MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 8 Disappointed

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The strangeness suddenly rises in my heart, and A Bao moves his front paws and wants to leave this embrace.

Shen Huiru secretly tightened the five fingers, grabbed his restless claws, and the cold fingernails on the little finger pierced the Abao jaw. Because of the angle, no one saw her concealed movement.

The delicate skin of the puppy is broken, and the red blood drops immediately ooze out from the skin, but it is not obvious because of the relationship between the dark brown fur. A Bao screamed and reflexed Shen Huiru.

Shen Huiru screamed and threw A Bao away.

Both the fake emperor and Meng Sangqi stood up, one to help Shen Huiru, and one fell to the ground and fell to Abao.

"Love, what's wrong?" The fake emperor took Shen Huiru's shoulder and his voice was full of anxiety.

Meng Sang slammed the dizzy A Bao into his arms, and the calm face showed an angry expression for the first time. "Good, what's the matter with you?" In spite of the presence of the emperor, her tone was full of questioning. Although the grade is the same, but Germany, Xian, Liang, Shu, De Nai is the head of the four, her status is still higher than Liangzhu, and questioned the qualifications of the other party.

The eyes of the palaces who watched the movie were bright. This aggressive posture is the German! They thought that Deyi had been modified!

"The emperor, this animal is scratching the court!" There is no reason to deal with Meng Sangzhen, Shen Huiru squatting on the back of his right hand and screaming.

The fake emperor carefully held Shen Huiru's right hand and saw a red scar on the top, and the extraordinary face showed a bit of anger.

"German, you can dare to bring it to you without being domesticated. You know the sin?"

"Chen Chen knows guilty, please the emperor to punish." Seeing A Bao opened his eyes, pulling his own clothes and mourning, Meng Sangzhen's reason quickly returned, without hesitation. There was no time to honed with the emperor, and Abao’s injury was important.

"Then you will go back with this animal, when will you be able to get him out, and when will you come out again?" The fake emperor's sleeves were full of impatience.

This is a forbidden in disguise, and it is still indefinite. Meng Sangyu was very clear-minded and left under the sight of a schadenfreude.

Shen Huiru caressed the red mark on the right hand and nodded invisible to the fake emperor. To ask who is the woman she hates the most in this palace, not the queen, not the noble, but it is not Meng Sang. Obviously, he is Shao Ze's favorite, but he wants to stay quietly in the Bell Palace, watching Meng Sangzhen take away his privilege, position and rights. Why is she? What qualifications does she have? Shao Ze said that everything is good for himself, but is he really doing well? Every time she sees Meng Sang-soo, she always has such doubts.

But even if she is not willing, she will not shoot Meng Sangyu, because she knows that Shao Ze love is his own gentle, proud, clean and pure. The more Meng Sangyu is arrogant, the deeper Shao Ze’s embarrassment and pity will be, so she can only endure, and can only slumber in the Bell Palace. However, now Shao Ze is in a coma, and her patience has come to an end.

Spit and vomit, Shen Huiru made a look at the fake emperor. The fake emperor would like to know, excuses and government affairs to deal with, and rushed to the Qing Palace, leaving Shen Huiru to face a lot of people who were suddenly diligent.

This is nothing more than a trial by Shen Huiru for the fake emperor. If you want to play Zhou Wudi well, you must first pass the eyes of the harem. It seems that he is doing very well.

The real Emperor Zhou Wu is now in the arms of Meng Sangzhen. If it is not covered with fluff, his sorrowful look will surely attract the suspicion of others.

Everything happened just too fast. When he arrived, he slowly understood it. He was used as a tool to fight against Germany. This situation is somewhat reversed from his usual impression. Although Deyi did not harm Hui Ru, but there is also a verbal run, Hui Ru is very proud, from disdain and virtue. It is her open-mindedness that makes Zhou Wudi even more awkward.

But today, Shen Huiru's every move has squandered his heart's shackles by more than half. It turns out that she also has words in her conversations, she will also have innuendo, and it will be black and white upside down. It will also frame others by any means, which is no different from those of us. If you put it in peacetime, you will feel gratified when you see that Huiru has the ability to protect himself. But now he is replaced by himself with the injured object. He can't produce the slightest positive emotion anyway.

Feeling the pain from the squatting, Zhou Wudi's eyebrows were close, and he remembered that the substitute was a "squat", and he also punishes the shackles. The discomfort quickly turned into the anger of the original. A woman who dares to move, the day of returning to the soul is your death!

The wrathful Zhou Wudi apparently ignored the scene where the false emperor cuddled Shen Huiru. The balance in his heart is deflecting to his master bit by bit, but he still does not know.

Meng Sangyu returned to the tourmaline palace with Abao fire, and even after entering the door, he urged the palace people to go to the hospital to call the doctor.

"The maiden, it is just a fall, it doesn't have to be so expensive. The emperor just banned your foot because of A Bao. You called the doctor for his special, and the emperor would be upset when he heard it." Feng Xiao worriedly dissuaded .

"A Bao is still small. If he falls, it will fall out of internal injuries. If the doctors have seen it, I can rest assured. The foot is already banned, and the emperor is not happy." Meng Sangqi carefully explored Abao's The body, the tight eyebrows tell her that she is distressed.

On the pair of water-like gentle eyes, Zhou Wudi's messy mood calmed down, and the negative emotions filled with hearts were swept away. To the woman's soft and fragrant arms shrinking, he does not understand, now this incomparable peace of mind, the feeling of incomparable stickers is called "healing."

It was the last time that the doctor was in a hurry and went to the Abao clinic lying on the soft couch in a hurry. Three days and two injuries, this is really a fateful puppy! The doctor sighed inside and checked more carefully.

"Returning to the maiden, Abao has no internal injuries, but the lower jaw is cut by a sharp weapon and a half-inch long wound. The golden sore medicine can be used for five or six days."

"What? The squat is broken?" Meng Sangyu frowned, and there was surprise and anger in his tone. Waiting for the doctor to take a good medicine for A Bao, looking at Abao's scarred neck, she couldn't help but feel the pain. She even kissed Abao's head and whispered. "I know that Abao will not attack people for no reason. It turned out to be Liangzhu." Ghosts in private! Damn!"

After the low curse, I seem to think of something, she has some helpless expression on her face. If it is someone else, she will definitely seek justice for A Bao, but this person is Shen Huiru, she can do nothing.

"Liang Yu is not sounding, but I don't think it is such a person!" Feng Wei said with deep anger, "Isn't you with her, how can she suddenly target you?"

"Is it a bad thing? Have you forgotten it? My brother had severely injured Liangzhu’s brother-in-law for half a year ago, and he broke the phase. This is a big knot. She is not afraid of me." Meng Sang sighed and sighed. Hidden eyebrows. In fact, there are other reasons in the middle, but she is not convenient to tell Feng Wei, Feng Wei can not hide things, let her know too much bad.

It turned out that there was still this flaw, and I almost forgot it! Seeing Dehao's face exhausted, Zhou Wudi was disgusted with her brother who did not grow.

Meng Sangzhen put down his hand according to his eyebrows and added, "I’m not sure, now that Shen Tai’s teacher is returning to the church, and he has the power to hold it. You will give me a good point and don’t face her.”

Talking about the master's trousers brother, Feng Wei is also helpless. She sighed and whispered, "The emperor was able to successfully ascend the throne, and Shen Taishi was the greatest hero. Everyone thought that Shen Jia could step into the sky. Shen Taishi suddenly went up and resigned from all positions. He is so indifferent to fame and fortune, Why did you suddenly return to the temple?"

"The emperor is seriously injured and there is no credible person. He will naturally come back. Moreover, even if he does not return this time, he will always find another opportunity to regain power. You really think that Shen Taishi is such a high-spirited festival, indifferent to fame and fortune. Wrong! This is full of civil and military, if you talk about the heart of the city, who can fight him?" Meng Sang swayed A Bao's soft hair, sneered.

Zhou Wudi opened his eyes and looked at her with a burning gaze. He would like to see, for the loyal, unintentional Taishi, why Meng Sangyu has this one.

Unconscious of the unusually hot sight of Abao, Meng Sangyu continued to interface, "indifferent to fame and fortune, drunken landscapes, this is just a means for Shen Taishi to retreat. If he did not rush to retreat, Shen's power must exceed the Queen's mother, Leap in the first family of the big week. But you see, what was the first family of the great week, what was the queen's family? Isn't it because the merits of the master were suppressed by the emperor's suspicion, and since then, he has been stunned? He expected the emperor's Mindset, in exchange for the trust of the emperor, but also for the descendants of Shen family laid a road of Qingyun. If the brother of Liangzhuo did not break the stage, this year will be able to make a trip after the fall, the emperor must give him a good future to make up for the Shen family. The prosperity of Shen's family is only a matter of morning and evening. But unfortunately, his luck is not good. He was caught in a critical moment and he was broken. He was insulated from his career, and Shen’s generation never got it. The talents of the Shen family will be broken. The result of this is how Shen Taishi will accept it, and naturally he will go out in person. Are you not paying attention? Before the beginning, Shen Taishi no longer traveled far and stayed in the capital city, and often went to the palace to see the emperor's contact feelings. He was paving the way for his own re-deployment, and Liangzhu also changed the previous low-key, frequently invited. The imperial concubine and the sacred pet are the hopes of the Shen family to quickly turn over. They will definitely fight. Today, this is only the beginning. The Meng family and the Shen family are very resentful. At this time, we must be cautious. You have all remembered!"

Feng Wei and others looked at each other and quickly bowed their promises.

Zhou Wudi opened his mouth and his face was shocked. In the past six months, the Taishi did often go to the palace to seek advice, and talked with himself about the political affairs. Hui Ru did indeed start from six months ago and was uncharacteristically, especially in love with himself.

Because of his trust in the Taishi and his love for Huiru, he never thought about it elsewhere, but Meng Sangqi’s words were too sharp and too reasonable. He wanted to refute any suitable statement. As long as he thinks that the loyalty of the Taishi and the love of Huiru are mixed with these utilitarian hearts, he feels that he should not be okay, and the decision to get in touch with Huiru has begun to shake.

There was a burst of pain in the chest. Zhou Wudi had nowhere to vent, biting Meng Sangyu’s fingertips and grinding with his teeth. This woman is too smart, too transparent! It’s really hateful to puncture the reality that he doesn’t want to think about it or want to accept it.

and many more! Since she can see the situation of the Queen's mother, Li, and Shen, it is unreasonable to see the situation of the Meng family! Isn't she all clear about everything, just squinting and not knowing what to do?

Thinking of this possibility, the anger and depression in Zhou Wudi's heart disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a strong guilty conscience.

The teeth of the little milk dog are not yet full, and there is no pain at all when biting. Meng Sangzhen also used A Bao to play with himself, his fingertips gently scratched his tongue on the tongue, and the spoiled spit, "Naughty!"

In the guilty conscience, Zhou Wudi swayed his tail in a reflective manner, pleasing the owner's posture even if he was absent-minded. Unconsciously, he has already stepped on the loyalty of the dog.

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