MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 16 Rescued

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It was the last time that the doctor was just ready to go out of the palace and was dragged into the tourmaline palace by the maid of the Dean girl. Seeing the scars, the dying Abao, the doctor took a sigh of relief.

This injury is caused by the abuse of a person. There is not a perfect fur on the body. The ear is open to a big mouth. If the hearing is affected, it will wake up to know that the nails of the four claws are falling off and the flesh is blurred. The tailbone inch is broken... It has not been injured three times in two months, and it is more serious than once. Is this puppy a bitter life? It was a curse!

The doctor carefully cut off the skin of Abao's body and applied medicine to his wounds. His heart was fascinating.

The fingertips sneaked into the nose of Abao, and Meng Sangyu asked palely. "How is the situation of Taibao and Abao?"

"Back to the maiden, there are thirty-seven injuries in the whole body of Abao. The tailbone is completely broken. The hearing and smell are not damaged. I still can't see it. I have to wait for him to sneak a peek, for example, in his ear. The palm, placed food under his nose, and another internal injury in the abdomen, need to drink half a month of soup to nurse." The doctor wrote a prescription while reporting the injury, and handed it to the **** to take the medicine.

Meng Sangzhen’s face was more and more white, and when he was sent away, he had a cold sweat. Such a heavy injury, if you go half a night later, A Bao will die! When I opened the quilt that covered A Bao, I saw him with a blue-violet purple, large and small scars. Her expression was faint. It took a while to feel that there was a continuous tingling spread from the bottom of my heart to the whole body. But it’s just a dog, how is it so difficult?

Zhou Wudi was awake at this time. His fore paws moved a little and slowly opened his eyes. There was a small wound on the eyelids, and the pain of the heart was broken. Zhou Wudi could not help but scream.

Hearing this faint snoring, Meng Sangyu held his breath, his eyes staring at the little things in the willow basket, and saw that the little things were sober, she was relieved first, and then she quickly stunned her face.

"Small beast, you finally woke up!" Meng Sangqi suddenly slammed the table and shocked Bishui and others. A Bao lying in the willow basket also trembled.

Very good, hearing is not affected! Meng Sang-soo’s tight heartstring was slightly relaxed, and he quickly changed into a more rigorous expression. He said, “Do you know that you almost died outside today? Ah? How did I usually teach you? I told you How many times do you not run around, don't run around! You don't always listen! Do you have to learn a lesson? The darkness and ambiguity in this palace is something you can't imagine! Flooded, stoned, and stepped on the foot. These are nothing, and even more terrible! Some metamorphosis loves to eat these little animals. They lift you up and down, shave your hair, discount your limbs, and put your ears and Cut your tail and cut off your little JJ. When you become a dog stick, they will split your waist in half, and finally take your intestines out to your neck! Do you want to Dead? Ah? I don’t care about you anymore, you go where you want to run!”

She reprimanded and slammed the table, and the other side of the water and other people had already been thoroughly described by her, pale and disgusting. God, where did the goddess know these things? too terrifying! Cut the small J-J? Dog stick? So evil!

Zhou Wudi stupidly looked at the face of Meng Sangqi's anger, and her ears echoed the intimidation of her extremely disgusting ability. I don't know why, not only did she not feel that she was out of the way, but she felt that her elf was so cute.

It’s great to be able to see this woman again! Zhou Wudi wants to laugh and wants to shake his tail. The body moves, but it brings out a sharp pain. His tail was broken and he was now wrapped into a cane.

"Greedy, don't worry, A Bao is crying!" Feng Wei said in his heart, pointing to the tears of A Bao's eyes.

This is a physiological reaction caused by pain, but unfortunately Meng Sangzhen does not know. Seeing A Bao slightly raised his small head, the grape-like black eyes looked at himself, and there was no end to the love and dependence. The teardrops were hanging on the side of the eye, and the small appearance was pitiful. When the heart is stunned, it is soft and messy.

"What is the little animal crying! This lesson will tell me to remember, and then sneak, see that I don't interrupt your dogleg!" Meng Sangqi lifted his slap and made a slap, but when he fell, he gently wiped away the Abao eye. Tears on the side. This kind of guilty look can't be said cute.

Zhou Wudi smiled, but it was a squeaky spoiled voice, which contained a woman's finger and used the tongue to carefully draw and allow it to be sucked for a long time.

"It seems to be hungry. Yin Cui, put A Bao's porridge up, I will feed him." Meng Sangyu helped the amount, and he was weak and waved to Yin Cui. Keeping a dog is like having a child, and you have to worry about it all the time!

Yin Cui bent his knees and promised a very thick chicken porridge. Meng Sangqi first put a piece of cotton cloth under the neck of Abao, then took a spoonful of porridge and patiently blown it, and carefully sent it to Abao's mouth.

Zhou Wudi's mouth is open, and the porridge is lighted. The hot porridge water immediately warmed his stomach and warmed his heart. He found that only by staying with this woman, he was the most relaxed and relaxed, and those nightmare experiences quickly faded away from the gentle soothing and even swearing of women.

"It’s pretty ridiculous to eat." Pulling out the clean cloth of Abao’s neck, Meng Sangzhen helped him lick the corner and sighed.

"The niece is relieved. With such a big lesson, Abao will learn from it. It is a pity that he is a skin, and now he is bare and looks more ugly than before!" Feng Yiyu dismissed.

"Mother is not too ugly, I can't see it when I put on my clothes. Besides, I can grow new hair in two months, definitely more beautiful than before." Meng Sangqi turned around and ordered A Bao's small nose to comfort him.

You are your husband, not your son! You want to raise a son, you can help a few more in the future! Zhou Wudi was full of black lines, and he used a forehead wrapped in a scorpion to plan the woman's fingers.

Feng Wei, Bi Shui, and Yin Cui were amused by the jokes of their own masters. The master is always like this. If she is bitter and harder, she can treat her with a normal heart and never grieve.

"Yes, this time, Abao’s injured account, I must get it back. If I haven’t completely lost my favor, I will be deceived. I can’t pass it in the future!” Meng Sangfu frowned and waved at Bishui, “Go, put I used to repeat the words of the Queen to Li Guizhen and let her know who is her real enemy. Shen Huiru wants to drag me into the water, I am not as good as she wishes. Li Guizhen is a teacher of Li Xiang, on the machine, in the harem. The woman rarely fights her, and the Queen’s heart-shaped person is completely out of the ranks! Shen Huiru wants to **** the back position from Li Guizhen’s hand, and carefully falls to the ground!”

Bishui was pleased to take care of it and took some gifts to Fenghuang Palace.

Meng Sangyu looked at Yin Cui and told him, "Go, think of ways to pass the words of the second princess to the emperor's ear today. The emperor does not care for the second emperor. If you get such a head, you will use it. I never give it to my child. But this vicious little rabbit scorpion still has a good education and education!"

The maiden is really angry, even the princes are on! Yin Cui shook his head and went on to go to work.

Zhou Wudi looked at Meng Sangyu deeply and first tasted the taste of being protected. As for the little rabbit, he said that he did not hear it at all.

"Anniling, A Bao was thrown at the door of our palace by the four princesses..." Feng Wei could not help but remind.

Emperor Zhou Wu thought that Feng Wei wanted to provoke distraction and immediately looked up at her, her eyes full of anger.

"I know, I will send the two brocades that the emperor last rewarded me to the four princesses. The color is bright enough, the little girl is wearing it right. Right, there is a box of handcuffs that I embroidered in the past. The four princesses will love it." Meng Sangzhen took a bit of pity and sighed. "This child, after all, is still young, and there is no mother to teach. I don't think about doing things. She saved Abao and threw it at the door of my palace." I don’t know if she deliberately provoked me, maybe she hated it. She couldn’t blame her. In her heart, I was her mother-in-law..."

After smashing the forehead, Meng Sangzhen did not know how to solve his misunderstanding with the four princesses. After Feng Wei advised a few words, he went to the warehouse to find something.

Zhou Wudi, who was worried about his wife and daughter, was relieved. He smiled and fell into a sleepy state. Back to Meng Sangqi, he was comfortable and his wounds did not hurt.


In the Fengqi Palace, the clear water was sent away. Li Guizhen’s Omiya female quietly asked, "Mother, do you believe her words?"

Li Guizheng said that he waved his hand and thought that he would sigh for a long time. "You can't believe it, you can't believe it!"

She was surprised by the sudden favor of Liangzhu, combined with the previous signs and the embarrassing situation of Deyi, and she believed in a six or seven points. In this way, she is even less able to soften Liangzhu and Shenjia! With the status of Liangzhu in the eyes of the emperor, if she is pregnant with her son, where does this harem have a foothold for herself and the children?

On the other side, I haven't waited for Yin Cui to pass the news to the emperor's ear. Shen Huiru can't wait to push it. Yin Cui smells the limelight and decisively gives up the action. The emperor immediately administers the second emperor's homework, and the second princes can't answer it. The emperor is furious and screams that he is stubborn and unruly, and that he is hard to take on the responsibility.

At the critical juncture of the post-mortem, he reprimanded the two emperors. The emperor told me clearly that he was not satisfied with the second emperor. The courtiers must both be married to Li, but they must also look at the emperor's face. Although the emperor is young, the means of ruling the country is extraordinary. When he is enthroned, he has led many old-fashioned families, re-disrupted the layout of the emperor, and allowed the officials of different factions to check and balance each other, greatly concentrating the imperial power. Later, he gave up the political strategy of emphasizing the Emperor and reinventing the martial arts, re-enabling the Meng family, strengthening the military power, abolishing the pro-system, and fighting the barbarism.

How can such an emperor grow up in a few years? How can courtiers not be afraid? Therefore, the news came from the palace, and many royalties have disappeared.

Li Guizhen found out that behind this, Shen Huiru was engaged in ghosts and was trembled with anger. From then on, she hated her and hated it.

Read The Duke's Passion