MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 81 pregnancy

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The doctor soon arrived, and a layer of fine sweat was on his forehead. When he walked into the hall, he was going to salute but was stopped by the emperor. "When is it still a gift? Come over and see Huang Guifei!"

The doctor gave up the promise, and quickly went to the pre-diagnosis, but he saw that the emperor had already rolled up the sleeves of the emperor, and put a bright yellow silk on her wrist. The attitude was cautious and care.

Seeing this situation, the doctors are even less willing to take it lightly and play a 12-point mental response.

Zhou Wudi retreated to the side, standing with his hands on his back, and a pair of dark eyes stared at the pale face of Mulberry for a moment, and she would disappear if she was afraid of a wrong eye.

"Emperor, the emperor..." Liang Hao called several times and did not see the emperor reacting. The light flashed and boldly came forward to pull his sleeves.

"What?" Zhou Wudi slammed his sleeves and looked at the Liangzhu who fell to the ground. The suffocating sigh of the dark eyes was so shocked.

"Back to the emperor, the courtier just wanted to ask, what should I do in the main hall draft?" Liang Yu wolf climbed up and tears swirled in his eyes. The emperor just was terrible. He hadn’t touched his sleeves yet, and the fierce expression was like killing himself. Isn’t there any qualification for him to touch him?

"When the emperor woke up and said, you must step back!" Zhou Wudi lowered his voice and his tone was extremely intolerant.

Deyi took the lead to retreat and waited outside the hall. Seeing the three men of the sinister face came out and gave them a smile. Due to the emperor in the temple, the three dare to speak out.

"If you want to be safe, you are advised not to be against the Emperor." She whispered her lips.

The three men stood upright and left in a hurry, and I didn't know if she would listen to her words. Deyi shook his head and sighed, standing quietly under the gallery and looking at the palace in the distance.

"Why do the goddess remind them? Isn't it better to be killed by them?" Her confidant was greeted with anger.

"The palace does not want to remind them, but they are afraid that they will be stupid, and they will be tired of this palace." Deyi waved his hand.

The woman’s heart nodded awkwardly and asked, “Isn’t the maidens not going?”

"When the emperor woke up and walked again, the front draft was not over half, and he had to be shown by the emperor or the emperor." She was tired of the forehead and tired of her life. However, it is because of the promotion position that the mother-in-law’s life in the government is much better. This is also a mistake.

Just then, there was a burst of laughter in the temple, and the low-pitched voice was filled with ecstasy that could not be misunderstood, so that the palace people outside the palace could not help but grin.

Deyi and the palace girl looked at each other and said the same thing, "It is the emperor!"

"The emperor is so happy, there is good news for the emperor and the emperor!" Deyi guessed, the tone was very calm. This is not the first child of the emperor, but the emperor is ecstatic, which shows the emperor's love for the emperor. This is also good, she did not have any strength to strive for the upper reaches of the mind, only a stable day.


The main hall of Chuxiu Palace, Meng Ruizhu models step by step, standing with the selected girl in the election, the expression on the face is very light, but the inside is heart-warming. Seeing her fainting on Huang Guifei did not reveal a little bit of worry, the showgirls secretly exchanged a thin line of sight.

The three sages turned to the veranda and saw Meng Ruizhu. The evil fire in the heart finally had a way to vent. Yin Xian beckoned and called a **** to whisper a few words, then smiled at Meng Ruizhu and walked into the main hall.

Because she was too far apart, Meng Ruizhu couldn't see her cold dawn, and thought that the two men's alliances were still solid and they nodded slightly.

The **** came over and shouted with a sharp voice. "The emperor is screaming, and Meng Ruizhu De’s words are very flawless. The list is drawn from the selected master!"

"How, how is it possible!" Meng Ruizhu whispered, his body was crumbling, and he seized the **** and asked, "Did you know you wrong?"

"The emperor is visiting the emperor in the partial hall. Who dares to pass the false sacred under his eyes? If you don't believe it, you can ask in the past." Although he knows that this person is the sister of Huang Guifei, it is obvious that she and the emperor The relationship between the nobles is not harmonious, so that the **** can dare to accept the benefits of the sages and come over.

False pass is a death sin, how dare a little eunuch? Meng Ruizhu didn't have to ask, and he sat down on the ground as soon as he swayed. She should have known how to fight Meng Sangyu on her own. Even if she passed the election, wouldn’t she be easily changed to the end? In the end, I also put on the stigma of "there are a few words in the German language." It is difficult to marry a good family after going out! I thought that I also laughed at the singer’s stupidity, but turned to follow her footsteps. Meng Ruizhu’s face was remorseful.

"Miss Meng Er, get up soon. Go back and wash your face, pack up and pack up and you can go home." Chang Gui has already been instructed by Emperor Gui, who can't call Meng Ruizhu to fall into Mengjiamen's face. Seeing her wolverine, she was seen as a joke by a group of showgirls.

There is always a long time, the show women think that she still has a sergeant who dominates the harem, immediately sneaked into the face of mocking.

Meng Ruizhu returned to the gods, dried the tears on his face, and left straight back. Waiting to withdraw from the eyes of the people, she only stunned her footsteps, and her heart was stunned. I don’t know how to go back to face my father. The father had already followed her through the bottom, and wanted to give her a good family to settle down. She was not satisfied and she was self-defeating. When the father asks about the situation, he will no longer plan for her. As for the aunt, because she has a grandmother from a young age, she has disrespect for her aunt, and the relationship is bad. Where does the marriage mother care for her?

Meng Ruizhu wants to be more desperate. When he returns to the dormitory, he can’t move on the bed, and his hands and feet are cold.


The main hall of Chuxiu Palace, Meng Sangyu woke up, but saw the head of Zhou Wudi clinging to his belly, as if listening to something, a big hand into the coat, gently soften her belly, bringing a bit of itchy meaning.

"What are you doing in the emperor?" Meng Sang slammed a smile and was busy catching his cozy hand. This man always likes to do some weird movements, and it is sticky, just like a large dog.

"Mulberry, you are awake!" The man looked up in surprise, and the dark eyes of the past were shining like the cold stars in the sky. He took the person into his arms and kissed her hair and cheeks in a fine manner. He whispered, "Do you know when you are pregnant? One and a half months! We have children!"

Pregnant? how is this possible? A bomb exploded in his mind, and Meng Sang was suddenly stupid.

There is no doubt that the arrival of this child is not expected! She has already planned her own person, and she can live a simple and happy life. If she adds a child... The child is not a kitten or a puppy, she will only live according to her will. When they grow up, they always have their own ideas, see the supreme throne, and see this great river and mountain court. Who can guarantee that he will not be confused by power and participate in the endless battle? Winning is the height of the cold, the defeat is the abyss, which road is full of thorns and bumps! Can she really catch herself and take the Meng family to gamble on this game? Maybe she thinks too far, maybe she can't wait until that day, the child will die under the calculations of others. Does she really have the ability to protect him from growing up?

There is also this man in front of him, he is pregnant when he is in the middle of the day, he has no feelings? No, I am not drinking medicine all the time? How can there be children? Is it true that those medicines are really medicines for conditioning the body, and the birth of this child is also expected by men? What does he want to do?

Thinking of this, the overwhelming panic occupied Meng Sang's heart, and the man's next words made her fall like an ice cave.

"Mulberry, you want to seal you as a queen, seal our children as a prince!" He was very excited and kept kissing her cheeks and lips.

I remembered the Empress Dowager for a moment, remembered the Qing Dynasty’s Kowloon glory, and remembered the tragic fate of every Prince in history. Meng Sangzhen’s unstoppable tremors, pushing a man, turning over and falling to the ground, He slammed his head and said, "Let the emperor recover his life!" She was full of fear and her cheeks were pale as paper.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Wudi was pushed away. He was a little embarrassed. After returning to God, he quickly pulled the woman, but she was barely freed from it. The strength was amazing.

"Let the emperor recover his life!" She squinted again, screaming and screaming.

"Mulberry, are you crazy?" Zhou Wudi gritted his teeth and slammed her arm, forcibly pulling her into her arms and sitting on her knees. He was very confused, and the reaction of Mulberry was completely beyond his expectations.

"I am not crazy!" she shouted, her blood was frozen, but there was a fire in her heart that burned her reason.

"He is so small that he is pushed to the position of one person below 10,000 people. What do you want to do? Growing up on the cusp of the wind, do you know how much hardship he will suffer? If he starts to smash your position in adulthood Are you going to remove him without mercy? If he is mediocre, will it be the whetstone of your fancy heir? I can be your shield, you can take charge of the palace, choose the 妾, you can Follow yours, ask you to let go of this child? Is it good?" The voice is from high to low, and she is more helpless.

She can control her own life, but she has no confidence to shoulder the future of a child and let him grow up healthy and happy. I have never been a mother in both worlds, and I have never had the idea of ​​being a mother. The tremendous psychological pressure has made her unable to bear. What's more, behind the pregnancy, there is still a man’s calculations, and she feels that she is on the verge of collapse.

Zhou Wudi’s expression was stunned, and the hand that clamped her shoulder continued to use force and gritted the teeth. “How can we be willing to hurt you and the child! I have done so much, do you see me like this? Ah? My heart is also a little bit Can't you feel it? I really want to dig out your heart and see if it's made of stone!"

"True heart? Hou Gong Jiali three thousand, every three years is a general election, how many heart can you deliver? Today I am your heart, know that tomorrow will not become your heart thorn? Keep everything in your hands On the body, it becomes a silk flower that depends on you, waiting for it to be abandoned sooner or later, I am not so stupid!" The voice is high, and Meng Sang is desperate to vent his innermost real thoughts.

Feng Wei and others were scared, and Chang Xi stood close to the wall and tried to reduce his sense of existence. The people of the palace were shivering for the remarks of the emperor and the imperial concubine. The dead silence in the palace, only the heavy gasps of the emperor.

When the words went out, Meng Sangyu regretted it. When he saw the man’s more and more embarrassed expression, he felt that his shoulder was about to be crushed by him. She couldn’t help but scream, and her eyes fell with a tear.

Seeing this tear, Zhou Wudi wakes up from the edge of the violent moment and immediately slows down the strength of his hand. He stared at the woman's pale face with **** eyes, and saw a trace of fear in her eyes. She smiled and placed her in the bed, so she was left by the corner.

Even if the heart rushes into the wrath of the sky, even if he wants to destroy the entire court, in front of the mulberry, he is still not willing to hurt her, only to escape.

Read The Duke's Passion