topic.

After all, asking too much will make people suspicious. She didn't have any bad feelings, but many times, she shouldn't ask if she shouldn't ask. This reason she understands.

"White proud snow... Ao Xue sister!" 蒹葭 carefully read the name of Bai Aoxue, looked up and shouted.

Bai Aoxue nodded and responded. I don't know why. Looking at this kind of embarrassment, she always thinks of her own self. At the age of her own, she already knows which method to use and can kill people.

Such a young age, such a worry-free smile, is worth protecting.

"I gave you porridge, you sleep for a while. Master said that now you are weak and need more rest!" He supported Bai Aoxue and helped her to lie down before she whispered.

Bai Aoxue nodded and said: "Fortunately, you are, oh."

Hey, but when he heard Bai Aoxue’s words, he gave a slight glimpse, and then he smiled and said: “Unfortunately.”

After that, I quickly ran out of the bamboo house.

Bai Aoxue was lying on the bed, but he couldn't sleep. Looking at this simple cottage, his mood was quite peaceful.

Since coming to this world, I have changed my own best.

I used to think that even a single person can walk alone in this world. Lonely or lonely, she will experience one by one, and finally can achieve a cloud.

But now she, she clearly understands that she can't do it alone.

The reliance that was once feared of escaping has swept her long before she was unconscious. And she does not know.

At this time, she always thinks of the night.

When she fell off the cliff, she looked like a night, she saw clearly, she once again let him hurt. Obviously said that he would not leave him, but he still reneged.

Thinking about this, Bai Aoxue clenched his fists. She must go back! No matter what method or way, she has to go back to the man!

At this moment, he is not by his side. Who should he look for?

Her time is running out, she must find the grass and grass as soon as possible, and return to the night of the night to detoxify him.

When I think of Yun Yuncao, Bai Ao Xue Ling’s movement, the master’s medical skills are first-rate, and I will certainly know Yun Yuncao. When he comes back and asks him, there may be news.

Thinking about this, Bai Aoxue’s heart is also looking forward to it, and the master of the company can come back soon.

After drinking porridge, Bai Aoxue chatted with him, and went to help his master to dry the herbs.

On the next day, I got up early and made breakfast for Bai Aoxue. After eating together, I went to the sun in the house.

"Sister, my master should be able to come back tonight." He said happily.

Bai Aoxue nodded lightly: "Your master is coming back, I should thank him."

"No, my master doesn't care about that." He said happily.

Here, a person came to find the frost of Bai Aoxue, looking around day and night, after a few days, also came to a cliff in the lower reaches of Yanjiang.

"Oh... here is the Taohualing of the South Moon. It is such a poetic name, but it is a terrible zone." The frost looked at the misty cliffs, mocking and laughing.

In the footsteps, he did not hesitate to step into Taohualing.

The clothing of the fiery red, after many days of running, has lost the luxury of the past. But he is still the one who is high on the top of the flow, but the extension is not lost, the cynical eyes with a few decisions.

In any case, how dangerous it is, can't stop him from finding Bai Aoxue's determination!

The iron fan in the hand does not leave the hand for a moment, slightly fanned, looks like a fan, but is ready to attack!

In Taohualing in the south, no one dared to step in easily. Here is the holy place of death. People who go in can't usually go out.

However, the Yanjiang River must pass through Taohualing. Compared with it, it has been gone by the river, and it feels white and proud, and the chance of entering Taohualing is even greater.

Even if you know, step into Taohualing, you will be dead at any time.

But he... still has no hesitation.

"Master, wait for me." The gentle whisper is his most determined belief.

Bai Aoxue, who was recovering from injury, did not know that she was only because of a gambling contract, and the apprentice who had received it had already stepped into Taohualing in search of her.

"Hey, come out and help Master to pick up the herbs." A low-pitched male voice came.

I interrupted the chattering with Bai Aoxue and the life outside.

As soon as I heard Master return, the little mouth was gently stunned, but still cheerfully got up: "Ao Xue sister, my master is back! I let Master come in and see your injury!"

Then he jumped out and jumped out.

After a short time, I walked into the wooden house with her master.

Padded with a soft pillow, leaning against the white arrogant snow on the bed, gently looking up, they saw her figure.

The purpose is the most conspicuous white hair, she has seen such hair. But the man has long since disappeared.

After the men’s eyebrows have settled through the years, they are a little less, and a little more refined. After being hidden deep, but the deepest part of the sharpness, Bai Aoxue is clearly visible.

The eyebrows of the sword eyebrows, the lips of the tiny eyes, with a bit of softness. Of course, this is what you look at.

Perceiving the observation of Bai Aoxue, the man narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Aoxue with a faint look: "Your injury has recovered very quickly."

There is alienation in the tone, but more is indifferent.

Bai Aoxue nodded lightly: "Thanks to the heroes, there are still awkward care."

No humble tone, with innate glory, can not be ignored, but will not feel rude.

The first time I told Bai Aoxue, this man is not easy!

After years of baptism and precipitation, he can sway a light, hidden in such a world, can see how extraordinary he has been.

But this is only once, and now he can, like this, stay here with no hesitation, and he can show that he has already experienced three thousand floating worlds, and his heart is like water.

"When you raise your hand, why not hang your teeth." The man said lightly. After that, I plan to turn and leave.

"Heroes stay!" R638

Read The Duke's Passion