MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 49 Retribution (1)

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The appearance of Li Guizhen was too sudden. When the palace people around she had not responded, she had already rushed to the Queen Mother and wanted to reach out and hold the legs of the Queen Mother.

Meng Sangfei quickly flicked in front of the back, seeing the other side of the skinny, stunned cheeks, brows. No need to listen to her complaints, just look at her appearance and know how miserable she is, the hands can no longer be called hands, dry like an old branch, holding her calf without half-force, even still Slightly shivering.

Weakness to this point, how did she get out of the guarded heavy cold palace and come to Cining Palace smoothly? You know, the distance between the two palaces is not close! Meng Sangqi first doubted, and then immediately penetrated the Guanzhong, earned her arm, slowly retreated to one side, and looked at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was horrified and hesitated, "Li Guizhen?"

"The Queen Mother, please help the elderly to save the Second Emperor! He is killed by this poisoned woman!" Li Guizhen was at the foot of the Queen Mother, pointing to Shen Huiru, the distorted face was full of hatred.

"You are the poisonous woman! You still have my life!" Yin Xian’s eyes were red, and he rushed to beat Li Guizhen. The scene suddenly became a mess, and Shen Huiru had already collected the panic on his face and shouted loudly to the guards. Take it out.

"Slow down, pull them away, and the mourners must listen to what is going on!" The Queen Mother waved, and the guards immediately opened the two women. The sage was already scattered, and Li Guizhen was even more uninformed.

"The Queen Mother, the Minister, the Second Emperor!" Li Guiqi burst into tears and began to complain about his grievances.

Everyone in the temple used or was cold and ruthless, or gloating, or indifferently looking at the tears, Li Guizhen, who was unhappy, and Yin Xian was squeaking his teeth, hating not to lick his flesh. However, with the more and more hidden feelings of Li Guizhen, they can no longer maintain the mentality of "no matter what is high."

The soup? The emperor was poisoned and could not survive adulthood? No, this must not be true! They looked at Shen Huiru with an unbelievable look. When they saw the face of the other party and the guilty conscience of the eyes, the moment in the brain was blank.

I said that it was the grasshopper after the fall, I didn’t expect the retribution to come so fast! Sure enough, the real emperor, the position of a stable position makes the Thunder means, the chance to breathe a little bit. Meng Sangzhen took a deep look at Shen Huiru's distorted face and sneered.

"The Queen Mother, Chen Chen..." Shen Huiru is not a Shen Huiru, and soon settled down, squatting forward, kneeling in front of the back, is preparing to defend himself, did not want to go down and directly smashed on the ground, throat overflow The painful 呻-吟.

She blinked her eyes and hugged her aching stomach. Her cold sweat appeared on her forehead, and the hip skirt slowly leached a **** red stain. Things came too fast, she was not aware of anything except the pain.

"Ah! Liangzhu Niangniang has a small birth!" Sang screamed in horror, and other cockroaches were a little dumbfounded.

"Take Liangzhu to the partial temple." The faint opening of the Queen Mother, the cold gaze passed over Shen Huiru with a hint of killing. Several strong and strong cockroaches stepped forward and lifted Liangzhu without gentleness. The horrified and sorrowful mourning was also forcibly taken away, leaving behind a spurred blood on the ground.

"You all stay, the mourners call the doctors to give you a diagnosis, and see if Li Guizhen said it is true. Then go to a few people to bring the princes together." The Queen Mother began to chanting a string of beads, both eyes There is no expression on the face.

The guards took the lead and Li Guizhen quietly crouched at the feet of the Queen Mother. The gray face was like a dead wood, and there was no trace of anger. The crowds are restless, without saying anything, the silence in the temple.

Several doctors who accompanied the Queen Mother to Qianfoshan were soon called to come, and several emperors were then sent to the main hall by the guards. Seeing the two emperors lying on the soft couch and being carried in by the guards, Li Guizhen finally reacted and burst into tears.

The thigh bones of the two emperors' legs were interrupted. Because they were not healed, they could not even stand now, unless they were interrupted by the leg bones, but even so, they will fall into severe disability in the future. The pain in the sky is not enough.

Several emperors have been poisoned, their bodies are very weak, and they may be able to live a normal life for a few years. But Shouyuan is definitely not long.

In addition to the Germans who have been forbidden and the low-ranking cockroaches who have never been to the bed, all the people have been given the best soup, no one is spared.

Several of the Taiji doctors were all confessed by the Queen Mother, and they were obedient, and they received the instructions of the emperor in advance, so they knew everything. When they fell, the temple was silent, and after a long while, they heard a scream of sorrow, and then they were screaming, singer, and so on, and they hugged their own emperor and cried. The crying of the heartbreaking lungs soon rang into a piece. At this time, there was only one mind in the crowd, and Shen Huiru was going to smash the corpse!

The dog that will bite is really not called. Who can think of the gentle and friendly Liangzhu privately there will be such a sultry means, the entire hospital is in her hand, if not the Queen Mother suddenly returned to the palace, this harem will be her and her belly children The world. too terrifying!

I wanted to be transparent, and many of the cockroaches began to tremble, not because of fear, but because of the hatred of the bones. Children don't live long, they can't regenerate themselves, they can only wait to die when they stay in the palace.

"The Queen Mother, please report this matter to the emperor and severely punish the murderer!" Yin Xian wiped his tears and slammed it into the back. She has already believed Li Guifei's words, the death of the five emperors must be the poisonous hands of Shen Huiru! I think she is not only grateful for the killing of the enemy, but also driven by the enemy, helping to bring down Li Guizhen, she feels that life is better than death!

"Seeking the Queen Mother and the Emperor!" The sound of the sound of the sound, the temple instantly collapsed a large piece, Meng Sangyu also had to get up and follow him. This scene is so exciting today, why not?

"Come to come, call the emperor." The Queen Mother stopped the chanting, but her eyes were still closed, seemingly unhappy with the scene.

"The House of Sorrow and the Emperor will give you the Lord, but if you go out of the house of the House of Sorrow, you have to manage your mouth. If you can say anything, you can't say anything, and you will clear it to your mourner." Put down your hand. The beads of the Buddha, the Queen Mother slowly looked at the crowd, and the chill in the dark eyes was like the old Buddha.

"Chen Chen understands." The imperial concubine was poisoned, the scorpion was murdered, and the royal roots were almost cut off. This shocking scandal was enough to shake the big Zhou Society. Unless they want to find their own way and let the family follow them, they can only ruin it in their stomachs. But the revenge of the newspaper still has to be reported!

Thinking of this, I don’t know how many people have cut off the gold silk sleeves in their hands.

When Emperor Zhou Wu arrived, the frightened princes had been taken away, and the blood on the ground was cleaned up, leaving only a group of women with tears on their faces and helpless expressions. Meng Sangyu stands down and tries to reduce his sense of existence. She can feel that many people have begun to throw resentful eyes on her. People are like this. When they suffer from misfortune, they will always vent their innocence to innocent people, and hate that the whole world will suffer the same misfortunes as them.

"Hey, I have heard about it." The man was sitting in the first place with a golden knife. His eyes stopped on Meng Sangyu for a second and quickly moved away.

"How is the emperor planning?" The Queen Mother began to sing a buddha. After spending a long time in Qianfoshan, she couldn’t afford a half-hearted feeling for the court of intrigue. After dealing with these bad things, she immediately set off to return to Qianfoshan.

"How is Liangzhu?" Zhou Wudi did not answer, but instead looked at Jin Hao, who was near the Queen Mother, and asked quietly.

"The emperor ~ ask the emperor to be the lord of the court!" Avocado flowers with rain, mourning the appeal. She has been quite favored in recent days. She thought she was a bit weighty in the emperor's heart. I didn't expect the emperor to miss the monk at this time! Is the ghost fascinated? Otherwise, how can the monk grow to such a level?

As soon as he opened his mouth, several of the most popular pets were all at his feet, a match for one. If they know that the people who have recently favored them are not the man in front of them, I don’t know what kind of expression they will be, and they can’t keep their beautiful masks in their grief.

Seeing the man's deep and unpredictable face and the storm in his dark eyes, Meng Sang squatted his head, and the corner of his mouth provoked a sneer arc, secretly guessing the man's mood at the moment. Green clouds cover the top, this taste is definitely not good, right? Ordinary men can't stand it, let alone the emperor who is on the top? Thinking of this, the curvature of her lips is deeper.

"Give me a shut up!" Zhou Wudi's face was full of intolerance, the nose was full of various kinds of fat powder, and he smoked his forehead, and Zhang Mingming was crying but the more beautiful the face was. The law made him move.

The voice of the man was low and heavy, and there was a sigh of incomprehensibility. The crowds were quiet, and the treacherous battles did not dare to move around his feet.

"Return to the emperor, Liangzhu small production, only bleeding, this time has stopped, is not awake." Jin Yu truthfully reported.

"First enter the cold palace, and wait for the treatment of Shen Taishi and then plead guilty." Zhou Wudi snorted.

The audience under the seat also heard the smell coming, knowing that the Shen family will have a greater disaster and will not be in a hurry. After a hundred deaths, life is better than death is the retribution that Shen Huiru deserves!

Seeing the emperor got up and walked away, several scorpions who were favored quickly greeted with tears in an attempt to gain pity. Without children, the sacred pet is the only reliance on their survival in the palace. They have experienced various kinds of conspiracy calculations. They can always stand up in adversity and find a way out.

Zhou Wudi stopped and looked back at Meng Sangzhen, but saw her first to help the Queen Mother, and then turned to the Queen Mother to return to the dormitory to rest, not to care about his departure.

Looking down and laughing, Zhou Wudi opened a group of women around him and strode away.